Live In Position (41 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

He huffed.

"Just so you know, I am going to find a way to get that thing to disappear."

"Okay, Dad."

"Such a smart mouth."

I laughed.

"The things I will do to that smart mouth," he almost purred.

Dr. Super-Hot Bishop almost purred! My insides felt tingly. I didn't know if I could process it and drive at the same time.

"When do you get back?" The anticipation in his 'matter-of-fact' tone was almost humorous.

"Later," I teased.

"I thought we discussed teasing me, Miss Ashwood." I envisioned that one lick-able eyebrow rising upward and giggled.

"Perhaps I should remind you…later."

"Oh, look at that, I've arrived. Gotta go." I bit the side of my mouth trying not to laugh too loudly as I parked my car. It back fired as I shut it off and I groaned.

"Say your goodbyes to that contraption." He said sternly. "And hurry back to me." His voice softened.

"If you're lucky," I teased. "Bye."

"Until later, Miss Ashwood." He hung up.

After tossing my phone into my bag, I climbed out of the car, smoothed out my sundress, and grabbed Miranda's gifts. Walking into the shower, I was wide eyed at the decorations. It was
set up like a tea party. There were different china patterns on each table and at the center was a silver three tiered tray filled with finger sandwiches.

"Sophia," Miranda exclaimed as she approached me.

"Hey there, soon to be Mrs. Cramer." I put the wrapped gifts down and hugged her. "This place looks amazing."

"Thanks, Benji's and my mother went a little over the top." I saw her fight not to roll her eyes.

"I think it looks great." She smiled. "So, where is the rest of your loot?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"You didn't have to bring a gift." It was clear she meant what she was saying.

"Nonsense," I playfully scoffed. "Show me to the gift table." She showed me the way and helped me carry the gifts over.

The shower was pleasant and very proper. Her maid of honor was Benji's sister, and she was very, very adamant on making sure that everything was running according to her plan. I had to bite my tongue a couple of times when Miranda would roll her eyes and sigh at her soon to be sister-in-law's behavior.

Once the games were played, the food eaten, conversations held, and gifts opened, everyone started to slowly depart. I offered to stay and help with the clean-up, but Miranda told me to get out, she would see me next Friday for the rehearsal. I couldn't believe that next weekend Miranda Murphy would be Miranda Cramer.


The drive home was quiet and I took the time to think about what to make for dinner. Victoria was sometimes hungry, but other times she has eaten with Grace. I wasn't sure about what to make. As I pulled my car into its spot, I decided I would throw together a quick chicken stir fry. Leftovers could be easily reheated the next day. I unlocked the front door and entered.

"I see you've made it home." I turned on the first step of the staircase, watching Dr. Bishop slowly walk in my direction.

"Did you think I wouldn't be back?"

For a moment there was a flash of darkness on his face, but it was soon replaced with amusement.

"You never know." He stopped about a foot away from me.

"Oh, or was it wishful thinking?" I teased with a cocked eyebrow.

"You know better than that."

"Do I?" I placed my hand on my chest and asked innocently.

His movement was quick. Before I could remove my hand from my chest, his arms were around my waist, his face inches from mine.

"You should, at least, I would hope you did." Dr. Bishop's eyes searched my eyes. Then they flickered down to my lips. I gave a half smile. "Tsk, tsk, more teasing?"

His body pressed closer against me and my breathing increased.

"I—" There was no chance for me to finish my sentence.

His lips crashed to mine and his hand moved from my waist to my neck. Our lips and tongues moved in a perfect union. I pulled my mouth away, his mouth moved over my jaw.

"Mrs. Baker?" I gasped out when his teeth grazed my jaw.

"Busy," he mumbled quickly against my neck.

"We can't—"

"Shh." He pulled us down to the steps.

"Collin, we can't do this here." I hissed and tried to stop him from laying me across the stairs.

"It's my house," he stated cold and stern. "I can do as a please, where I want."

My ass met the thickly carpeted step and his hands slid underneath the thin cotton of my dress. I moaned when he squeezed his long fingers into my upper thighs, shoving them apart. His body between my legs and his lips never left my skin. As Collin's mouth moved over my collarbone there was a loud gasp. Both of our heads shot toward the kitchen and saw a wide eyed and embarrassed Larissa.

"Oh god," I groaned.

"I, I'm so sorry, I—" Larissa quickly turned and darted back into the kitchen.

"Oh god," I groaned again and dropped my head back onto a step.

Collin's lips lightly touched my chin while his fingers slid behind my head. He pulled my face up to look at him.

"I'll go speak with Larissa."

"Yeah," I snorted, "that might be a good idea." I covered my face with my hands. He gripped my wrists and yanked my hands away from my face.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about Sophia."

"Oh, no, of course not, your sister in law catching you getting it on with the nanny isn't anything at all." I slapped my forehead and rolled my eyes. "Silly me," I laughed out humorlessly.

"Don't be dramatic." His words were calm and conservative as always. Dr. Bishop helped me up from the stairs before he walked toward the kitchen. Once he was out of sight, I ran up to my room.

It was forty-five minutes later when I heard a knock on my door. I furrowed my brow, looking over my laptop at the door. He never knocks.

"Come in."

The door slowly opened and Larissa peeked into the room. I was definitely going to puke.

"Um, hello." She smiled warmly at me. "Do you mind if I come in?"

I shook my head, but couldn't speak for fear of the vomiting threat.

"I, well, I just wanted to apologize for barging into the house. Collin usually isn't home and I never thought I would—" She paused, her cheeks flushed.

"You have nothing to apologize for.
should be apologizing." I buried my face in my hands. "I can only imagine what you think of me." My voice was a muffled groan.

"Oh, Sophia, no." I looked up at her confused. She continued. "I don't think badly of you, not at all. I mean, Collin hasn't been exactly successful at hiding his attraction to you." Larissa smirked a little.

"Why am I the only one that thought he despised me?" I sat back in my chair with my arms over my chest.

A loud laugh burst from her light pink lips. She moved to sit on the couch.

"Sorry." She was still silently laughing and shaking her head. "It's just that you haven't known him very long. Collin was never so 'active' in dealing with his nanny before you."

I bit my lip and dropped my eyes to the floor.

"I'd been wondering about his change of nature." That brought my eyes back to her. "I think you're good for him."

I smiled, though the discomfort of this situation still sat like a brick in my gut.

"Well, I just wanted to speak with you and apologize. Collin told me to leave you alone, but I just couldn't leave without saying something." She stood from the couch and walked toward the door.

"Mrs. Bishop?"

Larissa turned with a large smile. "Please, Sophia, call me Larissa."

"Larissa," I smiled back, becoming more comfortable. "Thank you."

She nodded, closing my door behind her. I sighed and dropped my head to my keyboard. The antichrist had successful stolen my soul.

Victoria came home later than usual, and Dr. Bishop was extremely quiet. I expected him to be waiting in my room after I got Victoria into bed, but he wasn't there. Sitting at my laptop for about two hours I couldn't help but act on the urge to find him.

Quietly, I padded by Victoria's room toward his office. He wasn't there. As I approached his room I could hear his voice behind the door. It sounded like he was on his phone and angry. Not wanting to intrude, I went back to my room. I was asleep when the shift of the bed woke me. With a yawn I rolled over to my back.

"Sorry," he whispered and slid in next to me.

"Mhm," was the only coherent semi-word I could get out.

"Why didn't you come to my room?" His whisper was closer to my ear and his breath made me tingle.

"You were on your phone." I yawned out and attempted to roll back to my side.

"You came to my room and didn't come in?" The cold tone was familiar as he grabbed my shoulder, keeping me on my back.

"I didn't want to intrude." I shrugged, not that he could see it in the dark. "No big deal."

"Yes it is," he argued.

"I'm too tired, you win." I tried to roll over again, but he stopped me.

"My bed is much better than this bed."

I almost blurted out, 'Are you freaking serious right now', but he spoke again before I could.

"I prefer us sleeping in there. You should just come there to sleep every night." He settled in next to me.

"Uh huh," I mumbled out.

Was he crazy? I was not just going to make myself at home in his bedroom.

Sunday, I woke to the sound of Victoria saying my name in a sing song tone. I groaned and then freaked out. My eyes flew open, looking behind me. Collin lay there sound asleep. When the knob turned I realized the door wasn't locked.

Faster than I thought I could ever be able to move, I slid out from the bed. Collin groaned in protest. I got to the door just as she had inched it open. Grabbing the door I only allowed her to see me standing there and quickly slid out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"What's up?" I tried to act as normal as possible.

"Are you okay?" She crinkled up her face and looked me over.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You ready for breakfast?"

She was still eyeing me closely. Her mouth opened but all I heard was the muffled sound of Collin calling out for me. Oh god. I watched Victoria's eyes widen in amusement and then in realization.

"Is that—"

Collin opened the door.

"What in the world is going—" His sentence cut off when he saw Victoria. Unlike me, he didn't miss another beat. "Good morning Victoria"

"Daddy, why are you in Sophia's room?" You could see the wheels in her head turning.

"I was discussing with Sophia my departure this afternoon. I have a business trip, and have made the arrangements for you to see your mother on Sunday instead of Saturday, so that you can be in Ms. Weber's wedding."

Damn he was good! Now I just had to wonder if he used these magic quick thinking lies on me. Not only did he come off with that without batting an eye, but he had effectively given me information I needed for the coming events.

"Aren't you going to see me in my dress?" Victoria's attention had been drawn elsewhere. Thank you Jesus! I quietly breathed in relief.

"I'm not sure if I will be back in time. I'm sorry." He knelt down to her.

She looked sad for a moment. "It's okay." Now it was just evident disappointment.

"Hey," I ruffled her hair and she looked up to me, "how about we go make some waffles?"

"Can we use the big waffle maker?" Her eyes lit up.

"Of course," I smiled at her.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

Dr. Bishop left that afternoon, but not without pulling me into the laundry room for 'alone time' and having Victoria try on her dress for him before he departed. I was so happy to see him more active with her and actually taking part in her life.

Victoria and I had seemed to find our school time routine again. The mornings were much better and she was even getting used to her after school commitments. While pulling away from St. John's Prep School my cell phone rang. Keeping my eyes on the road I answered it without looking at the caller id.


"Long time no talk stranger." Dominic.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'd be better if you still talked to me." I was hoping he was just teasing, but it didn't sound that way.

"Sorry, it's been pretty hectic. With a seven year old, things get a little chaotic."

"I'm sure. So, why didn't I hear from you in Whidbey?" I had completely forgotten he had messaged me.

"Oh, I just didn't have any time, plus we left earlier than originally planned." I tried to explain without too many dirty details.

"Well, then, how about this weekend? Care to join me for a night out with grown-ups?"

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