Insufferable Proximity (33 page)


He led her down a short hallway to another set of steps where a large hulking man stood, his black leather outfit blending with the tall black door behind him. His face was covered in a matching leather mask with a small zipper for him to speak through and eye holes so small Heaven wondered how he could see at all.


“Welcome sir, your accommodations are ready” the stranger spoke in a deep barreling voice as he led lead them up the steps then unlocked the door before handing the single key to Julian. “Would you like the usual” the man asked.


“No, I want a bottle of champagne.” As Julian placed his order with the man, Heaven took a look around the room. In the middle of the floor sat a magnificent dining table, its circular chrome base holding up a thick slab of grey colored glass. On both sides of the table were two moon-shaped, black suede couches and in the center of the table was a small silver statue depicting a woman in chains. Heaven then walked over to the large glass wall that gave an unobstructed view to the entire first floor.


“Have a good evening, sir.” she heard the masked man say before she turned to watch him descend down the stairs with the grace of a ballerina.


“Can he see up here?” she asked Julian after he locked the door.




“What about them?” she asked pointing at the crowd outside of the window.


“It’s a trick mirror, they can’t see anything but themselves.”


“Are you sure?”


“Positive, I’ve been on both sides of that glass.” he grinned.


“I’m sure you have,” she scoffed “but I bet you like being up here best.”


“How did you know?”


“Because it’s the perfect set up for a voyeuristic creep who enjoys watching from a far while doing depraved things that cannot be seen by those he is watching.”


“Just as perfect as it is for a sexually-repressed temptress, who also enjoys watching from afar, but is too afraid to admit it.”


“It’s better to be sexually repressed, then a sexual deviant.”


“You like it too, admit it.”


“Why would I admit a lie?” she raised her chin as the slight pout reached her lips and he could not resist the urge to kiss them. She pulled back, ready to argue when a loud ring burst through the room. “Is that a door bell?”


“Come in.” he yelled towards the door and two women walked into the room.


“I brought you our best bottle of champagne.” the curvy blonde smiled, her body fully nude except the black synthetic roses applied over her nipples and a dozen thin chains wrapped around her hips, hanging low enough to cover her bare sex. The brunette behind her was topless, but wearing a small chain mail skirt and matching silver disco boots, while holding onto a large platter of fruit. They set the bottle of champagne and the fruit platter on the table, and then the topless woman left the room immediately while the blonde filled the two champagne glasses she had brought.


“Ring me if you need anything else, sir.” she said suggestively then turned to Heaven, “You too gorgeous.” she winked then turned around, the chains around her hips bouncing as she sashayed her way out of the door. Julian walked back to the door then locked it again before taking Heaven’s hand, he led her to the sofa then sat beside her.


“I bet you love hearing these half-naked chicks calling you sir.” she shook her head.


“They don’t use names here, everyone is Sir or Miss,” he took a sip of his drink then smiled with pride, “or gorgeous.” Heaven rolled her eyes at him as she grabbed the glass of champagne and a fat strawberry off the silver platter. She took a bite and Julian watched the juice drip from her lips to the top of her breast and he immediately dipped his head and licked it from her skin. She took another bite but before she got a chance to even chew, Julian put his mouth to hers. She tried to pull back but he kissed her carefully for a moment before he pulled back.


“That was gross,” she said the un-chewed piece of strawberry in her mouth, “you’re not supposed to lick the food in someone’s mouth.”


“No?” he asked then bent to kiss her again, this time using his mouth to take the piece of strawberry from her. She stared in disbelief as he chewed the strawberry then swallowed it “I’ve had my tongue deep inside of every orifice on your body, I kiss you over a dozen times a day,” he shrugged his shoulders “I don’t see the problem.” he slid his arm across her hip and pulled her closer to him as she took another bite of the strawberry. Once the fruit was gone, she reached for a few raspberries as he slid his hand up her inner thigh. She shoved a juicy berry in her mouth trying to ignore what he was doing, but when his hand slid a little higher then she could handle, she held a raspberry before his mouth.


“Taste one, they’re really good.” she blurted out in a weak attempt to try and turn his attention to the berry instead of her.


“I’d rather taste you Princess.” he said, shocking her into momentary silence, “Spread your legs for me.” his hand was twitching against her thigh in impatience.


“You said we were just observing.” she objected.


“No I said you were observing, I’ll be too busy fucking you to observe.”


“No way! You said-”


“Shush.” he interrupted her, putting his hand over her mouth. “If you tell me no one more time I am going to tie your hands behind your back and put a gag in your mouth.” he slid his hand from her mouth and kissed her pursed lips “I don’t want to gag you, I like hearing your voice when I make you cum,” his hand was pushing aggressively towards her sex “so open up.”


“But anyone could walk in, what if that waitress comes back or something?”


“No one will come up here unless they are called.”


“How do you know?”


“It’s a rule at this club, and we customers pay good money to make sure it’s enforced.” he kissed her lips lightly, “Now open your legs.”


She turned away from him, not wanting to look him in the eyes as she spread her legs for him. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a tiny case, he opened the protective plastic and slid out a slim black wand about the size and width of a finger.


“What is that, Julie?” she asked.


“If you ask one more question I’m going to put you over my knee, slide this deep inside of you” he held up the wand, “then spank your ass.” he leaned in to lightly kiss her lips as he twisted the bottom of the wand and it began to vibrate “Now pull your dress up.” he demanded and she hesitated before she pulled it up enough to expose her sex.


He used the vibrating wand to raise the hem of her dress up higher, while skimming the fingertips of his free hand up her bare thighs. The wand dipped into her naval before traveling higher like a tickle spreading up her belly as his other hand nested between her legs, casually holding her sex. He pulled the wand from under her dress then slid it over the slinky material covering the under swell of her breast and Heaven felt her body tremble as he neared the hardened tip. He circled the tip, watching her as she involuntarily circled her hips in tune with the wand. His free hand slid under her dress, grasping the bottom of her breast then pushed it up as he finally slid the wand over her nipple. She closed her eyes, spread her legs wider and slid deeper into the seat as he relentlessly toyed with her sensitive breast. She felt him slip the cool wand under the thin material and she braced herself as the pleasure bubbled through her chest then extended down to settle at the apex of her thighs.


He slid the fabric to the side of her breast and despite the intensity of the pleasure she was experiencing, she was ready to object. He knew that look on her face and knew her nudity would overwhelm her, so to distract her, he dipped his head to the bare tip and covered it with his mouth as he slid the wand down to the top of her sex.


She arched her back, her whole body ignited in raw nerves as he touched her and she cried out as she felt the wand slip between her sensitive flesh. He pulled back from her breast to spread her sex open and circled the hardened nub with the wand, being careful not to touch the tightening nub. When he went to close, she jerked back and tried to close her legs, but he grabbed the thigh closest to him and pulled it over his lap.


“Put your other foot on the edge of the seat.” he said and she looked at him for a moment before pulling her leg up, her knee bent as she rested it on the edge of the rounded couch. “Wider.” he insisted and she reluctantly obeyed. He reached down with his free hand and spread her flesh, making the muscles in her thigh clench. “Keep them open.” he warned her as he slid the wand back over her. He slid it slowly, making her entire body twitch as he went up one side then back down the other, circling that electric switch that was pulsating in the center of her sex. Just when she thought she would swoon from the sensations, he slid the vibrating stick directly over the center of her clit, forcing her body to involuntarily jump. The feeling was too much for her and she tried to pull away from him, but he held her still, holding the wand in place as the vibrations rocked through her sex. She wanted to close her legs against the intensity but he wouldn’t allow it. “You better not close your legs.”


“Then stop it!” she cried  grabbing his hand but he only held the torture device closer to her skin, sending her up the wall. “It’s too much.” She tried to hold them open, but they were shaking relentlessly and just when she was sure she would orgasm all over his torturous toy, he pulled back then sat the wand on the table. Her body continued to jerk as if he was still pressing the toy against her skin.


He groaned at the sight of her, her fluidic body sprawled back against the couch as she fought for control. He bent to plant a trail of soft kisses from her lips down to her lower belly, kissing the tip of one breast along the way. He spread her sex wider as he kissed his way down, planting a light kiss on the hardened nub before blowing on it. She felt her legs tremble as his tongue began to slowly circle the nub and she feared that little sensitive piece of flesh would explode at any moment. He was trying to calm her body down but it was working in the opposite direction for the both of them.


He pulled his head back, refusing to let her orgasm yet and grinned at the look of devastation on her face.


“What are you doing?” she gasped.


“Lay over my lap.”


“Why?” she sat up in the seat, “are you going to spank me?”


“Do you want me to spank you?” he asked rubbing her thigh.


“No.” she shook her head.


“Are you sure?”


“Of course I’m sure.” she frowned, not fully confident that she was.


“Then lay down over my lap.” he barked and she quickly rose to her knees on the seat, pulling her skirt down over her behind before she laid face down over his lap. He slid his hand over her lush behind, grabbing each cheek before sliding the silky material of her dress back up to her waist. She felt the cool air on her back side before she felt his strong hands spreading her legs wider. He slid his finger down the center of her spread flesh before grabbing the wand and sliding it down the same trail. She tried to pull away but he positioned it at her opening then slowly slid it inside of her. She cried out trying to get off his lap, but he held her down as he began sliding the wand in and out of her. When he knew she was close to coming, he slid it all the way out, refusing to touch her, instead watching her wiggle her ass, probably wondering what he was up to.


“Get on your knees.” he helped her raise up from his lap until she kneeled on the couch next to him, “turn around and face the back of the couch, then spread your legs.” he demanded as he stood up then watched her turn around and grab the back of the seat. He pushed the table away from the couch then went down to his knees behind her. He spread her thighs wider, her knees sliding down the couch as he bent his head to her sex. She held the edge of the couch tightly as she felt her body become weightless as his he skimmed his tongue over her sex. She feared she would lose her composure completely when he slid the wand back inside of her.


She tightened her grip on the seat as the vibrations ripped through her, his tongue making magic circles over her flesh, causing the muscles in her legs to start twitching. He pulled the wand out so he could slide his tongue over every inch of her spread flesh then slid the wand back in and re-focused on the pulsing nub in the very center. She felt it hit her like a hurricane, wracking through her lower torso, weakening her body and she could barely hold onto the seat. She felt her body begin to slide but Julian grabbed her bottom with his large hands and held her up as she started to cum.


He held her still until her orgasm subsided, his mouth still latched onto her sex until it was over. He stood up then helped her to stand, holding her tightly as her shaky legs threatened to give out on her. He turned her around to face the table, placing her hands, palm down on the smooth glass.


He stood directly behind her, forcing her to spread her legs wide as he slid her dress all the way up underneath her breasts. He then pulled her body back a little as he positioned himself at her opening before slowly sliding every inch of him erection inside of her. She cried out her legs buckling, she was convinced she would fall and as if reading her mind, Julian suddenly pulled her tightly to him as he sat down on the couch.


She arched her back and laid her head back against his shoulder as he impaled her, her entire body trembling. He held her hips and moved her body up and down for a moment, before she quickly took over, moving her hips like a professional belly dancer. She leaned forward, her hands clutching the table before them as she slid up his thick erection, before dropping back down on it, embracing the pleasure and completely oblivious of her surroundings.

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