Insufferable Proximity (40 page)


“What’s up?” Julian asked as he sat in the chair on the opposite side of his father’s desk.


“I received another package this morning.” Ayden said as he slid the thick manila envelope cross the wide mahogany desk.


“What is it?” he asked looking at the package as if it was a coiled snake about to strike.


“What do you think?”


“That’s not possible,” he said in irritation.


“Look at the pictures, Julian.”


“If these are picture of me having sex with some random chick, then those are old pictures, from before our agreement.” when his father just stared at him, he grabbed the envelope and removed the pictures.


Julian had trouble keeping his expression blank as the picture was fully revealed to him. It was the other night in his office after the meeting with his father. Heaven was on his desk, her skirt up and his head between her legs. It was taken from behind her, so it was hard to see who it was but he knew. He tried to think of some random woman’s name that fit Heavens statistics that he could pawn it off as.


“Oh, I forgot about her, she was just some random chick I met a while ago.” he began to lie, “I can’t remember her name.” Julian instantly quit talking when he turned to the next picture. His heart dropped, he felt a deep sense of regret wash over him as well as a white hot rage. If there was any doubt to his partner’s identity with the first picture, the next series of pictures more than made up for it, leaving her identity abundantly clear. Heaven had lain on the desk at some point that evening, her head hanging off the back, her face more than visible. He was thankful he hadn’t stripped her down and there was nothing exposed in the picture.


“FUCK!” he roared a reaction Ayden had not been expecting. He assumed Julian would react in the same non caring way he always had, so it was a mighty surprise to witness this reaction. “Mother fucker!” he slammed his fist on his father’s desk as he stood “who sent these?”


“Your guess is as good as mine.” Ayden answered him, glad to see his son was finally taking this seriously.


“I take full blame for this, this is not her fault and I don’t want her getting in trouble for this.” he looked at his father who was even more surprised now then he had been a moment ago. Who was this man that stood before him? Surely not his selfish, combative and competitive son, it could not be Julian sticking up for a woman he had sex with? “I’ll do what I have to do, you punish me, not her.”


“No one’s getting punished for anything, son.” he said suppressing his grin as he wondered what had brought such a significant change to his son. “what you and Ms. Deville do on your own time is not our business, besides she’s been punished enough with these pictures, wouldn‘t you agree?” he looked at his son and Julian knew by the look on his face that his father was displeased with what he was doing with Ms. Deville. He knew how his father felt about her, he had more respect for Heaven then he had for either of his sons, she was like one of his collected children, like Gavin Grant, Sampson Gold and even Lila Strain to some degree, as well the rest of the lawyers at his firm whom Ayden had taken under his strong-wing at one point or another in their careers.


“Yes, I agree.” he said with a sadness, an emotion he had not shown since childhood.


“Maybe it’s time to contact the authorities?” Ayden asked, not sure how his son wanted to handle the situation.


“No, no police.” he shook his head, “if we go to the police we would have to show the pictures.”


“When has that ever bothered you?” he asked, the son he knew was liable to toss the pictures in a public trash can for all he cared.


“It’s not me I’m worried about, Heaven couldn’t handle it. As you already know she’s extremely private about everything, but especially this type of relationship. She’s going to be real freaked out that someone was outside my office watching us. Then she’s going to really trip out when I tell her that same someone took pictures of us and sent them to you. She would rather bury it then let what we’re doing get out.” he finished and Ayden just looked at his son for a moment, taken aback that he had used her first name and that he actually seemed to care for her.


“And what exactly are the two of you doing?” Ayden asked with obvious concern.


“Your guess is as good as mine.” he replied not wanting to discuss it. He didn’t understand what he was doing any more than his father would and he certainly couldn‘t explain the contract.


“I thought the two of you hated each other.”


“We did.”


“Then how much of that hatred was for show?”


“The last few weeks.” he said and Ayden believed him, Ayden had noticed the change between the two of them in the last few weeks, they had not gone toe to toe, no verbal battle-royals in the middle of the break room, they seemed to be avoiding each other. Ayden had truly believed that his son had taken his advice and was trying to get along with his rival, but little did he know how well they were getting along.


“Julian, I’ve never gotten into your personal business, but you do know Ms. Deville is a respected member of this firm, I’d hate to see her mistreated by anyone especially my own son. I‘ve seen what you can do Julian, I don‘t want that for her.”


“Neither do I.” he said honestly.


“Maybe it’s best to slow it down before it gets to deep.”


“It’s too late for that.” he said, his lip twitching.


“Fair enough." Ayden nodded as he looked into Julian’s eyes, seeing what he was trying to hide and discovering that he cared deeply for her. “I’ll have Fritz look into this.”


“Perfect.” Julian agreed. Fritz was a genius when it came to the criminal mind. Julian looked down at the pictures, realizing how beautiful they were together. He felt a sudden surge of anger that a stranger, some punk in disguise who was too afraid to show their face, could intrude on their beautiful moment and exploit it so easily. He shoved the pictures in the envelope then rose from the chair, looking at his father, “I’m willing to do whatever you think is necessary to protect her from this.” he said before leaving his father’s office.


Ayden sat in his chair, his eyebrows raised in astonishment. Could it be? Was it possible? Never in his wildest dreams did he think his son was even capable of feeling emotion. He feared Julian would end up just like his Grandfather, partying up until his last day on earth, alone except for the group of gold-digging females he surrounded himself with. A few of them had even tried to rob him right after his death. Ayden never wanted that for his either of his sons.


It was bad enough his eldest son was stuck in a loveless marriage with a woman who despised him and made his life a living hell. The only ones who were happy about that union were his wife and his son’s mother in law, since they were close friends.




Heaven had been relaxing, thinking about what she would allow herself to do that upcoming evening, when her secretary informed her that Julian King wanted to see her immediately. She was furious with him for shattering her plans, because now that he called her to his office she would not proceed with being more open or expressive with him. Damn Julian and his lack of self-control, she cursed him under her breath until she reached his office, at which time she let herself in then walked to stand across from his desk.


“I thought we had an agreement Julie?” she frowned in disappointment.


“I need you to sit down for a minute.” he motioned to the chair close to his.


“What’s wrong?” she asked as she sat down in the chair facing him, instantly realizing something wasn’t right.


“Someone was watching us the other night.”


“Watching us do what?”


“They watched me go down on you.”


“Yeah right,” her smile was insincere, “if this is a joke or something, it’s not funny.”


“I’m not joking Princess, they took pictures of us.” he handed her the envelope. She took it, looking it at strangely.


“What is this?”


“Us.” he said and watched her as she looked in then reached inside and pulled out the pictures. All at once, her brows rose, her mouth dropped as she inhaled a deep gasp, her hands instantly started shaking.


“Where did you get these?” she whispered.


“Someone left this envelope on my father’s desk.”


“Oh god no!” she gasped, She had never wanted to cry so badly in her entire life, her lungs feeling tight as he nodded watching her take deep breaths. “Who did this?”


“I have no idea.”


“How, how did they-” she couldn’t finish her sentence, she felt a little out of breath.


“Whoever it was, stood outside of my office and took pictures through a small opening in the curtain.” he answered, watching her begin to fight for her breath. He immediately rose from his chair and kneeled on his haunches before her.


“I-I” she stuttered, trying to breath, her lungs felt constricted, as if a large hand had just rammed its way down her throat and was clutching her lungs.


“Take a deep breath for me,” he instructed her but she continued to gasp “come on, take a deep breath.” his words were direct but soft as he slid one arm behind her neck and the other on her chest


“I c- ca-”


“Stop trying to talk, look at me,” he grabbed her face, “I need you to breath baby.” he ran his hand across her chest, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, I promise.” he said and she finally inhaled deeply.


He held her tightly, helping her get her breathing under control before he picked her up then sat back down in his chair, holding her close to him.


“I’m taking you home.” he said.




“Please don’t argue with me about this one.” he said as he helped her to stand up.




“I want to take a long hot bath.” she said heading to his main bathroom on the first floor,  it was designed to look like a bathroom in the middle of a gorgeous outdoor setting, the abundance of plants and the large window that spanned almost the entire roof helped add to the effect. The underground tub was large enough to seat up to five people. The moment the door closed behind her, she started to shed her clothing as Julian sat on the settee watching her.


“I can’t believe this is happening.” she said as she threw her clothing in the woven laundry basket “I can’t believe someone was watching us, I feel so violated.” she walked over to him well aware of what her nudity was doing to him.


“I could give a shit if someone is watching me, but I hate the thought of them watching you.” he leaned over and kissed the side of her breast.


“Why are you still dressed?” she asked him, “I thought we were going to take a bath?”


“We are.” he said and quickly got undressed as she stepped into the tub. Once he was in the water, he pulled her closer to him and she laid her head on his shoulder, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by everything that had happened.


“It’s over, my career is finished!” she closed her eyes, fighting the tears that threatened to escape.


“No it’s not.” he caressingly ran his large hand up and down her back.


“My boss has pictures of my co-worker performing oral sex on me!” she sat up to look at him, “It’s safe to say my career at the King Law firm is down the toilet.”


“My boss has enough film of me having sex to open a pornographic film company.” he grinned, his hand caressing her arm. “Don’t worry.”


“I can’t believe after all this, breaking into your office, all this time I spent in a contract to avoid losing my job and I still lose my job in the end! Karma hates my fucking guts!”


“You’re not going to lose your job.”


“Yes, I am!” she snapped, “its fraternizing Julian, it’s against company policy and I signed a form saying I would not do it!”


“Don’t worry.” he tried to calm her, seeing her getting hysterical. “I’ll make it right.”




“My father was very specific when he said that your position at our firm was too valuable to jeopardize, he was more worried about you wanting to quit.”


“I would never quit,” she felt horrible for what she had done, “your father must be so disappointed.”


“He’s not disappointed in you, although he might have been angry with me for letting it happen in the first place.”


“But that was my fault, not yours, I tried to make sure you would never win that position, you only retaliated against my stupidity, but I put myself in this situation as well as you. I only wish I had not broken into your office.”


“I’m so glad you did.” he said and this time he was not being sadistic nor spiteful, “I love knowing you like this, you’re not like any woman I have ever met and I am happy I finally got to really know you. You’ve earned a respect from me that you will never lose.” he finished and she smiled before she kissed his lips then turning to face him as she straddled his waist.


“Maybe when the contracts finished I won’t have to hate you so much.” she lightly kissed his lips before pulling back, “maybe we don’t have to be enemies after all.”


“I don’t think I could be your enemy again.” he pulled her to him for a deeper kiss, sliding his hand between her thighs.




Thanks to Julian, Heaven was over a half an hour late for work, she rushed through the building and straight to the elevator. Julian on the other hand, stopped at the coffee shop in the lobby before even venturing up to his office.

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