Insufferable Proximity (37 page)

“I understand.”


“But now I’m just happy.” she smiled and Petal’s brilliant smile returned.


“I really missed you, I was just so afraid to contact you, I figured you wouldn’t want to see me, especially with the way my life is going. You and your mother were my only family” she said as the tears misted her eyes.


“Once family always family.” Heaven said and Petal’s smile returned.


“You’re so different now.” Petal said, “I can’t believe the change in you, your mother is going to die!” she chuckled, realizing she had just told Julian he was different and now she was being told the same thing.


“I am not looking forward to those dramatics.” Heaven shook her head.


“Oh, I would
to be there when she first see’s the
you.” she smiled, “It’s so crazy, the two people in the world I would least expect to ever change, happened to walk in together and both of them have become the polar opposite of what they once were.”


“Who me and Julian?” she raised her brows, “no, Julian’s still the same pervo he always was.” she grinned.


“No, he was never like this. I’ve known him for years and I’ve seen him with countless women and he has
shown an ounce of concern for any of them. I’ve literally seen women on their knees before him, begging him to care, begging him to love them or to just be with them, but he never has. He’s never even had a serious relationship, let alone a girlfriend.”


“You’re wrong, he doesn’t care about me.”


“He does, I know.”


“It’s just an act.” Heaven said.


“I don’t think so, Sevigne.”


“He’s possessive with everything, it’s not just me.”


“No, actually he’s never been possessive with any woman. Seriously, no one has ever seen him like this.” she said and although Heaven realized that Petal really believed what she was saying, Heaven knew it was just an act. Acting like he cared was the best way to explain a situation that he didn’t want to explain.


It was just easier for him to call her his girlfriend, since she was under contract. Sure Julian was a pig and if she was down for it, he would probably share her with his friends like he did with all the other women in his life. However, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would never allow that, so he was showing her that respect at least.


“He’s tricky, you never really can tell what he’s up to.” Heaven shrugged.


“True, but it’s obvious to see when someone has feelings.”


“Enough, I have to stop you.” Heaven chuckled, “I know how you are with those fairy tale romances, and I see you haven’t changed, Cupid.” she called her the nickname she used to call her before.


“Oh god, I haven’t heard that in so long!” Petal laughed, “I really missed you.”


“Remember when you tried to set Sybille up with that doctor.” Heaven laughed.


“Oh yes, he tried to get kinky with that stethoscope. She was mad at me for a full twenty-four hours over that.”


“Then she made you strawberry shortcake.”


“And thanked me for trying. I’m going to go see her when she gets back.” Petal lowered her head.


“You really should, she hasn’t seen you in almost three years. She was really worried when you first disappeared. Then she finally tracked you down and found out you were safe.”


“She tracked me down?” she asked feeling her heat swell, knowing her own mother wouldn’t have cared enough to do that.


“Yes, she said she saw you as well and that you looked healthy, a little thin, but healthy. She wouldn’t tell anyone where you were, she refused to invade your privacy.”


“I wish she had of.” Petals words were thick with sincerity.





“I thought for sure that your girl was Petal’s next conquest, but I was quite shocked to find she merely wants a friend.” Alex shrugged, “I told her not to overstep her boundaries King, but you know how the little nuisance is and she has her mind set on befriending her.”


“Tell he not to get her hopes up, Heaven can be a bit of a,” he drew a blank thinking of a word to describe her so he just said what came to mind first, “bitch.”


“Ah there they are.” Alex grinned upon seeing both of them in the kitchen. Petal made it a point to dine in their swanky dining room, so this was a bit of a shock to Alex. “My darling dearest, I’ve been looking all over for you.” Alex came and sat in the chair next to her, planting a kiss on her cheek.


“Oh forgive me, sugar-pop.” she whispered in her dramatic way before kissing his lips. Julian sat down next to Heaven, a plate of food in his hand.


“And how are you this fine morning, Miss Heaven?” Alex asked and Heaven realized the man was perfect for Petal, he had his own dramatic flair that suited her similar style.


“Fine, and you?” she asked somewhat curtly, and Petal smiled from ear to ear as she caught a glimpse of the old Sevigne.


“Much better now that I am in the company of the two loveliest women at the party.” he batted his eyes then kissed Petal’s cheek again, which caused her to giggle. “So what is on the agenda for today? Water skiing? Sailing?”


“How about something on land.” Petal suggested and he nodded.


“On land, alright there’s a naked game of live chess in the parlor, the biggest orgy I’ve seen in seven years in the back yard and a new game of dirty cricket.”


“Nothing dirty.” Petal objected.


“Nothing dirty? My dearest, I fear your body has been invaded by little red men from mars. For surely this is not my fantastically-kinky Petal suggesting something that does not involve lots of sex.”


“Nothing kinky, dearest.” She smiled sweetly and batted her lashes.


“Well that excludes anything on land, what about in the air?” Alex shrugged.


“The air is fine.” Petal nodded.


“Helicopter ride, sky diving, bungee jumping, we have that hot air balloon.” Alex named a few, “what do you have in mind?” he looked at King now. Julian sat down his fork then leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest and looked at Heaven.


“What do you feel like doing?” he asked Heaven.


“Honestly, I want to go see that dog that’s chained up out back by the pool.”


“Alfonso?” Petal squealed in delight. “That’s my baby!”


“One of the most loyal boys I have ever seen.” Alex spoke as if he was referring to his own son.


“Come on, I’ll take you!” Petal jumped up then grabbed her hand “you are going to love him Sevigne!” she said and led her out the back door. Julian shook his head as Alex popped up.


“Come on King, you have to see how smart Alfonso has gotten!”


Julian followed behind, and then stood back watching them play with the Staffordshire.


“He’s already won first place in the last three contests we’ve entered him in.” Alex said, “He’s the perfect example of his kind.”


“Truth is,” Petal whispered, “he is full blooded, but we got him from the pound. I would much rather spend money there and rescue a perfectly good puppy.”


“Good choice.” Heaven smiled and Julian grinned, seeing her reaction to the dog.




Heaven and Julian sat at the long table in Julian’s dining room, sharing their second bottle of champagne the table full of snacks, sweets and the music blaring though the stereo.



The Third Week


Early Monday morning, Julian and Heaven stood silently as they waited for the elevator. Julian’s smirk disappeared when the elevator doors opened to reveal three disgruntled looking janitors. Julian was overcome with disappointment, he had planned to molest Heaven the moment they were alone in the elevator.


They had no more then stepped inside, when two more employees rushed in behind them and filled the elevator, making it impossible for Julian to even touch her. When they were finally alone, he turned to her.


“I want to take you out tonight.” he bent down and kissed the side of her neck before pulling back to look at her.


“I think we should stay in.” Heaven was looking at the number panel, refusing to look his way, lest she have to explain why she attacked him sexually in the elevator.


“I’m sure you can persuade me.”


“I know I can.” she smirked, once the doors finally opened she stepped through the threshold, silently walking away from him. He watched her go, loving the sway of her hips and her confident step.




At the end of the day, Julian walked up to Heaven, who in turn attempted to walk into her office to avoid him. Seeing his face after hours of absence had stimulated her in a way that she was too embarrassed to admit. To her utter horror, he grabbed the back of her jacket, preventing her from moving, she quickly scanned the room to make sure that there were no employees dawdling around.


“There's no one here.” he reassured her as he spun her to face him.


“Let me just grab my briefcase.” she whispered.


“I have a meeting with my father and I want you to wait in my office for me.”


“I am not waiting in your office, I have plenty of work that I can finish.”


“Finish it in my office.”


“That’s too suspicious, I am not waiting for you in your office.”


“You don’t have a choice, you better be in here waiting for me when I get done with this meeting.” he demanded, his words daring her to disobey. She raised a brow in defiance before he turned and walked to his father’s office.


She waited until he was out of sight then walked into her own office to finish up some work. It didn’t matter that it was after hours and everyone had gone for the night, she refused to take any unnecessary chances. Having to explain why she was waiting in her enemy’s office after hours was not something that she was prepared to do.




Julian sat in his father’s office, his face turning red from his anger.


“I signed that paperwork, I followed every procedure.” he insisted.


“I know you did.” Ayden said he believed his son, he had never made such an obvious mistake like this with any client he had represented. “I saw it on my desk before I left last night, but now it’s missing.”




“I’m not positive, but I have a pretty good idea.”


“Who? Our friendly neighborhood saboteur?” Julian asked sarcastically, despite the fact he was beaming with rage. Julian was out for blood but the only problem was that he did not know whose blood it was that he had to spill.


“Who else could it be?” Ayden asked, “I’m going to have Fitz look into it.”


“No, I’ll take care of it.” Julian objected then stormed out of his father’s office, he needed to quickly re-sign some paperwork, and then get the hell out of there before he popped his top.


Ayden locked up for the night then stood in the middle of the office floor, looking around, unable to shake the feeling that he was being watched. After seeing that nothing was amiss, he shut off the lights and walked out to the elevator.


Heaven was deep in her paperwork when Julian stormed into her office.


“What did I tell you?” he demanded, irritated that she had not waited in his office like he asked.


“I am not going to just wait around your office for you like some little lap dog and risk being seen. How the hell would I explain being in your office? You’re supposed to be my enemy, Julie.” she argued and his frown deepened upon hearing her call them enemies.


“Come here.” he demanded and she took a second before she finally stood up and walked over to him. He slid his hand on her butt as he walked next to her, but she slapped his hand away and glared at him before walking a little faster.


“What if someone’s still here?”


“There’s no one here.” he said putting his hand back on her behind.


“You don’t know that.”


“Yes I do.”


“Wow, I wish I’d known you had x-ray vision and could see through walls.” she scoffed sarcastically before he pressed firmly against her lush behind, forcing her into his office. Once they were both in, Julian locked the door, completely unaware of the dark shadow creeping behind the cafeteria doorway, watching them from afar.


The shadow walked silently across the floor, the dark clothing blending in with the room’s shadows, the entire floor pitch black except for the brightly lit office. With camera in hand, the figure approached the parted curtain that showed a sliver of what was going on inside the room. It was a small opening, but big enough for the camera lens to capture everything the intruder saw and more.


Julian took off his jacket and walked over to sit in his chair.


“Get on the desk.” he said


“Julian.” she said in a warning voice.


“Get over here, now!” he demanded and she slowly sauntered over to him. “Right here,” he patted the desk and she gave him the dirtiest look she could muster as she slid up on to the edge “in the middle. Good, now pull your skirt up Princess.” she slid to the middle of the desk,


“Two weeks left. “She reminded herself as she slowly slid her skirt up right below her sex.


“All the way up.” he said as he watched her inch the skirt up a little bit more before she stopped.

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