Lily: Captive to the Dark (21 page)

Read Lily: Captive to the Dark Online

Authors: Alaska Angelini

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

Chapter 27



Images blurred in a haze and I barely registered Jonathon’s face when a light brush trailed between my breasts, pulling me from the nightmare trying to push itself though. Reality dawned and I felt my body relax as I remembered my Master was with me now.

My head turned toward where I knew he was laying just as the bed shifted. The soft caress moving toward my nipple was almost nonexistent. The nub tightened in anticipation, nearly making me moan. It had been almost impossible to go to sleep naked knowing Zain was beside me, but he’d refused to touch me. I hadn’t understood it then, but now I was glad he’d let me get some rest. I would have never lasted in the state I’d been in before.

“Master.” The last of the word was forced out as my eyes flew open from the suction that drew my nipple into his mouth. I reached for him, only to have my wrist captured.

“Go to the restroom and take care of everything you need to. There’s a list of instructions for you to follow. I’ll have the food brought up. You’ll eat and then we’ll begin.”

Zain stood and I noticed his hair was still slightly damp. The all black suit had my heart exploding in rhythm. The black shirt was unbuttoned enough to expose the top of the tribal tattoo covering the entire expanse of his chest. I swallowed hard and eased from the bed, obeying his order.

Instructions? He’d never really given me anything but rules to follow and that mainly consisted of things for my own safety. This was different.

I shut the door and picked up the paper.

Shower. There’s a toy waiting inside. Use it.
Do not come.

Shave your pussy. Use the toy again.
Do not come.

Put on the clothes I placed out for you. If you need anything from your essentials bag, it’s on the counter.


By the way, I love you, slave.




I smiled only for it to fall as I remembered his words. Blindly, I fumbled with the knob on the shower, turning it on. My stare went straight to the toy. No, I’d think about that in a minute. I looked along the wall. Straight ahead was a long, lace dress. I lowered my hand, walking forward. The see-through material became apparent as I lifted the long sleeve. A large
was cut out of the back and there was a slit on one side. Hanging behind it were black silk panties and a bra. To wear them underneath would be a tease. My smile returned. Lying on the floor was a pair of black stilettos. All back. I didn’t expect anything less from my Master.

Heat poured from my skin as I entered the shower and looked at the life-like dildo. While I washed my hair and my body, I didn’t stop staring. A bottle of lube was sitting next to it and I felt myself blush even more. Water beat against my back and it was suddenly too much. I pushed the showerhead down and picked up the toy, holding it securely in my palm. The temptation was overwhelming. I’d thought about buying one during my plaguing fantasies of my Master, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not with Brace always at my side. But he was only my excuse. I wouldn’t even allow myself to come. I’d heard Zain say so many times,
don’t come, slave
. It felt wrong without him allowing me. Even now, I was told not to. But he was here…and this was an order.

The click from the bottle opening could have been a cannon blast for as loud as it sounded. Guilt and embarrassment smothered me. What was wrong with me? This was okay. Natural. Most woman had toys and surely some of their husbands or lovers allowed or encouraged this.

I traced a line down the length and rubbed the clear liquor around. Biting my lip, I turned to lean against the cold wall. The shock from the temperature difference had my mouth opening. I pushed it away, lowering the dildo until the tip rubbed over the top of my slit. Harder, I bit, sliding it over my clit until it nudged into my opening just the smallest amount.

“Shit,” I breathed out, looking down as I rotated my wrist to watch the cock slide deeper between my legs. More, I let it enter, only to bring the head back to tease the sensitive nub where I craved contact.

My free hand came up and so naturally, I squeezed my nipple. Pleasure exploded and a deep moan poured from my mouth. The sensations led me inching the toy into my pussy, suddenly needing more. Needing to fulfill a desire I’d neglected to give myself for so long.

Do not come.

I kept that in the shadows of my mind while I increased the speed of the thrusts and lowered my other hand to play with my clit. Tightening in my stomach only grew worse as I worked my fingers in a circular motion and pushed the toy’s length in even more.

“I have to stop.” My whisper was drowned out by the cascading water, but I knew I’d spoken the words. Meant them, even, as I continued to pleasure myself.

Heaviness pulled my lids down and I could so clearly see Master fucking me with the dildo. He’d grip behind my neck, holding steady, while his mouth ravaged mine. But he’d be better at controlling what I could take. He’d leave me edging for forever before he let me come. I’d be even more breathless than I was right now.

“Fuck,” I groaned, pulling the dildo out, washing it off, and placing it to stand once again on the marble seat. I scooped up the razor and shaving gel, preparing to make it fast. Now that I’d sampled the toy, I wanted to go back. To continue using it while thinking of Master. I was even more of a hurry to get out there to the real him. Would he use it on me tonight?

In quick strokes, I took care of my legs. My swollen folds met my fingers as I began lathering my pussy. I was so wet. So fucking ready to be dominated by the one person who I knew would take care of my every need. He thought I wouldn’t want to be with him after he showed me who he really was. Little did he know, I was more than prepared. With age, I felt I’d matured more than when I’d left him. I wasn’t naïve enough to think I knew it all, but I was more mentally ready to take what he was willing to give. I also couldn’t deny the tinge of fear that was still there. What was he going to do to me?

Steam clouded the doors and was thick in the air as I turned, washing the foam from my body. Once I finished, I spun around to face the toy again. My heart began to thud as I contemplated using it. The order was clear and it would be wrong for me to disobey already. But I’d been so close to coming. Would I stop this time?

I grabbed the toy and applied the lube once more. Stopping was critical. I’d just have to.

Cold encased my ass as I lowered and sat down on the seat, spreading my legs wide. I wanted this…too much. And not just the penetration. I wanted to come. Over and over. The need I’d held back was catching up with me and I felt obsessive in wanting more. Before I could process it, the cool toy was sliding back inside of me and my hand was already gripping my breast. I squeezed tightly, willing myself to slow not only my body, but my mind. Yes, I was ready for whatever my Master had planned.

I moaned, looking down while I pulled up on my slit. Halfway in, I withdrew, only to plunge it back inside of me. My pussy clenched around the width and I jerked, fighting the buildup that increased with every rub of my fingers. If I kept the contact over my clit, it would be a mistake. One I was half tempted to make, if Zain was going to punish me for it.

My legs inched together closer and my fingers spread open my folds. The slight sting from my shaved skin mixing with the lube hovered in the background while I watched toy enter me slowly. My clit pulsed and seeing it up close turned me on even more.

I have to stop.

The mantra repeated continuously as I grew closer to release. Just when I couldn’t take the loss of contact anymore, I rubbed my fingers over the top of my slit and let the orgasm build to dangerous proportions. Deep breaths poured from my mouth and I pulled the dildo out, letting it rest on my legs as I closed them and tried to pull myself together. By the time I stood, I was still lightheaded.

In a fog, I grabbed a towel and dried myself off. Dressing was a chore. My fingers fumbled and my body shook from the arousal. By the time I had the dress on and my hair done, it had only gotten worse. My panties were wet from fantasies of Master being the one fucking me. As I applied the make-up from my essentials bag, I was so jittery from the anticipation I had to shift my feet against the tingling.

Red covered my lips and I pressed them together, leaning back to take in my appearance. My eyes widened and couldn’t believe how sexy I looked, despite the bruises. My hair was piled high on my head, exposing my neck. Dark eye shadow gave off that smoky look and with the red lipstick and the see-through lace…I knew Zain was going to love it.

The clicks on the floor from the stilettos made my pulse spike and it went through the roof as I pushed the door open. My Master stood, leaning over the table, lighting candles. He froze, the light flickering out as his lips parted. I took two steps out when he rose and walked forward.

“Oh, slave. This,” his hand locked on my side, drawing me close, “leaves me without words or thoughts. You look amazing.” His lips pressed to mine and I grabbed at his lapels, pulling myself deeper into his body. The heat returned and I moaned, wanting nothing more than to strip everything off and pull him to the bed. I felt my fingers twitch and the urge to do just that taunted me.

Zain’s tongue slid along mine and I could feel his grip tighten, rooting me into place as my foot took a step. He broke from my lips, shaking his head. “You don’t lead, Lilian. Not here. Sit. We’ll eat.”

My eyebrows drew in while he pulled out the chair and I took my place. Baked chicken with rice and vegetables sat before me, but nothing about it was appealing. Not when I had other things on my mind. I knew what it was to be his slave. I’d lived it. Thrived in it when we were together. Could I do it again?

“You’re going to have a lot of adjusting to do. I didn’t expect this to be easy for you.” Zain poured us wine and took his seat. I grabbed my glass, taking a sip while questions plagued me.

“I took a step. It’s not a big deal. It was that…toy you insisted I use. I rushed.”

Zain picked up his knife and fork, glancing up from his plate to give me a half smile. “You used to never rush. The problem is that you’re used to being in control. You’re going to have to learn to let it go with me. Completely.”

A sigh escaped and I clamped my lips together. I couldn’t blame the damn dildo. It was me. He was right and I couldn’t deny that it scared me. What if I couldn’t relinquish the power I now treasured? Not even to my Master?

Silence played out while Zain ate and I picked at the food. It wasn’t until impatience had me looking up that I realized he was staring.

“You have to eat more than that, Lily. Remember what I said about taking care of yourself?”

“Yes.” I stabbed my fork into the chicken, only for my eyes to go wide and shoot back up. “Yes, Master,” I corrected.

He nodded, taking another bite and leaning back. How could I have forgotten the simplest rule of all? I knew who he was, but to forget to address him? My mistake baffled me. It had to be because of how unused to it I was. It had been years.

I took a bite, forcing down countless others afterward. By the time I was halfway finished, I knew I couldn’t continue. Between nerves and excitement, I couldn’t stomach anything else. My eyes rose and I laid the fork down. Relief flooded me when Zain stood, reaching his hand out for me to accept.

“You did well. I’m proud of you.” He helped me stand and walked me to the foot of the bed. Watching him take off his jacket and letting it drop to the floor had me wet all over again.

“As much as I love what you’ve done with your hair, baby, I’m afraid what I have in store is best done with it down.” Pins dropped to the ground as he worked his fingers through. Weight came crashing over my shoulders and the damp strands slightly curled. In upward movements, his fingertips loosened the tightness on the top where I’d brushed it back. When I thought he was done, his grip fisted at the sides of my head. Our eyes met and the lust he emitted pulled me under until I was sucking in air. I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding my breath.

“You remember your safeword?”

“Red, Master.”

“Yes. Although I doubt you’ll need it just yet. Your body still has to heal. That will give you a few days to get back into the way of things before we truly start.” He lowered, biting my bottom lip between his teeth and gently pulling. “I’ve missed you so much.”

The words were whispered against my lips and I closed my lids, savoring the kiss that cut off my response. One of his hands moved to the small of my back while the other weaved into the hair at the back of my head. Zain pulled me into his body, holding me almost crushingly. I soaked it in, not caring about anything but our connection. Air, balance, nothing mattered or even registered as safety cloaked around me and I felt myself submit to him fully. Worries and questions disappeared and everything I knew of my Master came crashing back in a tidal wave of trust. My body went limp while I let him support my weight. Lilian was no more. I gave myself to Zain completely and I knew he felt the moment I had. Twist me, bend me, tie me up…I was his for the taking.

“Fuck,” he growled. “You’re the one for me. I could never want anyone more than I want you.” His hands dropped and went to the slit of the dress. Both eased under the material and he brought it up slowly, caressing the outside of my thighs as he did. “Spread wide for me, baby girl.”

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