Read Luna's Sokjan (Book one) Online

Authors: Kerry Davidson

Tags: #suspense, #thriller, #supernatural, #horror, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #changers, #womens fiction, #spirits, #vampire, #demons, #romance, #witch craft, #lycan, #werewolf romance, #wicca, #shifters, #dark, #craft, #witch, #adventure, #spirit, #urban fantasy, #ghost, #magic, #werewolf, #werewolves, #shapeshifters, #suspense fiction, #adult fiction, #witches

Luna's Sokjan (Book one)

Luna’s Sōkjan

By Kerry Davidson

Published by Kerry Davidson at


Copyright 2010 Kerry




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In the beginning, Luna
created a private army to police the supernatural beings on earth.
She bequeaths her warriors a tremendous power. In return, they give
up everything for a solitary life. Only a handful of these deadly
killers walk the earth at the same time and throughout history,
only a few have been female. They live and die by Luna’s laws, but
every so often one exists to break all the rules.


Going to the movies with
my father was a rare treat for me. We lived as nomads most of the
time moving from place to place. So when father suggested a movie I
hit cloud nine. Hand in hand we walked back to the small two
bedroom apartment that we currently called home. I didn’t notice
dad tensing up or walking a little faster, but I did notice the
moon disappearing behind the clouds. Trying to make the walk back
to the apartment quicker Dad took short cuts but it didn’t

Three of the most
terrifying creatures I had ever seen waited for us in the
convenient store parking lot. One had a jagged scar running down
the left side of his face. Another had most of his right ear
missing. The most frightening of the three had a scar running from
the corner of his mouth to his ear. It gave the left side of his
face a joker like appearance. All of them, were tall dark and
ominous with brown, black hair and cold hazel eyes.

I registered the danger we
were in when my Dad’s voice told me to run and hide. He shoved me
away from him, and I disappeared into the darkness. From my hiding
place, I could see the three men walking around him.

“I don’t want any trouble
with ya’ll. Please just let me and my daughter pass in peace.” Dad
said watching the men.

“She is very pretty for
one so young. You don’t normally see a werewolf with white hair.”
Joker face said in a high pitched laugh.

It made me think of
hyenas. The others laughed with him.

“Please, just let us pass
in peace.” My father tried again. “We don’t want any

“No, I don’t think so. I
can’t wait to hear her scream and beg for her life.” He sneered at
my father.

“You don’t know what
you’re getting into.” Father told him. “She’s no regular

“Good, we don’t want a
regular child.” The creature replied coming to a stop in front of

With my father’s attention
focused on the monster in front of him. He never saw the attack
from behind. The beast missing half an ear buried a knife into
daddy’s lower back and the other one cut deep into his side. My
heart froze in my chest as I watched him fall to the ground. Daddy
the strongest and greatest man I had ever known. Lay in a pool of
his own blood and he never even tried to defend himself.

I watched in horror as
joker face reached down and grabbed a handful of daddy’s hair. The
monster laughed in daddy’s face as he pulled him to his knees. A
scream of pain erupted from me as I watched the hideous creature
shove his fist into my father’s chest. As his lifeless body fell
back to the blood-soaked ground. The creatures turned to face

The seven short years I
had walked on this earth had not prepared me for what I was about
to do. I stepped out of my hiding place in the darkness and
staggered towards the monsters looming over my father’s

“Look at this my
brothers.” Joker face said. “The white haired pup has come to us.
She isn’t going to make us chase after her.”

I glanced over at my
father’s motionless body, and an all-consuming rage filled me. It
mixed with the intense, emotional pain I felt over my father’s
death and triggered something deep within my soul. The power
coursing through my body changed my icy blue eyes. I flashed white
eyes at joker face when I looked at him.

“Come little girl let’s
play.” He purred to me.

My father and I had spent
our short years together practicing and training in different
fighting styles with or without weapons. I studied the creatures
before me and knew that I could kill them. I didn’t know how but I

“I am
Sōkjan.” My voice had changed as I spoke. It took on a hard edge.
“And I will happily show you what that means.”

I was no longer a happy,
carefree seven year old little girl. I had changed into a new
animal. An animal filled with bitterness and anger. Lightening
arced across the dark, moonless sky, and big booms of thunder shook
the earth.

I ran the distance between
us and attacked the small group of monsters without pity or fear. I
didn’t shudder at the sight of their blood or the sound of their
breaking bones. I reveled in their screams of pain and loved the
taste of their blood on my lips.

When, I stopped my vicious
attack. All three monstrous creatures lay dead at my feet. I
glanced at my father’s lifeless body. I wanted nothing more in this
world other than to hold him. I took two steps towards my father.
Feeling a compelling need to call to the heavens, I fell to my
knees and I threw my arms open wide.

“It is finished Great
Mother. Come shine on your children once again.” The ancient
phrase, I spoke was as old as time its self.

Suddenly overcome with
fatigue. I crawled the rest of the away to my father. I gently
pulled his head into my lap and cried over the senseless loss of
his life.

When the human police
finally found us, it had started to rain.

And on this night Luna
begins the claiming of her youngest Sōkjan through blood and

One year later.

Mother moved in between
the tables delivering dishes filled with warmth only southern food
and sweetened ice tea can bring. She is a remarkably attractive
woman of average height with long wavy brown hair and sharp brown
eyes. She dressed her slender figure in the casual yellow polo
shirt, and tan skirt of the diner she worked for. She made just
enough money between the diner and reading tarot cards online to
pay for our little two room bedroom apartment and to keep food on
the table.

Trying to help out, I had
taken to hunting at night, when she would finally fall to sleep.
She never asked where the extra meat came from. She just simply
cleaned it and together we would make dinner. I guess she just
understood my need to protect and care for her.

I watched her work. She
caught me watching her and smiled at me the way she always did. I
had become her second shadow since Dad died. She never complained.
She seemed to understand my need to be with her and make sure she
was okay.

My mother is a witch. We
practiced spells and rituals in between her card readings at night.
She taught me how to push my power in short bursts and how to call
it back without being detected. I usually wrapped my energy around
her to keep other people away from her. Usually no one ever
noticed, but today was different.

Today I sat alone building
card houses until my attention had been drawn to mother’s newest
customer. He was an older man with braid white hair and strange
earthy green eyes. His muscular build reminded me of my father’s. I
wondered if he knew how to fight with a sword. He looked extremely
dangerous dressed in his jeans, a black t-shirt, and black biker
boots. I liked him at first glance, not that I would ever tell him
that, but I did.

She laughed at something
he had said before she moved away to wait on another customer. It
was good to hear that sound again. It had been a while. I studied
the man, sitting there watching her moving around the diner. In
anger, I hit him with a small surge of energy, just enough power to
burn the skin under his ear.

He turned and stared at
me. For just a second, his eyes flared green. I held my
Now that
was unusual, usually people ignored me. I took a quick breath when
he stood up. Not only did he have my father’s
He had his
height too. Slowly, he walked towards me.

“Hello.” His voice held a
Scottish undertone.

I stared at him

“You know who I am, don’t
you?” He asked me sitting down across from me

I knew what he was.
Apparently, Sōkjan’s could recognize each other, and this jerk was

“I do and if you don’t
leave my mother alone. I will kick your ass.” I replied.

I sounded so sure of

He laughed, “I am Angus
McGregor, McKenna, and I will be taking over your training from now

It was my turn to laugh,
“You are not my Daddy and I will not train with you.” I told him

“I’m not here to replace
your Da, little one. I’m here to complete your Sōkjan training, and
it doesn’t matter if you like it or not.” He told me and leaned in
a little closer to me.

“I don’t care who you are.
I will not do anything you say.” I yelled at him jumping to my

I rarely spoke or made a
scene in public, but I wasn’t going to let this bastard push me
around. I would fight him every step of the way.

He laughed out loud and
waved a hand at my mother’s anxious expression, “We will see about
that, McKenna.” He said as he leveled his Alpha stare on

Three years

Something was seriously
wrong. I could feel it in my bones. I sat uncommonly still watching
the house from the edge of the woods. Nothing moved within the
interior of the house, and that was all wrong. Mother always waited
up for us. Angus crouched down beside me.

“Have you seen any
movement?” He asked and studied the house.

“No, why are all the
lights on? She would never leave all the lights on like that.
What’s going on?” I asked him.

“I don’t know.” He said
with a heavy sigh, “Let’s go see what has happened,

After, three years of
training with Angus, we moved like one, thought like one and fought
like one. He had taken what my father had taught me and multiplied
it by ten. I was becoming the weapon I would need to be to continue
the life Luna has chosen for me. At, eleven years old, I was almost
as tall as Angus and almost as mean. He could be a complete bastard
if I didn’t follow all his orders to the tee, and I could be a real
bitch if I didn’t want to. We were nearly a perfect match, this old
man and me.

I approached the house
from the left side and Angus from the right. We could smell the
blood drifting from the house. My heart skipped a beat. Could she
be alive? I looked through the nearest window; blood covered every
surface that I could see. No one moved inside the room, I motioned
to Angus. He mirrored my actions as we moved to the front door on
soundless feet. He went in first and froze at the sight before

Blood pooled on the floor
around my mother’s broken body. She lay face down in front of us.
She had almost made it to the door before her heart gave out. I
stared at her and the anger that I had felt when my father had died
came flooding back to me all at once. I couldn’t think or breathe.
I just stared at her

Angus called to me, and I
looked up.

“We have to leave, lassie.
Get whatever you need, quickly.” He told me calmly.

“Have you lost your mind
old man? She’s dead. We just can’t leave her like this.” I yelled
at him, “Angus, I can’t…” My voice broke off

Sorrow lanced through my
chest and tears filled my eyes as I glared at him.

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