Jealousy (5 page)

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Authors: Jenna Galicki

The flower was on the move again, delivering renewed sensations of euphoria.  But it wasn’t the flower any longer.  It was something different.  It was softer.  Silkier.  It was feathery.  Its touch was lighter.
A scent was under his nose.  He inhaled deeply.  It was floral, but definitely not the rose.  He recognized it from earlier.  It was the scent of Tyler's hair.  Justin smiled.  This boy had skills, and they were driving him crazy.

he tips of Tyler’s fingers lightly touched Justin’s cheek.  They were on his lips, and Justin kissed them.  Tyler’s breath blew across Justin’s neck like a warm tropical breeze.  It transported him to paradise.  He saw himself lying on a beach. Soft billowy piles of sand supported his body.  He could see the calm blue ocean and hear the shallow waves cascading on the shoreline. He could practically smell the salt water.  The breeze blew across his chest and made his nipples hard.  It blew straight down to the South Pole.  The gust of air on his genitals made him moan, and he rolled his head to the side.  He clutched the sheets in his hands and cried out, aching for Tyler’s touch.

Now Tyler's tongue was on his neck, making tiny circles.  Justin turned toward it and opened his mouth, inviting it inside.
It teased him with a quick swipe across his lips, and then it was on his nipples.  It lapped at them, like a kitten with a saucer of milk.

Tyler moved from the side of the bed and knelt in between Justin's legs.
Justin exhaled deeply.  He spread his legs wide open and lifted his pelvis, anticipating Tyler’s mouth.

"Not yet," Tyler whispered.

Tyler’s tongue met Justin's chest and licked its way lower, with short tiny strokes. Tyler smacked his lips together.  "You really are delicious," he whispered.  Tyler let his tongue glide across the tight muscles in Justin’s abdomen. His chin grazed Justin's erection and Justin let out a deep moan.  Tyler placed a delicate kiss on Justin's skin, and his tongue traveled back up Justin's chest.

No, Justin said to himself, not up – down.  Go lower.
He wrinkled his forehead, silently pleading for Tyler's mouth to engulf him.  Tyler's tongue obeyed, and was traveling south again. Yes, Justin cried in his head. That's it – go down further – all the way.  "Do it," Justin whispered.  "Please. Suck it."  He whimpered.  "I can't take anymore.  Please, stop teasing me.  I want you so bad."

Tyler put his hands on Justin's thighs and sat back.
"That, my erotic piece of deliciousness, is what I've been waiting to hear.  Your lesson in romance is over.  Now that our senses are awake, we can take it to the next level."

Justin pulled the blindfold off and reached his arms out to Tyler.  "Come here and kiss me, before I devour you."

Tyler’s fragrant hair spilled across Justin's face as they kissed. It was intoxicating.  Justin’s taste buds were amplified.  As his tongue explored every crevice of Tyler’s mouth, he tasted of the fresh mint leaves from the mohita that Tyler had at the bar earlier.

Justin reached down and squeezed Tyler’s butt cheek.
It fit perfectly in the palm of his hand, and he eagerly caressed it.  Tyler’s skin was smooth and velvety soft.  Justin pressed his pelvis into Tyler, and their erections wrestled with one another.  They were both engorged and ready to explode.

Justin couldn’t put the condom on fast enoug
h.  The sensation of the condom rolling down his penis almost made him erupt. His eye caught the alarm clock on the night stand.  It was 3:00 a.m. How was that possible?  For almost two hours, Tyler teased him with a flower, his hair, his breath and his tongue. They had elaborate foreplay, without actually touching one another.  No wonder he was super sensitive.

Tyler was wait
ing on all fours with his tiny little butt in the air.  He wiggled it invitingly, and smiled.

Justin smacked
Tyler on the butt with the palm of his hand.  He leaned down and stuck his tongue between Tyler’s cheeks, and licked his bottom until it was wet and pulsating. Now Tyler was the one who was whimpering, begging to be penetrated.

Justin’s hands dominated
Tyler’s slim waist as he pulled him closer.  He wanted to shove it in, but he was afraid he would break Tyler in half.  Justin was gentle as he pushed himself until he was all the way inside.

“Are you OK?” he whispered.

“I’m fine, my delicious, big boy.  I can handle it.  Let me have it.  I want it just as much as you do.”

Justin let out a deep breath.  It was euphoric, knowi
ng that release was only moments away.  He grabbed Tyler’s hips and pummeled him from behind, hard and fast.  The bed shook, and a painting above it tilted at an uneven angle and almost fell to the floor.

Tyler was stroking himself and panting hard.

“Wait for me,” Justin whispered.

“Hurry up!”

Justin thrust himself as hard as he could. He only needed a few seconds before a thunderous climax exploded throughout his body.  The orgasm was intense and long.  It made his body convulse and jerk back and forth.  When he finally finished, he was spent.  He put his arms around Tyler’s back and kissed him from behind.  Tyler couldn’t hold up Justin’s weight and they both fell to the mattress in a heap of sweat and exhaustion.  He rested his head on Tyler’s back.  The room was quiet again, except for the raspy sound of the two of them trying to catch their breath.

Justin had no idea how long they stayed like that, reveling in the aftermath.  His internal clock was off – interrupted by the art of Tyler’s slow and delicate love making.  Hours felt like minutes.  Time had its own agenda tonight.  When he rolled off
of Tyler’s back, the sun was peeking over the horizon.  It cast a golden haze into the room and onto Tyler’s light brown hair.

Justin went to the bathroom to wash, and brought two bottles of water back to the bedroom with him.  When he got there, Tyler was sitting in the chair, putting on his boots.

“Where are you going?” Justin asked.

“Um.  I do
n’t know.  I thought . . .”

Justin handed Tyler a bottle of water.  He put his fingers through Tyler’s long hair and kissed him.  “Get that sweet little ass of yours back in bed.”


Justin stirred at the sound of the doorbell.  He stretched his arms over his head and smiled.  Last night was one of the best nights he had in a long time.
When he opened his eyes, he wasn’t alone.  Tyler was still in bed next to him, sleeping peacefully.  It was the first time someone had spent the night since David left.  The cold hollowed out center of Justin’s chest was unexpectedly warmed.  The vast emptiness of the king-sized bed was now cozy and comforting. Justin put his arm underneath Tyler’s neck and pulled him close.  Tyler snuggled into Justin’s chest, without opening his eyes.  It felt like heaven.

The doorbell rang again.  Justin knew it was Heather.  She showed up every Sunday morning on the pretense that she was taking him out to breakfast, but he knew that she really just wanted to hear about the guy he brought home the night before.  He didn
’t want to get out of bed.  He didn’t want Tyler to wake up.  He tried to ignore the doorbell, but it rang again.

picked his head up and smiled.  “Good morning, Delicious.  Expecting company?”

That’s Heather.”

Tyler abruptly sat up, brought his fingers to his cheek and opened his mouth wide with pretend shock.
“You’re married?”

Justin laughed. 
“Yeah, and my wife rings the doorbell.  Heather’s my best friend.”

Can I meet her?”

Can I stop you?”

No.”  Tyler slipped on his leather pants and ran to answer the door.

Heather!” he exclaimed, as if she was his long lost best friend, and kissed her on both cheeks.  “Justin never told me you were so gorgeous!”

She let out a small laugh. 
“And you are?”

I’m Tyler.  You mean he didn’t tell you about me?”

No,” she answered with hesitation, unaware that he was joking.

Justin joined them at the door, unable to wipe the smile from his face. 
“Hi, sweetie.  He’s only teasing.  I met Tyler last night.”

It was no surprise that Heather took a strong liking to Tyler right away.  She flaunted over him and ran her hands around his slender waist and through his long wavy hair. 
It bothered Justin that she lavished Tyler with so much attention.  She just met him.  But it wasn’t long before Tyler had him giggling again, and he invited Tyler to join them for breakfast.

Really?” Tyler asked.  “You want to take me to breakfast?” He was surprised and touched by the invitation.

Sure. Let’s go.”  He winked at Tyler.  “I’m hungry.”

The moment they met, Justin knew that this wasn
’t going to be just another one-night stand.


Chapter Six:

Heather knew Peter was instantly turned off by Tyler
’s appearance.  It was Tyler’s ultra-tight leather pants which exposed his navel and most of his abdomen and sometimes, the crack of his ass, that Peter found repulsive.  Peter tried to slip out of the room to avoid an introduction, but Heather caught him by the arm and introduced him anyway.

Tyler immediately fawned over Peter. 
“Oh, my, you’re a handsome one!” he said, touching Peter’s arm.

Peter shied away and barely returned a greeting.  Heather smirked at him.  He was being rude and she was embarrassed by his behavior.

Justin giggled and pulled Tyler away.  “OK, that’s enough.  Let’s not scare off Heather’s husband.”

I was just being friendly,” Tyler replied.

It’s OK,” Peter said, but Heather knew he was lying.

Are you coming to the movies with us?” Tyler asked him.

No.  I’m not into chick flicks. It was nice to meet you.  Have fun.”

Peter was dismissing Tyler
and again, Heather smirked at him.  Now she was annoyed.

Well, we’ll miss you,” Tyler said.  “Next time we’ll go see something else so you can come with.  Goodbye, Handsome.”


For the rest of the night, Heather’s thoughts returned to Peter’s ill-mannered behavior, and she wondered what got into him.  When she got home, she asked him about it, and he rolled his eyes at her.

What?” she asked.

Peter hesitated. 
“I don’t want you to get mad.”

I knew you didn’t like Tyler, but why?”

It’s just that he’s so . . . gay.”

Heather threw her head back and laughed. 
“Yes, that’s the right word to describe Tyler.  But don’t be rude to him.  He’s very sweet and very funny and he makes Justin happy.  Give him a chance.  You’ll get used to him.”

The more she thought about it, the more it troubled her.  Why would Peter have to get use
d to Tyler?  Why would Tyler’s flamboyance bother Peter?  That stuff never bothered him before.

It brought back memories of a past
relationship, to someone who deceived her, someone who pretended to accept her relationship with Justin, but who secretly planned to end their friendship. It was her ex-fiancée. “Move far enough away so we never have to see that fucking faggot again,” was how he put it. Luckily, she overheard him in the next room and foiled his plan. She confronted him and flung her engagement ring at him. It hit him square in the face and made a large gash under his eye.  He lunged at her and put his hands around her throat, but she wasn’t scared.  She stood tall and fought back with indignation.

She wondered if Peter was calculating a similar plan, or if he only pretended to like Justin
, and his true feelings were finally surfacing.


Whenever Tyler came to the house, there was always some task Peter had to do in the garage or some errand that couldn’t wait.  The more Peter avoided Tyler, the more Tyler tried to befriend him.

Heather was mortified at Peter
’s disrespect and she warned him to curtail his rudeness, but he didn’t listen.  As soon as she told him that Justin and Tyler were on their way over, Peter started trimming the hedges in the yard.  It infuriated her, but she wasn’t about to start a fight with Peter when Justin and Tyler were due to arrive any minute.  She chose to let it go – for now.

Tyler sauntered in wearing the most exquisite pair of snakeskin hip-huggers she ever saw, and she immediately complimented him on them.

“Genuine boa,” Tyler said.  He jutted his hip out in her direction.  “Feel.”

She ran h
er hand over the smooth leather and her fingers accidentally slid across his left buttock.  She gave it a playful squeeze.  “You got a hard little butt there, Tyler.”

He put his hand to his lips with mock embarrassment.

“What are you two doing?” Justin asked, with a laugh.

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