Insufferable Proximity (47 page)


“And how was it?”


“Painful.” she said with a grin.


“Well I am still glad you waited, I am honored to have been your first,” he said sliding his hand under her dress and caressing her sex. “And the last.”


“My husband is going to be the last.” she said as she spread her legs a little wider, “but you’ll always be my first.”


“I’m going to be a lot more than just your first, baby.” he said as he pushed her back on the bed, then crawled over top of her. He pulled the top of her dress down below her breasts, and then unhooked the front of her strapless bra. He caressed her large breasts as he kissed her shoulder.




Heaven sat up abruptly after being woken from a deep sleep by her alarm clock, she quickly stopped the horrific buzzing then smacked Julian’s large shoulder. Julian rolled to his back then looked up at her, she sat there naked, obviously frazzled and all he could think about were those perfect breasts thrust into his face.


“What’s wrong?” he asked.


“We are late!” she flew out of the bed as Julian looked at the alarm clock.


“We’re not even a half hour late yet.” he looked like he was ready to go back to sleep.


“Don’t even think about it,” she grabbed a pillow and lightly whacked him over the head with it, “get up!” she went to swing the pillow again but he jumped up and grabbed her arm, then pulled her back to the bed with him, her body draped across his. “Let’s go, we have to get ready.”


“How do you expect me to just get up and get ready for work when the first thing I see is you naked.” he kissed her neck. “I need you.”


“No, you need to get ready.” she tried to pull away but her held her tight.


“No I need to be inside of you.”


“You’re going to have to wait, Julie.” she kissed his lips then slipped from his arms, “Come on.” she said walking towards the bathroom. When he heard her start the shower, he jumped up and all but sprinted to the bathroom.


They both jumped in the shower at the same time, but Julian was too busy focusing on her body to wash his own, so she helped him. He lathered his hands up with the soap and began to slowly wash her shoulders, working his way down before pulling her back to him. When his hand slid up her belly to her breasts she knew exactly where this was headed.


“We don’t have time for this, we are already late.”


“There’s always time for this.” he said continuing with his massage.


“Seriously Julian, we have to go.”


“If I don’t get some right now, you’re going to have to give it up at some point during the day.” he warned her and she shrugged.


“I‘ll take my chances with that.” she said confident that she could sway him from sex at the office. She jumped out of the shower and quickly dried off as Julian grabbed different parts of her anatomy in the process.




Julian walked into the cafeteria, seeing Heaven filling her red thermos with coffee. He waked over to her and stood behind her, his muscular body concealing the whole left half of her body. He was oblivious to everyone else around him except for her and without thinking, he slid his hand down her hip. He was confident that no one could see where his hand was, since his body was shielding the hip he was now caressing.


“Mr. King.” she hissed through clenched teeth as she scanned the room to see if anyone was watching them. She saw Gloria, Reese and Adele in the far corner of the room, but they seemed like they were too engrossed in their conversation to pay attention to anything else.


“What?” he asked as he slid his hand back up her thigh.


“Cut it out.” she whispered, turning away from him as she noticed that the secretaries were now turning their attention to them.


“Why?” he asked as his hand slid up to her waist and she felt her heart race with anxiety.


“Is he-” Adele’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, “is he touching her?” she whispered and the other two secretaries carefully turned to see that Julian’s hand was indeed sliding up Heaven’s waist.


“I told you.” Gloria said with a shrug.


“I already believed you, it’s Juliette who doesn’t think there’s anything going on between the two of them.”


“No, Juliette knows the truth.” Gloria scoffed, not sure what Juliette was up too with the whole denial charade, she knew damn well the two of them were having some type of an affair.


“I don’t think so Gloria.” Adele shook her head.


“She knows, she’s still in the denial stage.”


“It’s because she’s so obsessed with him, she’s like borderline stalker.” Reese said with a seriousness that peaked Adele’s interest.


“What?” Adele smiled eager to hear more “Stalker, you say?”


“Juliette is a genuine stalker, you don’t understand how obsessed she really is with that man.” Reese informed her.


“Do tell, darling.” Gloria smiled as she leaned back in her chair, getting comfortable.


“I found a picture of him hidden in her locker.” Reese frowned.


“You’re kidding me.” Bothe Gloria and Adele said at the same time


“Nope, but that’s not the best part,” she smiled sneakily, “she even glued a picture of herself to the one of him, in true-horror-movie stalker fashion.”


“Wow, she is more obsessed with him then I thought.” Gloria murmured more to herself.


“I can’t believe she actually has a picture of him.” Adele grimaced.


“Yes she does and I’ve even seen the crazy bitch kiss it.” Reese nodded her head.


“No way!” Adele smiled in excitement.


“I swear.” the three of them smiled as they huddled in to continue gossiping about her.


“Stop.” Heaven snapped at Julian


“No one can see where my hand is.” he said as he slid it up to the side of her breasts then lightly squeezed it, “besides so what if they can, everyone here already knows what we’re doing.”


“Don’t say that.” she said and twisted the top back on her coffee mug, then quickly left the cafeteria, with Julian hot on her heels. She almost walked into Gavin who was standing close on the opposite side of the door. Heaven hoped he wasn’t close enough to hear what Julian had said.


“Excuse me.” Gavin said with a slight grin before walking into the cafeteria.


Heaven tried to walk past Julian’s office, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her in, his secretary not bothering to even look up from her crossword puzzle as the couple sped past.


“What is your problem Julian? You just tried to feel me up in the cafeteria!”


“That’s your own fault.” he said.


“How do you figure?”


“If you understood how amazing your ass looks in this skirt, you would understand.”


“You bought this suit for me,” she shrugged, “would you rather I go change into one of my large pantsuits?”


“I don’ think it would matter what you were wearing. It’s driving me crazy being under the same roof and not being able to touch you. But I have to look at you!” he said almost crazed, she could feel his lust and his need.


“After everything that’s happened, now is not the time to be doing this shit in the office! You need to get a hold of yourself, you need to stop Julian!”


“I can’t, I’ve already tried, we need to leave.”


“What? You’re crazy, you can’t leave we have work to do!” she shook her head.


“Then strip down right now.”




“Then get on your knees.”


“No, I’m not taking the chance of getting our picture taken again, we are waiting until we get home.” she said and turned to leave, but he grabbed her arm.


“You have to show me something to hold me over.” he said and she rolled her eyes before unbuttoning her shirt. Her breasts were the best option, she knew if she lifted her skirt, she wouldn’t make it out of this office without him ripping it from her. When her shirt was unbuttoned down to her naval, she pulled it open.


“More?” she asked.


“More.” he answered and she unsnapped the front closure of her bra, baring her breasts to him.




“Much better.” he said bending his head to kiss her lips as his hand instantly went to her full breast. “I can’t wait to get you home, baby.” he whispered against her lips before deepening their kiss.


“Just a few more hours.” she breathed as the kiss began to work its magic. She knew she had to get out of his office and soon, before she did something she would regret.


“I can’t wait to fully strip you down.” he said bending his head to her breast and lightly kissing the tip before pulling it into his mouth. She wrapped her arms around his head pulling him to her, as she felt the familiar sparks. He grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back as he continued to feast on her tightening breasts. She was ready to yank off her own skirt and bend over his desk when he stopped, pulled his head back then rose to his full height before pulling the bra cups over her large breast and snapping it together. “You better get out of here right now.”


“Good idea.” she nodded as he began to button up her shirt.


“Hurry up,” he said in honesty, “I can’t control it much longer.”




Ayden called an important meeting and within fifteen minutes all of the lawyers at the firm were in the conference room.


“I just received an urgent message, Lucinda Sherman has just found her husband and his eighteen year old girlfriend dead. At this point, she has not been accused or charged with anything, but she wants someone from our firm to represent her by tomorrow.


“Lucinda Sherman the ketchup heiress?” Lila asked.


“Yes.” he answered, knowing that would peak their interest.


“I know only three of you are available to represent her, but this is a delicate case and may need other resources. So write me up a proposal and we will have an attorney for her by first thing tomorrow morning.”


They had no more then left his office when Heaven turned to Julian.


“I want this case.”


“All of us do, it’s a high profile case.” He answered.


“But you should let me have it, I can get her off.”


“So can I.” he tried to explain without a trace of malice in his voice. He was wise enough to know that this situation could possible destroy everything they had worked for.


“I will fight you for this case, Mr. King.”


“So it’s back to that again?” he asked, seeing the shark in her come back out to fight.


“It’s always been like that.”

“I was hoping it wouldn’t have to be.”


“Are you going to give up the Sherman case?” she raised her brows.




“Then it has to be like this.” she turned to walk away and Julian followed behind her, but she slammed her office door in his face, forcing the rage he had been holding back to explode. He barged into her office and slammed the door behind him. He stood but a foot from her, trying to take a deep breath and subdue his escalating anger.


“I would think twice about going to war with me over this case, Princess.”


“The only thing I will be thinking about is winning the Sherman case.”


“You’re still under contract.”


“Only until Friday.”


“I can make it hard for you, I can make these upcoming days seem like months.”


“I want this case and I will not back down,“ she said stepping close to him, ready to go toe to toe if need be, “so game on.”


Instead of using anger, he bent and lightly kissed her lips before she drew back like she had been burnt.


“Touché.” he finished before leaving her office.


Heaven had never seen him act so calmly before, normally the two of them would be at each other’s throats and throwing threats. Well she was furious and she would not back down until she got what she wanted.




By the end of the day, the Sherman case meant a lot less to Heaven, considering all the drama that it would cause between her and Julian. If she was completely honest with herself, she wasn’t thrilled with the idea of their relationship going back to the way that it was. She was unsure why she even cared, but she did and wasn’t comfortable with risking it all for some case. Even though she loved a good altercation, she didn’t want to fight with him on that level.


When it was time to leave, she met up with him but he refused to even speak to her so she followed behind him silently. Neither of them spoke one word on the way back to his house, Heaven was looking out of the window and Julian was focused on the road.


When they finally arrived, he went straight to his office and Heaven went upstairs to the room. She sat on the bed, realizing she didn’t like this argument in the least, but had no idea how to fix it without saying she was sorry. At this point she was willing to let the case go but she was unwilling to apologize and would find another method to relay her feelings.


She walked into her closet and found her tiniest bikini, grabbed a couple towels and walked down to his office. Heaven walked into his office nonchalantly and saw him sitting behind his desk. He looked up at her, but still refused to speak, only watching her with caution as she approached him.

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