Insufferable Proximity (18 page)


“Just the fact that there will be a next time is painful enough.”


“You’ll still be a little tender down here,” he slid his hand over her sex, “but it won’t hurt like it did.”


“Do we have to do it again? Wasn’t once enough?”


“No, nowhere near enough. I want to be inside of you right now, the only reason I’m not is because it was your first time and I know you’re still sore.” he kissed her lips. “I’m going to give you a break until morning, but only until morning, then we start back where we left off.”


“Exactly how much sex does this contract require?” she looked at him skeptically.


“As much as I want.” he answered.


“And how much is that? Are we talking weekly? Because there are four weeks in a month, so that means-”


“Every day.” He cut her off.


“Every day?”




“You mean you want to have sex every single day for the remainder of the contract?”


“Yes.” he answered and she sat up.


“You can’t possibly believe that I am going to do
every single day.”


“I know for a fact that you’ll be doing
several times a day.”




Heaven and Julian sat at the small table in his room, he ordered pizza, wings and a big salad for Heaven. He was starving, and had almost finished the large pizza and half of the order of wings as he watched Heaven pick at her salad.


“Have you ever considered breathing while you eat?” she asked in disgust as she watched him finish his slice of pizza, “Twice, I thought you were going to pass out from lack of oxygen. Could you have possibly shoveled that food in any faster? You’re lucky you didn’t choke.”


“And you’re going to pass out from malnourishment if you don’t eat something besides leaves.”


“I ate earlier.”


“No you didn’t, you’ve been here all day.”


“I had a big breakfast.” she shrugged then changed the subject, “Where am I going to sleep?”


“With me.” he said with his mouth full and she frowned with repulsion.


“I am not sleeping with you.”


“Yes you are.”


“I don’t want to sleep with you, I want my own bed in a separate room!” she whined stomping her bare foot on the floor.


“Too bad, it‘s a rule.” He winked at her and she fought the urge to throw a chicken wing at him.




While Julian was in the bathroom, Heaven went into his dresser, grabbed a large t-shirt and was putting it on as he walked out. He walked over to the bed in just his boxer shorts, his large muscular frame appealed to her and she forced herself to look away.


“Take it off and get in bed.” he said as he took off his watch and sat it on the nightstand next to the bed.


“No, I do not sleep in the nude.” she looked at him as if he was nuts.


“For the next 30 days you do,” he said sitting on the bed, “now take it off.”


“I don’t even want to sleep with you, I told you I want my own room!”


“To fucking bad.” he growled getting off the bed and storming over to her. She stood her ground, refusing to bow to his anger. Who the hell did he think he was anyway? “Now either you take the shirt off and get into that bed or I will rip it from your body then use the scraps to tie your wrists to my bed post.”


“I’m not sleeping naked.” she refused to back down and as promised, he grabbed the neckline of the shirt then ripped it from her body. He then carried her to the bed and then tied her wrists to the bedpost. “You barbaric caveman!”


“If you followed the rules of the contract then I wouldn’t have to be.” he explained as he reached down and grabbed the chain then locked the cuffs around her ankles. She was fighting hard to get loose, so Julian slid his hand from her belly to between her legs and began to caress her sex. “Calm down.”


“Untie my hands!” she struggled harder.


“After you settle down.” he informed her and after a moment, she finally stopped fighting.


“You said you’d wait until morning.” she snapped at him.


“I am,” he replied, his fingertips skimmed over her sensitive flesh, “but I still want to touch you.”


“Why? Don‘t you think you have humiliated me enough to last the rest of my life? You can take a break now.” she glared at him.


“I’m not doing it to torture you, I’m doing it because I like the way you feel.”


“We are enemies, don’t forget.” she reminded him.


“We don’t have to be friends for me to enjoy watching you cum.” he whispered in her ear as she turned her head in shame, embarrassed that his words were making her sex pulse.




The suns bright rays broke through the cracks in the drapes and illuminated the bedroom. Julian had woken up early and was sitting with his back against the headboard, watching Heaven sleep. A slew of thoughts revolved around his brain, his hatred for her was obvious, but there was another emotion creeping in, one he could not define. He looked at her, almost unable to connect this sleeping beauty with the aggressive bitch he worked with. It was as if Ms. Deville and Heaven were two very different people and he experienced different emotions with each one. He hated the thought of having to spend any amount of time with Ms. Deville and could not even stand to be in the same room with her. On the other hand, he would willingly lock himself away with Heaven for a long period of time.


He looked at Heaven, deep in her angelic slumber and slid the sheet down to her waist, revealing her bounty of enticing treasures. He slid a thick lock of hair back from her breast then gently moved her onto her back. He felt his erection jerk painfully as she lazily stretched her body, her large breasts balancing on her chest and begging for his touch. He ran his hand down the length of her body and she immediately swatted his hand away.


“Come on we need to clean up.” he looked at his watch.


“Clean up?” she did not fully understand.


“Take a shower.” He explained, watching her try to shield her nudity with the sheet.


“Not together.” She shook her head.


“Yes, we will be showering together.” He nodded.


can shower individually.”


“Not a chance.” he said as he got off the bed, then turned around and picked her up in his arms.


“I don’t feel comfortable showering with you.” she objected along the way.


“You need to let that modesty go Princess, it’s only going to make it harder on you.” he carried her to the bathroom before setting her on her feet. He quickly turned on the shower then helped her inside. 




“Get dressed.” Julian told her, opening the closet door to reveal an enormous walk in closet that was bigger than the living room at her house.


“What is this?” she asked as she walked over to look in the closet.


“A closet.” he answered sarcastically and she rolled her eyes.


“Obviously. Whom do the clothes belong to? Let me guess you’ve collected the things that women you’ve slept with have accidentally left behind.” she shook her head.


“Get dressed.” he repeated, and then walked out of the room.


Heaven grabbed a long sleeve lilac shirt, a jean skirt and a cute red panty set then quickly got dressed. She had just walked out of the closet when Julian came back into the room.


“You look beautiful.” he grinned as he walked closer to her.


“I’d prefer pants, but I guess anything is preferable to nudity.”


“Come on.” he took her hand and led her out of the room.


“Are you letting me go?” she asked as they neared the stairs.




“Damn.” she frowned, her hope suddenly deflated.


“Alice is taking you to the salon.” he said as they descended the stairs.


“For what?” she asked once they were at the bottom of the steps.


“You’re going bald.” he answered.


“Bald?” she stopped and turned to him, putting her hands on her hips, “What do you mean by bald?”


“Here,” he said sliding his hand under the front of her skirt and lightly pinching her sex, “I want it waxed.”


“Oh hell no!” she slapped his hand away and took a step back.


“You refuse?” he asked raising his brow, “Either she takes you to the salon or she takes you home, it’s your choice. But if you do come back here I will discipline you for telling me no again.”


“You know I don’t have a choice.”


“Then stop telling me no, or next time I might really take you up on It.” he opened the front door, “Now get in the car.” he finished and she glared at him for a moment before walking over to his car.




“Are you sure you’re alright?” Alice asked as they entered Julian’s house.


“I’m fine.” Heaven mumbled, walking carefully, afraid to close her legs.


“I thought you were going to attack that woman with the wax.” Alice giggled.


“So did I.” Heaven admitted.


“It won’t hurt so badly next time, I’ve been doing it for years and I don’t even feel it anymore.” she tried to comfort Heaven who just looked at her in disbelief. “Oh and I think he’s in his office waiting for you.”


“Alright.” Heaven walked over to Julian’s office, not bothering to knock before letting herself in. Julian looked up from his paperwork and grinned.


“Finally,” he rose from his chair and walked over to the couch, “come here, I want to see.” She walked over to him as he sat on the edge of the cushion. As soon as she was close enough, he grabbed her arm and pulled her to stand between his legs.


“Why do you need to see it? You’ve seen more than enough waxed women to know what it looks like.”


“But I haven’t seen yours waxed before.” he lifted her skirt up to her waist and slid the red panties to her knees.  “Wow, look at you.” he whispered sliding his finger over her swollen flesh. “Are you still sore?”


“Yes.” she had no more then finished when he kissed her heated sex. “Its way to sore for that.” she squealed trying to pull away and he finally pulled his head back.


“Did she give you something to put on it?” he asked.


“Yes, some kind of ointment I think.” she answer as he stood up then grabbed her hand.


“Come on let’s go upstairs and I’ll put some on.”


“Wait.” she reached for her panties, intending to pull them up.


“No, just take them off.” he said and she looked at him in objection before quickly pulling them off. When she attempted to pull her skirt down, he stalled her hands.


“Leave it up for a minute.”


“Why?” she had no more then asked when he brought his hand down hard against her butt. “Ouch! What was that for you psychopath?”


“For telling me no before you left.” he finished then pulled her skirt back down before picking her up and carrying her up to his room.





Heaven sat in the middle of his bed with a sheet draped over her torso and her knees, not letting the material touch her sex. Her arms were extended behind her as she rested on them, her legs spread wide, afraid to close them since she was still a little sore. Julian sat on the bed facing her, he slid the sheet off her body, looking down at her reddened sex.


“Still sore?”




“It looks amazing.” he smiled appreciatively as she rolled her eyes and tried to close her legs, but he held them open.


“Well it doesn‘t feel amazing.”


“I can make it feel amazing.” he said kissing her knee as his finger circled the hardening nub. She shook her head in objection, but when his finger slid over that sensitive spot, her whole body jerked backwards. “Just relax.”


“Don’t.” she tried to pull back, while involuntarily spreading her legs wider. Julian grinned as he watched her movements, demanding he stop while at the same time, inching closer to him. He refused to stop, his fingers working her to a frenzied state and making her reluctant mind catch up to her eager body. She attempted to pull back again as she felt the familiar sensations begin to ripple through the lower half of her body, but ended up arching her back as his fingers quickly brought her to an overwhelming climax. He watched her intently as she gave up the fight and gave into the powerful feelings.



A Whole New Work


Heaven was up early that morning, rushing around trying to get ready for the day. She loved her job so much, she used to believe that it would be impossible to love it more than she already did, but now she knew she was wrong. She had never known the true meaning of loving your job until now. At work, she would be able to avoid Julian, something she was currently unable to do, considering the contract.


She had showered, pulled her hair back and then it dawned on her, she had no clothes for work. She searched the room, the closet and every dresser, but could not find where he had put the pantsuit she had been wearing the day she arrived. She had been searching for a good thirty minutes when Julian finally decided to wake up.


“Where’s my suit?” was the first thing out of her mouth.


“I burnt it.,” he said as he walked over to the table and grabbed a plate of food. He stood there naked, eating sausage and a thick meat stuffed omelet.

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