Read Loch and Key Online

Authors: Shelli Stevens

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Loch and Key (19 page)

“I…will call tomorrow.”

“Ugh did you forget about the party?” Sarah tilted her head and gave her a close look. “He’s getting to you.”

“He’s not…I just, I’ve been busy. We’re going on a camping trip this weekend with a bunch of his fellow chiefs and their wives. Also, school’s been hectic, and—”

“No, Kenzie, it’s in your eyes. Stop making excuses. You’re falling for him.”

“I know,” she finally admitted quietly. “I am. When not working, we’re together. I haven’t stayed at my house in days. I’m lucky if I do once a week. My mind…”

“Is full of him. It happens when you fall in love.”

“Love?” She felt heat rising to her cheeks. “Please, Sarah, we’ve only just started dating. He’s not sure he can handle permanent, and I need to focus on finishing my degree.”

Sarah’s expression turned skeptical. “Why doesn’t he want permanent? He must be in his mid-thirties.”

“Oh, aye, he is. But, well, it’s complicated. Basically he wants to wait until he gets out of the Navy in a few years before he thinks about marriage again.”

“Again?” Sarah’s brows rose. “He’s been married?”

“Like I said, it’s a long story.”
And not mine to tell,
she added silently.

She glanced back at her brothers and noticed Brett slip away and back into the house.

“I’m going to take a moment and make sure my brothers aren’t harassing him too much.” She quickly squeezed her sister-in-law’s hand. “We’ll chat later, I promise.”

When she arrived in front of the three men their analytical gazes all swung to her.

She folded her arms across her chest and tilted her head. “And? May as well just get on with it. What do you think?”

“He seems right decent,” Colin said first, almost reluctantly.

“Aye.” Ian nodded and he gave a wry grin. “Has a sense of humor and didn’t seem too distressed by my child.”

Kenzie swung her gaze to Aleck, the most difficult to please.

“And you?”

He grunted and rubbed his jaw. “Not quite sure how I feel about sailors.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, really?” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not asking for your opinion on Navy men in general, just the one I’m sleeping with.”

Ian spit out the sip of beer he’d been sipping on, Colin let out a sharp laugh, and Aleck looked near to exploding.

“Kenzie Amanda McLaughlin, if your da could hear you now he’d—”

“Realize I’m a grown woman and be absolutely fine with it?” She shook her head. “Ah, drop the outraged brother act already. Beyond the fact that he serves our country—because how dare he, aye?—what do you think of

Aleck stared at her and then glanced back at the house where Brett had disappeared.

“He’s not bad.”

Argh! It was like pulling teeth with this one.

“Though if you introduced him to us, it must be serious,” Aleck added.

“As if you gave me any choice.” She glowered at them all. “If I hadn’t brought him over soon, I’m fairly certain you would’ve arranged a meeting.”

“Aye, it was in the works, actually,” Colin agreed with a nod.

Ian snapped his finger. “Oh, right, right. The accidental run-in outside his house?”

“How do you accidentally run into someone outside their house?” Kenzie demanded. “The whole lot of you are ridiculous.”

Aleck finally let loose a small smile and shook his head. “We are a bit, but we do it out of love.”

“God help Emily when she becomes a teenager.”

“Not going to happen,” Ian said crisply. “I’ll not be allowing any daughter of mine to become a teenager.”

“Good luck with that.” Colin slapped his brother on the back. “I’m going to find Hailey.”

“Can’t be apart more than a moment. You’re completely whipped,” Aleck ribbed.

Colin grinned. “Aye, and that’s why I’m marrying the lass in two weeks.”

“And it’s a brilliant move. I should check on the baked potatoes in the oven. Don’t want any explosions again,” Aleck said and followed after his brother.

“He never quite caught on to that poking holes in the potatoes bit,” Kenzie murmured.

“The man can’t cook, though he sure as hell tries to pretend he can,” Colin drawled and glanced her way, his relaxed demeanor fading some. “So on a more somber note, I meant to ask if Charles had been giving you any issues.”

Had he learned about the recent run-ins? She’d tried not to mention it to Colin, because she knew he worried about her.

“No more than usual,” she said lightly. “I try to avoid him.”

“As well you should. I’ll bring him down, Kenzie. I swear it,” he muttered, anger flashing in his eyes. “I’ve a lead on a girl who reportedly was assaulted by him.”

Her breath caught as hope flared inside her. “Have you found her? Will she testify?”

Anything to get him off the streets.

Colin’s hesitation was her answer before he spoke. “Not yet. I can’t even get her to agree to meet with me yet,” he admitted. “But I’m not ruling her out, and I’m following up on other leads. You’re doing the right thing, though, just stay away from him if you can.”

“Stay away from who?” Brett joined them on the patio and slid an arm around her waist. “If it’s me, I’m going to have to shoot down that idea.”

His arm around her sent warmth and a feeling of protection through her. She leaned against him and let out a soft sigh.

“Not you,” she hedged, not wanting to upset him by bringing it up. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Richland?” he guessed anyway.

“Aye, so you’re aware of him?” Colin turned his focus to Brett and arched a brow.

“Yeah. We’ve had a run-in. Just your basic asshole rapist hiding in a polo shirt.”

“Well put.” Colin gave a small nod, respect flickering in his eyes because they agreed. “He’s bad news. You’d think he’d use his half a brain to stay away from Kenzie, after their history. Yet he has this disgusting desire to continue her torment.”

“You realize I’m still actually here, and listening to every frustrating word you’re saying.”

“Aye, you are, and it’s a good thing. The man is a threat to you, to all women, and he shouldn’t be walking free.”

“I’m not going to argue with that.” Kenzie welcomed the strong hand that traced lightly on her waist. “But he is free, the justice system set him free—”

“The justice system failed,” Colin said tersely.

She shook her head. “No, we can’t say that. The justice system worked just fine.”

“Sounds like it was the jury that failed,” Brett suggested.

“Regardless, it’s over. It’s been over, and all I can do is try and avoid him.”

Colin grunted. “He’ll slip up, and when he does I’ll be there to ensure this time he gets convicted for it.”

Slipping up meant that another woman would be assaulted, though. The thought made her stomach heave and a chill race down her back.

She slipped from Brett’s arms. “I should…go help Aleck with the potatoes.”

As she walked away she heard Colin and Brett speaking quietly.

She might’ve been more thrilled to realize they were getting along so well, if the subject they were discussing wasn’t the fuel for her nightmares.



The drive home was quiet. Brett glanced over at Kenzie, found her staring out the window of his truck, seeming lost in thought.

Even though she’d appeared to enjoy the rest of the barbeque, he’d sensed a little wariness in her. Sadness. He suspected it had come from the conversation about Charles Richland.

When she’d disappeared into the house, he and Colin had continued the discussion. Both committing to keeping her safe and watching out for the scumbag. Though they didn’t really think Richland would be stupid enough to try anything on Kenzie again. He’d beat the system once and would be dumb as hell to press his luck.

“Did you still want to come over to my place?” He gave her another quick glance. “If you’re not up for it—”

“Going back to your place tonight was motivation for me to get through the last couple hours,” she drawled. “Of course, that two minutes making out in the back bedroom helped get me through too.”

“Yeah, I liked that part. Except it was hard not to worry about your brothers breaking through the wall Kool-Aid man style and beating my ass.”

She burst into laughter and shook her head. “Wouldn’t happen. They’d have to get through me.”

When they arrived back at his place, they’d only just stepped in the door when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Her lips were soft and slow moving against him, her body warm and curvy in his arms. The blood in his veins heated and he grew hard not long after she sucked his tongue into her mouth.

When she finally pulled away, her lips were moist and her eyes were a brighter green from arousal.

“You really were amazing today. My family, whether they wanted to or not, liked you.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I know how important family is, and especially to you.”

“Aye. My brothers and da have been the only men in my life for nearly all of it. Then there was you…”

“Then there was me.” He stole another slow kiss, and slid his hands from her waist to squeeze the soft lushness of her ass. “And although I think your family is pretty amazing, I sure would love a little one-on-one time with you, sugar.”

“One-on-one sounds brilliant.” She kissed him again, her body moving against him in a clear signal that she was growing more aroused.

With a growl of appreciation, he lifted her off the ground, and her legs immediately went around his waist. He carried her to the bedroom and they fell onto the bed together—her denim-clad legs still wrapped around him.

Without breaking the kiss, he reached between them to unsnap her jeans and tug down the zipper.

While the skinny jean fad looked amazing on her, it sure as hell slowed down his process in removing the fuckers.

He lifted his mouth and grimaced. “Love how your ass looks in these jeans, sugar, but they’re making it really difficult to get into your fun zone.”

Through her haze of arousal, understanding dawned and she let out a husky laugh.

“Fun zone, hmm? Wouldn’t want to keep you out of there.”

She wiggled her hips, helping him tug her jeans down enough to maneuver his hand into them and beneath her panties. The first brush of his fingers against her warm mound had her moaning into his mouth.

He claimed her mouth again and eased a finger inside her, and this time their groans mingled. The slick heat of her body never failed to get him hard, and he closed his eyes to enjoy the feel of her around his finger.

He penetrated her slowly and she made soft moans as she squirmed underneath him—squirming not just from pleasure, but as she struggled to pull off her shirt and bra.

Finally she was free and he couldn’t resist lowering his head to nuzzle one full breast. The nipple peaked against his lips and he opened to draw her inside.

“Mmm. Yes.” She held his head against her breasts as her thighs clenched around his waist.

Her soft words only enflamed him more. He released her breast to stare down at her for a moment. With her coppery hair flared out on his bed and her eyes slits with vivid green peeking out.

She was stunning, and like a rare gem. It was no wonder her brothers were protective. Every man around probably tried to get into Kenzie’s pants. Not only was she sexy as hell, but funny and so damn sweet and surprisingly innocent.

“You stopped,” she whispered, reaching up to tease the buttons on his shirt.

He’d stopped only to think about how damn lucky he was to have her right now. Here. In his arms, in his bed. In his life.

And for how long?

That last question he couldn’t bring himself to think about right now. Because he was starting to realize he might want her for longer than he’d expected. Two weeks now and they were virtually inseparable if they weren’t at work. Even then, they texted whenever they got the chance.

How had they become
couple? He was used to teasing his sailors about that kind of thing, not being on the receiving end.

Kenzie kissed his neck. “You’d better come back, Brett.”

He blinked, shocked out of his thoughts. Better come back. Did she mean…?

“Care to elaborate, sugar?”

“You’re miles away.”

Chapter Fourteen

Mentally. God, for a moment he’d assumed she was talking about deployment. That she’d jumped into the same thoughts he had.

“I guess I was.” He dipped his head again, paying attention to the opposite breast.

If she’d been ready to offer him a penny for his thoughts, she clearly changed her mind as she began riding his fingers and clutching his head as he suckled her.

He couldn’t get enough of her. Touching her. Tasting her. Knowing how easily he brought her to climax, and how easily she did the same to him.

Wanting to see her come, he worked his thumb between her folds to find her swollen clit. Her breaths became gasps, until she finally cried out and her thighs clenched around his hand as she climaxed.

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