Jennie's Joy (17 page)

Read Jennie's Joy Online

Authors: Kate Britton

“That was different, darling. I didn’t care about Denise the way I care about you. I promise you, nobody will ever touch you.”

“I hope I can believe that, Mick.”

“You can, baby.”

Jennie took a deep breath. “All right, Mick, I believe you.”

“Good.  We’
re going for a little helicopter ride, Jennie…”

“Oh.  Can I ask where, or is it a surprise?”

“Vegas.  We’re going to Vegas.  Staying at the Bellagio.  We’ll leave from there for Mexico on Friday.  We’ll do a little gambling, see some shows…and I’ll let you shop till you drop at the wonderful boutiques in Vegas, Jennie.  You deserve it.  You were a very good girl today, so far…”

They went up to the roof, and walked to the waiting helicopter.  They were in Vegas within an hour and a half. 
Jennie had never been in a helicopter before, and she was scared at first, but she held Mick’s hand tightly and he saw her fear, and put his arm around her, and held her close, and held her hand, and soon she began to enjoy it.

They landed at the Bellagio and were taken to a suit
e beyond Jennie’s wildest dreams.  It had its own dining room, a living room, two wonderful bathrooms and a bedroom with the largest bed she’d seen in her life.  The art was amazing. The furniture was antique.  They were high up a tower, and the view was incredible. 

stood at a window, looking down twenty odd stories, at all the neon lights.  Mick came up behind her and unzipped her dress, and untied the halter top.  It fell into a puddle at her feet. He put his hands on her hips and pushed her panties down, down, and she stepped out of them, and out of her high heeled sandals.  He stood behind her, fully clothed, and turned her around to face him.

“Step closer to me,
Jennie, like you did the night we met.” he told her.

stepped closer, and put her hands on his shoulders, and as he had that first night, his hand came down between her legs, and his other hand held her ass just where he wanted her and he plunged two fingers up her cunt and fucked her with his hand and kissed her hard, his tongue invading her mouth as his fingers invaded her body.  Her hands were on his shoulders, but then she moved one hand down and put it on Mick, and he was hard, hard and huge…

And this time he didn
’t use his hand until she came, he picked her up and carried her to the bed, and then he undressed, and his head went straight between her legs and he sucked her, and ate her, and licked her and flicked her hooded little nub until she came and came and came…and then he entered her, and thrust into her, long and hard, deeper and deeper, faster and faster, deeper, faster until they both came together and he collapsed on top of her.  And they fell asleep like that, for several hours.

It was dark when they woke.
Jennie picked their clothes up and hung them in the wardrobe, and they showered together in a stall big enough for five, and then, dressed in wonderfully soft terry robes, they sat on their balcony looking at the lights of Vegas.

There was a discreet knock at the door, and
Mick answered it.  A bell hop came in with their bags from Beverly Hills, and another bag, a garment bag that Jennie had not seen before.







glanced at his watch.  It was nine o’clock.  He handed Jennie her dress, and he put on his suit, and they went down to the lobby.  A limousine was waiting for them.  It took them to the Marriage License Bureau. Jennie looked at Mick.  He was smiling down at her, a little anxiously.  “You are going to be a good girl, aren’t you, Jennie, and deny me nothing?

smiled at him. “What do you want me to do, Mick?”

“Marry me, Jennie.  I want you to marry me.”

Jennie gasped, and then smiled softly.

“I can do that, Mick.  I can marry you.”

they got their marriage license and the limousine took them back to the Bellagio, and Jennie found herself ushered along to a beautiful dressing room.  Hanging in the room was the mysterious garment bag.

A maid was there to help
Jennie dress.  She unzipped the bag.  Inside was a wonderful confection of satin and lace, strapless, beaded with seed pearls.  It fit perfectly.  There was a card. 


“Dear Jennie

                            I will be your stylist for the Avengers film. Mick asked me to get you the most wonderful Wedding Gown I could find at such Short Notice.  He hasn’t seen it, he said it is bad luck for a bridegroom to see the wedding dress before he marries his love, and he intends for your marriage to last for the rest of your lives…

                            I am the only person who knew Mick’s plans and he threatened me on pain of death to be very discreet.  He loves you so much, his eyes just shine when he talks of ‘his little Jennie’. I look forward to meeting the woman who finally brought Mick               Gerrard to his knees… proposing of course…


                                                                                    Sylvia Simpson


Jennie smiled to herself. Mick’s strained request, standing in front of the Marriage License Bureau, was hardly a romantic proposal on bended knee. But it would do…it would definitely do.

The chapel at the Bellagio was stunning, and romantic. Charles and
Deana appeared as if by magic. Deana had flown in on a commercial flight, arriving just hours after the press conference.  Mick had summoned them both to be in the Bellagio by half past ten, dressed for a formal dinner and had booked them into a suite. As Rachel had told Jennie, Charles always fucked Mick’s leading ladies, and Deana was no exception.  And Charles would need Deana, after this little surprise.

They were in their living
room when Mick came to get them, in a wonderful black suit.  He led them down to the Wedding Chapel with no explanation. 

Jennie walked down the aisle in that beautiful wedding gown, Charles found he had the biggest hard-on of his life, she was so stunning, and so sensual, and he could not get the thought of her naked tits and ass out of his mind. 

was caught up in the romance of the moment, and squeezed Charles’s hand, and he knew that in the mood Deana was in, he would be able to get her to do anything later, anything that Sin City could provide.  But he was sure she didn’t taste like Jennie…

Charles thought he should have seen it coming, the way
Mick was so possessive, and behaved as if Jennie belonged to him.  And when Jennie promised to love honour and
Mick, he was sad for her, because he feared Mick would make her do many things she would not like.

The ring
Mick slipped onto Jennie’s finger was the largest diamond solitaire that Charles had ever seen.

But Charles was wrong. 
Mick had indeed staged the ‘rehearsal’ on the plane so that Jennie would know what it was like to be watched when she was performing intimate acts with him, for the film. 

, watching Charles watch Jennie, had made the decision that Jennie, if she chose to do another film, would only do one with him…he would be her only leading man, publicly and privately. Mick couldn’t stand the thought of anyone else touching his Jennie. Especially now, now that he’d made her his wife.

The Wedding Chapel had a photographer who had taken many wonderful pictures of
Mick and Jennie, in her beautiful wedding gown.

had them emailed to Geoffrey, a present for being gracious about letting Jennie leave on Monday.

It was also a very fitting way to show Geoffrey that he’d never have Jennie.

His accompanying note gave Geoffrey the Rights to their wedding pictures, to use in the magazine the following Saturday. Jennie assured him Geoffrey could include them in that issue.

Mick smirked to himself as he pressed
on the email.
A present for being gracious, and to let Geoffrey know he would never have Jennie

Because the Bellagio had made all the arrangements, discretion was assured.  “
Women of Britain
” magazine would have the exclusive pictures of the wedding. 

Dinner was in
Mick and Jennie’s suite, romantic, the best of the best…

And after Charles and
Deana left, Mick tenderly undressed Jennie and carried her into the bedroom, and laid her in the middle of their huge bed, and made sweet, caring, tender love to her. He was gentle, unhurried. He filled Jennie with joy. 

Mick looked
down at her as they prepared finally to sleep…

“Thank you,
Jennie, for honouring me by becoming my wife.  I truly will cherish you and protect you, and I will love you for the rest of my life…”

Tears came to
Jennie’s eyes.  “Mick, this is the first time you’ve told me you love me…”

“I love you,
Jennie. I love you more than I thought possible…”

“I love you, too,
Mick, and I promise to be the best wife you can have and I will love and cherish you for the rest of my life,” and then she smiled, “…and I’ll try to obey you sometimes, my darling.”

They both laughed, and kissed as they lay in each other
’s embrace, drifting off to sleep.

Charles took full advantage of
Deana’s mood.

“I want to see you naked, baby, and playing with yourself…”

Deana’s eyes gleamed. 

Charles undid
Deana’s dress and slid it off her lovely body.  She had nothing on underneath. 

He stood behind her and massaged her tits, pinching the nipples hard and then rubbing his palm softly over them as he
’d seen Mick do to Jennie on the plane.

“Oh, Charles, that
’s so erotic...” 

Then he parted her legs, and pressed her against the plate glass window, twenty five stories up,
facing out, looking down and finger fucked her from behind, until she came and came and came…

”Oh, Charles…ohmygod…”

Then he lay her on the floor in front of the fire, and ate her, “Oh, Charles, Oh Charles…oh baby…oh my word”… then he swung on top of her, and unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out of his pants, and held it just above her lips…

ive it to me Charlie…I want to suck that cock of yours…give it to me….” Deana loved to suck cock and Charles’s was a good size…not nearly as impressive as Mick’s but not bad, not bad…

Then he took his clothes off and fucked
her hard, and harder and harder, pretending to himself she was Jennie. 

loved it…She climaxed again and again.

“Charlie,” she told him languidly as she reached for his cock yet again, to suck it, and placed his hand on her cunt so that he could finger fuck while she sucked, “I don’
t know who’s been giving you lessons, but your grade as a lover just went from ‘fun’ to ‘best in class’…”

There was a knock at their door.

“Ah, that will be the two young ladies I invited to join us, Deana. I know you like a little variety, and they are supposed to be very beautiful…one is very blond, and the other is very dark. I wanted you to have your pick.”

“You mean you want to see me with both these young ladies, don’t you, Charlie?”

“I do, Deana, I do. I understand you like it…”

“I do, Charlie. I have only one condition…”

“What’s that baby?”

“That you only fuck me…”

“That’s a given, Deana. But I want to see them making love to you, both of them.”

“Oh, Charlie, I’m in for a wonderful night, aren’t I?”

“You are, baby, you are…” Charles got up and let the call girls in.

and Jennie spent the next three days as tourists.

’m afraid, Jennie that this will have to do for a honeymoon until the film is finished.” Mick told her.

had smiled up at him, “Mick, my life with you is a honeymoon,” and she had kissed him.

Sex had changed between them. It wasn’t ever frenetic anymore. Mick knew he had the rest of their lives now, and he became more relaxed.
He was no less attentive, and still fucked her hard, but somehow, he seemed more content now they were married.

It was even more satisfying to both of them.

He took her shopping and bought her sundresses and sandals and sexy underwear and jewellery, and evening gowns, and bikinis. When she tried to tell him that she had enough,
! he laughed at her and told her she’d need all of these beautiful clothes in Mexico.

When she tried to tell him he was spending too much money, he laughed at her, delighted at her concern, and he showed her, online, just how very much money they had. She stopped worrying about her million pound necklace, and let him buy for her to his heart’s content.

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