My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) (32 page)

Read My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #contemporary romance

“Thought so.” He smirked. “Maybe they should compromise,” he answered way too easily.

He was messing with me. I just knew it.

“Compromise?” I asked. “Do you even know the definition of that word?”

“Of course.”


The waiter came with our plates. He served Kyle first and then me before he graciously filled our glasses and went on his way.

“Cheeseburger?” I laughed and then took a big bite of the grilled perfection before me.

“Yep.” He let gave me a drop-dead sexy smile. “I asked you three times what you would like, but you seemed to be deep into your book, so I took it upon myself to order for you.”

“Good call,” I praised. I dug into my sandwich again. I wasn’t sure why I was so hungry, considering I’d been sitting on my bum all day. Truth be told though, I was starving, and the burger was hitting the spot just right. “So, what time will we make it to my house?”

“Probably around ten tonight,” Kyle answered, sitting back in his seat. “Are you ready to go back?”

I was, but I wasn’t. It was a love-hate relationship that my inner thoughts were battling over. Remembering my victory flag at the top of the mountain was the only thing that kept me going. I was ready to close that door once and for all. I wasn’t going to let anything stand in my way.

“I am.” I looked back up to see Kyle’s sincere expression.

He was always so worried about how I was feeling or if I was going to be okay.

I wanted to be strong again. “I’m ready to move forward.”

Kyle reached his long arm across the small table and enclosed my hand in his. “Me, too,” he said, his voice soft and tender.


I immediately went right back into my book. I impatiently turned each page, waiting to see how the story would turn out. At the end, I knew I would be mad at myself for finishing it too quickly. I was so eager to know how it turned out, but at the same time, I would miss the characters and storyline. This was also known as a
book hangover.
And this particular book was bound and determined to give me one.

The main couple’s first argument in the novel turned out to be the least of their problems. I was awed to see how easily they worked together, how they stood united, how they fought for their love and then came out on the other side stronger. They needed to beat the obstacles in front of them. Everything was trying to tear them apart. From the beginning, it was as if they were jinxed with a dark cloud destined to break them. It was heartbreaking.

I wanted to jump into the story, so I could defend and save them from the pain and heartache surrounding them.

When I couldn’t see the words anymore, it took me a moment to realize why. My vision was blurry with tears. I rapidly wiped them away and darted my eyes to Kyle to make sure he wasn’t observing my emotional meltdown.

But he was.

Mortification and embarrassment filled my senses. I felt my whole face flush while he took in the depths of my emotions.

Kyle’s right hand left the wheel and folded around mine. He squeezed gently. “It’s just a book, Lily.” He tried to soothe with a soft, gentle tone. His confused expression showed he wasn’t sure how to process my over-the-top emotions.

After all, it was just a book. I should not let it affect me so deeply. “I know,” I said more to reassure myself than him. “Sometimes, my silly emotions just take over before I can reel them in.”

“What happened in the story now?”

“They broke up.” My voice was quiet. I was filled with dismay…over characters. My mother had always told me I had a sensitive heart.

Kyle looked at me, silently telling me to continue, so I did.

“He lied, and she can’t forgive him. She felt betrayed. It was too deep,” I added, knowing my answer wouldn’t make sense to him.

“What did he lie about?”

“His past. He kept big things from her.”

Kyle was quiet for a moment. At first, I thought he was going to say something, but then he was in driving mode. He veered to the right and switched highways.

“Lied or withheld things?” he probed.

I guessed the male lead didn’t technically lie. He just didn’t offer certain parts of himself. But, to me, that seemed like lying.

I shifted in my seat. I was uncomfortable from being in the car for so long. The sun coming in through windows felt hot, so I turned on the air before facing Kyle again.

“Withheld things.” I let out a sigh. “Important things.”

Kyle was quiet again. I could see his thoughts turning.

“Maybe he wasn’t ready yet, or maybe the time wasn’t right. It doesn’t mean that he loves her any less. It means that those things have to progress over time. I’m sure he will confide in her when the time is right.”

“What if the time is never right? At what point does keeping secrets become unfair and hurtful to the other person? She gave him her heart, and she wanted his back…without secrets.”

“Lily, when a man truly loves a woman and he can’t imagine his life without her, I believe the rest will fall into place. A man in love wouldn’t keep secrets. He would wait for the right time to share himself with her. Nothing could ever come in the way of their love. It would be constant and always growing.”

My mouth was agape. I was stunned by his speech, and his words repeated over and over in my mind.
Wow, the man has a way with words.
My sexy, rough, and tough alpha seemed to have a hidden inner romantic side.

I bit my lip and then smiled, thinking of how very much I loved that. Every time he opened up, my heart swelled, and I fell in love a little more. I wasn’t sure how it was possible to love him more than I already did, but it happened every time he revealed more of himself. I loved his words and simple gestures, his overbearing protectiveness, the way he wanted to take care of me and shield me from heartache, and so many other things.

“Constant and growing?” I repeated, loving the sound of that.

Kyle smiled tenderly and winked at me. “Every day,” he promised.

My heart swooned on the spot.

Quickly, he kissed my lips, and then he focused back on the road. “Finish your book, beautiful girl. I’m sure they’ll get their happy ending.”

I settled back into my seat again, making myself comfy for the long haul as I put my feet on the dashboard. I drove right back into the next chapter in my book. The lead female claimed she needed space and time to process her feelings and decide what her future would hold. She had been so strong and confident throughout the whole book. I admired her. I wanted her strength. I wanted to be able to let go and move forward as easily and gracefully as she did.

Near the end, her confidence was rocked, hard. She fought for reason and understanding, but so many other emotions clouded her judgment, shaking her self-assurance. It was heartbreaking to see someone, who had been so strong, fall so far.

But her man caught her. He came surging back into her life after letting her escape for a mere twenty-four hours. In the book world, that seemed way too long.

It was like a switch was flipped. With her other half back in her life, she became sexy, confident, hopeful, and strong. It was like he completed her. They took each other’s weaknesses and strengthened them. They took each other’s strengths and embraced them.

It was beautiful and encouraging and empowering.

And the story ended way too soon.
Damn it.

“Do you always cry when you read?” Kyle handed me a tissue while wordlessly trying to gauge me.

“No,” I lied. I sat up, feeling uncomfortable again. This car was going to cripple me.

“Liar.” He chuckled. “Did you get your happily ever after?”

I blew my nose in the most unladylike fashion ever. That darn book had me all in knots. “I did.” I let out a relieved sigh. “Thank goodness.”

“See? All that worry was for nothing.”

“I guess it was, but that’s just it…you never know.”

“You have a far too tender heart, my emotional, beautiful girl.” Kyle reached for my hand and kissed it gently. “I’ll be careful to remember that.”

I reached over, needing the contact, and kissed his cheek.


Along the way, Kyle found a restaurant where we would have dinner before we made our final push. Even though we were getting closer and closer, my nerves were surprisingly somewhat controlled. We ate quickly, so we wouldn’t waste too much time.

When we were back at the car, Kyle asked me if I wanted to drive. I actually did want to, especially after seeing the tired look in his eyes. He needed a break.

The first couple of hours went by fairly quickly. I turned on the radio, keeping the volume at a soft level, while Kyle slept next to me. He looked funny as he sprawled out his large six-feet-three frame. He couldn’t possibly be comfortable, but he was out cold. He didn’t even wake up when I stopped for gas.

I was thankful the highway was all straight miles with no turns. I was definitely GPS-challenged as Brooke had claimed many times, not that I would ever admit it, and I was pretty confident I couldn’t get lost on a straight highway.

Then, I saw a sign where the miles ahead were going to divide into what looked like a spiderweb. I looked at the GPS for guidance on which way to go. It showed to veer left.
There are three that veer left! Crap!

“Oh my god! Kyle! Kyle! Wake up! Which way do we go? I don’t know which way to go!” I panicked.

Kyle opened his eyes and blinked several times. “Just follow the navigation, Lily.” He tried to calm me.

“I don’t know which way that is! The highway is going in all different directions!” I cried frantically.

Kyle sat up and looked at the GPS for all of one second. Laughing, he pointed. “That way! Merge left into the center lane.”

I cranked the wheel, hard, making it just in time. I cringed at the loud honks coming from every direction.

Disaster averted.

“You’re welcome.” Kyle up righted his seat and stretched. “GPS issues?”

He yawned and turned his head in my direction, failing to hold back his amusement. He looked like I had awoken him from a deep sleep. I pulled my eyes back to the road. If I took in that dreamy hair and rested face, I knew I’d be done for.

“Just a minor one.”

“Minor?” He laughed.

“Funny.” I jokingly scowled at him for a second before looking back at the road. “It’s not my fault the road divided into eight crazy directions,” I countered.

I settled back in my seat and reached for my bag of Skittles. After that crazy adrenaline rush, sugar sounded really good right about now. I grabbed a few and popped them into my mouth.

“Got a sweet tooth?” Kyle asked. He was wide-awake now.

“Nope,” I denied while picking up a few more.
Just a couple more, and then I’ll put the bag away…and maybe have a Snickers.

Kyle’s eyes followed mine. His amusement followed his voice. “And a chocolate fetish?”


“I see that.” He laughed again. “When did you get all those?”

“Gas station. You were sleeping like the dead.”

“I was out.” He ran his hands through his wild hair, attempting to tame it. “Want me to take over?”

“Sure,” I replied.

We stopped at the next resting area, so Kyle could drive even though we were close. I had a feeling the last hundred miles would go by way too quickly for my liking.


And they did.

When we pulled up to my house, the only light on was the front one on either side of the garage door. I couldn’t help but notice the quickened pace of my heartbeat. It had only been several days since the last time I was here, and for some reason, it all still felt foreign. It gave me such mixed emotions.

My home was a huge part of my past, a happy part. It just didn’t hold the same future. Deep down, I knew a new family would move in and make their own happy memories. That was a bittersweet feeling.

“Come on, sugar-and-chocolate addict.” Kyle tried to lighten the mood. “Time for bed.”

We walked tiredly in silence up to the house and then into my old room. We wordlessly dropped our bags and changed clothes. I peeled back the comforter that I remembered so well, and we crawled into bed. I was exhausted. Emotions were creeping higher now that reality of being back here had settled in.

Finish. Just finish.
I tried to soothe myself.

Sensing my uneasiness, Kyle pulled me into his arms. It was dark, but I didn’t need to see him. As always, I just wanted to feel him. It was all I would ever need. I turned into his embrace, needing to soak up his strength and love.

“It’s going to be okay, Lily.” He kissed my lips kindheartedly.

All I could do was nod. My confidence was breaking. I wanted to run and go back to where I felt alive and happy, to soak up his will power and determination to forget the ugly parts of life. I needed to not dwell on indescribable amount hurt and loss and pain that came along with being here.

“I need you, Kyle,” I whispered. Putting my mouth against his, I pulled his full bottom lip into my mouth. I sucked on it gently before releasing it.

Our pajamas hit the floor, and he was on me in an instant, soothing away all my worries. His tongue caressed the length of mine. My arms found their familiar place around his warm body to pull him closer. Our labored breathing mixed and filled the air.

My hips fused to his, ready to take his hard erection inside my awaiting body. His muscles flexed as he gave in to my desperate need, filling and stretching me in one long, slow stroke.

Sensations surged in my core, and I released an uncontrollable quiver. Even in the darkness, I could feel his eyes burning into me as he positioned himself above me.

“Feel me, Lily,” Kyle breathed. “You and me—that’s all we need. I’m right here with you,” he vowed, his voice full of emotion.

I clenched my arms tighter and enclosed my legs around him, eradicating any possible space between our naked flesh.

“You and me,” I whispered against his mouth.

When I was here, like this, I forgot about everything else. All the bad seemed to fade away. The only thing that mattered was Kyle and me. We were together, and we were happy.

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