Kade: Santanas Cuervo MC (14 page)

Read Kade: Santanas Cuervo MC Online

Authors: Kathryn Thomas


He knelt at the edge of the bed and kissed her gently, his lips and tongue softly caressing her womanhood. Her gasps, pants and slow, erotic writhing were putting him on edge in serious way. He could feel his heart hammering, his cock throbbing with every beat. Taking a deep breath, trying to slow his galloping desires, he gently teased her open with his tongue.


He flicked her button with his tongue several times, then pressed firmly as he slowly lapped at her. The slow, firm pressure was just what she needed and she could feel her orgasm forming up. She drew her legs up and curled a leg around his head to pull him in tighter. His arms snaked around her hips as he began to tease her harder and faster, each stroke of his tongue sending pleasure coursing through her and pushing her closer to rapture. The feel of his tongue and lips, the way he moved, his soft gasps and moans as if he were enjoying the finest meal made her feel aglow with desire. He tipped her hips back slightly as he pressed in harder still, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. She gasped as his tongue darted and slithered into all her, burying her in cascading waves of ecstasy.


Her leg tightened down even more and he released her hips, his hands slithering up her body to caress her breasts before gently pinching the nipples between finger and thumb. She jerked once and gasped, then jerked again as he continued to caress her with tongue and fingers.


Her orgasm took her, stealing control of her body, her breathing stopping as she spasmed and her body tingled with erotic energy. She could do nothing save endure her bliss, unable to breathe, every muscle straining as she froze with pleasure. With a hard gasp then a soft sigh her climax faded and she could breathe again, her body once again hers to control.


As she relaxed he slowly pulled back, gradually reducing the intensity of his kisses. He was a bit disappointed he hadn’t given her a harder orgasm, but as he began to kiss up her body, he realized she looked devastated, her eyes closed and a small smile on her lips. As he took her lips, she kissed him lazily, taking a deep breath then letting it out slowly.


“God, I needed that,” she purred as he pulled back. She opened her eyes then smiled at him before she reached for him, unbuckling his belt and reaching inside. Her smiled widened as she slowly stoked him, his cock already slick with his desire. “Now you.”


He pulled back, and removed his pants, her eyes flicking from his face to his crotch, then back. She moved back in the bed as he stepped out of his pants, giving him room to join her. She took the condom from him and held it up for him to see. “Do we need this? I’m on the pill.”


He’d always been careful. “I haven’t been with anyone in almost four months. Not since Brittney.”


“That was your girlfriend?”




“Are you willing to risk it?” she asked, waggling the package. “It’s been seven months for me, and I want to feel you.”


He plucked the package from her fingers and tossed it to the floor, making her smile. She wasn’t stupid, but she hated using condoms because the delay often broke the mood for her. If she trusted Kade with her life, she trusted him not to pass her something she didn’t want.


She pushed him to his back then turned in the bed to drape herself across him, swinging a leg over his shoulders and settling. She wanted another taste of his wicked, wicked tongue to ramp her up again before she had him pound her through the bed. She took him into her mouth, slowly sliding him in as deep as she could take him, his groan of pleasure music to her ears.


Despite having taken care of himself once in her shower as he fantasized about her, her mouth and tongue was shredding him with pleasure. Her soft hip thrusts as he kissed her and her coos of delight as she kissed and stroked him were winding him tight. As he began to approach his orgasm, he rolled her off of him then turned in the bed. She smiled at him, opening herself to him, and he settled between her legs.


She expected him to enter her. He’d primed her by pleasing her with his mouth again, but he didn’t. He took his cock and, holding it in one hand, pressed the head against her pussy. He kissed her slowly, deeply, as he unhurriedly thrust, his cock sliding through her wetness. With each stroke, as the head caressed her clit, she felt a surge of longing, his gasps and groans making her blood roar in desire. She whimpered softly, her own need linked with his as they moved together, giving and taking the most basic pleasure.


He was losing the battle with his orgasm. Winter was a quiet fuck, but the way her face twisted and the way she moved in pleasure was deeply erotic. He couldn’t keep this up for much longer, the sensations too intense to endure. He slid his hand from between them and entered her lazily.


She gasped as he entered her, her legs wrapping around him and drawing him in deep. He kissed her, sucking softly on her bottom lip as he began to thrust leisurely and deep, wrapping her up as a hand slid under her head to hold her into the kiss, the other tangling in her hair. It was a deeply erotic and loving position, Kade propped on his elbows but holding her snuggly. He was the perfect size, large enough to fill and satisfy her, but not so large to hurt. She loved the feel of his weight and his warmth and his deep and erotic kiss he slowly made love to her.


He tucked his face into her neck, trying to fight the bloom of pleasure, but was able to override his need. He began to thrust harder, faster, his body taking what it desired. He tightened his embrace, struggling to hold against onslaught of his impending orgasm but knowing it was hopeless.


She began to gasp, her orgasm linked to his. He was twisting up, his soft gasps as he panted into her neck and the tension in his muscles telegraphing his coming orgasm. He groaned, long low and deep as he exploded into motion, driving into her hard and fast, his embrace becoming crushing, but she wanted to be held tighter still, wrapping him in her own embrace and holding him tight.


With a hard lunge, he drove into her as he barked out his completion, shuddering with the power of his release, his legs driving, pushing himself into her as deep as possible.


She held him tight as possible as he tried to shove her up in the bed, his sudden hard and deep thrust as he splashed into her sending her tumbling over the edge. Her breathing stilled, her body at war with itself, she waited in sweet agony for the maelstrom of her climax to release her.


They sighed together as they relaxed out of their orgasms. He relaxed his embrace, but didn’t let her go. He needed this. He needed her embrace, her touch a balm on the ache of his loss. He lay still a moment as the heat of passion cooled, then softly kissed her neck, slowly working his way to her lips. They kissed lazily, stirring the embers of their desire as they basked in the warmth of their passion. He was going soft, but he began to thrust again, wanting to experience this moment as long as possible, feeling unexpectedly close to her.


She sighed deeply as he moved within her. She was done, her two hard orgasms quenching her need, but still enjoying the sensation of him inside her. As he returned to her neck, his lips leaving behind small flairs of pleasure, she smiled as her hands slowly caressed his back. His confidence had been well founded, indeed.


They snuggled, touching and kissing much while speaking little, their soft, lingering, touches serving in place of words. She was beginning to get drowsy, enjoying his unhurried and tender kisses on her breasts and stomach as he explored her at his leisure. As his kisses became deeper he moved between her legs as he kissed his way back to lips. The caress of his lips on hers was long and deep, a perfect companion to his unrushed insertion. As they moved together, her arms went around him, pulling him down into another drawn out kiss as she realized it was only eleven and she wasn’t sleepy at all.






“Good morning,” Kade murmured as Winter opened her eyes.


“Good morning to you,” she whispered, reaching up to pull him into a kiss.


His kiss was so warm and tender she could feel herself melting. Last night had been
, their second round of loving making so slow and tender she’d felt…she didn’t know what she felt, but it would be weeks before she’d be able to stop smiling about it.


She’d never been in a long-term relationship, but in her dreams, last night was how she imagined it would be. They hadn’t fucked; they’d made love, slow and sensual, drawing out their pleasure for hours. She’d only come once more, but oh,
, what an orgasm. He’d taken her in that one position, bundling her up secure and warm as he lay on her, looking into her eyes as he took her with unhurried strokes. And the way he
at her! Never had a man looked at her like that, his gaze intense, as if he were staring straight into her soul.


She’d ridden that wave of pleasure for what felt like forever, his measured pace setting her on edge and holding her there as his lips caressed her face, neck and lips. Finally, after a universe of pleasure, he’d started driving into her, his thrusts becoming more deliberate, his breathing harder and more ragged. He began to mutter of his impeding climax, how he could no longer stall his orgasm, and she thrilled in his erotic distress, his words twisting her up and making her feel wicked and sexy. His deep groan was her undoing, her climax taking her, stealing her breath as she as he pummeled her hard and fast, before crying out his own release.


Her orgasm had been so deeply satisfying she wanted nothing more but to be held so she could bask in the glow of their passion. He seemed to need that, as well, holding her as he panted into her neck, kissing her softly as she held her in his embrace, supporting his weight on elbows and knees, until she’d drifted into sleep. She’d never gone to sleep with a man inside her before, but wanted to again and again, the perfect ending to a perfect night.


He pulled back from the kiss and stared into her eyes. She had such beautiful eyes, eyes that called to him. He’d had his share of women, but he’d never experienced anything like he had with Winter. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her. He liked her quiet sexiness, and how her kisses were so warm, deep and erotic. He enjoyed watching her face crinkle in pleasure, the perfect picture of bliss, and as she was peaking, how it twisted with sweet agony.


“Let’s stay in bed all day,” she murmured as he slowly pulled back from the kiss.


“We have to go get your Jeep.”


“Forget the Jeep.”


“Tomorrow are the funerals. I have to be there,” he said softly.


She sighed. “I know, but last night was…”


He smiled as she paused, knowing how she felt. They had connected at a very deep level. “I know.”


She sighed. “I guess we should get up,” she said as she rolled over onto him, “but I don’t want to.”


He kissed her again. “What are you going to do when the core samples start coming in? You can’t spend all day in bed then.”


“All the more reason to do it now!”


He chuckled. “Scoot. It’s hard enough to get up as it is.”


“You don’t seem to be having any problem,” she purred as she reached under the sheet to slowly stroke him.


He let her play with him a moment. “Wait until tonight,” he murmured as he gently touched between her legs. “I have a few new things to show you.”


Her eyes closed as his finger gingerly caressed her. “Why don’t you show me now?”


He debated the idea. “I would love to, but I need to check on Duck and Big Dick,” he said, dragging his finger along her thigh, then leaned in close. “But later, when your lips are lonely, I’ll introduce them to mine.”


She smiled, liking the way that sounded. “Is that a promise?”


He crossed his heart then held up the Boy Scout salute.


“Were you ever a Scout?”


“No,” he admitted with a grin.


“I’m glad. I don’t want a Boy Scout tonight. I want someone to get dirty with me.”


He grinned. “Well, you are a geologist.”


She smiled wickedly. “That’s right, and I’m going to make you rock hard.”


He snorted out a chuckle as he tried to think of snappy comeback. He came up with nothing, so he settled for a lingering kiss. “You already have.”




They stopped for lunch in San Antonio, slightly more than halfway into their five-hour trip to Rio Bonita, and Kade took the opportunity to update the brothers on their expected arrival time. He didn’t like being at the mercy of Winter for transportation, so they were going to pick up her Jeep and bring his bike back in the bed of the Kelly Oil pickup he was driving. Before they retrieved her Jeep, though, he was going to get some muscle, just to be safe.


The big Ford clattered to a stop in the Santanás Curevo’s parking lot, falling silent among the bikes. “I’m dreading this,” he said softly.


She reached over and took his hand and gave it a squeeze. The closer to Rio Bonita they got, the quieter and more morose he’d become. “I know.”


They entered the clubhouse, the brothers coming forward to give him hugs and slaps on the back. Hooker, the club artist, had drawn a passible copy of the club raven on Duck’s cast, and Big Dick was hobbling around on crutches.


“How are you, brothers?” Kade asked.


“I’ll be fine,” Duck replied, “so long as the itching doesn’t drive me crazy.”


“Doctor said there’s no permanent damage.” He grinned at Winter. “They dug enough wood fragments from your RV out of me that I think I’ll build a side table.”


Winter giggled, her face twisting as if she might cry, as she stretched up to kiss him on the cheek. “I can never repay you for what you did. Kelly Oil will take care of all your medical bills. For both of you,” she added as she let him go.


“Is that her?” Toni snarled as she stomped toward them. “You have a lot of nerve coming here after what happened!”


“Toni,” Kade said as he stepped in front of the woman. “It’s not her fault.”


“Oh? Whose fault is it, then? Anders? Maybe it’s your fault! You dragged Anders into this! You knew he’d do anything you asked, and now he’s dead!”


“Toni, is it?” Winter asked as she stepped from behind Kade. “I’m terribly sorry for your loss. I know—”


“You don’t know shit!” Toni screamed. “My husband is dead because of you!”


“Toni, that’s enough,” Kade said, his tone becoming hard.


“Yeah? You’re taking her side over your family? Are you fucking her now, like you fucked the club? Well fuck you, Kade, and fuck that bitch, too! You both are to blame! Both of you! I fucking hate you both!” Toni screamed as several brothers and old ladies dragged her away.


Lilly stepped forward and took Winter’s hand. “I’m sorry. She’s upset. She knows it’s not your fault.”


Winter looked down, her heart cleaving for the woman. “Yeah,” she said softly. “Maybe I should go.”


“No,” Kade said firmly. “Lilly’s right. Toni is just upset. She’ll come around.”


“Winter, the problem is Toni’s, not yours,” Lilly said softly. “I know what she’s going through, but I also know Clint wouldn’t want me to blame you for what happened. She’s hurting badly right now, looking for someone to blame.”


“What about Juice’s wife?”


Lilly nodded. “She’s hurting, too. But she knows it’s not your fault.”


“Is she here?”


Lilly shook her head. “No. She didn’t think she could face anyone right now, but you can talk to her at the funeral tomorrow.”


“I need six men,” Kade said. “We’re going to get Winter’s Jeep.” Every man who could ride and whose old lady wasn’t there stepped forward and formed a group. Kade nodded. “I don’t expect trouble, but stay sharp.”




“Jesus,” Kade muttered as they stopped. The Jeep was still sitting where they left it two days before, but it certainly wasn’t in the same shape they left it. They opened the doors and stepped out of the truck.


Kade, Winter, and the nine brothers formed a cordon around the Jeep and Winter. It was a total write-off. While it was battered before, now it was nothing but scrap. There was a puddle of fluids under the vehicle where the oil and coolant had leaked out, part of the damage done with someone who had taken their anger and frustration out on the Jeep.


The Jeep was punctured with hundreds of holes, undoubtedly from an automatic weapon. There was no glass in the vehicle anymore, the interior was shredded, and all four tires were flat, but the worst of it was the bodywork. Kade shook his head. The Jeep was more holes than metal.


“I’ll give a buck fifty for it,” Tyler said, making the men chuckle.


“Generous offer,” Kade muttered as he scanned the area. “This thing’s scrap. Let’s get out of here before something happens. I’ll send someone out with a trailer to get it.”


Winter grimaced. “Let me know where it ends up so I can send the insurance guy. Dad is going to kill me. First the RV, now my Jeep.”


Kade chuckled. “Yeah. You can’t have anything nice, can you? Let’s go.”


“What now?” she asked as they rode back to Rio Bonita.


“Home, I guess. You drive the truck back and I’ll follow on the Harley.”


“Do you think I should stay away from the funeral tomorrow?”


“I think you should be there. Toni was out of line. Everyone knows it’s not your fault. If it’s anyone’s fault, It’s mine.”


“I don’t want to cause trouble.”


“Don’t back down,” Kade cautioned. “You’ve done nothing wrong and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. I expect you there, with your head held high, out of respect for what these men gave to you.”


Winter nodded. “Yes, you’re right. I was just taken aback by Toni.”


Kad pursed his lips. “She’s always run hot, but she’ll get over it. She just has to work out her feelings.”


As they entered Rio Bonita, brothers began peeling off until it was just Kade and Winter. They drove through town before Kade pulled into the drive of a small house sitting on a large lot perhaps a mile north and west of town. The house was a made from earth colored brick with a large two-car carport off to the side with his bike and a blue GMC pickup taking up space. The single interesting thing about the exterior house was the arched openings leading to the front porch. Farther back in the lot was a large, prefab metal building set off to the side with a gravel drive running to the large roll-up door.


She followed him to the side-door under the carport as he opened the house, then followed him into the kitchen. She glanced around, trying to get a sense of Kade from his house. The kitchen was small with tired, cheap, old-looking prefab cabinets and worn, blue vinyl flooring, but it was clean and tidy. His dining table was a nice piece, but looked out of place in its surroundings. She smiled. She’d never seen a house with wood paneling, much less with it in the kitchen.


“Make yourself at home,” he said as he moved deeper into the house, carrying their bags down the hall.


She followed him through a wide, arched door. The living room couldn’t have been more different. Where the kitchen was dull and drab, the living room was bright and sunny with a tile floor in mottled earth tones, cheery paint and simple but tasteful furniture with a large television sitting along one wall.


She continued down the hall. There were three closed doors on the left side of the hall. She didn’t want to seem nosy, so she followed him through the door on the right. Like the living room, his bedroom was bright and cheerful with taupe carpeting, a large bed, and simple yet stylish wood furniture. He disappeared, then she heard him in the bathroom. She waited until the toilet flushed before she entered. The bath confirmed what she suspected. The house was a work in progress.

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