Love This Life: Love's Great Adventure Series Book 2: Love's Great Adventure Series Book 2 (10 page)

“And you’re bucking tradition by seeing the groom before the ceremony,” Henry added.

“Very few things about this wedding have been traditional. Why should I start now?” Tess responded, reaching over to take Sebastian’s hand.

“Then let me come downstairs and get ready with you,” Sebastian suggested.

“No—out of the question. I want the dress reveal to be a surprise. You’re always surprising me. Now it’s my turn.”

“Okay, Tess. We should be going downstairs to get you ready,” her mom said, pushing back from the table.

Sebastian walked his fiancée to the front door. “I’ll see you in ninety minutes,” he whispered, kissing her on the lips.


Sigourney was fluttering about as Tess and Kate entered the condo. “Everything under control?” Tess asked as Sigourney moved about like a drill sergeant.

“Almost ready to go. Go have a shower. The hairdresser will be here in fifteen minutes.”

Tess saluted her soon to be sister-in-law and headed for the bathroom.


Sitting at the vanity, Tess watched as the hairdresser placed the beaded headband on her head. She slowly stood up from the vanity and turned to face her mom, who tried to hold back a tear.

“Don’t cry, Mom. You’ll make me cry and then I’ll ruin my makeup.”

“I have never seen you more beautiful. I love you, honey.”

Tess hugged her mother. “I love you, too.”

“Let’s get you out of the robe and into your wedding dress.”

Tess carefully slipped into the Chanel gown and turned around so her mom could zip it up. Tess smoothed out the tulle skirt and smiled. She couldn’t wait for Sebastian so see her in her new dress.

Next she slipped on the blue satin garter—something old and blue. The headband was something new. “I don’t have anything borrowed,” she fretted.

There was a knock on the door. Sigourney popped her head inside the room. “You look absolutely amazing, Tess.” She walked into the room, holding something in her hand. “I would be honored if you’d wear this today. It was Sebastian and my grandmother’s diamond bracelet.”

Tess looked at the ornate yet delicate nineteenth century piece. “I don’t know what to say. It’s so beautiful.”

“Being a countess has its advantages, and Granpapa did love to shower her with jewels,” Sigourney explained. “Put out your wrist.”

Tess let Sigourney secure the bracelet. “Something borrowed,” she said to her mother.

“We’re all set. Kate, do you want to take your seat?” Sigourney asked.

They left the room, leaving Tess alone. She thought she should be nervous, but it was the complete opposite. She was comfortable and at ease. Even though she had fought Sebastian on the date, she knew in her heart the time was right. Marrying him was right and she couldn’t wait to become Mrs. Sebastian Irons.

Cherish the Day
began to play. This was her cue. She picked up the small bouquet of white and pink roses and opened the bedroom door. Across the room, in front of the full-length window with the view of Manhattan, stood Sebastian. He was wearing a tuxedo, his brown hair perfectly groomed and his sapphire blue eyes sparkling with excitement. He was the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. She smiled back at him and started her walk across the room to join him.

* * *

Tess was stunning. Sebastian reminded himself to keep his mouth shut, lest he look like a fool agape at her beauty. The dress was perfect. The sheer tulle skirt, in the palest pink he had ever seen, suited her perfectly. The fitted bodice and beaded short sleeves showed off her creamy skin. Her brown hair was pulled up, showing off her slender neck. Even he could never have picked such a spectacular gown. She couldn't get to him fast enough and Sebastian wanted to rush to her and kiss her for all he was worth.

When she joined him, Sebastian took her hand and, leaning into her, he whispered. “You take my breath away.”

Tess blushed at his comment and together they turned to face the justice of the peace. He greeted the guests and began the ceremony.

Tess handed her bouquet to Sigourney before Sebastian took her hands and recited his vows. Gazing into her eyes, he began: “I thought I might quote a poem to express my feelings for you, but no matter how beautiful the words, they just seem to pale in comparison and they could never express how deeply I love you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever known. I am in awe of your grace, caring, tenacity, and ambition. I’m not sure how I lived before you came into my life, but I am certain that I could never face another day without you by my side. I never thought that being someone’s soul mate was possible—but you make me believe the impossible. I used to tell Nanny that I loved her more than anything in the world, but you—you are my world, Tess. I love you with everything I am and everything I hope to be. I promise to spend every day for the rest of my life loving and cherishing you.”

The timbre in his voice, the feeling in his eyes, and the way he poured his emotions into the vows simply melted her heart. A few delicate tears ran down her cheeks. When it was her turn to speak, she decided to forgo the speech she had written ahead of time. After hearing how Sebastian felt, her speech seemed inadequate and rehearsed. She decided to forget the written text and spoke these words from her heart.

“You are the most amazing man I know: my best friend, my partner, my everything. I can’t even properly describe what I feel for you—the depth of the love I have for you. It would take a lifetime to do that, and that’s what I intend to do. I will show you every day how in love I am with you, Sebastian.”

Sebastian slipped the gold band on her ring finger while pledging his troth. Tess followed and slipped the wedding ring on his ring finger.

“I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss your bride,” the justice of the peace concluded.

Everyone in the room clapped, but Sebastian didn't hear any of it. He simply honed in on his wife’s supple lips and kissed her with abandon. When they finally pulled apart, they were surrounded by their family and good wishes.

* * *

They danced to
No Ordinary Love
in the middle of the living room and Tess felt complete contentment. “I’m so happy right now,” she told Sebastian as she nuzzled against his shoulder.

“You were right the entire time—having the wedding here was perfect.”

They posed for photos, mingled with their guests, until it was time to cut the cake. Sigourney had outdone herself by having the cake made by the go-to cake maker in Manhattan. It was a two-tiered round cake, draped in white fondant and covered with fresh flowers. It was almost too pretty to cut. After removing the top layer, Tess and Sebastian joined hands over the sterling silver cake knife and then cut a slice. They shared the first piece, carefully feeding each other, to avoid spilling anything on their clothing. The chocolate cake with raspberry filling melted in Tess’ mouth. “I could eat this whole cake,” she whispered to Sebastian, who was beaming down at her.

“Later, in bed,” he whispered before kissing her.


When the reception was over, Sebastian closed and locked the door. Leaning against the door, he admired his new wife, whose back was turned to him as she looked across the Hudson as the sun set over the city.

When he finally came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she let out a languid sigh. “Perfect ending to a perfect day.”

“Perfect life,” Sebastian corrected, kissing her neck. “You look so amazing in this dress, but I can’t wait to get you out of it.”

Tess giggled. “Be careful. It cost a fortune and I need to pack it for Europe.”

Sebastian carefully unzipped the gown and slowly slipped if off her shoulders. With great care, he draped the dress over the back of the chair. He got down on one knee and admired her beauty as she stood in front of him wearing lacy white lingerie.

He took her hand and pulled her down so she sat on his knee. “I know we have an early flight tomorrow, but I need to spend the night making love to you.”

The corner of her mouth turned up as she nodded her head in agreement. “Sleep is overrated, anyway.”

“Indeed.” Sebastian picked her up and carried her to their bedroom.

* * *

“Are you happy, Mrs. Irons?” Sebastian asked, holding his wife in his arms after they made love.

“Very happy, Mr. Irons,” she replied, looking up at him. “Do I get to learn a little bit more about our honeymoon now? You and Sigourney have had your heads together for months planning this and I can’t help but think it will be grandiose.”

“Henry will be here at seven o’clock tomorrow morning to take us to JFK. From there we’re taking the Concorde to Paris.”

“The Concorde! We can’t afford that!”

“The honeymoon trip is Sigourney’s gift to us, or as she puts it, she’s simply spending the cut of my inheritance she gets.”

“She’s done too much. How can we repay her?” Tess questioned with worry.

“Shh,” he muttered, placing his lips over hers. “We’re only doing this once, remember? I want you to enjoy it.”

His kisses made her feel dreamy, like she was floating on a cloud. “When do we get to go to London?”

“We will start with a week in Paris at the George V and head to the Cote D’Azur, cross over into Spain and visit Barcelona and Madrid.”

“What about Vienna? I want pastries!” she exclaimed.

“I’ll buy you pastries in every city we visit.” Sebastian promised. “We’ll end up in London and catch the plane back home from Heathrow.”

She was so excited that she all but jumped up and down on the bed. “Am I going to have enough clothes?”

“Sigourney has packed for you. We’ll have the concierge launder the clothes when we run out.”

Tess looked down at her rings and then looked into Sebastian’s eyes. “Thank you—for everything. I can’t wait to leave.”

Chapter 13 - No Ordinary Love

The Concorde landed at Charles de Gaulle airport three and a half hours after they departed JFK. They took a taxi into Paris, their destination the George V hotel on Avenue George V, just off the Champs Elysees.

Their room was adorned with white and gold accented Louis XIV furniture. The bed was a four-poster canopy with ostrich plumes jutting from the top of the posts, replete with light blue and gold embroidered silk linens, and rose petals scattered on top the duvet. Tess eagerly walked around the room and looked in the armoire, checked out the marble bathroom, and finally stopped in front of the window that overlooked the Eiffel Tower.

“It’s so—” she stopped, lost for words.

“French,” Sebastian finished, coming up behind her and placing his hands on her waist. He turned her around to face him and untied the knot of her belt of the Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress she was wearing while he continued. “Ornate, elaborate, ostentatious.”

“Yes, all of those things.” She slipped out of her wrap dress, saying, “You know how turned on I get when you use fancy words.”

“And speak in a British accent,” he cooed, sitting in a nearby chair and pulling her onto his lap.

“Make love to me, Mr. Irons.”

“It would be my pleasure, Mrs. Irons.”

Sebastian picked up Tess and playfully threw her onto the bed; rose petals bounced into the air as she landed on the soft mattress. He stripped out of his clothes and crawled toward her, planting little kisses along her body. Then he took one of the stray rose petals and ran it along her cleavage and over her pebbled nipples.

Tess grabbed the linens in her fist. “Too slow,” she whispered.

“Not slow enough,” Sebastian countered. “I plan to make love to you at a leisurely pace, working you into a frenzy until you are delirious with pleasure.”

“I don’t think I can wait that long, Sebastian.”

“Patience, Tess.” He reached over and grabbed his silk tie. “Put your hands together.”

Tess followed his order and soon he was wrapping the tie around her wrists and lifting her arms over her head.

* * *

Tess was taken aback at the move. She wasn’t afraid of sex, but yet again, Sebastian had surprised her. They had never done anything like this in the bedroom, and Tess couldn’t help but feel a pang of excitement as she relinquished control.

Sebastian leaned back on his knees and stared at Tess, lying there in her bra, panties, and garter belt. He watched her chest rapidly rise and fall in anticipation of his next move. He slipped off her panties and spread her legs, the cool air touching her and making her shiver. Sliding his hands up and down her inner thighs, he leaned in and kissed her belly. Sebastian’s tongue trailed down her middle to her clit.

She let out an audible gasp as she felt his tongue flick back and forth. He was teasing her, long and slow, like he promised. Tess had other ideas. She took her tied wrists, which were above her head, and reached down to grab his hair. Sebastian looked up at her face, a mischievous look in his eye, and then his tongue resumed its languid pace.

Next she felt two fingers inside her, stroking her. That movement in connection with his tongue set her nerves on fire. Tess bucked her hips up to spur him on. She needed him to go faster—so close to coming. He must have sensed it, for he suddenly stopped.

“No!” Tess cried out at the loss of his touch. “Don’t leave me.”

Sebastian gave her a wicked grin. “I’m not through with you yet.” He pushed her arms back above her head and gently rolled Tess over onto her stomach. Then he began to massage her shoulders and back. It felt wonderful, but it wasn’t what Tess wanted. She whimpered under his touch.

“Don’t you like this?”

“No, I need to feel you inside me. Stop torturing me, Sebastian.”

“Is this torture? It feels like heaven to me,” he said, lying down on top of her, his erection nestled against her ass. Sebastian reached around and cupped her breasts.

Tess wiggled her ass to see if she could wear down his resolve. He merely knelt behind her and playfully spanked her bare ass cheek. She was losing patience and her own sanity. If she could only untie the knot and free her hands, she would have pleasured herself. “Damn it, Bas, if you don’t fuck me right now, you’ll get no sex for the rest of this honeymoon,” she ground out with need.

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