Insufferable Proximity (17 page)


“Open your mouth Heaven.” he said and she finally obeyed, allowing him to deeply kiss her. Then she felt his hands slide up her belly, before tickling over the underside of her breasts to lightly toy with her nipples. She shivered then tried to pull back, and he allowed her to break the kiss. “Look at you, your whole body is shivering.” he said, his voice thick with lust as his eyes greedily took in her bare flesh. “For being a virgin you respond well.” he said in a condescending tone then grinned as he watched her anger flair.


“I am not responding to you.” she slapped his hand away from her breast. “If I wasn’t signed to a contract I would laugh at your pathetic attempt to turn me on.”


“I can prove you’re lying.”


“Bullshit! First of all I’m not lying but if I was, there would still be no possible way for you to prove it.”


“It’s easy.”


“Really? Humor me.”


“I’m going to make you cum.”


“You can‘t.” she laughed at him, raising her chin, “I don’t even like sex, I have always been repulsed by the act. I‘ve never even had a boyfriend, I never fantasize and anything below the neck is strictly for functional purposes. How the hell could you ever make me have an orgasm?”


“You’ve never had sex, you don’t even know if you like it or not.” He said sliding his hand between her thighs.


“You’re too arrogant, that stuff you do might work on other women but it won’t work on me.”


His hand worked its magic, lightly caressing her flesh, then circling her tightening nub, neatly tucked between the soft folds. She tried to pull away but he had his arm around her behind and his fingers pinching into her hip, holding her in place. He bent his head and lightly kissed the side of her breast around to her hardened nipple, then taking the stiff tip into his mouth. She arched her back, her anger and her frustration with the situation were dissipating as his fingers drew her closer to the orgasm she never thought she would have.


He pulled his head from her breast to look at her, her beautiful body arched and her breasts quivering from his touch. This was how he had always wanted her, silent and submissive, her body begging for his touch. He then watched the telltale signs of her pending orgasm and he lightly increased the pressure of his fingers on her sex.


She suddenly felt her whole body begin to tighten up, although at the same time her limbs felt weightless and her head was spinning. Then it happened, the most intense feeling ripped through her body. The orgasmic explosion went off like fireworks, hot and prickly beams of fire bouncing through her lower extremities. She had never felt anything like it in her life, it was like a celebration inside of her body and just when she thought it would never end, she felt the intensity come to a climax. She felt it burst through her sex like fur-covered shrapnel, the electrical sparks popping though her skin and forcing her nipples to pucker to an unnatural tightness. Her whole body was quivering like a broken vibrator and her sex was pulsing hard.


“I told you I could make you cum.” he said right before he kissed her lips. Even though he had just ruined the moment for her, she was still in no position to fight that kiss and felt her body lean into his. He laid her down on the bed then spread her legs as he kneeled between them. He slid his fingertips down her inner thigh straight to her sex, then dipping his fingertip inside of her, he moaned, feeling the thick moisture. “And you came hard to, Princess.” he said dipping his head to her sex as an over whelming need to taste her took over him. She protested immediately and tried to pull back but he held her still as he slowly ran his tongue up her dewy Mons. He would have to save that for later, he knew she was still pulsing down there and would not appreciate the added stimulation right now. Instead, he kissed up her body, stopping to kiss the tips of both breasts before claiming her mouth. He slid his hand between her legs carefully sliding his finger inside of her then out and over her flesh, forcing her to jump. He pulled back from the kiss to look into her eyes as his finger slid over her sex. “Now it’s time to consummate this contract.” he said as he reached down and positioned the tip of his erection at her opening.


“No, I changed my mind, I don’t want to.” she cried trying to get out from underneath him, but he held her still.


“It’s too late for you to change your mind Princess.”


“No it’s not too late!” she tried to push him off.


“You’re right, it’s never too late to end the contract.” He started to pull away but she grabbed him.




“I’m done waiting.” he pulled away from her.


“You know I can’t end the contract.” She frowned and he grabbed her face.


“Then you better
me to fuck you.” He hissed and she gasped in horror.


“Don’t make me.” She warned him with her plea and he looked at her for a moment as he assessed the situation.


“I won’t.” he spoke softly before he kissed her. He slid back between her legs, and deepened the kiss as he slid the tip of his member inside of her. He captured her scream in his mouth, not breaking their kiss as she tried to pull away.


She felt the hot searing pain and wanted to run, she would rather deal with the police then this. She was convinced he would do some permanent damage with his penis, or at the very least, split her in half.


He was having trouble being gentle as well as doing the deed. He was sliding slowly, trying to nudge in, but it was not working and she was growing hysterical.


“You’re going to kill me!” she cried as she continued to pull away.


“You have to relax Heaven.” He held her body still.


“How do you expect me to relax when it feels like you’re trying to gently ease a metal baseball bat inside of me?” she cried hysterically.


“Shush.” He whispered against her lips before kissing her. He ran his fingertips down her chest and lightly caressed her breasts before slipping to her sex. He began to ease the tension in her body and when he was sure she was more relaxed, he slid his thick erection inside of her with one powerful thrust. She screeched and the tears flowed from her eyes as he held her, kissing her lips, calming her down as he slowed his pace.


“Don’t move, it hurts!” she cried, trying to pull away, but he was wedged firmly between her legs. He was impossible to dislodge and they were connected together as if they had been born that way.


“It will stop hurting soon.” he whispered against her lips.


“No it won’t, it’s too big, just take it out.” she squealed breathlessly.


He was having trouble as well, he wanted to slam into her, and he wanted to ravish her, but he could not bring himself to do it. Not yet, not for her first time. Being forced to lose her virginity under contract was already an uncomfortable circumstance on its own and he refused to make it any worse. In his own defense, he had no idea she was virgin when she signed the contract, in fact he still had trouble comprehending her extreme abstinence.


“Shush.” he gently slid her hair back from her face before he slid his hand back down between her legs and began to magically stroke her sex. “Relax your muscles, baby.” he whispered against her lips before he captured them again, his hand still between her legs, slowly calming her down, her breathing finally started going back to normal and her heart was no longer racing. He then bent his head to her breasts, sliding his tongue over the taunt tips, he mastered her body, forcing her to enjoy it despite the dwindling pain.


He wanted to take his time and thoroughly enjoy her, but he could not. He needed to hurry up and get it over with or she would be too sore for him to even touch later. He was gentle as he burrowed himself deep inside of her holding her close to him as he released his seed. He held her tight for a moment, she felt so damn good, he was sure he could stay inside of her forever. Being nestled within her felt like pure heaven and he was experiencing something he had never felt before.


“Are you done?” her bitter words broke his euphoric stupor and he looked to find her staring at him accusingly.


“Maybe not,” he said unable to resist the urge to slide his member deeper inside of her and she gasped in response, “maybe I should keep going until we pass out.” he kissed the side of her neck.


“I’d rather take a lightning bolt to the head.”


“It wasn’t that bad.” he smoothed the hair back from her forehead.


“It was the worst thing I have ever been subjected to.” she frowned.


“Liar.” he lightly kissed her lips before sliding his already hardening manhood from her slick channel. He went up to his knees, looking down at the crimson blood that signified he had claimed his prize. He then looked down at her, the scarlet streaks mixed with his seed across her swollen sex marked her as his. Knowing he had been the only one to rip that barrier brought him a strong sense of entitlement and he suddenly felt possessive over her.


Heaven on the other hand could not pull her eyes away from the massive shaft protruding from his unbuttoned pants. Julian quickly got off the bed, walked into the adjoining bathroom and grabbed a soft cloth before going back to sit next to her. He spread her thighs and gently began to clean her off.


“Careful.” she said and she shifted her hips as he ran the silk cloth over her sensitive sex. When he was done, he looked at the cloth for a moment.


“I should frame this and hang it in my office, that way every time you walked in, you would remember this night.”


“Trust me, I won’t have a problem forgetting the night I lost my virginity to my rival.” she pouted.


“Heaven Deville, a virgin, who would have ever guessed.” he slid his hand down her thigh as she sat up against the headboard, holding the sheet close to her naked body.


“Do I strike you as the promiscuous type?” she asked him.


“Not at all.” his answer was honest.


“Then why is it so hard to believe that I was a virgin?”


“Because  you’re beautiful, highly intelligent, successful and your body is just-” he shook his head unable to come up with a word perfect enough to describe the perfection of her body, “exquisite.” he shrugged, still feeling the word did not do her justice, “I don’t know too many men who could resist.”


“But you didn’t even know what I looked like before you forced me to strip naked, so why would you assume I wasn’t a virgin?”


“I didn’t know about that body you were hiding, but I knew you were beautiful.” he said and she looked at him baffled, “You’re not fooling anyone with those glasses or those suits, Princess.”


“They work.” she objected.


“No they don’t, they don’t distract from your beauty in the least.”


“They still make me unapproachable.”


“No, your mouth makes you unapproachable.” he grinned.


“Well, whichever works best.” she smiled.


“But even despite the suits, the bad attitude and your big mouth, I would have never suspected you were still a virgin. I mean I knew you were prudish, but damn.”


“So what! What’s wrong with being a virgin?” she defended herself, in the same way she defended herself to her own best friend.


“There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. Hell, I commend you on keeping yourself pure in our sex fueled world, it’s just not what I preferred.”


“Oh that’s right, you prefer sexually-evolved nymphomaniacs.”


“I did.” he grinned.


“Well good, since I was a virgin and I have no idea what I’m even doing when it comes to sex, you should just let me go. You could save yourself the boredom of having sex with me for your revenge.”


“Not a chance.” he grinned, “I love the way you respond to me and I am going to enjoy teaching you everything you need to know to please me even more.” he said arrogantly.


“I hope I fail miserably and never please you.”


“You already have, more then you could ever imagine.” he said. She was anything but boring, as a virgin, she responded in a way he could have never expected, he could not wait to start educating her.


“How? With all of the sexually trained nymphet’s you have sex with, I don’t see how an inexperienced virgin who hates sex could remotely stimulate you.”


“Because those trained nymphet’s don’t have what you have.”


“Which is?” she raised her brows.


“You.” His answer was simple.


“What is that supposed to mean?” she said not understanding him in the least, but she was sure he meant something demeaning.


“Let’s just say that taking your virginity is one of my biggest accomplishments thus far,” he said and she frowned deeply at his choice of words “even better than passing the bar exam.”


“I wish I had a gun.” she whispered and his grin widened.


“You’d shoot the man who took your virginity and made you cum?”


“Just for those reasons alone, I would gladly do it.”


“Then I better fuck you good before you shoot me.” he joked sliding her closer to him.


“I wish you wouldn’t do
at all.”


“Have sex with you? I could not stop myself if I wanted to, which I do not. Besides, I know you liked it.”


“I did not,” she shook her head, “how could I? It was painful!”


“The first time is always painful for a girl, but it won’t be next time.” he assured her.

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