Mirrored 1 : In Spades (13 page)

“I’m Kai, I hate being called by my full name. And you are?” He extended his hand towards me and I brought my eyes up to his face, where they should have been in the first place. I shook his hand, he had a firm grasp. I felt no spark like I always did whenever Daxton touched me. I knew that there was going to be nothing more here than a good friendship and some eye candy. The boy was hot, I couldn’t deny that.

“Avalynn, but you may call me Ava if you like. I’m glad to have you onboard.” I smiled politely at him and lead him over to where Faith stood, staring at the stage again. The girl had it worse than I did.

“Staring at the stage isn’t going to make him appear any faster. They are going on at midnight.” She shot me the death glare and I knew to shut up about it. I laughed.

“This is Kai. He’s new and he’s going to be shadowing us tonight.” Surprisingly, Faith hadn’t even noticed him until I introduced them. That was unlike her. She was usually the first to spot the man candy in the place. She had one hell of an eye.

“Nice to meet you Kai. I’m Faith. This is a fun place, we are like a big family.” She smiled politely at him also. No hint of anything more in their future either. Well damn, this was getting weirder all the time.

I went back to finish off my strawberry Margarita’s, running sugar along the rim and going to give them to the patiently waiting ladies sitting at the bar with their husbands. Luckily, they were regulars so they didn’t give me too much of a hassle on being untimely in my service. They joked around about the poor service but all threw me winks and tipped me heavily. They had kids that were in my class and knew I took care of Abby on my own. As much as I didn’t like people thinking I needed help, I would gladly accept the tip money. I’m proud but I’m not that proud.

The clock finally struck midnight after what felt like forever and smoke filled the dance floor. Tripp sat behind his drum kit and the bass guitarist and regular guitarist filed on stage shortly behind him. They were good looking too but held more of a grungy appeal which I had never been really into. With shaggier hair, in their eyes haircuts and black painted fingernails. They both had shiny black hair and dark brown eyes. They almost looked like twins. They have to be related somehow. I’m pretty sure their names were Ace and Barrett. I had no idea who was who but those were the names being screamed when they stepped onto the stage. Faith had jumped up and down and squealed loudly when Tripp began his drum solo. Lights dimming and Daxton’s broad frame entering from stage right. He had on tight black pants which accentuated his package and no shirt. His hair looking messily played with like usual. He let out a low growl in the microphone and the lights slowly illuminated, spot lighting center stage where he stood. I really thought my ear drums were going to explode from all of the screaming coming from all directions.

I didn’t even realize for a minute that the loudest scream of all was coming from my own mouth. Daxton spotted me immediately from all the way across the room and he lifted his hand to his mouth and blew me a kiss. I reached my hand up and caught it and placed it on my own lips. He gave me the sexiest smile and went back to focusing his attention on the audience in front of him. Many of the girls were talking loudly about how the kiss had to be directed at them and I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. That man was mine. I had staked my claim. But they could fantasize all they wanted about what I would be experiencing later that night.

The music took me away. I drifted ten feet off the ground. The powerful bass drum and melodic riffs coming from the guitar strings. Daxton’s voice perfectly blending in with the music, deep and powerful. I was captivated. The band complimented each other nicely. I could really picture them making it big and being on the radio. I never really talked to Daxton about his music career. I know he loved doing music therapy but was unsure if the band was just a hobby or his dream.

The guys ended their set and the bar went into hysteria. Clapping and screaming so loud, Encore---Encore. They definitely wanted more of In Spades. Daxton came back out on the stage by himself with a stool and an acoustic guitar. All of the times I had watched him play, he never came out by himself or playing acoustically. I was so looking forward to this. The way he sat on the stool, one leg on the ground the other hitched up, made me wet between the legs instantly. He gripped the microphone firmly in his masculine hands, guitar slung haphazardly across his back.

“How are ya ‘ll doing tonight?” He spoke into the microphone, a slight twang resonating from his deep voice.

I had never heard him drawl before but it was very sexy. In Ida, most of us were a little bit country and some of us a little bit rock and roll. I was definitely more rock and roll than country and had always assumed Daxton to be the same but his voice hinted at a background that I knew nothing about.

The fan girls right in front of the stage began reaching for him and he let out a deep laugh. I couldn’t help but smile. He was in the zone. All of my customers had left their bar stools and gotten closer to the stage. Last call was about fifteen minutes ago and my shift was over. I was just cleaning up.

“By the looks of it, ya’ll are nice and drunk and having a good time. Am I right?” He winked at the crowd and flipped the guitar around to his stomach and perched it on his knee.

“I’d like to play a cover song for you all if you don’t mind? I have this girl on my mind. She has burrowed her way deep into my heart and she’s not leaving anytime soon. This one is for you, Ava.” He looks directly at me and many of the fans turn around to get a glance at who Dax is talking to, throwing evil glares my way.

I pay them no attention however. Faith comes over and places her arm around my shoulder as if to say “Yeah that’s right. This is my best friend and that’s her man. Back off bitches.” I was feeling less shaky while she was holding me up. I had never felt so many butterflies fly around inside my stomach before.

Daxton began to strum the guitar and I instantly recognized
The Spill Canvas’, Lullaby
. I loved that song and listened to it on repeat. I had no clue how Daxton knew but I wasn’t at all surprised. He always knew. He did his own rendition of the song, giving it a more soulful bluesy feel and he instantly melted my heart. I was a puddle on the floor at this point. I couldn’t help but focus directly on him, despite the commotion going on around me and fan girls screaming his name, trying to get his attention off of me.

The song ended quicker than I would have liked and he thanked his fans and wished them all a good and safe night. He even gave them the number to the local cab company. It was thoughtful and adorable. The guys went backstage for a couple of minutes and Daxton put a shirt on. I was glad because he was autographing all of the fans that waited for him and the rest of the band to come out and the fan girls placed their hands all over him. One girl even pushed her boobs out and made sure they were chest to chest with Daxton. I tried to look away, my blood really boiling now but I couldn’t. Daxton gently placed his hand around her shoulder and guided her to the side of him. She took that attention well and didn’t seem to notice that he was giving her the brush off.

After the boys signed autographs for every fan in the bar, they finally shuffled out and we placed the closed sign over the door. It was rounding 3 a.m. now and I was wired because I was so sleepy. I was ready to go to Daxton’s and curl into bed. I grabbed my Daxton t-shirt and went to the backroom to slip it into my purse so he wouldn’t see. I hurried back out to join the group.

Faith began pouring shots onto the bar and motioning for me to join her and Tripp, who had his arms wrapped around her waist and placed delicately on her behind. They fit together. He had his hair lying down instead of in its usual fohawk so it was super messy, the blue part still standing out. He still looked adorable. He placed kisses on her neck and I shielded my eyes. She began to laugh and swatted him away. I walked over to where the rest of the band mates began to shuffle over. Barrett introduced himself to me quickly before wrapping his arms around which I’m guessing was his girlfriend or lady of the evening, whichever. Kai also decided to stick around and sat down on a stool next to Barrett. It didn’t take him long before he started playing which tongue is my tongue with the petite blonde. When they finally parted, she smiled at me and introduced herself.

“Hi! My name is Xanda!” she was gorgeous and had an extremely bubbly personality. I automatically liked her which was surprise because I didn’t like anybody. I hated most people in general. I introduced myself as well and went over to where Faith was, holding out a shot to me like a lifeline.

“Nah, I’m good Faith. Seriously, I’m too tired.” I stated in a serious tone, stifling a yawn for added dramatics.

“You’re having a drink if I have to pour it down your throat.” She raised her eyebrow, ready to battle. Tripp laughed and I gave him my best mad face.

“That mad face belongs to me only babe.” Daxton whispered into my ear, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I jumped about ten feet in the air.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that. Next time I’m judo chopping you in the throat.” I looked up at him and placed my head back on his chest.

“I’d like to see you try babe. In fact, it’d probably turn me on even more.” He snickered and nipped at my ear. I just shook my head at him. Men. Always horny.

Daxton began kissing slowly down from my ear to my neck and I was about to lose control in the middle of the bar. I laced my fingers with his that were splayed on my stomach and gripped them tightly, hoping he would get the hint but he had no intentions on stopping.

Faith was still holding up a shot towards me and Daxton took it from her hands and threw it back, quickly grabbing his Gatorade bottle and taking a swig.

“I spit it back out into the bottle, shah they’ll never know.” he whispered into my ear.

The group was all hooting and hollering, ready to party. I was smiling widely at our little secret. I wanted Daxton alone and in his right state of mind. I could not wait to get him home.

“Great show babe. I loved the acoustic song the best. Your voice is amazing.” I practically purred at him.

“All for you babe. Always for you.” He kissed the sensitive spot behind my ear and lightly sucked. I moaned out loud. Luckily the talking around me was so loud nobody heard but Daxton.

“You like that babe?” He asked quietly next to my ear.

“I’ll never tell.” I whispered back.

He repeated the actions, sucking a little bit harder each time. I was sure I would have a mammoth size hickey by the time he was through.

“Say it.” He growled in his deep gravelly voice.

“You know I do.” I stated simply. He knew it. He could get me going just by giving me his smoldering stare. This was just icing on the cake.

“That’s what I thought.” He gave me his shit eating grin and I pouted at him for stopping.

He kissed my bottom lip that was sticking out and sucked it into his mouth, quickly releasing it.

“I love when you pout. I love when you make the mad face. I love when you smile. But you would look pretty fuckin’ goofy doing all three. I’m trying to picture it in my mind.” He closed his eyes, still housing his infamous grin.

I elbowed him in the ribs lightly and stepped out of his grasp. He whined when I got away. I turned around to face him and stuck my tongue out. Take that. I went around the bar and sat down next to the boys. Finally getting to talk to Barrett and Ace. They were in fact brothers but not quite twins. They were born eleven months apart. Ace being the older and I quote “wiser” out of the two. Up close they looked almost boyish with some baby fat on their cheeks but still rugged all the same. Ace didn’t have a girl by his side. I was curious about that but I didn’t say anything. Kai sat quietly most of the night, not much of a talker. He still responded to any questions that he was asked but never initiated the conversation. He took off earlier than the rest of us.

“I’ll see you beautiful ladies next shift. It was a pleasure getting to know the two of you.“ He gave a small wave to the others and headed for the door. I could feel the tension in the room and promptly started conversation up again. We all chatted for a good hour and when four A.M. rolled around I was practically falling off my stool, the night catching up to me. Daxton excused us, giving his band mates high fives and Faith a one armed hug. I went over and hugged her also.

“Use protection Bia.” She whispered in my ear.

“Take your own advice. We don’t want any of your spawn roaming the streets.” I teased back and she gave my butt a swift slap. She did that quite often. The boys began to hoot and holler, screaming encore. That was my exit cue. I gave them all a wave and walked over to where Daxton waited for me by the door. He threw his arm around me and led me to my car.

“Is your bike here?” I asked him.

“Nope, I had one of the guys bring me so I could ride home with you. I don’t like you driving by yourself late…Or walking to your car for that matter.”

“Well, can you drive? I’m sleepy.” I gave him my best pout face.

“Anything you want babe.” He took the keys I was holding out to him and went around to the passenger side to open the door for me.

“And here I thought chivalry was dead.” I bit my lip. He groaned.

“Not when a guy is trying to get in your pants.” he winks and my jaw drops. He let out a loud laugh and closed the door behind me.

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