Insufferable Proximity (29 page)


She wasn’t submissive by nature, but when it came to certain men, she loved nothing more than to be manhandled. Julian was a master of manhandling and Lila had loved every minute of it. In truth she loved Julian, she couldn’t help it, but then again, most women did. If her husband died tomorrow she would make Julian hers, since she was convinced if she wasn’t married that Julian would want to be with her. She knew her worth and she knew she was one of the very few women that could actually please Julian and she also knew what that meant to him.


“Men who think with their dicks can be reeled in when needed.” she whispered to herself with a smug smile.




Heaven had finished court a little early and was ready to go get her things ready and get out of there for the night, she could think of nothing but a long hot relaxing bath, her thoughts quickly turning to Julian sitting next to the tub she bathed in, his hands sliding the thick sponge between her legs.


“Hi, Ms. Deville.” Gavin interrupted her sinful thoughts and she turned to him.


“Hello Mr. Grant, she smiled although her joy did not reach her eyes.


Julian was just leaving his office when he looked up to see Heaven in the middle of the hallway conversing with Gavin Grant once again. Julian frowned in anger at the wide smile on Gavin’s face, he was angry that Gavin was allowed to experience any form of joy from her. Julian could tell that Gavin was doing his normal monotone mumble and that Heaven didn’t seem the least bit interested.


Julian had never cared for Gavin, not even when they attended college together. Sure Gavin was a decent lawyer and kept to himself most of the time, but he was weak. He was the prince of ass kissing, a soft spoken coward whose lack of pride astounded Julian to no end. Those were the very qualities that Julian abhorred, he would never be able to find respect for someone with such a weak constitution. His father on the other hand had seen through Gavin’s weak character and had focused on his talent for picking the perfect jurors. He immediately took him under his wing with the intent to develop those skills to their full potential, claiming they would be a major asset to their firm. Well Julian had yet to benefit from Gavin’s expertise in jury selection and doubted he ever would.


Julian continued watching as Gavin asked Heaven something and the moment she turned around to answer his question, Gavin’s eyes went directly to her full breasts. Julian was suddenly re-thinking the whole no bra at work rule and was thankful that he had not forced her to take off her jacket. He couldn’t stand the thought of Gavin even seeing the outline of her breasts. He was ready to go over there when Heaven suddenly left and walked back towards her office.


Julian went back into his own office, reached into his locked drawer and pulled out the small bra he had taken from Heaven the previous week. He walked down the hallway to her office, without knocking he let himself in and without a word he laid the bra on her desk, then turned around and left.


It was all the approval Heaven needed, she quickly locked her office door, ran into the tiny adjoining bathroom and put her bra on. 




After work Julian took Heaven straight down stairs to the punishment room. She sat on the stool in the middle of the room, her hands cuffed behind her back, her calves secured by two leather cuffs on either side of the stool. Julian stood before her, just appreciating her for a moment before he spoke.


“When I saw you pass by my office I wanted to pull you in, lock the door then stick my fingers in every opening of your body.” he said with his voice low and filled with lust.


“When I saw you, you were with Mrs. Strain.” she said adjusting her poker face so he didn’t see the jealousy she could not understand herself. “I know the two of you are good friends.”


“No we’re not. Lila Strain is an irritant, we’ve never been friends.” he said running his hand down her shoulder, not the least bit interested in Lila.


“No?” she had asked him, really wanting to ask him if he had been intimate with her, but Heaven knew he would misconstrue her reasons for asking and assume that she cared. Since that was something he would love rub in her face, she opted to let it go, for now.


“No.” he answered, unbuttoning her shirt. “I don’t want you to wear this shirt to work again, it’s to sheer.” he said and she raised her eyebrow, it was hardly sheer, but she did notice that she could see the faint outline of her nipples.


“You bought it for me.”


“And I’ll be more careful with what I have the stylist pick out for your work attire.” he said as his finger circled the tip of her breast. “
I am reinstating bras into your wardrobe, for work only.”


“But I thought you liked the idea of me half naked at work, dying of humiliation.” she retorted.


“No, I don’t want anyone at the firm seeing you in any state of undress.” he said as he finished unbuttoning her shirt then slid it off her shoulders and watched it slide down to her cuffed wrists.


“So does that mean I get to wear panties again?” she asked.


“Not a chance.” he grinned grabbing the scissors off the table, not even bothering to unhook her bra, he cut the straps.


“Be careful with those things.” she warned him as he cut the middle of her bra and it sprung open to reveal her breasts. He carefully pressed the flat part of the scissors to the tip of her breast, making her shiver from the cold metal.


“What did I tell you about speaking to Gavin Grant.” he asked her as he turned the scissors around in his hand, using the cold metal handles to caress the tips of her breasts.


“He just asked me a question.” she said as she moved her torso from side to side, trying to avoid the cold scissor handles.


“About what?”


“Something about DNA and his client, I can’t remember I wasn’t paying attention.”


“He was staring at your breasts.”


“I noticed.” she admitted as he laid the scissors back on the table then walked behind her, pulled the shredded bra from her arms and dropped it to the floor.


“Stay away from him Heaven.”


“I’m trying.” she said.


“Try a little harder Princess, because if I have to tell you again, I am going to punish you. Do you understand?” he would let her off easy this time, because he watched the whole event and saw how quickly she walked away from Gavin, but next time would be a whole different story.




“I’m going to have to start taking you away for lunch.” he said running his hands down her shoulders, stopping right above her nipples before sliding back up and then back down again.


“No way, do you have any idea how suspicious that would look? Those secretaries are nosey and always have their bloodhound senses trained on you.” she tried to sit up straight as he slid his hand down the side of her breasts, narrowly avoiding her nipple. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to pull back away from his hands or rock forward and push her breasts into those ten, pleasure-giving digits.


“If I don’t take you away, I’m going to end up throwing you face down on my desk.” he bent his head to kiss her neck as his arms skimmed back up the sides of her breasts, making her arch, leaning back into him for support. “You’re driving me crazy, every time Gavin is near you I want to bend you over and stake my claim in front of him.”


“I hardly ever speak to him.” she breathed, her mind being absorbed into the pleasure he was stirring within her.


“It doesn’t matter, once is more than enough, besides even if Gavin wasn’t a factor, all I would have to do is see you for a split second at work and I have to have you.”


“That’s because you have no self-control when it comes to sex.”


“You should talk, you don’t have much yourself.” he kissed her shoulder as his hands continued to tease her, caressing every inch of her full breasts, except the taunt peaks.


“Excuse me? I hardly even enjoy sex, I could stop having it right now and be just fine.” she frowned.


“Liar.” he said finally sliding his fingers over the tips of her breasts, making her whole body shiver. He continued kissing down her neck, his hand playing with her breasts as his other hand slid down her belly, to rest between her thighs.


His skilled hands quickly brought her to a state of intense arousal and just when she thought she would swoon from the intensity of the pleasure, he stopped. He removed his hands from her body, he stood up behind her, his hand on her back, holding her steady as he walked around to face her.


Her breathing was heavy, her thoughts were scattered and her entire body felt like it was on fire, raw nerves deprived of the relief they had been teased with. She couldn’t think rationally, let alone catch her breath.


“What are you doing?” she panted.


“I’m stopping.”


“Why?” she asked and he bent down on one knee before her, just inches away from her spread sex. She could feel his breath and it was keeping her stimulated.


“You said you hardly like sex and can go without It.” he said, looking at her sex.


“Don’t do this.” she wanted to scream, but instead her words were spoken softly with a measure of desperation in her voice.


“Do what?”




“Tell me what you want.” he said lightly blowing on her sex, almost sending her over the edge.


“Julian.” she whined, wiggling her hips on the stool.


“Ask me.” he said, entranced by her movements, he realized that he had better get her to ask him soon or he would give in. without another word, she leaned forward and kissed his lips, unable to say the words, it was easier to show him.


Somewhere in the back of his head, a voice was screaming “make her submit, make her ask you.” and if he had been able to think, he might have listened to that voice. But unfortunately another part of his body had gained control and had prohibited all lucid thoughts. He kissed her back hard, the force from his kiss stealing her breath as he reached behind her and undid her cuffs. She held onto his head as he kissed down her body, stopping to pay close attention to her breast before kissing down to her sex. She held his head at first, gripping his hair before the pressure grew to intense and she had to hold onto the edge of the stool for support lest she fall back. Her legs still cuffed to the stool, he spread her knees wider, sliding his long thick tongue between her flesh and swirling over the hardened nub. He held her legs tightly, not letting her slip as she unconsciously circled her hips, forcing her sex closer to his face.


He un-cuffed her ankles then reaching under her, he lifted her by her thighs, pulling her up to his chest, as she promptly wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He positioned himself at her opening then slowly slid her down onto his thick erection.


“Oh god.” her breathy words exploded from her mouth.


She felt impaled, her body filled with him, she had never been this physically close to anyone in her life. He pulled her closer to him, his grip tight enough to fuse them together. The feeling of being so deep inside of her was too intense and he needed to take a moment to get himself under control. She fit him so perfectly and her body wrapped around his manhood so tightly, they felt as if they were one for a moment. He held her by her upper thighs as he slowly pulled her up, she held his shoulders tightly as he slid her back down, her body arching and her head thrown back as he continued.


When an intense wave of pleasure rippled through her, she automatically leaned her head against his shoulder, unable to hold herself up any longer. He held her tighter, feeling her body grow weak as the pleasure overwhelmed her, she in return wrapped her arms around his neck pulling her body closer to his chest, his member still buried deep inside of her. Wrapping a strong arm across her back, he held her tightly as he carefully walked the circular stairs back up to his room. He gently laid her on the bed then lay on his side next to her, his face inches from hers as his free hand caressed her body as he watched her fall asleep.


Never in a million years would he have been able to envision such a peaceful scene between the two of them, before the contract he couldn’t even envision her smiling, let alone fully relaxed and naked in his bed.




Heaven slept for an hour before waking with a start. In a disoriented frenzy, she threw off her covers and reached for Julian’s robe.


“What’s wrong?” Julian asked as he sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed.


“I forgot to re-work that report.” she mumbled then headed out the door. Julian was right behind her.


“Don’t touch my computer.” He told her.


“Excuse me?” she snapped at him, appalled at his words. She stopped walking and watched him continue down the stairs before finally catching up to her.


“You heard me, you’re done using my computer,”


“You can’t do that!” she stomped her foot as she chased after him.


“I just did.”


Heaven was driving Julian crazy when it came to the computer and his desk. She was a whiz when it came to the computer and was specific with the settings, which meant she kept changing everything around. She also liked to rearrange his desk and was constantly straightening it up, which drove him nuts.


To solve the problem and to prevent him from further frustration, since the picky nymph was obviously not going to stop altering his office, he ordered a smaller version of his desk and her very own computer. He had her desk set up right next to his, and together they formed an L shape.

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