Read Jessen & Richter (Eds.) Online
Authors: Voting for Hitler,Stalin; Elections Under 20th Century Dictatorships (2011)
approval rates of 99 or 100 per cent are not only implausible, but they also
suffer from a kind of performative self-contradiction since they signal
complete consensus even though modern electoral technology is supposed
to guarantee
voting that is detached from collective ties. Indeed, one can regard elections as a symbolic representation of the postulated
unity of Party, state and people, but they tell us little about the degree to
which the population believed in their legitimacy. Rather, they are an
indicator of conformism and the extent to which the population was pre-
pared to take part in a ritual demonstration of loyalty. In this respect, this
would concord with the thesis of Zaslavsky and Brym who argue with
respect to the Soviet Union that: “Elections buttress the regime—not by
legitimizing it, but by prompting the population to show that the
of its ‘democratic’ practice has been accepted and that no action to undermine it will be forthcoming” (Zaslavsky and Brym, 1978, 371).
Consensus und Discipline
Even under democratic, constitutional conditions in which elections are a
credible instrument of political participation, they nevertheless have ele-
ments of discipline. This is true, on the one hand, in the sense that the
establishment of elections means that non-institutionalized forms of pro-
test and representation lose their legitimacy (Bertrand et al., 2007b, 12). On
the other hand, the technology of the modern electoral process promotes
the rationalization of political forms of articulation and demands from the
electorate a controlled, disciplined behavior: they have to accept the elec-
toral procedure and follow the strict time frame of the election process.
The registration of the electorate and the control of their franchise depend
on reliable identification and recording processes. It is no coincidence that
modern suffrage has become more widespread at the same time as “the
standardizing omnipotence of bureaucracy” (Geisthövel 2008, 25). There is
also a close link between literacy and suffrage, and in the past illiterate sec-
tions of the population were often either in effect, or sometimes also le-
gally excluded from elections (Bertrand et al. 2007 b, 11). The extent to
which elections and suffrage were used to exclude whole groups of people
can be seen in the long history of the struggle for universal and equal suf-
frage. In many countries it was not until well into the 20th century that
voting restrictions based on class, wealth, occupation, education, religion,
race, and gender were finally abolished and the political rights of citizens
were extended to all (Marshall 1964). The right to vote created the disci-
plined citizen, who in voting demonstrated his or her belief in legitimacy
and their membership of the political community. Those in the 19th cen-
tury who were of a liberal mindset saw suffrage as having an integrating
and disciplinary effect. The New York politician Henry Ward Beecher
declared, for example, in the 1860s that “to have an ignorant class voting is
dangerous […]; but to have an ignorant class and not have them voting, is
a great deal more dangerous” (quoted in Wilder 2000, 79).
However, even if the technology of elections has always been con-
nected with elements of behavioral discipline, in 20th century dictatorships
this assumed a completely new quality and became one of its main func-
tions. Regimes of both the right and left took advantage of one of the
constitutive characteristics of modern electoral technology, namely the
public organization of the elections while at the same time systematically
annulling the corresponding confidentiality of the individual act of voting.
Thus, since participation in an election without choice was public and
became conventionalized as the duty of a citizen, elections were easily able
to be made into a litmus test of obedience (Zaslavsky and Brym 1978, 368;
Hermet 1978 b, 15). As Paul Corner highlights in his article in this volume,
the disciplinary effect of the election did not depend on the actual opinion
I N T R O D U C T I O N : N O N - C O M P E T I T I V E E L E C T I O N S 25
of the voters, but rather on their public cooperation: “Political conviction
took second place to
behavior. What was important was that the
individual had to
be seen
to be part of the collective effort; inner thoughts were less important.” The Fascists merely expected everyone to behave as
if they believed in Fascism—even if this was not the case. What was
important was “
manifestations of conformity with the common pur-
pose” (Corner). Therefore, the ruling Party and the state authorities put a
huge amount of effort into getting the electorate to the ballot box. In the
GDR, for example, inquiries were carried out before the elections to ascer-
tain who was likely to refuse to vote or would use the voting booth. In
individual and group discussions those citizens who were regarded as sus-
pect, such as the clergy, would be persuaded and pressed into going to
vote—sometimes by exerting pressure, but sometimes by using incentives
(see Richter in this volume). Jan T. Gross has interpreted the forced par-
ticipation in the first Soviet elections in occupied East Poland in October
1939 as a public humiliation ritual that was designed to have a long-term
damaging effect on the self-respect of the people as well as their belief in
“In such a spectacle we are all shown to each other engaged in an act of betrayal of our own beliefs for fear of sanction. What expectations of loyalty can one hold
from such tainted prospective associates? And then, in the end, nobody can be
sure who was in earnest, or to what degree. After the October elections the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the Western Ukraine and Western
Belorussia had lost their innocence. They had made a contribution. They were, as of then, implicated. For the only interpretation which makes sense of the otherwise absurd herding of the people into pre-election meetings and then voting booths,
lies in the recognition that Soviet authorities never sought
from the population in their custody or
only complicity.” (Gross 1986, 29).
Despite the moral tone of the language, this is an important observation
that can explain why the grotesque approval rates of 99 per cent despite
their implausibility had the effect of greatly stabilizing the system. In his
study on “Private Truths, Public Lies” Timur Kuran has analyzed this as
“preference falsification”, and David T. Smith has followed this up with
his study on elections in the
Soviet Union (Kuran 1995; Smith 2006). A picture of general approval was nevertheless generated
because citizens whose private opinion did not concur with the politics of
the regime still signalized conformity in the context of the public ritual of
the elections in order not to be conspicuous and thus attract sanctions.
This public impression in turn motivated other people to also behave in a
conformist manner. “Thus the populace itself perpetuated Communism”
(Smith 2006, 19).
Bottom-Up Communication: Loyalty and Dissent
Even if voters had no real opportunity to participate, they usually had
some options to act: they could or could not take part in election meetings,
go to the polls, enter the voting booth, cast their vote. The voters had
more or less three options: active acceptance combined with an inner
identification, passive acceptance or open rejection.
Active acceptance and a huge willingness to identify with the regime
can be seen in the example of National Socialist Germany when the 1933
November elections reflected the euphoria of large sections of the German
population in the wake of the successful seizure of power by the National
Socialist movement. The Soviet elections also show indications of an inner
willingness to comply on behalf of some parts of the electorate—for exam-
ple, when conformist citizens used the ballot papers to write down patri-
otic slogans or hymns to the Soviet Union (Carson 1955, 75; see Merl and
Bohn in this volume). Even if it is very difficult to assess how widespread
and representative such expressions were, it seems as if in this respect
there was a significant difference between
dictatorships of National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union, and regimes that were
established by means of Soviet external pressure.
As a rule, the majority of voters completed the state ceremony of the
election as designated by the authorities: they voted for the nominated
candidates on the single-list, put the ballot paper into the ballot box with-
out changing it and without using the voting booths, which had been set
up as a matter of pro forma (Dietrich 1966, 816; Bohn, 10 and 17, this
volume; Bienert 2008). It was a similar story with respect to the plebiscites
that were held in Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany. Indeed, the
voters in this context did formally have the choice of ticking “yes” or “no”,
or in Italy they could either put the “yes” slip in the national colors of Italy or the gray “no” paper into the see-through ballot box in full public view
(see Fimiani in this volume). The barrage of propaganda, scare tactics, and
public pressure that surrounded the whole staging of the elections, as well