Love, Lies & The D.A. (16 page)

Read Love, Lies & The D.A. Online

Authors: Rebecca Rohman

barely sleep that night. I can’t stop thinking about that person who followed
me. Neither can I get Jonathan’s impromptu visit out of my head or the kiss
that almost happened.


*     *     *


Jada shattered any hopes we might have had. Although, I am now convinced that
she is just as attracted to me as I am to her. I wanted her to take the lead. I
was eager to taste her lips, but for obvious reasons, she pulled away. It’s
been difficult to control my desire for her when I’m in her presence.

In the
last few months, I’ve been keeping my distance, but it doesn’t mean that I
haven’t thought about her probably a hundred times a day.

effect, she told me to stay away from her. It appears that the only way that
anything could ever develop between us is if she weren’t brought up on charges.
Unfortunately, if I listen to the rumors floating around, it might be just a
matter of time before her file reaches my desk.

her with her family was completely unexpected. They’re a small family and very
close, especially she and her brother. It’s too bad I’ll never get to meet her
dad. The way they spoke about him, it looks like Jada was exactly like him.

appeared nervous and tense much of the night. Maybe it was because of my
presence. I could feel the chemistry between us. She only seemed to relax when
we were saying our private goodbye.

someone followed her. Who would do that? A reporter approached her. I hope they
don’t wreck the peaceful life she’s managed to make for herself up here. That
aside, if they did, I’d lose the only opportunity to run into her.

unsure as to whether I should forget about her or give her space. It looks like
she might still be dealing with issues with her ex anyway, and I don’t want to
be in the position where I end up competing with her dead ex.

guess for now, I’m going to have to try to forget her. In the past, I’d depend
on my fuck buddy to help me through periods like this. However, right now, I
don’t think any amount of great sex will make up for the disappointment I feel
where Jada McLean is concerned. Besides, since meeting Jada, sex with a fuck
buddy is the last thing on my mind…

It may
not be a bad idea for me to head back home and bury myself in work. It’s the
only thing that will keep Jada McLean off my mind.


*     *     *


the next few days, I mope around the house like a sad puppy. I also start to
wonder how this person found out where I was in the first place. After some
research, I find out that it’s possible a car-tracking device was used. I head
into the garage.

switch on the lights and look for a flashlight in one of the drawers. I search
the front of the vehicle, but I can’t seem to find anything. However, after
almost giving up on the backside, my instincts tell me to search above the
tires on the inside of the fender, and even though I can’t see it, I feel the
device with my hands.

I pull
it out and there it is, a small black box that fits in my palm. When was this
installed? What should I do? Do I call the police? I return it to its original
location. After a shower, I call Charles.

could have been placed there by the police, a reporter, or someone else. We don’t
know,” Charles says.

I throw it away?”

get rid of it. Please be careful where you go. Make sure you stay in public

think I’ll return to San Francisco tomorrow. I’ll probably stay for a day or
two then go somewhere else after New Year’s. Do you think the investigators
will be able to sweep my car and make sure it’s clean?”

“I can
arrange for that. Let me know when you’re on your way home.”


that day,
I head to the police station to get a copy of the police
report. Up till now, there is no word on who followed me. I now look at all
large dark Chevys and their drivers with suspicion. The driver of the vehicle
somehow managed to escape police. They never got close enough to even see the

I am
about to return home when my phone rings.

David, how are you?”

great! And you?”

okay. Just running some errands in town.”

Listen. We’re putting together a last minute New Year’s party tonight, and we
wanted to invite you.”

you. Is it going to be a big group?”

about fifty of our friends.”

Jonathan coming?”

invited him. But unfortunately, it looks like he won’t be in town till

I feel
a tad disappointed that he won’t be there.

Did you need me to bring anything?”


I’ll see you later.”

Jonathan were coming, I wouldn’t be attending. At least, that’s what I want to
tell myself, but this will be my opportunity to say goodbye to the Carlton family.

I last saw him, I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind. I am torn
between what my heart wants and what my mind is telling me to do… or what not
to do, in this case.


As I
home, snow starts trickling down. I haven’t checked the
weather for today. I turn on the local radio station. It looks like there’s a
storm coming in for New Year’s. It’s only four to six inches of snow, so the
roads should be clear by at least the day after.

If I
hadn’t promised David I’d come to his party, I’d try to leave early. However, I’ve
promised, and they’ve been good to me while I’ve been in Lake Tahoe, so I
choose to stay.

that evening, I pack most of my things and try to figure out what exactly
should I wear to a party while it’s snowing. After showering and some makeup, I
try on my limited options. I settle for my
cashmere sweater dress with leggings underneath and a hot pair of cinnamon
colored knee high Gucci boots paired with a cinnamon feathered jacket. I slick
my hair back into a bun then add some gold jewelry, and I’m good to go.

of the weather, I drive to David and Kat’s house. So far, there is accumulation
only on the grass. The roads are salted, and for now, they are clear.

By the
time I arrive, there are at least ten vehicles outside their house. The party
appears to be in full swing when I enter. I get a warm welcome from David. Kat
hugs me and slips a gold Happy New Year crown on my head. It’s early, but she
seems a little tipsy.

introduce me to some of their friends, and then I make my way out to the
terrace where the outdoor fireplace roars. I serve myself a mug of hot cocoa,
and I’m about to say hi to the twins, who are in front of me, when from behind
someone calls my name.

a small group of people, I can see
walking towards me.

tinge… well, maybe a little more than a tinge, of excitement runs through my

thought you weren’t coming,” I say.

I heard a storm was on its way, I left early. I didn’t want to stay the weekend
in San Francisco.”

wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

I was
wishing though…

say that like you’re disappointed.”

disappointed. Surprised.”

“So I
see for myself that you received the dress.”

chuckle. “I suspected it was you, but you didn’t leave a card.”

I couldn’t because…”

I know… and I thought of sending you a check, but I couldn’t because… in any
event, thank you. You didn’t have to do that… but it’s one of my favorites, so
I’m grateful.”

know. It was written all over your face when that wine landed on it.”

hope your
helped you pay the bill.”

not go there. You haven’t had any more of those
have you?”

mean like being followed or accosted by reporters?”


I answer, but I don’t tell him I found a tracking device attached to my car.

good news. Your brother sent me a note today on LinkedIn.”

my brother, ever so efficient when it comes to networking.”

both went to Stanford. He was a year ahead of me.”

Too bad you didn’t discuss those types of details the last time we were at

know that was uncomfortable for you.”

was. Everyone seemed to be having fun at my expense.”

eyes wander. “That wasn’t my intention.”


mother interrogated me the whole drive to the airport.”

sorry,” he laughs.

walk through the terrace and say hello to a few people then head inside to the
buffet table for dinner. I’m starving. After plating some food, we sit on an
oversized bench near the fireplace and enjoy our meal together.

we sit to eat, the snow starts coming down heavily. I look out to the patio and
notice the accumulation that is quickly rising.

wrong?” Jonathan asks.

concerned about the snow. If it accumulates too much on the road, I won’t be
able to get back home.”

worry. I’ll take you home if needs be. I have my SUV.”

have an SUV?”

A Land Rover Evoque. Around here, in this type of weather, and the hills, it’s
helpful to have one.”

you. I hope I won’t need it, though. I need to head back to San Francisco

long will you be gone?”

I don’t
want to answer, so I am happy to talk to David when he appears. We make small
talk for about half an hour, and then David heads off to prepare for the New
Year’s countdown that is in about fifteen minutes.

walk around with flutes loaded with champagne. I take us each a glass. The
champagne is great. Dom Perignon, I think. I savor the flavor as it slides down
my throat.

As the
moments to New Year’s draws near, I’m almost certain I can hear the pounding in
my chest. Now, more than ever, I wish Jonathan Kole wasn’t the DA. I wish I
could be open and honest with him, especially about how I feel.

He is
mere inches behind me, and we all stand and watch as the twins attempt a
fireworks display in the snow.
Auld Lang Syne
plays. The countdown is
on, and we look on and break out in laughter when the snow drenches the
fireworks, not allowing the fire to spark more than a few seconds at a time… So
much for the display. Jonathan kisses me lightly on the cheek from behind. His
touch sends shivers through my body, and I hope he doesn’t notice the effect he
has on me. His hands lie gently on my shoulders, and for a moment, I forget he’s
the DA, and I place one hand over his. Together, we bring in the New Year.

dances later, one with each of the twins, it’s now almost three in the morning,
and I think I’m ready to go home. After walking around in search of Kat, and
then David, I say my goodbyes and thank them for treating me so well while I
stayed in Lake Tahoe. When I get outside, Jonathan awaits me. I’ll have to
leave my car here for the night because the road is too slippery.

holds the door open for me, and I quickly run in, trying to avoid the heavy
snow. Within minutes, we are at my house, and he drives into the empty garage

careful tomorrow on the road,” he says as we sit in the idling vehicle.

I want
to tell him I won’t be returning, but I’m not sure if I can trust him with that
information. Suddenly, an escalating noise, possibly an explosion, getting
nearer and nearer interrupts my thoughts.

that noise?” I ask.

rolls down his window slightly.

think it’s an avalanche.”

At the
sound of his words, my heart thumps in my chest. I’ve never experienced one
before. I have no idea what to expect.

“Is it
near, far, are we in danger? Where is it coming from?”

okay. Don’t worry. It sounds like it’s at the bottom of the hill… it’s coming
from the other side.”

listen and suddenly the noise slowly comes to a halt.

sounded pretty close,” he says as he gets out of the vehicle and walks to the
street. I follow closely behind. The visibility is very poor, but it looks like
the bridge below is completely covered with snow. David and Kat’s house is
beyond that bridge, and I wonder if they’re okay.

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