Luna's Sokjan (Book one) (10 page)

Read Luna's Sokjan (Book one) Online

Authors: Kerry Davidson

Tags: #suspense, #thriller, #supernatural, #horror, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #changers, #womens fiction, #spirits, #vampire, #demons, #romance, #witch craft, #lycan, #werewolf romance, #wicca, #shifters, #dark, #craft, #witch, #adventure, #spirit, #urban fantasy, #ghost, #magic, #werewolf, #werewolves, #shapeshifters, #suspense fiction, #adult fiction, #witches

His mouth claimed mine in
a ferociously possessive kiss, and I couldn’t get enough. Ripping
my underwear from me, he settled between my legs. With one mighty
thrust, he entered me. I gasped for air as he filled me completely.
He groaned in pleasure. Pulling his hips back for another deep
thrust, I locked my legs around his waist and lifted my hips to
meet his next thrust. My cries of pleasure mixed with his growls.
His poured power into me with every thrust and I could feel my own
power rising to answer him. The faster he went the more power he

I wanted to let it all go.
Just once I wanted to fly on the wings of pleasure. To know the
true joy of desire, but I couldn’t let go of my control. That would
be giving up to much of me to him.

The pressure kept building
and building until I broke. My shields came crashing down, and
suddenly my power greeted his like a long lost lover. It blended so
thoroughly with his. I could no longer tell the difference between
his and mine. I screamed my release. At the same time, Gabriel’s
howl echoed through the room. A howl of triumph, and in that
moment, I hated him.

He collapsed on top of me
burying his face in my hair. When he had regained his strength, he
rose up on one elbow. Touching my face, he forced me to meet those
glowing amber eyes with my glowing white ones. I could almost
remember something. A vague memory hovered close to the surface,
but I just couldn’t grasp it.

“You are mine, McKenna,
now and forever.” He said in an extremely soft voice that held just
the hint of an accent.

I closed my eyes in
surrender. For the moment, the power struggle was over, and I had

“Yes” I agreed.

He gently kissed my
bruised mouth, and I cried overcome by fresh, new emotions. Gabriel
held me gently to him murmuring softly and stroked my back until I
was done. I had released too much power, and to often in the last
couple of days. He had broken down all my defenses, and I was lost,
drowning in these new, strange emotions. Oddly, I felt complete for
the first time in years. Exhausted I fell asleep cuddled in his
warm embrace.

Chapter 7

A knock just after dawn
woke us up. Gabriel had a short fast murmured conversation with the
person at the door. When he came back to bed after he’d gotten
dressed, he kissed me long and slowly, promising to come back as
soon as he could. Within minutes of him leaving I fell back to
sleep. It was after ten when I woke up again, alone, and I wondered
when he would get back. Dressing in my black outfit from the night
before, I went in search of food.

The house was massive, and
I wondered what Gabriel did for a living. Well, other than run the
local wolf pack. If I had to hazard a bet, my money was on
security. Shape-shifters always made the best body guards. It
didn’t take me long to discover the kitchen. A well train nose can
always locate food, after all.

“Why the hell did he have
to live in a frigging mansion?” I said out loud as I opened the

I took out milk, eggs,
butter, and bread. Why had someone put the bread in the

While the frying pan
warmed up on the stove, I searched for coffee. I was utterly lost
in thought as I made a pot. So I didn’t hear Gabriel or feel his
presence until his arms wrapped around me. I stiffened.

“I was hoping you’d still
be in bed.” He breathed against my cheek.

I smiled a little and
relaxed against his chest.

“If I’d known that I would
have stayed there waiting for you.” I sighed.

Leaning my head against
his shoulder, I offered him access to my neck and rubbed my hips
against his.

“We could go back
upstairs.” He ventured placing a kiss on my neck.

I laughed as I turned
wrapping my arms around his neck and rose up on my toes to press my
lips to his. He growled in pleasure as he opened his mouth to my
questing tongue. I buried my hands in his hair, and his hands moved
down my back pressing us closer together. This was heaven. I let
myself drowned entirely in his touch, smell, and power.

“Excuse me Alpha, but your
frying pan is ready.” A disembodied voice said.

I jerked away from
Gabriel, to see who else was in the kitchen with us. A middle-aged
man stood in front of the stove holding the frying pan off of the
eye. He was an attractive man with brown hair and brown eyes. A
strong face and well developed body so common among the werefolk. I
stared at him almost in shock. Both of them had walked up on me,
and I hadn’t heard or smelled either of them.

What the hell had Gabriel
done to me? I shook my head.

“I really need to get away
from you, before you get me killed.” I told him.

Gabriel was staring at my
neck. He had just noticed the tattoo.

“What?” I

He took my chin in one of
his mighty hands. Tilting my neck to the one side and then the
other he studied my tattoo. The tattoo had crawled up both sides of
my neck and stopped just under the ear.

“You didn‘t have any
markings on your neck last night.” His voice was laced with

I smiled, he was gonna
love the way the tat had moved around the rest of my body. It had
moved across my stomach just under the ribs and down my spine to my
hips. I shrugged and tried to move away from him, now that we had
an audience.

“No!” His order was given
in a cold voice. “Tell me how this works. What spell was cast on
you and can it be removed?”

I stiffen, “No, it can’t
be removed.”

“I will find someone who
can.” He growled leaning closer to me.

“And why would you do
that? I don’t want the tat removed. I like the way it moves around
my body. It fascinates me. I like not knowing, how it will look
from one day to the next.” I told him.

He started to say
something. I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.

“Do you really want to do
this in front of your packmates?” I asked quickly.

Gabriel turned his head
slightly to look at the man in front of the stove. He was busy
cracking eggs into the pan trying not to listen to us.

“We’ll talk about this
later.” He said softly.

I let out a heavy sigh,
not if I could help it.

“McKenna this is Mike.” He
nodded to the man in front of the stove. “Jim, Ben, Greg, and Liz,”
he told me.

He’d moved so I could see
each of the people as he spoke and my brain froze. I didn’t hear
another word he said. The cold, hard fact was I had not detected
any of them. Not since I was a child, and was first learning how to
use my skills had I allowed so many people to sneak up on

Had I lost all my
abilities and my mind? I wouldn’t be able to live like this. How
long would this last?

“My people this is
McKenna, my mate.” He introduced me to them.

Jim was a tall young man
in his mid-twenties with blond hair and smiling green eyes. Ben and
Greg were brothers and looked about the same age, early thirties,
each with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Liz was remarkably
attractive twenty something, was of average height for a

They all had the lean,
hard build of a werewolf. I nodded and murmured a greeting to them,
just before, they all knelt down to one knee and crossed their
right hand across their chest and said, “Our Alpha’s mate, we
pledge our life to you.”

WHAT? I looked at Gabriel
in an expression of stunned shock.

“You may rise,” he said,
and they did.

Getting out more coffee
cups, allowed me, to turn my back on the group and gave me a
chance, to collect myself. Fixing a meal for a small group of
shape-shifters is an easy task. All you have to do is pull
everything out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter.
Normally I can eat with the best of them, but not today. My mind
was too busy, and my stomach was uneasy. We were gathered around
the large kitchen table. Sipping my coffee, I leaned back in my
chair and listened to the silence of the group as they ate.
Talkative bunch these shape-shifters.

“So what happened this
morning to call you out so early?” I directed my question to
Gabriel who sat next to me.

“We found the body of one
of the werecat girls and yes, she was dead.” He said, placing his
fork on his empty plate and picking up his coffee.

Hmmm and you didn’t take
me with you. Nice.

I chose my next words to
him carefully.

“And why the fuck didn’t
you take me with you?” I demanded.

Gabriel turned slightly in
his chair to look at me.

“You needed your rest.” He
replied with a shrug.

“I wasn’t so tired that we
couldn’t fuck each other’s brains out all-night long.” I said as I
glared at him over the top of my coffee cup.

He just gave me a
satiated, satisfied, and smug smile. I wanted to punch him in the
mouth, or maybe his nose or throat.

“Like I said you needed
your rest.” He grinned.

I frowned narrowing my
gaze at him. With a quick glance around the table, I noticed that
the others had gone stiff and didn’t move.

“What I meant to say was.
Why didn’t you take me with you to investigate a dump site? Didn‘t
you come to me for help?” I challenged him.

He nodded his head, “Yes,
I did. Now that I know it is safe for you. We can go back there
later today.”

“Safe? What the hell does
that mean?” I gave him a puzzled look and then the light dawned on

As Gabriel’s mate, his
first instinct was to protect me. It didn’t matter who I was or
what I could do. My mate status would always come first in his
mind. I was so angry my power rolled off me, and hit all of them. I
didn’t care.

“And then what? We’ll go
see old Angus, go by my house, and read the files about the missing
girls.” I said sarcastically.

Finishing off my coffee, I
pushed away from the table. In my anger, I moved the table with my
power as I rose. My father had taught me to be careful when I
handed objects with my power. With enough effort, I could use
almost anything as a weapon. I was usually in control of my
emotions and energy, but the current bonding still had me out of

“Be careful McKenna.”
Gabriel growled at my back.

My hand paused just before
picking up the coffee pot. He was right. I hadn’t meant to lose
control in front of his pack, and it bothered me deeply. With a
sigh, I poured another cup of coffee. Staring out the window, I
gathered my power to me and wrapped it around me like a coat. I
tried to shut down the wild emotions flowing through me.

On the drive to my house,
I stopped speaking to Gabriel when it became crystal clear to me.
That Gabriel thought we would be doing everything his way during
our investigation.

Like hell, I

I was reading the files he
had given me on the missing girls when we pulled into the driveway.
I leapt out before Gabriel could put the car in park. All I wanted
to do was just get away from him. Once I crossed the threshold of
my kitchen doorway. I felt better, I was home at last. Opening the
refrigerator, I grabbed a Dr. Pepper and offered one to Gabriel.
After all, he had only been a few steps behind me when I entered
the house.

“McKenna. Stop acting like
a child.” He tried to grab my wrist, but I was too fast and evaded

“I’m acting like a child?
Why, because I want to do my job my way? This will never work out,
you know?” I took a breath and went perfectly still.

I had just noticed the
smell of blood in my house. It was coming from the

“What?” he

He looked down the hall
towards the office, he smelled it too.

“Someone has been in my
house,” I growled lowly and started for the office.

I pushed the door open and
glanced around the room quickly before I started to enter. Gabriel
jerked me back behind him. I gaped at his back as he entered the
room before me.

Rolling my eyes, I walked
in behind him.

That’s right let’s protect
the vulnerable Sōkjan. It’s not as if she kills monsters for a
living, or anything.

Nothing in the room was
out of place, except the large wooden box on my desk. The smell of
blood was coming from it. I looked at the open double glass doors.
Damn it! If I had only been there no one, would have entered my
domain. I followed Gabriel as he approached the desk. A note rested
on of the lid.

I picked it up, and it

Dear McKenna,

I see that you have been
doing well since the last time we met. I see you have no harmful
side effect from our last encounter. Not having problems walking on
that leg I see. Ha, ha. I still have a few problems with my side
from time to time. It was amusing of you to leave me a scar to
remind me of you. I do plan to return the favor in the future. I
have left you a gift that I think you will find particularly
amusing. I was genuinely disappointed that you weren’t at home last
night. I’m sorry I missed you. It’s been, what nine years since our
last visit? We will be seeing each other very soon, my dear. You
know unfinished business, and all that.

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