Read Little Rainbows Online

Authors: Helena Stone

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Little Rainbows (17 page)

“Spread those legs wider for me. I need more access.”

Her legs shook as she moved them farther apart. The strain on her thighs was unbearable and exquisite at the same time. His hand moved again, making its way down her arse toward the need. When his fingers made contact with the wetness pooling between her legs, she groaned out loud.


The word escaped her as a sigh. She didn’t care how desperate she might sound. She wanted him to know how needy she was. She yearned for him to act on it.

His fingers were too light, too soft. She needed friction and he wasn’t giving her any.

His breath brushing her ear surprised Heather. His words barely penetrated her fevered mind.

“I saw how you reacted to orgasm denial. You loved it so much I have to give it to you now. You’ve left me no choice.” His voice got lower again. “You’re going to wait for my permission.”

. She whimpered, wasn’t sure if she had objected out loud or not. She needed to come. She’d explode if she didn’t. His fingers were torturing her as they slid between her wet folds, spread her juices and ignored her throbbing clit. She couldn’t help herself and rocked her hips until one firm hand stopped her.

“Oh no, you don’t. You’re going to stand still and take it.”

His voice sent shivers down her spine. The combination of heat and control intoxicated her. She gripped the armrest harder, tried to focus on standing still while his hands tortured her with pure pleasure.


Oh God
, what was wrong with him? He shouldn’t be doing this and yet he couldn’t stop himself. He had to find a way to keep himself under control.

You love doing this. You were made to do this.
The voice in the back of his mind wouldn’t stay quiet. It tempted him to go further, to get out his toys, and find out exactly how much Heather could take. He ignored it. No toys, no pain. Just this. His control over the beautiful, receptive, woman. His voice, his touch, her pleasure and, ultimately, both their satisfaction.

She was wet. He dropped his hand, slid it over the inside of her thigh and rejoiced in the dampness. He’d done that. He’d brought her to these heights despite having written himself off. He brought his hand back up and brushed across her clit. A sharp intake of breath, a low moan and a tensing in her shoulders were his reward. He glanced down at her legs. The muscles were quivering but she stood still, just as he’d demanded. She was so good.
Too good for you
. The voice in his head had changed its tune and these words were much harder to ignore.

He increased the pressure on her clit and listened to her voice. There were no words. He thought he heard fragments of his name, was sure she whispered please once or twice.

“Remember. I don’t want you to come.”

Her head and her legs were shaking. Her hands were a deadly white from the grip she had on the chair. Her breath came out in one continuous moan. He could feel it when she neared the point of no return. It wouldn’t take much more to make her come, with or without his permission. He brought her just a little bit further, watched as her back started to arch and withdrew his hands.

“No. Please. No.”

She sounded close to tears.

“Please, Jason. Please, Sir.”

He nearly stepped back.
. He was nobody’s Sir. He didn’t deserve the title. For a moment he thought she knew what she’d done. Her body stilled and she seemed to be holding her breath.

“Please, Jason. Please don’t stop. I need this. I need you.”

Her voice contained a trace of uncertainty before it trailed off.

He couldn’t stop. Not now. None of this was her fault. He wasn’t mean enough to punish her for his shortcomings. He reached for her breasts. They were perfect, slightly bigger than a handful. He stroked the soft skin, skimmed the tips of his fingers around her nipples and felt her body relax again. He loved touching her and would be happy to do it forever.

He brought his face to her neck, inhaled her smell and loved the soft brush of her hair against his cheek. He couldn’t resist and licked, just below her ear and enjoyed the shiver it sent through her. Keeping his mouth and teeth busy on her neck and earlobe, he used his fingers to pinch her nipples. They were stiff and pointed. She groaned and moved her arse back, pushing it against his crotch. His cock was rock hard in his pants. He knew he should stop her from moving and punish her for her disobedience, but it felt too good. Just a little bit longer.

“I clearly remember telling you not to move.”

He lifted one of his hands and slapped her arse.
Shit. No
. He wasn’t doing this. The sharp intake of breath and the low moan betraying her pleasure didn’t change anything. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t go there. He couldn’t go there.

Concentrate on the girl.

He moved his hands back to her breasts and pulled her nipples. “Like the pain, do you, beautiful?” When he pinched her nipples he made sure to use his nails.

“Jason, please. I can’t. My legs.”

He loved the need in her voice. He would have drawn this sensuous torture out forever, if only he trusted himself. “Please what? Tell me. Ask me for it.”

“I want you, Jason. Please, I need you inside me.”

He’d thought his cock was as hard as it could get. He’d been wrong. “Want me to fuck you?”

Her breathing quickened again. “Yes, please.”

He almost missed her next words.

“Hard. Fuck me hard.”

Taking a step back, he took a moment to just look at her. With her legs trembling and her arse up in the air, waiting for his attention, she was so beautiful. He pulled a condom from his pocket before discarding his shoes and trousers. When he was covered, he stepped closer again.

“How do you want me?”

“Hard. Deep.”

She sounded as needy as he felt. Deep and hard inside her he could give her without reservations. But this time he wanted to make it last. He wanted it slow and long and, yes, torturous. He wanted to tease both of them. But most of all, he wanted her even more needy, begging, squirming for him. Even if he couldn’t get himself to make her submit to him, he wanted to see how far she’d allow him to go, how much she would give him.

He couldn’t look at her enough, standing there, shaking with her desperate need for him. She was just the right height in those shoes.

“Bend forward a bit more, Heather. Open yourself up for me.”

Her obedience was instant. She moved and her wet cunt almost touched his cock. He put his hands on her hips. A slight push forward had the tip of his cock between her folds. It took all his restraint, but he stopped himself from pushing in all the way.

“I’m going to fuck you, Heather. I’m going to fuck you hard and you’re going to continue holding on to your orgasm. You’re going to stop yourself from coming until I tell you differently. Think you can do that?”

Jason’s cock registered the moment she tensed.

“I, Jason. I’m not…” She relaxed again, a moan escaping her lips. “Yes, yes, I can. Please, just fuck me.”

Oh yes, he looked forward to torturing both of them. Excruciatingly slowly, Jason pushed his full length into her warmth. When his balls connected with her body, he stopped and squeezed her hips, reminding her to keep still.

“Feel me, Heather. Do you feel how hard I am for you? Do you know what you do to me? Just your smell, the way you smile, your soft lips, your teasing tongue. They drive me crazy, make me hard whenever I’m around you.”

Her vagina contracted around his cock in reaction to the sound of his voice. Ever so slowly he withdrew his cock until only his tip remained inside her and stopped moving again. Her frustrated groan was music to his ears. He loved all the noises she made and her total lack of shame about making her needs known. With one hard push, he entered her again. No more softly, softly. As soon as he was in, he withdrew. Pushing and pulling hard and furious a few times before coming to a complete stop again. At this rate he’d be driving himself as crazy as he wanted to make her.

“I’m going to move my hands, Heather and you’re going to remember to keep still. Just stand there and take everything I give to you.”

Heather shook her head from side to side but her answer was a soft and panted “Yes.” God, who needed toys or ropes or any other implement if you had a woman this willing to hand over control? His hands found her breasts again and cupped them, squeezing her nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. Her reaction was immediate, a moan and a sharp contraction around his cock. But she didn’t try to move her body.

Continuing to tease and torture her beautiful and heavy breasts with his hands, he introduced nails to her nipples before starting to move again. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to keep going. His plan had been to draw this out, bring her to the edge a few more times only to bring her down again before allowing either of them to come. With his own need building faster than he’d expected, he couldn’t wait. He needed that release, needed to hear her, see her, feel her come. One hand came down and found her clit. He rubbed the swollen ball of sensitivity in time with his ever hardening thrusts into her heat.

“Jason, too much. I can’t, Jason, please.”

Oh how rewarding to hear Heather pleading. It brought him closer to the edge. He loved hearing her ask, no beg, for what he, only he, could give her. Just a little longer. He didn’t want it to stop. He wanted to stay right here all night. Just at this moment, feeling these sensations, hearing her pleas in his ear. This had to be as close to heaven as he could ever hope to come.

Now. He needed to come right…

“Now, Heather. Come with me now.”

She was shaking, squeezing him, moving with him. His balls contracted so hard it almost hurt and his release shot through him while Heather’s vagina milked his cock with her own uncontrollable contractions.

When he slipped out of her, Heather all but collapsed. Somewhere he found the strength to pick her up and carry her to his bed. As soon as he’d gotten rid of the condom, he fell down on the bed beside her and gathered her in his arms.

“That was perfect.”

Heather’s words were only a whisper but held a world of feeling.

“I think orgasmic is the word you’re looking for.” He smiled. “Sleep, princess.”

He smiled at her vague murmurings. As he pulled Heather close, he looked forward to spending another night with Heather in his arms and ignored the feelings of unease growing in the pit of his stomach.


Chapter Sixteen




Light filtered through her closed eyes, creating colors. She didn’t want to open them yet, wasn’t quite ready for the day to start. She needed to think about something, but she couldn’t remember exactly what. Heather stretched her body and groaned. Oh dear, she was stiff. The muscles in her legs hurt.

The images flashed back. Bent over the chair, her hands gripping the armrest, her legs spread. Heat, pleasure and even some pain and oh, God, it had been so good. He’d been right. She remembered the word—if it was a word—
. Last night had been all of that and so much more. Jason.

She opened her eyes and looked to her side. She was alone. Where was he? Why wasn’t he in bed with her? The satisfied and relaxed feeling she’d woken up with evaporated to be replaced by a sense of loneliness and worry. Yesterday she’d woken up in his arms and the feeling had been amazing. Not scary or strange, as she’d feared, but right and safe. This waking up alone was both scary and strange.

Heather looked around the bedroom. She really was alone and couldn’t hear any noises from the bathroom either. Where had he gone? What did this mean? Her mind drifted back to the night before. It had been so good. She sighed as her body reacted to the memory. Her nipples tightened, a small, pleasurable spasm teased her vagina. And yet, she couldn’t put her finger on it, but there had been moments when things hadn’t felt quite right. She remembered the doubts flittering through her enjoyment. There’d been something about Jason, as if he’d been holding back. Her mind drifted back even further. There’d been something wrong yesterday afternoon as well. He’d seemed angry, upset. In fact, emotionally, he’d been all over the place yesterday.

Her mood dropped. All the feelings of pleasure and satisfaction left her. Suddenly her body was only sore, her leg muscles screaming. She shook her head as she felt tears burning in her eyes. She wasn’t going to cry, had nothing to cry about. All she’d done was sleep with the man, twice. Okay, it had been amazing and life-changing and… She had to stop thinking and find Jason, talk to him. She could be wrong, she probably was.

She looked around again. She needed something to wear. Facing Jason naked, or even in the dress she’d worn last night, would be too hard. Her eyes fell on a bright red housecoat, draped over a chair. She’d no idea where it had come from, but it would do the job.

The bathroom mirror told a story of its own. Staring back at her was a satisfied woman. Her hair was wild, her lips looked bruised. She smiled at her reflection. Whatever happened next, she couldn’t deny she’d been well fucked. God, he’d known exactly how to push all her buttons. She’d been shameless and had thrived on it.

She would have loved a long hot shower. Her mind jumped. A very long and very hot shower, with Jason preferably. That wasn’t going to happen by the looks of things. She borrowed some toothpaste. A quick brush with her finger, a splash of water on her face—her hair would have to wait until she went back to her own rooms. It would have to do.

Walking back into the bedroom she came face-to-face with herself again. The full-length mirror. Heather’s mind flashed back. Her image, shamelessly bent over that chair, her breasts hanging down, her arse in the air and Jason behind her, fully clothed so powerful and so in charge. She stopped.
he been in charge? There’d been moments when he was, she remembered them so well. The way his voice and his demands had made her body react without any physical contact. His fingers pinching her nipples, that one slap on her backside. But there’d also been those other moments, the ones she’d almost managed to ignore last night, when he’d appeared to be holding back, when he’d sounded angry.

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