Read Love Under Two Doctors Online

Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

Love Under Two Doctors (14 page)

I guess it’s time to bare my soul, since my body is already in that state
. “Bother me? I’m
just thinking about it, Sir. So I don’t honestly know how much of a punishment this spanking will turn out to be.”

Jillian felt Robert go completely still. She’d heard David inhale sharply. That easily she knew she’d already learned her first lesson about this whole D/s thing. The sub wasn’t powerless, after all

“I’m pleased with your honesty, sub.”

He lifted himself off her and it was all Jillian could do not to beg him to come back. She liked the feeling of his body holding hers to the bed. There’d been something very basic and sexy about the way his balls had rested against her ass dimples. The few minutes just past had felt more intimate than the sex they’d had the night before.

“I’m only going to use my hand, this first time, sub. Another time I’ll use a paddle, but nothing more than that. Now, come here, Jillian.”

David had rolled away from her when Robert had moved. Alone in the bed, prone, Jillian almost felt abandoned. The way she knew she would, eventually, when these two men moved on.

Stop it. Don’t cheat the moment. Live in it, instead.
She wasn’t an ingénue just starting out in life, neither was she a virgin. And this
the twenty-first century. She didn’t need or want a ring on her finger or promises that weren’t worth the damn paper they were written on in order to give herself to these men.

Put it away
. Jillian closed off useless thoughts. Instead, she turned over, and got out on the left side of the bed. Then she walked around to the right side of it.

Robert sat on the edge of the bed and waited for her, his feet flat on the floor, a patient look on his face. If she’d wondered how
felt about spanking her, she wondered no more. His cock looked hard, and delicious. The liquid already defying his amazing control glistened on the very tip of it, visible in the faint light of the new day.

“There will be times, Jillian, when we’ll expect you to behave like a proper sub. That means we’ll want you to assume a position of obeisance before us. You’ll know when that is because one of us will tell you to get into your position. Do that now. David will show you how to give us what we want.”

Jillian looked down at the pillow that hadn’t been there on the floor earlier. She got down on her knees, and looked up at David. She didn’t expect him to get down beside her, but he did.

His touch and voice both gentle, he explained what they expected of her. “Come down onto your knees, gracefully, like you did just now. Stretch your arms above your head, hands together, palms up. Now head and torso down, and gently touch your forehead to the floor. You have to curve your spine in order to keep your ass as high in the air as possible, baby. Yes, just like that. Now hold that position until you’re told to release, or until you’re told to do something different.”

Jillian felt the heat of their gazes on her as she followed David’s instructions. It didn’t matter to her that she was, in effect, bowing down to these two men. They’d set the pillow in such a way that, stretched out, the fingers of her hands nearly brushed Robert’s feet.

“May I ask a question, Sir?”

“Of course, baby.” David’s hand remained on the small of her back.

“Is it important that my hands are this close to Robert’s feet?”

She didn’t have to be able to see it to know the two men exchanged looks.

“Very good, sub,” Robert answered. “Yes, this is one of the things we like about this position. Now, as gracefully as you can, sit up, but stay kneeling.”

Jillian paid attention to the way David guided her, so that she ended up on her knees but sort of back on her haunches. He turned her hands so that they rested on her knees, palms up. She listened to her inner instincts and kept her gaze down.

“Look up, sweetie.”

Jillian met Robert’s gaze and his smile. “Okay so far?” he asked.

“So far, so good.” She didn’t add that she was getting hornier. She rather suspected he could guess that.

“Do you willingly submit to the punishment you’re about to receive?”

“Yes, I do.” He raised one eyebrow and she immediately knew what he was waiting for. “Sir.”

“Good. Now, stand up and come here, and lie down across my lap.”

Jillian wondered if he could feel her trembling as he helped bring her over his knees. Her head hung down, and she fought the urge to struggle. It took some effort to just let her body relax, to trust him not to drop her.

“Open your legs a little.”

Jillian complied, and then couldn’t prevent moaning in pleasure when his fingers went directly to her slit and stroked her.

“Hmm, you
wet. Good. Now, each time you’re punished, David or I will tell you how many times you’ll be spanked. Unless we tell you otherwise, we expect you to count aloud each smack. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”


He guessed he asked that because her trembling had gone from slight to energetic.

“No, Sir. I’m excited. Hurry, damn it.”

Robert laughed. “You just earned yourself two more swats, sub. You’re being punished for topping from the bottom—in other words, trying to take control, which is what you just tried to do now—again!” He ran his hand over her naked ass, and Jillian shivered. “Not that you can’t be in charge of different aspects of our relationship, Jillian.” His tone had turned more serious. “But when it comes to scenes, such as the kind we’re in now, or times when we’re taking care of you, as we were last night, or when we just want to, you need to let your Doms be in charge. Do you understand that?”

“Yes, Sir.” She’d save for later letting him know she was surprised that there would be times she could be in charge of anything. Right now, she very much wanted to find out if the reality of this spanking was going to turn her on as much as the idea of it did.

“Count of twelve, sub. Repeat that.”

“Count of twelve, Sir.”

Jillian shivered as Robert gently caressed her ass, as he ran a finger from her slit to her anus, spreading her moisture and spiking her arousal.

His hand left her, but she had no more than a couple of seconds to miss it before he brought it down hard on her bare flesh.

Jillian gasped, the reality of the slap, the sting of it, shocking, robbing her of breath, and thought for a moment.


Jillian blinked. “One.” She didn’t think she’d truly understood how an actual spanking would feel. She hadn’t had one since she was a child, and then, never one on her naked flesh.

He brought his hand down again, and the smack sounded loud in the otherwise quiet room. “Two.” Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes.

He smacked her again, and then twice more in rapid succession. She couldn’t prevent her body from jerking, though she didn’t fight him as she gave him the count. Her tears fell, her ass became hot, and her inner muscles clenched, as if she had a cock in her cunt she was trying desperately to hang on to.

“Don’t clench.”

“Sorry, Sir.” To her own ears her words sounded breathless and aroused. Five more times his hand came down hard, delivering slaps in rapid succession. Heat suffused her ass, spreading like liquid honey throughout her body. She imagined her clit standing straight up, looking for attention. She had to work hard at keeping her inner muscles from clenching and keeping track of the count.

She amazed herself that she wasn’t dripping her juices all over Robert’s bare leg.
Thank God there are only two more
. She didn’t think it would take her long to come, and if he spanked her much longer or harder, she knew she’d come with no more stimulation than that.

. “Eleven.”

. “Twelve.”

Did she imagine Robert’s hand trembled as he caressed her flesh? He couldn’t miss the heat radiating from her ass, the very physical result of his attention. Did it please him, that she shivered and that her pussy had gotten wetter? Did
please him?

“On your knees. Suck me off.

Jillian thought she’d weep with joy. Robert had been reduced to a shaking, needy man
by her
. She slid from his lap and wasted no time. Grasping his hot, rigid penis in her right hand, she gave him two hard, pumping strokes. Then she leaned forward and sucked his cock into her mouth. A drop of his essence already flavored the bulbous head, and she swallowed that tiny appetizer. Subtly different from his brother, the taste of Robert’s cock compelled her in equal measure. His tang fed her an elemental essence she’d never known, but had missed all the same. Swirling her tongue along the shaft of his penis, she rhythmically drew on him, her hand and her lips, her tongue and all that she was completely and totally focused on him, on giving him pleasure.

“Jesus Christ, that’s hot.” David’s fervent tone thrilled her.

“God, woman, you’ve got an incredible mouth. Mmm, yes, suck a little harder.” Robert’s tone spoke of strained control. He combed his fingers through her hair, and then gripped hard.

Jillian hummed as she did as he asked, as that barely stinging grip pushed her passion higher.

“I need a piece of that,” David opened the bedside table and took out a condom. The sound of the packet being torn open was followed immediately by the slick swish of latex being stretched and rolled over engorged flesh.

Jillian shivered when she felt David’s hand slide between her thighs. She barely resisted the urge to groan when he used his fingers to penetrate her pussy. He finger-fucked her for a moment, and she worked her hips, meeting his slight thrusts. She felt her juices on the fingers he withdrew from her body. Without words, he showed her what he wanted her to do, and she obeyed. Spreading her legs just that much more, she leaned closer to Robert, her head nearly nestled in his lap.

David placed his hands on her hips as he moved in behind her. The heat from his body enveloped her, warming her inside and out. Then he surged forward and buried his cock deep inside her in one bold thrust.

Jillian’s lust shocked her even as it drove her to suck and swirl, to undulate and urge, to quiver and quake and
. She sucked and fucked and her arousal soared, uncontrollable and unstoppable.

. Drink me, Jillian. Drink my cum. Swallow it all.”

“Come, baby. Come on my cock.”

Fingers cupped her head, gripped her hip and pinched her clit. Ecstasy exploded, and Jillian screamed around Robert’s cock. Then she swallowed, and thrust and surrendered to the men who’d taken her, body, mind, and soul.

Chapter 9


David couldn’t resist taking another opportunity to check in on Jillian. He and Robert had both been busy all morning, going over patient files, consulting with the senior doctors—a somewhat surreal experience because the senior doctors were also their fathers—a meeting that took up the first few hours of the day, before moving on to their next task, taking full stock of the clinic and the supplies on hand.

They’d both also taken turns looking in on the clinic’s new administrator. The first time they’d headed over to her office at the same time, and had grinned like fools at each other as they’d overheard her on the phone with an aggressive salesman who’d clearly met his match in her.

If he didn’t know this was her first day on the job, he’d swear she’d been working there for years.

Even knowing the way the men in his family tended to fall in love hard and fast and forever, it still shocked him to discover he and Robert were the latest to uphold that particular Jessop tradition.

David adored Jillian, in bed and out, and he knew Robert felt the same way.

The current Lusty Clinic had been built in the 1980s, replacing the two-story home that had originally been provided by the Town Trust for Doctor Jeremiah Parker just after World War I. A simple, one-story building, the present-day clinic housed three exam rooms, three “hospital” rooms, four offices, and a conference room. Equipped with an X-ray, CAT scan, and MRI, the Clinic also featured a small but very well-equipped and efficient laboratory.

Visitors stepped into the building through the double-wide glass front doors, entering a reception and waiting area. In the center of this large room, against the wall opposite the door stood the desk where the clinic admin worked as the receptionist during the hours when the clinic was open. On that same wall, on either side of the reception desk, the upside-down U-shaped corridor could be accessed.

David checked his watch as he left his office, taking the short route so he’d come up on the reception desk directly on Jillian’s left. The only actual patient he had on his schedule this afternoon, Penelope Benedict, would likely arrive soon—if she hadn’t already done so. He put on his professional face in the event Jillian wasn’t alone in the room.
I hope she is alone. It’s been hours since I’ve tasted her.

What a kick to see the two sides of his woman—the competent, professional one and the eager, submissive one. He took his mind briefly to a very happy place, imagining having their woman naked and straddling them or lying across the conference room table while they took turns fucking her.

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