Insufferable Proximity (42 page)


“He stopped me to tell me about his case.”


“Is that all?”


“He said he didn’t think it was me in the picture.” she admitted and watched Julian’s anger peak in mere seconds.


“He should have never discussed that with you and he should have never put his fucking hand on you!” his anger exploded, “I‘m going to have to teach that pussy about respect!” he was ready to knock Grant out for even thinking he could approach Heaven with such a sensitive topic. “Hurry up and take off your bra!”


“I should take it off and shove it in your big mouth.” she snapped and he looked at her. “After all I have been through this week and this is how you treat me?” she screamed, her patience gone and her frustration level high enough to make her not care about the contract. She grabbed her skirt and quickly slid it on, “fuck you Julian King and fuck your contract!” she grabbed her button up shirt and slid it on as she stormed out of his room.


Julian watched her storm out, realizing his own selfishness had clouded his better judgment, he was being unfair to her. He wasn’t use to being considerate of other people’s feelings and she wasn’t used to any of this type of thing. She had never even had a boyfriend or even exposed her breasts, let alone taken a dirty picture and have it publicly viewed. She was private about everything she did and he could only imagine how devastating this was to her. He left his room and quickly chased after her only to find her outside walking to his security gate.


“No, stay away I’m done! I don’t’ care what happens now.” she grabbed the gate.


“I’m sorry.” he said and she turned to him with a look of surprise.


“No you’re not.”


“Yes I am, I feel bad about all of this and I know if I hadn’t of forced you into having sex in my office you wouldn’t have been photographed in the first place. I should have stuck to your no sex in the office rule.” he slid his hand down her cheek, “I really am sorry Princess.” he bent his head to kiss her and after a moment she kissed him back.


“I fought so hard to keep my reputation squeaky clean, people don’t know I date let alone have sex in the office, this is hard for me.”


“I know it is baby,” he picked her up and she immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, “but there’s one thing you keep forgetting, your intelligence level is so high and your skills as a lawyer so refined that nothing you do could ever distract from that. You could run up and down times square naked and still have every defendant in New York begging you to be their lawyer.” he walked back into the house, his head dipped to the side to see around her hair.




They both managed to wake up early that Friday morning and laid in bed talking until it was time to get ready. Julian was excited to get to court, having a strong feeling today would be the day.


“By the end of your closing statement, you’re going to make the prosecutor look like an incompetent jackass with a personal vendetta against your client.” Heaven smiled with pride, she had always secretly loved to watch Julian go head to head in court.


“That’s what I am hoping for.” he grinned.


“Damn, I still wish I had that case.” she shook her head, she had wanted that case so badly.


“Well I got it, so you have to be happy for me.”


“No I don’t, I told you I will never forgive you for stealing that case from me. But I will be happy for you with the next case, so long as that one wasn’t stolen from me as well.”


“You know I didn’t steal that case, Princess.”


“I know you did.” she sat up, “you know how hard I worked for that-” she stopped speaking and gasped when he bent his head to her sex and sucked her flesh into his mouth. “No fair.” she moaned as she felt herself falling back on the bed. He continued until she could no longer say a word and the minute the orgasm finished ripping through her lower body, he pulled back.


“All’s fair in sex and war.” he kissed her belly before standing up.


“Umm, touché.” she moaned in pleasure, wishing she could take the day off and just enjoy Julian’s oral administrations.




Heaven walked to the cafeteria to re-fill her cup of coffee when Julian strolled in, he had been in court all morning and she was surprised to see him at the office.


“I thought you were in court all day?” she asked.


“I’m waiting for the jury to decide now.”


“You’re kidding me, I thought you had this long, drawn-out closing statement.”


“I did, but the prosecutor didn’t.” he said stepping closer to her.


“Because he knows he can’t win this case.” she grinned with pride, “no one stands a chance against this firm.”


“I couldn’t agree more, Princess.”  He was unable to resist sliding his hand over her hip. “I predict a win before the end of day.”


“Don’t start Mr. King.” she warned him, looking to see if anyone in the cafeteria had seen him. They had their backs to everyone in the room, and she thanked her lucky stars that none of them seemed to be paying attention to them.


“Why?” he asked his hand sliding up to her waist and she felt her anxieties take over.


“Stop.” she whispered so softly he had to physically restrain himself from bending over her and kissing her full lips.


“Give me a kiss and I‘ll stop.”


“Julian Please.” she pleaded with him and seeing the look in her eye, he removed his hand.


“You better be nice to me tonight to make up for this.” he said low before he winked then left the cafeteria.




Julian had just won the Hudson case and was walking through the front doors when his father walked up to him, smiling proudly.


“That was a very tough case to win.” he patted him on the shoulder as he withdrew one of prize cigars out of his jacket pocket than passed it to his youngest son. “Congratulations, I’m proud of you son.” Julian grinned, sure he was excited he won the case and thrilled that his father was proud of him, but right now he could only think of one thing. Just looking at the fat cigar in his hand invoked illicit images of Heaven and he knew there was only one true way to smoke it.


“Thank you.” he said and quickly excused himself, then went straight over to Heaven’s office. He walked past her secretary not saying a word as let himself inside. Heaven sat behind a stack of paperwork, looking a tad bit overwhelmed.


“I need to see you Ms. Deville.”


“I am in the middle of something right now Mr. King.”


“Now heaven.” he said lowering his voice. Heavenly quickly looked out of her glass office to see if her secretary was listening. “I’ll make sure
hears me if you don’t bring your pretty ass to my office right now.” he said low obviously not taking no for an answer.


“Fine.” she snapped as quietly as she could but still managed to stomp her feet a bit as she led him out of her office and into his own. The second the door was shut and locked, she turned to him.


“What do you want Julian?”


“I won the Hudson case.” he said smugly


“Really?” she said as she felt her happiness spark, but it was laced with a trace of anger.


“Yes and you’re going to help me celebrate.”


“We already discussed this, why would I help you celebrate a case you practically stole from me.”


“How do you figure?”


“You knew how badly I wanted that case and you went to your father to make sure you got it.”


“At least I didn’t walk into your office and steal it off your desk.”


“Touché.” she shrugged before he grabbed her from behind, yanking her skirt up to her waist. “are you kidding, someone stood outside that window while we were having sex and took pictures of us then sent them to our boss.”


“That windows gone now and my secretary is right outside that door.” he said as if explaining it.


“Oh so that makes it all better.” she said rhetorically, her frown deepening.


“No, but it guarantees that no one is creeping outside of that door.”


“And how do you know she’s not the stalker wielding the camera?”


“She’s not.”


“Julian we are not doing this in here anymore, we are going to wait until we leave, now get off me!” she tried to pull away, but he held her tightly, sliding his hand over her mouth as his other hand slid into her panties.




“No!” she tried to cry out but it sounded more like a faint murmur under his large hand. He held her still as his hand worked its magic between her legs, quickly bringing her to a state of submission. She wasn’t fighting him anymore at this point she was trying to stop herself from begging him to go farther no matter how badly she feared he actually would. She hated that he forced her into these dilemmas, fighting him then fighting herself because of him only to realize that she enjoyed it.


He slid his fingers between her lips and worked that stiffening little nub, allowing her to neither move nor utter a sound until he felt her body begin to quiver. he brought her to a fevered pitch in no time, loving the way her body responded to him no matter how hard she fought it.                                                                                                                                                       


It surged through her like a million light bulbs, still sparking with electricity while bursting throughout her body. Her limbs were shaking and she flopped like a rag doll when he bent her over his desk, the cool wood feeling good against her flaming cheek. Julian took the cigar out of his jacket pocket and spread her thighs more as he bent between her legs. He slid the cigar over her sex, making her jump at the sensation.


“No more.” she whined unable to move a muscle until her body calmed down more.


“Shush.” he hushed her before he slid the tip of the cigar into her opening. She arched her hips up as he slid the tip in and out, bending his head to take her tingling nub into his mouth. She almost screeched at the intensity of the pleasure.


After she had cum on the tip of his celebratory cigar, he withdrew it then stood up, walked to the other side of his desk then sat in his chair. Heaven on the other hand, continued to slump over his desk, her body to rocked with orgasmic sensations to even worry about pulling down her skirt. She could barely lift her head to watch him as he put the cigar to his lips.


is how you smoke a cigar.” he lit the end “now be a good sport and say congratulations Julian.” he said and she managed to fully lift her head to look at him.


“Fuck you, Julie.” she looked at him with anger in her eyes as she stood up and pulled her skirt back down then headed for the door.


“Damn, I’ll still be able to taste you even after you’re gone, Princess.” he grinned as she paused at the door, he didn’t have to see her face to know how angry she was.



The Party


Heaven was relaxing on the settee, listening to music and eating chocolate ice cream. Julian sat down on the end of the settee next to her, his hands caressing her legs.


“Tonight is Aries Steel’s annual party.” he said as he kissed her kneecap.


“Who is Aries Steel?” she asked as she held a spoonful of chocolate ice cream to his mouth.


“My closest living friend, he’s more like a brother to me.” he said before eating the softened ice cream from the spoon she held.


“I just want to stay here, it’s our last weekend together. We should do something that involves just us.”


“We’re going to the party.” he said as he trailed kisses up her leg.


“Then we are not staying long.” she insisted.


“Three hours tops.”


“No, two hours tops, with the option to leave fifteen minutes early.”


“Deal.” he parted her robe to reveal her bare sex and then bent his head down between her thighs, “let me have that ice cream.”


“Why?” she asked as the smile crept across her lips. She had a good idea what he wanted to do and her suspicion was confirmed when he grabbed the bowl. He tipped the bowl as he drizzled the melted cream down her belly and across her sex.




“Who is Aries Steel?” Heaven asked as Alice applied a thick layer of glittery charcoal eye shadow to Heaven’s eyelids.


“Aries Steel is Mr. King’s closest friend. He’s a real bad boy, he makes King look like a virgin in comparison.”


“Wow,” she scoffed, “I didn’t think anything could make him seem virginal.”


“Aries can, he’s legendary and so are his parties.”


“Julian’s taking me to one of his parties tonight.”


“Oh that’s right, it is that time of the year again. I heard Aries has thrown these parties once a year since they were in college. Mr. King has been a guest of honor every year, of course.”


“What kind of parties are they?” she asked looking at the dark eyeshade in the mirror and the thick layer of mascara Alice was applying to her lashes.


“I’m not positive, but I’ve heard they are like hard core sex parties.” she gave a sympathetic look laced with worry.


“Wonderful.” she spat sarcastically then frowned as Alice applied a deep-red lipstick to her lips.




She wore a very tight corset that started in the middle of her breasts, covering just her nipple and going down below her ribs, he had personally laced it up, watching his work in the mirror as he did so. Her breasts were crushed to her chest, giving her amazing cleavage. She wore a tiny silk skirt that was like a thick ruffle laying dangerously low on her rounded hips, and he promptly made her spin around in a circle so he could look under her dress. She wore a thick platinum choker that had a long chain that posed as a leash as he so eagerly demonstrated to her. He then ran the long chain down the middle of her back then attached it to the back of the chain that sat low on her belly while the tail end of the chain dangled free against her butt. The side of the thin belly chain also had small hoops to attach the same platinum bracelets around her wrists to her sides. She topped it off with a thin gauzy strip of material across her eyes as a mask. It had tiny holes for her to see out of and still give her appearance of being blindfolded.

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