Insufferable Proximity (32 page)


“Yes, I’m fine, I was just wondering where we are going.”


“Out. But first, I need you to change.” he took her arm and led her into his office.


“What do you mean change?” she asked although she had a pretty good idea what he was up to.


“Your clothes, don’t move.” he held her still as he unzipped the back of her dress then slid it down her body. She stood there fully nude and her arms flew up to shield her nudity and he frowned at her action. “Just for that I am going to cuff your hands behind your back for the night.”


“You wouldn’t dare.” she hissed through clenched teeth.


“Say one more word and you will accompany me this evening just as you are.” he threatened and she felt a hot blush spread over her face at just the thought of going out fully nude. “Now put your hands behind your back and be quiet.”


She scowled at him as she obeyed, it was very hard, considering she had a mouthful of profanities she wanted to spew at him. He grabbed a silver garment bag off his desk and unzipped it revealing the most scandalous dress she had ever seen in her life. She opened her mouth to object but he glared at her, daring her to speak.


“I would love nothing more than to dress you up, just to strip you naked in the middle of the club, so please by all means, say something Princess.” he towered before her, their eyes locked in battle,  without words they managed to let each other know exactly what they were thinking. She was ready to go to war with him and stood strong in the face of her adversary until his hands began skimming over her body. She tried to stand tall, but was frustrated beyond belief that he could so easily break her composure. She started to wiggle and pull away from his menacing hands. “Stay still.” he demanded and she wanted to scream as his fingertips sent electrically-charged currents through her skin which seemed to shoot down to her neither region, sparking off like pop rocks as his hands slid down between her legs. “You’re wet.”


“No I’m not.” she lied trying to close her legs but only managed to trap his fingers between her legs and he took advantage of the position until she finally spread them back. He finally stopped then knelt down before her, holding the dress open for her to step into. She carefully stepped into the slinky material, grabbing his shoulders for support, then putting her hands behind her back as he slowly slid the dress up her body. “Good girl.” he said condescendingly, then kissing the tip of her breast before covering it with the thin strip of material. He stood up as he tied the dress behind her neck then stepped back and motioned to the full length mirror.


She looked at herself and wanted to cry, she looked like one of the many women at her mother’s brothel. Now there was nothing to distinguish her from her upbringing, she looked like she fit right in. The tiny dress, if you could call it that, was nothing more than a thin strip of material that covered half of her behind and barely covered her sex. There was a deep cowl in the material right below her belly button and two long thin straps of material that came up to cover the middle of her breasts. Julian stepped up behind her seeing her disgust.


“I cannot go out in this.” she looked on the verge of tears.


“How can you feel any sorrow when looking at something so beautiful.” he spoke as his hands began scanning her stomach.


“I look like a whore.”


“You look amazing.”


“I look like a pay-by-the-hour prostitute, but then why am I surprised?” there was no amusement in her dry chuckle, “you like women that look like whores.”


“True.” he grinned.


“Is that why you’re trying to turn me into a whore, so you like me better?”


“I like you enough as you are, and you’re not a whore.”


“But you have to admit some of the things that you force me to do are whorish.”


“There’s a thin line between being a whore and having fun to you.”


“At least I have a line.” she spat back. “You think being a whore


“I think being
a whore is fun.”


“Which brings me back to my point, are you trying to turn me into a whore so you like me more?”


“I already told you I like you how you are and you’re not a whore.”


“But the things you make me do-”


“You only do with me,” he cut her off, “it doesn’t matter if I fuck you raw from here to Sunday, I’m the only one who has been inside of you. You’re not a whore, end of conversation.” he kissed the side of her neck down to her shoulder, then bent down a little to kiss the side of her exposed breast. He latched on to the skin and sucked hard, making her squirm for a minute before he finally pulled back to look at the dark mark he left on the side of her breast.


“That’s gross,” she frowned “hickies are disgusting.”


“Hickies are a mark of ownership.” he grinned at her in the mirror, “Would you prefer my name tattooed on the side of your breast?”


“You might as well, I don’t think I can look any trashier.”


“You don’t look the least bit trashy, you look amazing, your body is like a living dream. You’re the sexiest and smartest girl I’ve ever met. You’re the only woman who can rule a courtroom as well as the bedroom, how could you possible associate that with trash?” he tried to make her understand.


“Look at me, I’m half naked, you can see almost all of my breasts.” she whined as she tried to adjust the thin material covering her breasts.


“Leave it,” Julian pulled her hands away from her chest and held her wrists behind her back “they are way to pretty to keep hidden.” he finished as he reached over and grabbed a pair of handcuffs than quickly snapped them around her wrists. “You should be proud, I’m proud just to stand beside you.” he kissed her shoulder.


“I cannot go out like this.” she repeated


“You’ll be wearing a mask, no one will ever know who you are.”


“Oh, so that makes it better?” she asked him sarcastically, “unless I’m using that mask to cover my breasts and my butt, I am not leaving this house!” she stomped her foot to accentuate her words.


“You don’t have a choice Princess.” he whispered, sliding his hand under the fabric over her belly, then sliding his hands up to caress her breasts.


“Don’t make me do this Julian.” she pleaded, hating that she had to resort to begging.


“You’re going.” he pushed his erection against her soft behind as he slid his fingers over her nipples, making her involuntarily arch.


“You’re trying to make me go crazy, aren’t you?” she asked in sincerity, trying to calm her body down.


“No, I’m just trying to fully enjoy this amazing gift I have for the remainder of our contract.” he kissed her shoulder again.




It was a small private party he had told her, although knowing Julian as well as she did, she should have known better than to just take his word for it. Nothing with Julian was small and she had a feeling this party would be anything but private.


He drove her down a deserted gravel road that stretched out over a mile before their destination appeared within the windshield. Heaven’s eyes widened as the ominous scene came into clear view, her heart raced with trepidation as she realized this was the last stop and they would be dining in what looked like hell in a brick box for the evening. The formidable looking building was out in the middle of nowhere and stood alone on a secluded section of land surrounded by endless water. The yard was littered with dying trees as well as their broken branches as the unkempt grass grew wildly across the yard and crept up the exterior walls. The moon appeared to be sitting on the top of the deteriorating building, its glow settling around the structure like a fleece blanket, adding an eerie appeal. Its dilapidated brick exterior was cosmetically altered to look chic, but it still looked like a scene straight out of hell.


When he pulled in front, Heaven was reluctant to get out of the car, but Julian quickly made his way over to her side, opened her door then reached in to take her hand. He had just finished helping her out of the car when a hulking figure, shrouded in the shadows of the night, threw open the large front doors. The chains that framed the door rattled and instantly ignited the large chrome skull above the door, it’s fiery red eyes lit up and the bottom jaw dropped before emitting a piercing shriek. The enormous silver sign above the skulls head read “The house of chains” and Heaven felt a tingle race up her spine at what the name implied.


Heaven watched as a large figure walked towards them, the body shrouded in black and what seemed like a thousand chains strategically attached to the clothing. As the tall figure fully emerged from the darkness, Heaven realized immediately that it was a woman.


“Park it close.” Julian spoke to the women as he tossed his keys to her.


“The usual spot, sir?” she asked in an unusually deep voice.


“Yes.” Julian answered as the woman jumped into his car and proceeded to park it as close as possible. Julian took a step towards the door before realizing Heaven was still standing back looking up at the building.


“What is this place?” she asked as a shiver of nervousness crept up her spine.


“The house of chains.” he answered as he grabbed a hold of her hand and led her inside.


The moment she walked in she was blinded by the red and white flashing lights. Everywhere she looked she saw red, from the bright-blood colored walls, the thick furniture, to the large red-hued glass tables that several nude women where gyrating wildly on. The dancing women wore thick dog chains around their necks, wrists and ankles, and tall platform heels. There was a beautiful blonde standing on top of the large circular bar, her nude body wrapped in chains while several men licked her feet, legs and further up. Behind the fake blood splattered bar, a curvy topless redhead served drinks like a magician, juggling glasses and cans of beer, flipping bottles of liquor behind her back and catching them all the while making sure the party guests money disappeared into her small purse hidden under the bar.


On the far end of the long round bar the pink haired waitress wore a corset that looked tight enough to crack a few ribs, her pierced nipples poking out above the hot pink colored leather. She was drinking more than she was serving and kissing more men and women then was healthy. She was currently kissing a woman with short black hair wearing and matching black latex painted across her body that a few men were slowly peeling off. Another man sat on the bar stool kissing her French manicured toes  while the man to her right peeled the thick latex from her small pert breast before it taking the taunt peak into his mouth.


“This place is perversity at its finest.”  She whispered as her eyes took in the depravity, holding Julian’s hand in a death lock. “I’m going straight to hell just for looking.”


“Then don‘t look.” he grinned aware of the fact that she could not take her eyes off the shocking scene before her. But it was the woman dressed in chains slapping a bound man across the face with a neon purple dildo that confirmed the fact that Heaven needed to leave.


“I can’t do this.” she said low and he saw the anxiety rising in her eyes, knowing her state of undress was making it worse. “I want to leave.”


“You’re only observing tonight.” he reassured her, sliding his hand down to her butt as he lead her towards a short set of wrought iron stairs. He walked behind her, his hand taking liberties with her plump behind as he guided her to the top. Heaven stopped to glance up at what appeared to be a large gated room on the floor above, the walls cut away as an open invitation to the festivities within.


When she reached the top of the steps, Heaven stood there dumbfounded for a moment before Julian grabbed her hand. The outskirts of the floor were dark, magnifying the three spotlights that were facing down upon the three monstrously-sized beds below. The round wrought iron bed frames were low to the floor and the mattresses were draped in a faux leopard print fur. Heaven tightened her grip on Julian’s hand as she passed by the first bed, unintentionally staring at the three gorgeous women feasting on each other, all three bodies were entwined in a dazzling display that left Heaven wondering if they would require assistance to help pry their bodies apart.


As she continued through the room, she could not turn away from the main attraction of the second bed. It was a woman well over 400 pounds sprawled over the mattress, her fluorescent orange hair pulled up in two pigtails and the large gold chain around her neck read ‘skinny bitch‘. She was surrounded by a bevy of eager men, who worshiping every inch of her abundance of flesh in a frenzied like state as she cried out in delight.


“This place is crazy.”


“Don’t look.” he instructed but she could not turn away from the freak show.


Heaven leaned closer to Julian as she passed by the third bed, it was shaking so hard one of the legs buckled from the pressure before her very eyes. The last bed was an all-out fuck-fest, there were bodies on top of bodies, their genitalia interlocking and connected them all together. From where Heaven stood, the mountain of gyrating flesh on the bed looked more like a compounded, multi-headed monster then a multi-partner orgy. Suddenly one of the pieces of the fleshy structure pulled itself from the pile and ran up to Heaven, a sadistic smile spreading across his face.


“Join us.” he spoke but Julian turned to face the man, who suddenly looked nervous. “Oh, sorry King, it’s so dark I didn’t recognize you.” he apologized before running back to the bed and jumping on top of the mountain of nude bodies. Heaven tightened her grip on Julian’s hand as they reached the end of the room.

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