Insufferable Proximity (44 page)


“You’re such a whore Julian.” Heaven had turned to glare at him now.


“I know.” he admitted.


“What, do you just fuck every girl you want to fuck with no discretion, no thought for the future, nothing?”


“Not every girl, it took three years to finally get the only girl I really wanted to be with.”


“Who? That trashy little whipping-post with the bad drugstore hair dye?”


“No, you.”


“Yeah right, you didn’t want to fuck me you wanted to choke me, you’ve said so yourself on numerous occasions.”


“I definitely wanted to choke you, but I wanted to fuck you at the same time.”


“Really?” she asked not sure if she was offended, but definitely ashamed that she felt slightly flattered.


“Really.” he slid his hand over the tops of her breasts, “just as bad as I want to fuck you right now.” He bent and kissed her on the mouth, kissing her deeply.


“Enough!” she snapped at him as she pulled back.


“One drink and then we’ll leave.” he said taking her hand and leading her over to the large table.


“You’ve have more than enough drinks already,” she frowned at him, “you’re drunk.”


“I’m not drunk.”


“You had over a dozen congratulatory shots of cognac with your cruel friend.”


“Who Aries? He’s not cruel.”


“Yes he is. Did you hear the way he was talking to those women?”


“They don’t mind, that’s what they’re here for.” he said pulling her on his lap, refusing to let her sit alone in another chair.


“Well one day he is going to meet a woman that won’t put up with his shit.”


“She better be a strong woman to even think about being with Aries.” he said then kissed her lips again, tired of talking about his friend.


Candy stood across the room watching him and had an overwhelming urge to cry. Julian had never kissed any woman on the mouth and had reacted violently in the past with anyone who had tried. He had never kissed, never been gentle or loving, in fact he had never shown concern with anyone’s emotions but his own. Every year he treated the females he brought like bendable fuck toys, they were all stripped down then some were spread eagle in the middle of the table, some were bound to the wheel, a few had been gagged while on all fours or blindfolded and suspended. Every one of them had been available and easily assessable to who ever wanted them, herself included. So why was he treating this woman like a princess? She knew this was bad, she knew there was a chance that Julian had found the one. She knew so long as he was single and available that she still had a chance, but by the looks of it, her chance may have been gone. She would have to do something drastic to get him back, she needed him.




Aries also stood across the room, watching Julian carefully pull the beautiful girl to his lap, but it wasn’t just the special treatment that shocked Aries, it was the way he looked at her. He had never seen his friend look at any woman like that before and he realized that Julian was totally smitten with the gorgeous creature. Aries grinned to himself as he realized Julian really liked her.


Aries wondered how the earth would be affected now that hell had obviously frozen over.


“I’m here sir.” the curvy little brunette covered in chains said to Aries as she went to her knees before him.


Heaven sat on Julian’s lap, watching over his shoulder as his friend Aries walked by, a woman covered in chains crawled on her hands and knees at his side and Heaven frowned in disgust.


“I don’t like this place.” Heaven whispered in Julian’s ear before taking a look around the room. There was an extremely tall woman lying naked in the middle of the table, her limbs spread wide and various brightly colored foods were artistically draped over her body. Several people feasted from her, some using their hands and others using their mouths. The caterer stood at the side of the table with a tray full of food ready refill on demand. On the other side of the table there was a curvy woman with long black tresses gyrating fully nude, her hips were swaying hard to the beat of the music.


“It’s not so bad.” he said taking another shot of liquor and feeling a bit bold.


“Yes it is.” she said looking at the crowd around her in horrified amusement, everyone was having sex and not regular sex. There were small orgies, large orgies, a group of men and one woman, a group of women and one man, same sex groups. There was a woman tied naked to a large wheel as a small group of people spun her around, slapping different parts of her anatomy as she circled past them, giggling. Close to the table there was a young man blowing up a large red balloon while sitting in the inside of it, caressing the sides. Then she saw a group in the far corner, they were doing things that sent shivers down her spine, it was brutal and Heaven flinched as the woman cried out in ecstasy.


“What are they doing to her?” she asked Julian.


“Don’t look over there.” he said turning her face to kiss her lips.


This place was different than the other places he had taken her.


“This place is bad.” she whispered and he smiled at the innocence still glowing in her eyes. After all she had been through, correction, after all he had put her through, she still had this thing about her.


“No, it‘s not.” he said sliding his hand over her cheek. “She’s enjoying herself, what’s bad about that?” he asked her and she couldn’t answer, she hadn’t even been able to answer it when it had been directed at her so many times in her own life. He kissed down her neck to the tops of her breasts, his hand sliding to her sex, but Heaven instantly pulled back.


“Not here.” she said teetering on the edge of his knee before he pulled her back to him and she immediately covered her sex with her hand.


“Move your hand.”


“But there are people-” she looked around.


“Look at me and only me.” he demanded as he slid his hand up her thigh.


“I can't.” she tried to close her legs


“Would you prefer I pull down your panties bend you over my knee and beat your bare ass in front of everyone?”


“No.” she looked at him wishing she had a gun and he grinned seeing her defiance flash across her face.


“Then move your hand.” he warned her in no uncertain terms. She moved her hand and looked around quick but he grabbed her face with his free hand turning her to look at him. “You better not take your eyes off me.” he said as he slid his hand to the tiny triangle of netting that covered her sex. She felt light headed and inhaled deeply as his fingers made contact, she wanted to fight him but the feeling was too intense to deny and she lost her nerve, laying her head on his shoulder instead.


“Everyone’s watching.’ she whispered.


“How can they not.” he said, his finger sliding over her covered sex, “look at you.” he wrapped his arm around her, hugging her closer to him as he bent his head to kiss her lips, “no one can resist watching such a beautiful girl cum.” he kissed her lips again lightly as he slid his fingers under the fabric, careful not to expose her lest she freak out.


“I don’t want to, not here, not in front of them, it’s bad.” she tried desperately not to wiggle as he stroked her masterfully.


“Does this feel bad?” he asked as he slid his finger down the slit of her sex, pushing his strong finger between her bare lips. “Answer me.”


“No.” she whispered.


“Tell me how it feels.”


“It feels-,” she gasped as she felt it begin to slowly build.


“Tell me.” he whispered in her ear as his finger began to slowly circle her engorged clit. “You better tell me.”


“It feels like I’m going to explode,” she cried as she felt the pressure begin to increase and she began to move her hips with the rhythm of his fingers “and I hate it.”


“You little liar, you’re wet.” he slid his finger inside of her.


“I can’t help it.” she cried lightly.


“You do like it.” he watched her fight it. “You like them watching you?”


“No, I hate it.” she cried, “it’s you, you always make me wet.” she looked at him and he couldn’t help himself, he bent his head and kissed her lips, sliding his finger deep inside of her, her moan getting lost in his mouth. “wait.” she managed to pull back


“I can’t wait.”


“Let’s just go back home.” she pleaded, “Julian I’ll do anything you want me to do, but not here.” she whispered and the vow sent his arousal to a maddening level.


“You’ll do whatever I want regardless, we have a contract.” he said before capturing her lips again. She couldn’t stop him this time, his kiss was doing those things to her again.


He deepened the kiss, needing more of her then she would give right now. He stroked her body likes its creator, forcing her to bend to his will, whether she wanted to or not. He knew exactly how to touch her to make her loose her control and her composure, he loved watching that icy little shell of hers melt. When he felt her body preparing to orgasm, he pulled back, wanting to see her face.

It was at that precise moment that reality sank in for Julian. Of all the naked women running around fucking and sucking like their lives depended on it, every eye in the place was on Heaven. She was right, everyone was watching. She was fresh and new, she was innocence and unbridled passion and they could smell it in the air.


He instantly stopped what he was doing, withdrawing his hand from her sex, being careful not to expose her. This was the exact moment that his caveman instinct reared its ugly head and he felt a deep fire consuming him from within. He was ready to destroy and let his wrath reign over everyone in the room who dared look at her. She was his and only his and he was unwilling to share. He realized that now beyond a shadow of a doubt and he was sick of denying it to himself.


So to the amazement of everyone in the room, including himself, he stood up and carried Heaven out.


Aries was in total shock and disbelief, his best friend had never done that before. Who was this woman? He knew only one thing that he was taking her to his personal bedroom on the second floor.


“Come on.” Julian said grabbing Heaven’s hand and with his other hand on her butt he led her up the large staircase.


There were several little rooms inside that had been decorated for the party, but since the partiers were more interested in sharing their sex, most of the rooms were vacant. He led her into a small room, and locked the door behind him.


“Not here, Julian.”


“I don’t have a choice.” he pulled her closer to him, pulling up her skirt a little and sliding his hands over her behind.


“But anyone could walk in.”


“I locked the door.”


“I don’t care! I don’t want to stay here! I want to leave now!”


“Come on princess, we’ll be quick.”


“No, not here, we can go somewhere else, just me and you. We can do
you want, but I don’t want to stay here.”


“Where do you want to go?”


“My house.”


“Your house?”




“What’s at your house?”


“Just me and you,” she leaned into kiss his lips, “please.”


“Alright.” he said then picked her up and carried her out of the room.


“You’re not leaving?” Aries asked as they descended the stairs, but already knowing that he was. “Then again if I had something like that I would leave too.” he grinned knowingly at his closest friend. “Wait I have something for you, don’t move.” he pointed at him then disappeared into the other room.


“He better hurry up or I’m going to snap and fuck you right here on the stairs.” he grinned and she gasped, happy to see Aries walking back towards them with a large paper bag.


“Three bottles of my finest wine, two reds, a white and a bottle of champagne.” he handed the bag to Julian


“Thank you.”


“Anything for you, brother.” he grinned watching his friend rush out of the door and he knew Julian was seconds from losing control.




Julian drove to her house, his hand resting between her legs most of the drive, with the occasional finger slip.


They walked into her house and he looked around, noticing the cool grey color throughout the living room. He followed her through the dining room and noticed that it was also bare. Her kitchen surprised him, it was decorated in black, white and red, a complete contrast from the other rooms.


“I like your kitchen.” he said sitting on the leather, low-backed stool in front of the white and silver granite countertop.


“Thank you, it’s one of the few rooms I actually had a chance to decorate. I’m hardly ever here, but I figured I’d at least take care of the rooms I use the most.


“So what other rooms do you have done?”


“just my bedroom and my personal adjoining bathroom.” she shrugged, “I’ll get around to finishing it someday.” she reached into the cupboard and grabbed two silver-rimmed wine glasses with very thin stems and set them on the counter before them.


“I say we get drunk, listen to music, relax and eat, all at once.”


“Sounds good, you ordering food?” he asked. She turned around and walked over to her freezer, throwing open the door.

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