Live In Position (61 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

"Of course we can."


We said good night and I went to bed. Only to be woke up three hours later with a dirty talking Collin in my ear.

Chapter Thirty Four

After all of the meetings with the publisher and agents were complete, we had come to a final agreement, a compromise. They wanted me to come back in May to do three book launch readings in a couple of New York City bookstores. However, when I informed them about my wedding plans, they were very accommodating. We decided June would be better.

I also learned that the book tour was a part of the contract as a future possibility. They would want to see how the book did before arranging a large scale tour. Relief washed over me. Leaving Victoria behind was not a pleasing thought, nor was what I feared Collin's reaction would be.

The flight back to Seattle was long, but not uncomfortable. I couldn't wait to get back to them, to get home. A smile spread across my face when I realized how true it was. It was my home. They were my home.

The moment we taxied to the gate I turned my phone on. I had two text messages and a voicemail, all from Collin. First, I scrolled through the texts.

'Let me know when you have landed.'

'Where are you?'

A heavy feeling sat in my stomach. Fearing something was wrong, I quickly hit the button for voicemail.

"Please let me know the moment you arrive." His voice was tired and worried.

Millions of scenarios played through my mind and I quickly typed up a text. I just finished typing when the people in front of me stood to collect their things. Shoving my phone in my pocket I began collecting my
carryon items.

On my way to get my luggage, I pulled out my phone to call him. That's when I realized I hadn't sent the text. Groaning I pressed send and then saw my bag start around the carousel. My phone began to vibrate and chime in my hand.


"Where are you?" He sounded almost panicked.

"Getting my luggage, what's wrong?" Fear rippled throughout my body.

"Nothing," he breathed.

"Collin, what is going on?" Silence, "Collin?" More silence, "Col –?"

Strong arms wrapped around me and held me tightly to his chest. I leaned back into him allowing his scent to surround us. His chest rose heavily against my back. Turning in his arms I cupped his face with one hand.

"What happened?" I searched his face.

"I miss you." He grinned.

"You freaked me out because you missed me?" I spat with irritation.

"I didn't mean to worry you," his brow furrowed. "I hate you being gone and couldn't take it any longer. If you hadn't come back today I would have been on a flight to New York."

My irritation melted.

"Come here," I pulled him tightly against me. His face snuggled into my hair and inhaled deeply.

"I've miss you so much," he whispered and pressed his wet lips to my neck.

"I missed you too." My words were becoming breathy.

Our lips and tongues met. The kiss grew heated and soon his hands were trailing down my body. The cry of a toddler snapped me out of the lusty haze. I pulled back and inhaled through my large smile.

"We need to get your bag before I take you right here in the baggage claim," he half grinned. I quickly collected my suitcase and he practically drug me cave man style to his car.

Making it home was not an option. The moment the close confines of the car surrounded us, lust rose to potent levels. His arm stretched out and pulled my face to his.

"I want you," he growled against my lips. The familiar tingle formed between my thighs.

Our mouths crashed together with a clink of our front teeth. Neither of us stopped to register the pain, the need was too great.

Collin pulled my body closer and closer, as if he could mesh our bodies together. His hand slid into the back of my yoga pants. With a little coaxing, he moved me to straddle his lap. Lowering the driver's seat back, his tongue plunged into my mouth passionately.

Long fingers trailed over the flesh of my backside until he had wrapped his forearm around my thigh and his fingertips found my swollen lips. I moaned and pushed back on his hand. He slid one digit inside, pulling his face from mine to look at my face.

Collin's other hand slid from my hip to my chest. He pushed me to sit up over him. I rose and fell on his finger. He slipped in a second one and growled.

My fingers went to work on his pants. Loosening a belt, unbuttoning, and lowering his zipper, I could feel him hard, long and thick under the material. The moment he was free from his pants I grasped him with my hand and stroked.

It took only seconds for him to strip me out of my pants and bring me back to his lap. My body welcomed sheathing him. His hands grasped my hips tightly and held me in place.

"You've been gone too long." His voice was stressed through his clenched jaw. I wiggled my hips and he growled.

Leaning forward I kissed him gently before running my tongue over his lips. Another growl left his mouth and I swallowed it. Our mouths moved just as I began to roll my hips.

"Oh shit," he mumbled. Hands wrapped around my head and pulled my lips closer to his.

There was so much need in our actions. He wanted me, I needed him, and we both had to have it now.

Sitting up, I began to rise and fall faster. His head tossed back, grabbing my hips again. Closing my eyes, I gripped the door and the side of his seat for balance. I could feel the familiar heat building where we were joined. The feel of his length dragging against the most delicious spot inside of me was bringing me to the edge of Shangri-La.

I was just getting a glimpse of the holy land when he pushed me into an upright position, my head tilted forward and to the side, just a little. He pushed my shirt and bra over my breasts in one swift motion of his hands. Cupping them he pushed his hips up harder.

"Ride me baby," he moaned and squeezed my tightened nipples.

"Oh god," I gasped.

My hips reacted instantly to his words. I lifted and slammed down onto him. He groaned out in pleasure before bringing his hands to my hips and meeting me with forceful thrusts upward. My hands flew to the ceiling of the car as are bodies sought the ultimate high. I was just on the verge when his smooth thumb slipped between my swollen lips and rubbed. A shiver ran through my body and I jerked against him erratically as the high of my orgasm reached new heights.

"That's it baby," he growled.

Grabbing my hips he thrust harder, his muscles tensed. It wasn't long before he was experiencing his own high. I collapsed to his chest, heavily breathing against him.

"Welcome home Sophia." His long fingers ran over the exposed skin of my lower back. I shivered.

Clothes were adjusted, seats moved to their upright position, and our bodies resituated in our own seats. Collin had to turn on the defroster to clear the fogged up windows before we could travel home.

Upon arrival, Victoria ran to my arms and then pulled me to the kitchen to see how she and Mrs. Baker had made me lunch. She had also drawn welcome home pictures. I couldn't help but smile and hold her close to me for the rest of the afternoon.

It only took Ilene two days to arrive to the house with news of a wedding planner. Everything in me wanted to scream, shove her out of the front door, and change the locks and alarm code. However, I plastered on a smile and tried to explain, once again, that I didn't need a large wedding so a wedding planner would not be necessary. She scoffed and told me to just meet with her. She was coming in two days. I wanted to scream.

The day Felicity Dane stepped into the house I was in awe of her. There was an air of confidence and beauty around her. Her tan skin and exotic looks would have been intimidating if she wasn't so friendly and professional. With refreshments on the coffee table between us, we got straight down to business.

"So, we have six months, correct?" I nodded. "Okay, did you have the date set?"

"No, there is no date –" Ilene cut me off.

"Do you have any suggestions? Could you see what venues were available in May, so we could decide then?"

? She made it sound like it was her and me getting married. I wanted to grab the large binder from Felicity's lap and smack Ilene in the head with it.

"Um," Felicity paused with an amused expression on her face. "Let's start with the service. Do you have a place selected?"

"Of course, our family church," Ilene spoke for me. I just nodded with a smile at Felicity.

Ilene attempted to get her way on everything. Large venues, huge guest lists, and large scale decor. She went on and on about different venues for the reception. Lucky for me, Felicity caught on to my fake appreciation. She began to reel Ilene in and respect the fact that I wanted a
small scale wedding. When Ilene would suggest something extravagant, Felicity would comment that it wasn't 'ideal for the smaller wedding'. Felicity was about to get a big wet kiss from me.

Before her departure, Felicity arranged for us to meet after Thanksgiving, once she had some time to do more research with the information she had. Ilene agreed to the meeting before I could. Just as Felicity was about to step out the door, she turned and handed me a folder.

"This is for you. Could you please go through this and answer some things for me?" I went to open it, but she stopped me. "Just look it over when you have time to sit back, relax, and go through it. There's information on how to get to my website where you can take care of some it online as well." She smiled warmly and said goodbye.

That evening when I was alone with my laptop, I pulled the folder out. Inside were small ideas she had written down for a small wedding of 100 guests or smaller. I smiled large when I saw some of the things she had noted. Next I found a business card with her number on it; however, on the back is stated 'Do not let that woman have my cell number'. I burst into laughter.

Pulling up the website, I found the questionnaire mentioned in the folder. I took a few moments to complete it and submit to her. Once it was all done, I sat back with a feeling of victory.

Weeks flew by with Ilene by my side, which had become a normal part of my everyday life. I did as well as I could to make the best of the time we spent together, realizing she not only lost a daughter over the past year, but also the closeness of all her children. The gap had never been fixed, not completely.

Though I really didn't mind Ilene, all the time, there were times I missed being by myself and doing what I liked to do. So, as we stood discussing Thanksgiving dinner, I devised a plan to push this family to mend its wounds. Yes, it was definitely a selfish act, but damn if I haven't been forgiving and compromising with all of them. They could do this.

"I'm going reach out to Max and Larissa, as well as Allison for dinner," I didn't look up from the catering menus Ilene insisted on looking over, instead of cooking.

"Y-you are?" Her stumbling over her words made me look up. She didn't do that too often. Worry creased her face and aged it dramatically.

"Actually, I think I'll invite them over to help cook dinner." I smiled slyly and went for the phone.

Ilene snorted. "Good luck getting Allison to cook anything." She picked a menu back up to her face. "I think this place would be the best."

Picking up the phone I dialed Larissa first. When the ringing started in my ear, I glanced at Ilene who looked at me expectantly. I shook my head.

"I'd rather cook my –"

"Hello?" Larissa charming voice filtered through the receiver next to my ear.

"Hi, Larissa, it's Sophia. How are you?"

"Oh, Sophia," her tone was surprisingly pleasant and kind, "it's good to hear from you. I'm good, how are things there?"

"Not too bad. In fact I'm in the middle of planning Thanksgiving dinner." I paused for a moment and then just thought, screw it. "I was hoping you, Max, and the kids would be coming?"

"Of course, we would love to come." She sounded relieved. "To be honest, I wasn't sure what was going to happen this year with…well with everything."

"I'm sure," I laughed lightly. "Well, I'll start cooking in the morning, probably around six, so you can stop by at any time."

"You're going to cook dinner?"

"Yes," I laughed. "Ilene had the same reaction." I laughed a little louder.

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