John Quincy Adams (52 page)

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Authors: Harlow Unger

and Texas, independence of
and treason, congressional charges of
and Treaty of Ghent
and trip home from France
and trip to England
and trip to federal capital (New York)
and trip to federal capital (Philadelphia)
and trip to France (as child)
and trip to Quincy, to visit aging father
and trip to Quincy, to visit parents
and trip to Russia
and trip to Silesia
and trip to St. Petersburg
and union, dissolution of
at University of Leyden
as U.S. senator
as U.S. senator, and disagreements with colleagues
as U.S. senator, resignation of
and War of 1812,
and Washington, George, retirement of
and weights and measures, system of
and wife and family, separation from
and wife's family, bankruptcy in
and wife's presidential campaign work
and XYZ dispatches
and Yale College
Adams, John Quincy(grandson of John Quincy Adams)
birth of
Adams, Joseph(son of Joseph Adams Jr.)
Adams, Joseph, Jr. (great-grandfather of John Quincy Adams)
Adams, Louisa Catherine (daughter of John Quincy Adams)
birth of
death of
Adams, Louisa Catherine (granddaughter of John Quincy Adams)
Adams, Louisa Catherine (née Johnson; wife of John Quincy Adams) (photo)
and Adams, Abigail, relationship between
in Berlin
as cabinet wife
as cabinet wife, and Tuesday evening receptions
children of (
Adams, Charles Francis; Adams, George Washington; Adams, John; Adams, Louisa Catherine)
as congressional wife
and cosmetics, husband's disapproval of
death of
and death of husband
and death of son
and death threats against husband
and depression of husband
and family bankruptcy
and family reunion after six years abroad
as first lady(photo)
as grandparent
and housing, in Washington
and husband, and disapproval of cosmetics
and husband, and presidential campaign
and husband, and presidential defeat
and husband, and return to politics, dismay regarding
and husband, death of
and husband, death threats against
and husband, depression of
and husband, private secretary to
and husband, separation from
illness of
and Johnson, Thomas
marital estrangement of
and marriage, fiftieth anniversary of
marriage of
miscarriages of
and presidential campaign work
and silk worms, breeding, as first lady
and social life, in London
and social life, in St. Petersburg
and social life, in Washington
and son, death of
and sons, separation from
in St. Petersburg
and support for sister's orphaned children
and trip from St. Petersburg to France
and trip home from St. Petersburg
and trip to Russia
and trip to Silesia
and Tuesday evening receptions, as cabinet wife
and weekly receptions, as first lady (photo)
Adams, Mary Louisa (granddaughter of John Quincy Adams)
Adams, Thomas Boylston (son of John Adams)
and alcoholism
birth of
death of
and French Revolution
in The Hague, as aid to brother
at Harvard College
Adams farm(photo)
Adams Strip(map).
See also
Adams-Onis Treaty (aka Transcontinental Treaty)
Adet, Pierre August
Alden, John
Alexander I,
and Johnson, Catherine “Kitty,”
as mediator in War of 1812
and Oregon coast
Alien and Sedition Acts
American Revolution
beginnings of
and peace treaty (1783)
See also
Breed's Hill, battle at; Bunker's Hill, Battle of
justices of
Anglo-American conflict
and reconciliation
Anglo-American treaty of commerce and maritime law
Anglo-French War
and Russia
See also
France; Napoleonic Wars
Antoinette, Marie
Articles of Confederation
Astronomical observatories
Babeuf, François Noël
Bache, Benjamin Franklin
Baldwin, Roger Sherman
Barbé Marbois, Marquis François de
Bayard, James
Bellamy, Monsieur
Bentham, Jeremy
Benton, Thomas Hart
Blanchard, Jean-Pierre
Bonhomme Richard
Boston Harbor(map)
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
extension of western, to Pacific Ocean
fixing northern, with Canada
See also
Adams Strip
Bourne, Sylvanus
Boylston, Nicholas
Boylston, Thomas
Boylston, Zabdiel
Breed's Hill, battle at.
See also
American Revolution
Brooks, Abigail.
Adams, Abigail “Abby”
Bunker's Hill, Battle of (photo).
See also
American Revolution
Bunker's Hill Monument (photo)
Burr, Aaron, Jr.
and Chase, Samuel, impeachment of
and Hamilton, Alexander, duel with, and murder indictment
as U.S. senator, resignation of
Calhoun, John C.(photo)
and Floridas, acquisition of
and Great Britain, military alliance with
and national scientific institution
and nullification
and presidential election (1824)
as secretary of war
as U.S. senator
as vice president
Canning, Stratford
Castlereagh, Lord
and Anglo-American reconciliation
Catherine II
Chase, Samuel, impeachment of
Cinque (Congolese chief) (photo)
Civil war, prediction of
Clay, Henry(photo)
and Adams, John Quincy, death of
and Adams-Onis treaty
and Anglo-American treaty of commerce and maritime law, negotiations for
and Floridas, and Jackson, Andrew
and Great Britain, military alliance with
and nullification
and presidential election (1824)
and presidential election (1824), and “corrupt bargain” charges
and presidential election (1824), and shift of votes to Adams, John Quincy
and presidential election (1828)
and presidential election (1832)
as secretary of state
as secretary of state, and leave of absence
as Speaker of the House
and War of 1812, commission to negotiate end to
Clayton, Augustus Smith
Clinton, George
as vice president
Colonization in Americas
Committee of Friends of the Right to Petition
Common Sense
Congressional obstructionism
Continental Army
Continental Congress
Crawford, Susanna
Crawford, William H.(photo)
and Monroe, James, rage against
and presidential election (1824)
as secretary of the Treasury
The Crisis
Crowninshield, Benjamin, as secretary of the navy
Cushing, William
Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé
Dana, Francis (photo)
Deane, Barnabas
Deane, Jesse
Deane, Silas
Dearborn, Henry
Decatur, Stephen
Declaration of Independence
Democrats as new party
Dermot MacMorrogh
(John Quincy Adams)
Dickens, Charles
Drayton, William
Dueling, ban on
The Education of Henry Adams
(Henry Adams)
Emancipation Proclamation
Embargo Act
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Everett, Alexander
Everett, Edward
Fauchet, Jean-Antoine-Joseph
Federal capital (New York)
Federal capital (Philadelphia)
Federal capital (Washington).
Washington (capital city)
Ferdinand VII
First Continental Congress.
Continental Congress
Fletcher, Robert
Floridas, U.S. acquisition of
Force Bill
Forsyth, John
and Great Britain, war with
and United States, and threat of war with
See also
Anglo-French War; French Revolution; Napoléon I; Napoleonic Wars
Franco-American alliance
Franco-American treaty of 1778
Franklin, Benjamin(photo)
and Declaration of Independence
as emissary to France
and Great Britain, peace treaty (1783) with
guardianship responsibilities of
in Paris
personal/social life of
Frederick William II
Frederick William III
Free speech
French Revolution
and American support, erosion of
and Napoléon I
and Robespierre, Maximilian
See also
Fulton, Robert
Gag Rule
Gaines, Edmund
Gales, Joseph
Gallatin, Albert
and Anglo-American treaty of commerce and maritime law, negotiations for
and War of 1812, commission to negotiate end to
Gardoqui, Joseph
Genet, Edmond(photo)
George II, and Jay Treaty
George Washington University
Gerry, Elbridge
Ghent, Treaty of.
Treaty of Ghent
Great Britain
and colonization in Americas
and France, war with
and French Revolution
and United States, military alliance with
and United States, peace treaty (1783) with(
see also
Jay Treaty; Treaty of Ghent)
and United States, unsettled issues between
See also
American Revolution; Anglo-American conflict; Anglo-French War; War of 1812
Haas, Philip
Hamilton, Alexander
and Burr, Aaron, Jr., duel with
and French Revolution
as inspector general and second in command
and presidential election (1800)
and whiskey rebellion
Hammond, George
Hancock, John
Harrison, William Henry
death of
Hartley, David
Harvard College(photo)
Hauteval, Lucien
Haverhill petition.
See also
Petition, right of
Hayne, Robert
Hellen, Nancy
Hellen, Walter
Hopkinson, Joseph
Hottinger, Jean Conrad
Howard, Benjamin Chew
Jackson, Andrew(photo)
and Adams, John Quincy, as president, ridicule of
and congressional obstructionism
and Floridas, acquisition of
as governor of Florida, resignation of
and Harvard University, honorary degree from
and national scientific institution
and New Orleans, Battle of
and nullification
as president
and presidential election (1824)
and presidential election (1824), and “corrupt bargain” charges
and presidential election (1828)
and presidential election (1828), victory in
and presidential election (1832)
and Texas, independence of
Jackson, Rachel
Jarvis, Russell
Jay, John
and Great Britain, peace treaty (1783) with(
see also
Jay Treaty)
in Paris
Jay Treaty
Jefferson, Thomas (photo)
and Adams, John, death of
and Adams, John Quincy
and Adams, John Quincy, dinners with
and Anglo-French War
and Chase, Samuel, impeachment of
death of
and Declaration of Independence
and French Revolution
and Great Britain, military alliance with
and Louisiana Purchase
and Monroe, James
and nullification
in Paris
as president
and presidential election (1800), victory in
resignation of
and Supreme Court, attempt to alter Federalist bias on
Jenkinson, Charles (earl of Liverpool)
Johnson, Catherine “Kitty,”
and Alexander I
marriage of
Johnson, Catherine “Kitty” (sister of Louisa Catherine Adams [née Johnson])
Johnson, George
Johnson, Joshua
Johnson, Louisa Catherine.
Adams, Louisa Catherine
Johnson, Thomas
in Berlin
Jones, John Paul
Jones, William
Kennedy, John F.
Key, Francis Scott
King, Rufus

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