Live In Position (60 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

"Great, then we'll have more people at the birthday tea. It will be wonderful. Why don't you have a seat so I can get you some breakfast?" I patted her butt lightly in the direction of the bar.

Victoria nodded and jumped into a seat. "Can we make strawberry muffins?"

"Of course we can, it's your birthday."

I pulled out the ingredients, surprised when Ilene and Allison both stayed and even helped. It was an odd morning, but Victoria seemed extremely pleased about everything.

Victoria's birthday was chaos. Thirty kids arrived with nannies in toe, some with their mothers. Amber and Will helped out with all of the kids, Ilene sat back and bragged to the mothers about the party, Allison and Larissa sat in a corner with a few other people. Collin arrived thirty minutes after the party started and shortly after his arrival Grace showed up. I cringed and attempted to ignore her presence as much as possible.

Once the swimming was over and the kids played all of the carnival games, it was time for cake and presents. The kids ate while Victoria opened each gift. Allison and the twins gave her a Louis Vuitton purse with a one hundred and fifty dollar gift card inside. Larissa, Max, and the boys gave her professional grade art supplies, along with a gift card too. Collin's gift to her was the promise that she could remodel her bedroom. I gave her one of the first copies of my printed book. Then Grace showed up with a large surprise.

With a leash in her hand, she handed over a German Sheppard puppy. Victoria squealed with delight and hugged the puppy to her chest tightly. I looked to Collin with question in my eyes. He shrugged and shook his head. He hadn't known about it. Regardless, there was no taking it away from her now.

"I thought you would love it," Grace cooed next to Victoria, a proud smile plastered on her face.

"Oh daddy, look what Grace gave me," she held the puppy up to him.

"I see. He's very cute." Collin smiled wearily.

"It's a he?" Victoria tilted her head. Collin nodded to her. "Hmm…"

"What?" I asked.

"I need to think of a good…Wait, I've got it!" A large smile spread on her face.

"Got what?" Collin inquired.

Victoria lifted the puppy to her face. "I shall call you Flounder."

"Flounder?" Collin questioned.

"Yep, just like Ariel's best friend." She smiled and hurried to Grace with Flounder the puppy.

"Thank you so much," she kissed and smiled warmly at Grace. Instantly I felt possessive as Grace hugged Victoria and kissed her head.

Victoria and the kids walked around with the puppy as they continued to play games and get balloon animals created.

"Grace, I wish you would have asked me about a puppy before getting her one." Collin spoke firmly.

"Oh Collin, she wanted a dog, big deal." Grace waved him off. "Besides it's your favorite type of dog."

Collin cleared his throat. I stiffened. The fact that she knew this and I didn't was not lost on me.

"I remember the nights we would lay together and talk about getting a dog for the house." She smiled slyly and batted her eyes at him. I had to walk away before I blew up.

Making my way around the different attractions, a presence appeared next to me. Turning my head I was met with the warm smile of Larissa.

"Don't let her shake you," she wrapped her arm in mine. "She is doing it on purpose."

"I don't know what –" she cut me off.

"Please, I saw the look on your face. She is trying to make you jealous and its working. Don't deny it, I would be pissed too." She winked at me. "In fact, I probably would've slapped the shit out of her, not walk away." Soon I realized she was redirecting us back toward Collin.

"I was trying to check on everything that –"We were almost back to Collin.

"Don't leave her alone with him." She discarded my arm and left me next to him.

His arm immediately wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him. Grace's face shifted from flirty whore to irritation.

"As I was saying, I couldn't help but think about the time we spent three days holed up in that hotel room," she giggled with over exaggerated movements, "You remember don't you? That was the night I introduced you to your favorite move where I –"

"Grace that's enough," Collin barked out.

"What?" She feigned innocence. My irritation with her and my jealousy increased significantly.

"So, Grace, how is it you know Dr. Erickson?" I blurted.

"Oh, um," she stammered.

"You know Dominic?" Collin questioned curiously.

"Oh, yes, well," she rubbed her swollen stomach, "with the pregnancy I needed to go to the hospital –" I cut her off.

"Dominic handles obstetrics?" I looked toward Collin with feigned curiosity, knowing damn well Dominic didn't deal with obstetrics. It was horrible of me, but the satisfaction I felt at her discomfort was immeasurable.

"Not that I am aware of," Collin's eyes narrowed on Grace.

"Oh, no, he didn't handle any of my pregnancy things." She quickly added and then went silent.

"So, you know him how?" I pressed. She glared at me.

re acquaintances," there was no mistaking the snarky tone in her voice.

"Really?" Collin raised a brow at her. "Would he happen to be a close acquaintance?"

"No, not really," she answered a little too quickly.

"Uh huh," I fed into the conversation with a look of pure glee.

"Sophia," Ilene pulled me from the staring match going down between Grace and me. I turned to her. "I want you to meet Stephanie," she grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her. "She says there’s an opening in May for the reception. I want you to come see the space and talk to her about your ideas for the wedding."

I rolled my eyes and groaned internally. This isn't what I wanted to do right now.

Thankfully Collin stayed away from Grace the rest of the party and stayed close to Victoria and me. It was reassuring that he didn't want to be around Grace.

Two days after Victoria's party we were shopping for puppy food, toys, puppy pads, and I was looking for carpet cleaner for the little presents Flounder left around the house. My phone rang while I was grabbing some items. When I answered it I was taken back, it was Random House finalizing my trip to visit their office in New York. It turned out I would be leaving this Friday and not returning until next Tuesday. That night arrangements had to be made with Collin, who wasn't thrilled about my three day absence.

"I will be back before you know it. It's just like you being away for a few days." I cupped his face with my hand.

"No, it's not." He grumbled.

"How is it different?" I dropped my hand.

"Because I know you are here at home when I return. Now I'll be reminded
every day that you aren't here." He pulled me into his lap on the small couch in his room.

"I'll call you every day and will be back before you miss me." I kissed his lips quickly.

"Too late, I already miss you."

I laughed. "I haven't even left yet."

He shrugged. "Doesn't matter." His lips captured mine, but this wasn't quick. This was deep and passionate. His tongue danced with mine and his hand palmed my breast.

"Mommy," Victoria announced as she walked in.

Collin growled at the interruption. I pulled his hand from my chest and looked over his shoulder.

"Hey baby," I smiled at her. She skipped over toward me.

"I've been reading this and I have a question." She held up the copy of my book I gave her.

"What's your question?" I tried to shift from Collin's lap, but he wouldn't allow it.

"Is she really a mermaid or is she a girl?" Her face wrinkled in confusion. I smiled at her.

"You have to figure it out. I can't tell you the end already." I ruffled her hair.

She groaned. "I want to know now." She plopped down on the couch next to us.

"Keep reading." She huffed at my remark, but pulled the book back to her face.

Collin realized there would be no action on the couch, so he finally let me slide to sit on the other side of him. Victoria read while we watched TV.

Two days passed by and Collin was driving me to the airport. A scowl had been his permanent mask since he woke up. No matter what I did to clear it from his beautiful face. Nothing worked, not even going down on him in the shower.

Tears spilled over Victoria and my faces as we said our goodbyes and I stepped through security. Before my final, no return step, Collin grabbed me and kissed me feverishly.

"I love you," he whispered against my lips.

"And I love you," I whispered back.

He released me and I took the most difficult steps of my life so far, leaving the two people I loved the most behind.

Once in New York, I had a hard time adjusting to the time difference. I called Collin once and he called me twice on the first day. Since I was in meetings with the publisher and agent, I was only able to answer one of his calls. When I finally was able to talk to him, he was irritated. An idea emerged that would hopefully satisfy his need of me.

"You know what?" I tried to sound as seductive as possible.

"What?" he pouted.

"I'm only in a towel right now," I disclosed my current undressed state.

He groaned. "Are you trying to make it worse?"

"Can I try to make it better?"

"How?" His interest was piqued.

"What if I let the towel fall to the floor?"

"Making it worse," he growled.

"I'm standing in front of the wall mirror naked."


"My free hand is cupping my breast, imagining it's your hand. Can you feel my hardened nipples?"

"Oh shit," he panted, "I can baby. What else are you doing?"

"What do you want me to do?" I teased.

"Do everything I tell you to do." His tone was authoritative and it made my knees weak. "Pinch your gorgeous pink nipples."

I moaned, doing as he asked.

"Don't close your eyes. Look at yourself in the mirror." Damn that tone was going to make me cum without touching between my thighs. "Are you doing it?"

"Yes, god yes," I panted.

"Mmm, you look so lovely when your nipples harden under my hand." He growled out seductively. "Slide your hand over your stomach, between your legs," he paused and my hand began to roam, "but don't touch yourself yet."

I groaned in frustration as my fingers hovered above my lips. His breathing was labored.

"Are you grasping your cock for me Collin? Is your hand sliding up and down, squeezing tightly like my hand does?"

"Oh fuck, baby, keep going," he grunted out.

"Rub your palm over your head for me. I want to hear the moan you make when I do it to you."

He moaned and I felt empowered.

"Lick your palm and grab the top of your cock Collin. Now, slowly slide your hand down, I'm straddling your body and taking all of you into me."

"Oh Christ Sophia, slip your fingers between your lips, I want you to feel my cock entering you." He grunted. "Rubbing your thumb against your clit, slip one finger inside your tight pussy." He panted and grunted.

"Oh god, Collin, you feel so good." I gasped and let my finger slip inside of me.

"Baby, I want two fingers inside you."

I inserted a second digit. "Oh god!" I began to pump my fingers.

"Don't close your eyes Sophia! Open them into the mirror." I shivered at his demand, but did as I was told. "Fuck baby, watch them move in and out of you," his breaths increased and my fingers moved faster.

"Collin, I'm so close. You have me so close." I moaned and watched my body flush, my fingers drove me closer to release. "Stroke your dick faster, I need you faster, harder."

Before I could finish my orders he growled my name. It took a moment for him to calm down, but he was back with me momentarily after he came.

"Sophia, look into the mirror, look at where I am entering you. Take your wet fingers out and circle your clit." I did as instructed. Now, dive back into your wetness for me." The coil tightened in my belly.

"I want to hear you cum for me Sophia, scream my name while you cum on your fingers." And just like that, the coil snapped. Leaning forward against the mirror, I shivered, shook, and shouted out his name.

"Keep your eyes on the mirror baby. I want you to see how amazing you look when you cum." My body shuddered again with the waves of my orgasm. "That's it baby." Satisfaction was evident in his voice.

The silence lingered as I tried to calm myself down from our phone rendezvous.

"Sophia?" Worry filled his tone.

"I'm here," I panted, still trying to calm down.

"Baby, that was amazing. Please tell me you enjoyed it and we can do it again…soon." He sounded like a sex craved teenage boy. I couldn't fight the giggle that left my lips.

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