Read Love Under Two Doctors Online

Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

Love Under Two Doctors (12 page)

“Good morning.” It was the simplest thing in the world to wind her arms around Robert’s neck. She undulated her hips forward, and then back. David’s cock was pressed against her bottom, and she wondered what it would be like to have that magnificent piece of flesh in her ass.

David kissed her shoulder, and eased away from her.

Before she could complain about that, Robert said, “Hang on to me.” He enfolded her in his arms, and flipped them. She found herself flat on her back with Robert on her and in her. His presence surrounded her, and the aroma of his sweat teased her nostrils, a delectable confection begging her to indulge.

Jillian closed her eyes as a shiver ran through her.

“Are you cold?”

It never even occurred to her to lie. “No. That was my body rejoicing at having your cock inside me.”

Robert grinned. “I felt your pussy squeeze my cock in welcome. Allow me to return the favor.”

Jillian couldn’t restrain her smile when she felt his cock flex inside her. He didn’t thrust, didn’t begin to rut in her the way her ex-husband had done. He simply held himself still and flexed. Then he grinned at her anew, as if he understood that he’d surprised and pleased her.

Was sex supposed to be fun and flirty? Enjoyable, yes, she knew it was
to be enjoyable—although she hadn’t been able to prove it so far from her own personal experience.

Robert’s smile ebbed, and his expression became a heartwarming combination of tenderness and lust. “Tell me you want this, Jillian. Tell me you want me to fuck you senseless, because that is what I very much want to do right now.”

They’d both been sneaky, telling her she didn’t have to worry about their sexual demands the way they had. She’d bet they’d intended all along to take her once the witching hour had come.

Her experience had always been that once a man’s cock hardened, it ruled, and he took what he wanted, when he wanted it. So the very fact that this extremely virile man could stop from seeking his own pleasure and not only turn playful but then ask permission to continue opened up whole new dimensions for her.

Jillian believed without a doubt that if she said stop, he would stop. Even so, she tested that theory now, just because she could.

“And if I say no?”

“I’ll be disappointed. In case you haven’t realized it, Jillian, I want you.” He flexed his cock again. “But no means no, so I’ll respect that and go jerk off in the bathroom.”

“Now that would be a shame, and a waste of a good, hard erection.” Jillian shocked herself with her honesty, but she simply couldn’t play games, not about this. Neither could she resist the urge to squeeze him again. She thought about their conversation for a moment longer. She’d never been a woman to be so bold as to demand sexual favors, but something about being naked with these two men brought out the sexual adventuress in her. “Although, maybe that’s something I would like to see someday.”

“Mmm. Someday. Not now?”

“No. Right now, I very much want and need you to fuck me senseless.” She turned her head to the left and encountered David’s attentive gaze. “Don’t you go anywhere, doc. You’re next.”

David grinned. “Remind us to discuss with you the concept of topping from the bottom.”

Jillian thought she might have a clue what he meant by that. She’d have been happy to discuss the concept now, except her entire body quivered with anticipation for the experience just waiting there for her on her personal horizon.

And then Robert flexed his cock inside her again. He’d done it twice, teasing. This time she instinctively sensed the command in the gesture.

She turned her gaze away from his brother and met the heat in his obsidian eyes. She gave him her full attention.

“That’s right, little one. Focus on me, and don’t close your eyes.”

Robert pulled almost all the way out of her body, and then surged into her pussy again. Then, with a pace that felt slow, strong, and deliberate, he began to move inside her. His hard, wide cock rubbed heat and lust along the walls of her vagina. The friction of his fucking certainly began to smolder the raw kindling of her passion. She now understood her passion had waited
for this man and his brother to unlock it from its prison and set it free, light it ablaze.

Legs splayed wide, feeling completely open and totally under his control, Jillian savored the experience of being fucked by a man who had the equipment, and the mind-set, to do the job right. She ran her hands across his chest, then along his sides, and then around to his back. She thrilled to the feel of his muscles rippling beneath her hands as he moved in her, and the sheen of perspiration coating his flesh from his obvious effort to hold himself back.

Unseen but sensed was the raw power and formidable control coiled at the very core of this man’s soul. The latter harnessed the former and called to her feral woman, a siren song to arouse and tease, to offer temptation.

What would it be like, she wondered, to make him lose that control?


Oh, yes, Robert Jessop was all about control. But she didn’t think there was anything particularly egocentric in that trait. She knew, she just
, he was simply made that way.


His right eyebrow went up, as if he challenged her right to meet him on equal ground. “Do I need to spank you to get your attention?”

“You have my attention. That is your cock inside me, isn’t it?”

“Minx. I knew you were going to be a handful. Topping from the bottom, indeed.”

Jillian’s smile bloomed, and she thought it felt especially sexy.
Topping from the bottom
. Ah yes, she felt pretty certain she knew what that meant without having to have anyone explain it to her.

She suspected the practice was going to get her in a great deal of trouble, because she had no plans to curb the tendency in the foreseeable future. She didn’t have to think long or hard about what kind of trouble that would be, either. Robert had already mentioned a spanking. She held back the tiny grin that wanted to bloom all over her face. Just that one word, rumbled in his deep, sexy voice, had caused a lightning bolt of horniness to crackle all through her body.

She could hardly wait.

“I see I’m going to have to try harder to temporarily short-circuit your wonderfully agile and extremely talented brain.”

He didn’t give her a moment to even think of a response. He slid his left hand beneath her bottom, and pulled her closer, holding her hips close to him. Then he laid his lips on hers and plundered.

His flavor exploded on her tongue, better than chocolate, and Jillian gorged herself on him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and pistoned her hips to meet his thrusts, even as her tongue slid and danced with his.

Her heart pounded a heavy rhythm as arousal heated and curled within her. Every sense came alive with the seduction of the moment.

He broke their kiss, his glittering gaze meeting and holding hers. Robert wasn’t a silent lover, and Jillian reveled in the sounds he made—grunts, hisses, and mmms—as he moved inside her. The scent of him grew more potent as he moved, as he seemed to work so hard at reining himself in. He trembled, and that alone thrilled her.

Thoroughly seduced, totally horny, with a soul-deep excitement eddying inside her, she consciously surrendered. Sliding her arms around his neck, she anchored herself to him even more firmly as she undulated her hips, using her muscles to counter each of his powerful thrusts, striving to give him as much as she could. In giving, she found a wealth of pleasure for herself.

.” Her clit brushed against his groin, sending a lightning bolt of pleasure through her very core.

“Vixen. You’re not in control here. I see I’m going to have to tie you down so you’ll have no choice but to simply take what you’re given.”

Had he meant the suggestion as a warning of a punishment against bad behavior? She wondered at her complete lack of a sense of self-preservation even as she said, “Oh, yes, please.”

His eyes widened, and his nostrils flared. She thought it was even possible that his cock had swelled to a larger size than it already was. “God, woman, you push me to the very edge of my control.”

“You can let go of that edge, you know. I won’t break, I promise you.”

“No? Then you won’t object if I spank you later for trying to push me too far, now.”

Jillian didn’t use words to reply. Instead, she lifted her hips, pushing her clit against his groin, daring to rub that tiny nub against him in an effort to precipitate her own climax—and if she was being perfectly honest with herself, her own punishment.

Robert grunted, and withdrew from her completely, going to his knees on the large bed.

Had she pissed him off, then? She hadn’t thought he’d be the kind of man to play ego games in the throes of passion, but what did she know about him, really?

In the next instant, Robert edged backward toward the foot of the bed, and then pulled her to him.

He thrust his cock back into her pussy, but instead of taking up his focused, controlled rhythm, he held himself still within her. “She needs something in her mouth, I think,” he said.

“I’ve got just the thing right here.” David also moved, making his way up to the head of the bed.

Jillian realized what he meant to do and couldn’t help but lick her lips in anticipation. The thought of having his cock in her mouth got her hot. She had no time at all to wonder about the very real fact that she
to suck David Jessop’s cock, when she’d never desired to do that, not once in her entire life before.

Hell, I want to suck Robert’s, too. Oh, God, I really do want it all!

She inhaled deeply, his cock and scrotum so close to her face she knew it was his elemental scent she’d always somehow craved and now felt free to binge upon. Then she felt the heat of his engorged penis as he took himself in hand and brought that cock closer to her. He brushed the soft-hot flesh against her lips.

“Open, Jillian. Take my cock into your mouth and suck me off.”

It seemed the most natural thing in the world to do as he commanded. She opened her mouth, but then used her tongue to touch and to taste and yes, to tease. His cock felt hot, and the tiny drop of pre-cum that glistened on the end of it enticed her. She swirled her tongue over the tiny slit, and slurped that drop into her mouth. Salty and savory, the pungent taste intrigued her. She wanted more.

“Don’t tease him, woman. Suck his cock, and do a good job of it or I won’t let you come.”

Not being allowed to come was a
punishment, and not one she particularly wanted to experience.

Jillian licked her lips and opened her mouth wider, not at all surprised when David shoved his hips forward, pushing his cock past her moistened lips. The sensation of cock-in-mouth aroused her and excited her. Unlike anything she’d ever imagined, the combination of scent and taste and the feel of that hot satin-over-steel flesh filling her mouth merged to satisfy a need she hadn’t even known she had.

“Keep your lips as loose as you can, Jillian, and play your tongue up and down my shaft as I move my cock in and out of your mouth.”

His cock was so big she had to work at relaxing her throat muscles, at leaving her lips lax so he could move his cock in and out of her mouth at will. Jillian moaned. The pleasure of servicing David Jessop in this way was an unexpected joy.

She wasn’t actually sucking him off so much as he was
her mouth. She had both of their cocks inside her. For the first time in her life, and despite the fact both men dominated her, she felt powerful as a woman.

“That’s right, little sub, do it just like that,” Robert began to move his cock in and out of her pussy.

“Sweetheart, you’ve got a
mouth.” David reached down and combed his fingers through her hair.

Jillian met his gaze. His eyes glittered, and his breathing hitched. Wanting to please him—
to please them both—she kept her tongue sliding along David’s shaft at the same time she held her hips still, resisting the urge to counter Robert’s thrusts with movements of her own.

“Good girl. That’s what we want you to do, just take what we give you.” Robert’s pleased tone stroked her emotions as surely as his cock stroked the inside of her cunt.

David tightened his grip on her head, the slide of his cock in and out of her mouth speeding, deepening. She swallowed, relishing the taste of him and trying to ease his way. The deeper his cock surged, the more difficult it was for her. She had to calm herself, relax her throat muscles to resist the urge to push his cock out.

“Will you drink me, sweetheart?”

She may have imagined the hope in his tone, or it could very well be that he truly longed for her to do just that. Either way, she wanted to try this, wanted to taste his cum. Instead of using words, she answered him with actions. She began to suck, tiny little draws that she timed with his thrusts. He closed his eyes, and groaned, and even shook a little, so she guessed he liked what she was doing to him.

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