Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (57 page)

The place brought back memories for Axil. This was the place he had to fight to survive as a child. Axil remembered when the audience used to cheer his name. “Yes, this is the place, where no man could stand against me. This was the place where murderers ran free; this was the place men killed for glory.”  Axil felt more connected to Albedo than the others. But unlike Albedo, he didn’t have to remember his past. He was envious of Albedo; he wished he too could forget the past.

They could only imagine the pain
Axil had to go through. They sat in silence for a wild.

A few minutes passed by and they could hear Angelione talking
while coming from the entrance.

“We have to get moving, it’s not safe here anymore.” He tried to avoid looking at Albedo as much as he could, after what happened. A war was now inevitable. This was the worst news Angelione wanted his king to hear.

Albedo now sense something ominous approaching, it was the queen. He could sense her now, he wondered what changed. “She’s coming!” 

Sonia wondered
who found them.

“It’s the queen.” Albedo was now using his Elder; from it he could sense the queen and some of her men. “She must have been following Axil and Dante.”
He also felt something different from her. “I think… she possesses the Elder.” Did she have her senses off when he had tried to sense her when he first met her? That would explain him not being able to sense anything from her before.

“You knew she possessed the Elder and now you’re telling us that?” said Angelione angrily.

“I had no clue until now. Her senses are like mine. It’s on and off at the same time.”

“We have to go now!” said Angelione.

Too late, they could hear footstep outside the arena, by now her men had surrounded them.

“She found us so quickly, we have to find a way to get out of here!” said Sonia.

Angelione grabbed his sword. “Listen to me! I will kill the queen, the rest of you find a way to get out of here! I will hold them as much as I can!”

None of them were willing to leave Angelione behind. He was determined to make them to leave, but they all refused.

The queen arrived at the entrance and made her way inside with her men. Next to her was a man wearing a red mask with the symbol X on it.

It’s him, one of the
. Albedo had remembered from them entering Inferno.

The man with the red mask took it off and had a smile on his face. “All of my enemies are in one place, except for one that is.”

Angelione and Sonia looked at each other. “Dmitri?  I thought you were working for Aleister.”

“Aleister, Aleister. I have no loyalty to anyone but myself. How long I’ve I wanted to kill him? But it doesn’t matter, because I will kil
l the second Kings of Awakening, you Albedo.”

“I see you haven’t learned from our last encounter,” said Albedo.

“So he was the one,” said Sonia. “Just like Samuel you have the ability to multiply.”

“So, you betrayed Aleister and now you’re a puppet of the Queen,” said Angelione.

“How can you betray something you were never loyal to?”

“Why did you bite the humans? What are you after?” asked Dante. He had remembered the humans he had examined. Their bite marks were different; Dmitri was after more than blood.

“I find their blood tasty and refreshing,” said Dmitri.
You fool; the humans’ blood will make me invincible.

The queen said, “Albedo, who could have guessed that y
ou’re one of Kings of Awakening?  I will do what other Kings could not do. I will end your cycle and bring an end to you!” She saw a weakness no other King had ever seen, this was her chance to do what others could not.

              “If you kill us, you will bring war to your land, you know of that. Do you really think you can defeat a High King?” said Sonia.

The queen was not worried; she knew the other Kings would aid her in battle. She started to laugh, “You already had sent a declaration of war by killing my son. By now the other Kings know of this secret, when they know about Victor’s deception, hiding a King of Awakening from us, his Kingdom will fall and mine will rise once again!”

Angelione saw an opening to attack her; if he jumps fast enough he could reach her, if lucky he could take her head. He looked around a second time, too many warriors, his team would not survive.

“Kill all of them now!”

Her men attacked, hundreds of them, against Angelione and his small team. As strong as they were, the number of the men was overwhelming for them. Men were coming from left to right. Albedo’s emotion started to get the better of him, he saw his friends were being overpowered by this many warriors. His eyes started to glow again… he was transforming again.

“Albedo, fight it!” yelled Sonia.





Albedo could fully transform, Aleister appeared in front of him. He placed his hand on his forehead and said, “Shattered!”  The transformation stopped, and Albedo was now unconscious once again. Aleister looked at Sonia and said, “Hey girl.”

Sonia looked at him.

“Take him back with you. I will handle the queen and her men, Dmitri as well.”

Sonia didn’t like the idea of taking help from Aleister, but what choice did they have? Even so where would they go? They were surrounded.

“Follow me, there’s an underground tunnel we can use that leads out of the city,” said Axil. As much as he hated this place, it was good to know he still remembered the hidden passage.

“I don’t like this idea of him helping us, but I suppose we have no choice,” said Angelione.

“Aleister, you’ve shown yourself at last,” said Dmitri.

Aleister placed his right hand in Dmitri’s direction, and flame came out, killing Dmitri.
one of his clones huh, coward

Angelione and his team made their way to the tunnel; the passage way was located underneath one of the seats.

“I won’t let you get away!” shouted the queen. Her men followed after them in the tunnel, but Aleister quickly disposed of them. His eyes glowing of light, Aleister had transformed to his full power.

As Sonia and her team made their way inside the tunnel, she looked back at Aleister

he said,
“Remember woman, he belongs with us, not with you.”

Sonia looked Aleister in the eye, she knew what he meant. With that, they left. Aleister released his fire and destroyed the path.

The queen was disappointed, but content. “It doesn’t matter if they take him with them, Aleister. I already won this battle, by now the other Kings know he’s one of you. They know of Victor’s betrayal against us, and now you will meet your end.”

Aleister started to laugh, “Are you talking about the letters you sent to them?
! Are you talking about the letters that are in my pocket?!” Aleister removed the letters from his pocket and burned them.

“Curse you, Aleister! You will pay for the chaos you caused in this world! I
possess the power of the Elder! We are now equal! Dmitri told me that you cannot control the Reawakening that well. Defeating you won’t be too hard to do.”

Aleister was insulted by the queen calling him her “equal” his power was at a level she could never imagine. “My equal? Don’t make me laugh. I possess more power in my hair than you do in your whole body. So don’t insult me you peasant, you are nothing compared to me. I’ve killed more Monarchs than you can count.” 

“I will not stand for this. I control thousands of men, killing you right now will be mere child’s game!” said the queen. The veins on her face made her look a thousand years older.

Yes you do possess the Elder, but from my indication
it’s nowhere near as powerful as a High King. Her level of power won’t be a problem for me to deal with.

Fifty of her men attacked Aleister; one by one they were reduced to ashes by him. Before their sword could reach
him, their bodies were eradicated from his flame.
Everything that happened was part of my master plan. I knew Dmitri would betray me one day. I knew Vincent was going to be sent to the Furness. The six High Kings are the only Purebloods who are strong enough to defeat me at this moment. So I had you fooled all along, thinking you had the upper hand. If you were smart, you should have brought your whole army with you
. With Aleister’s Reawakening, killing these men was nothing of a task.

The queen could no longer bear watching her men die,
so she intervened. She was gone, even without the Elder’s full power she was still very fast.  “I am much stronger than I look Aleister.” 

Aleister caught her fist before it could reach his face. She had moved so fast it was almost as if she had teleported.
Her Elder is premature but it still gives her that edge, she has yet to learn its full secrets and unlock its lighting
. “I have a power that surpasses the Elder itself,” smiled Aleister.

“O really?” said the queen.

Her punches were getting faster, but Aleister block all of them. She jumped back, about a hundred of her men jumped on Aleister. He smiled. Aleister looked at his right hand, and out of it two flames of light appeared. The lights turned into a white, flaming, long, big, snake-dragon like image. These dragons were made out of his white flames.  The dragons danced around the arena, killing each one of her men on their path. When they move you could hear that Whoosh sound and men screaming in pain.

“What an incredible ability,” said the queen as she stared at them in admiration. Even she had to admit it, the
amount of fire the dragons were producing and the length and size of them was incredible.

Half of the
coliseum was now on fire and his dragons continued to wreak havoc to her men. All her men were dead and she was left to fight alone. His power had overcome her. Watching the dragons, how strong they were, she developed a fear of him, her confidence was now gone. She was now surrounded by Aleister and his dragons. One of the dragons ran through the queen’s body, she screamed in pain. I
never really did stand a chance against him
. Her body was burned.

Aleister approached her, he transformed back to his usual stage. His snake-dragons were now gone, summoning those dragons took a lot energy out of him.  “Many men have come for my head, and one by one they fell before me. Everything that happened now and everything that will happen, is all part of my master plan, and you no longer have a role to play.”

Her hair was burnt off, her face burnt to a degree she could not be recognized. She looked at him in fear, barely able to talk. “Oh great king of the moon, spare me,” pleaded the queen.

Great King of the moon huh? It’s been so long since someone referred to me as that
. “There is no mercy in this game of kings and queens, you should know that.” Aleister took out his sword and finished her; he had showed no mercy for his enemy. He fell to his knees, using the dragon-snake for too long had drained his energy. If only he was able to control the Reawakening to its fullest like he used to.
Damn you Dmitri, you fled again like the coward that you are. I was hoping you would show up here with the queen, but instead you sent one of your clones.

Chapter 28

Enter t
he Black Knights


am I, what happened?” Albedo had now woken from Aleister’s attack not knowing where he was. He looked around to find himself in a bed with a white sheet covering him. There was a tube that was connected to his arm, pumping blood into his vessels. The bright light bulb on the ceiling illuminated the room. He looked to his right to see Sonia was asleep on a chair next to him.

              “It’s ok. We’re back at the castle, Atnius. You’re safe now.”

Albedo looked by the window to see Angelione.

“You’ve been sleeping for a day now, using the transformation so much took a toll on your body, for now just rest for a while,” he said.

It all came back to
Albedo now; he remembered what happened, all of it.  “Why didn’t you kill me back there? If you had, then this world would be less dangerous.”

Angelione slowly approached his bedside, an
d gently placed his hand in the left side of his chest. “It’s because she loves you too much. I’ve never seen her happier since she met you. It’s because you have the power to change the world. It’s because you’re different from the others, you may not see it, but you’re very special, your heart is pure, but your power is not, if you can find a way to control it, then you can do so much good in this world, but you have to be strong.” Angelione understood at anytime his power and memories could take control of him, bringing out Dawson.

Sonia slowly moved her head as she awakened. “You guys are up early, what are the two of you talking about?” She woke up with a smile on her face, happy they were now back at home.

“Sorry Sonia, we didn’t mean to wake you up,” said Angelione. He left the room.

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