My Best Friend's Brother: A Standalone Friends to Lovers Romance (Soulmates Series Book 2) (12 page)


Chapter 21: Andi





should've let Steph walk with me.


offered, but I was too proud to admit how nervous I was about having to wheedle
my way into a throng of close knit sorority girls.


wasn't worried about the guys. I'd spent enough time freshman and sophomore
year with Shane that most of them at least recognized me.


the girls were another thing entirely, and while I hoped Shane wouldn't be able
to sense my anxiety, I hoped even more that he wouldn't leave me alone with
them for too long.


just as I was crossing the street towards the school bus, he stepped out of the
mob onto the grass along the curb, his gaze fixed right on me, as if he'd seen
me coming from a mile away.


was in black boots and a black hat and his shirt had ribbons of forest green
running through it, just like his eyes. I swear if he’d asked me right then to
run away and live on a ranch in Montana with him, I would've said yes.


was a ridiculous idea, of course, but we certainly looked the part.


look handsome," I said, smiling as he stepped up to me.


you look like the sexiest cowgirl I've ever seen."


take that as a compliment if I thought you’d ever actually seen one."


corner of his mouth curled up. "You'd be surprised."


raised my eyebrows.


pigtails, by the way."


did it to fit in," I said. "Not so you would get the wrong


late," he said, his eyes flashing. Then he leaned forward to whisper in my
ear. "But don't worry. I'll only pull them if you want me to."


should think so," I said, my voice full of false calm and my nose full of
his intoxicating cologne.


Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this.


on," he said. "Let's get a seat on the bus."


grabbed my hand in his and led the way, my feelings of awkwardness pulverized
by the confidence his touch gave me.


followed him towards the back of the bus, past countless seats that were
already occupied by people in their giddy up and go gear.


he stopped at a seat towards the back, I happily scooted in.


sat down and faced forward, his gorgeous jean covered thighs like a wall
between me and the alien culture around me.


I said. "Where exactly does this barn dance go down?"


dude’s farm. About forty five minutes from campus."




again for coming,” he said. “I've really been looking forward to tonight."


stuck my hands under my thighs and pressed my knees together before looking at
him. "Thanks. Me, too."


glad you trust me to show you a good time."




you tell Izzy you were coming or-?"


shook my head. "No. You?”


he said. "I thought we might just-"


raised my eyebrows. "Just what?"


a voice called from the front of the bus.


lifted his head up to shout back at the guy. "What?"


help is needed in the keg transportation department."


turned to me. "I'll be right back." Then he gripped the seat in front
of us to pull himself up and raised his eyebrows at me. "Save my


I get a better offer."


nodded and took off, knowing as well as I did that a better seatmate was
unlikely to present itself.


turned to look out the window. Across the street, a small group of
way around an open green space.


I didn't mean to start eavesdropping on the girls behind me, but their
conversation was just too juicy.


it seemed a safer bet than dwelling on the inexplicable magnetism of Shane's
ridiculous belt buckle… and where it might lead.


this is, like, so messed up you're going to die," the girl behind me said
to her seatmate in a strong Chicago accent.


on," the other girl said.


the older girls told our pledge class that they were going to take us away to
some lake house to celebrate the fact that we got picked to be in the house.”




But the night we got there, they gave us this big speech about how- if we
wanted to be Thetas- we had big shoes to fill and a good reputation to


her seatmate said.


get this. One of the prettiest girls in the house takes off her shirt, and
another girl takes a marker to her and starts circling parts of her body that
the girl needs to work on. You know, like the back of her arms and where her
love handles would be if she even had any."


My god."


then they tell us that we're all going to be subjected to the same


seatmate gasped. "No!"


For real."


did you get your fat circled, too? In front of everyone?"


listen. So when the first pledge is about to take her shirt off, the doorbell
rings, and all the upperclassmen go, ‘Just kidding! Pizza party!’"




that hilarious?" Chicago asked.


feel sick," the other girl said.


got us good."


seatmate laughed nervously. "They got you alright."


thought it was fucked up at the time," Chicago said. "But we all
laugh about it now."


friend scoffed. "Except for the girls that still think about that night
every time they puke up their pizza."


went quiet.


was so relieved they were behind me because there was no way I would've been
able to hide the shock on my face.


I couldn't wait to tell Izzy. Or could I?


I have to lie about the setting? And what was Shane about to say? I mean, he
obviously hadn't told her either.


pushed a stray wisp of hair out of my eyes.


failure to mention this to her could only mean one thing- that he knew this was


all, there was no way he hadn't talked to Izzy since last weekend. And I had,


neither of us said a word.


we knew the truth.


shouldn't have kissed, shouldn't have liked it, and we certainly shouldn't have
been going on what- for all intents and purposes- was basically a secret date.


yet, if letting him kiss me again like he had last weekend was wrong, I didn't
want to be right.


was so tender, so strong, and he made me feel so bright and safe and treasured.


only he were someone else, someone it would be okay to feel that way about.


I wasn't disciplined enough to make myself stay away.


feelings I had for him just had to be investigated, like the first time a child
sees a candle and can't help but put their finger near the flame.


even a kid knows getting burned is more interesting than playing it safe.


Chapter 22: Shane





had never looked so good, and I was having a hard time remembering that we were


there was a strange feeling in the air between us that made me think she wasn't
struggling the same way.


could tell she was a little out of her comfort zone- just as Izzy warned me she
would be. But I wished she could see herself the way I did- as the coolest,
smartest, sexiest girl on the bus.


couldn't just say that, though. When it came to such matters, words were
insufficient. Only actions could get the message across.


that was fine by me because I was ready to show her the time of her life.


watched her admire the sunset out her window, the curve of her cheekbone
against the yellow and pink swirls in the sky. I noticed how she squeezed her
hands between her thighs and wished they were my hands…


she let me touch her there? Would she let me see that side of her? The side I
always ignored for my own sanity?


hoped so.


sanity didn't interest me anymore.


was much more interested in watching her face as she let go. I wanted to see
her lips fall apart and her eyes go dark with pleasure.


what were you going to say before we left?" she asked, turning towards me
as the bus hit a pothole. "About why you didn't tell Izzy you asked


Well that answered the question about where her head was at.


raised her eyebrows. "Well?"


didn't tell her for the same reason you didn't."


what reason do you suppose that is?" she asked, cocking her head.


I stole a glance at her lips and felt a streak of heat travel up the back of my
neck. "This is between us."


narrowed her eyes at me. "What is?"


is going on


mean the fact that you're getting ideas?"


smiled. "What makes you say that?"


please, Shane. It's written all over your face."




let her head fall back against the tall bus seat behind her.


let my eyes linger on the bare flesh of her delicate neck before looking back
at her face. "Well?"


want to make trouble for us," she said. "Or you wouldn't be looking
at me like that."




crossed her arms and legs. "Like you want something from me."




it the pigtails? Are they really that powerful? Cause I can take them out if
they're making you stupid." She reached for the elastic on the one hanging
between us.


you dare," I said, wrapping a hand around hers and pulling it away.
"They didn't do anything wrong." I angled my body towards her, the
muffled sounds on the loud bus making me feel like we were in our own little
bubble. "Besides, they have nothing to do with this."




fact that you want to make trouble, too," I said. "Not that I
would've personally chosen the word trouble."


What would you have said?"


let my eyes roll up until a word came to me. "Fun would've been


pursed her glossy lips. "


as far as me wanting something from you-"


raised her eyebrows.


absolutely right."


thought so."


let my head fall back against the seat and rolled it towards her. "But I
don't want anything from you that you don't want from me."


that so?"


fixed my eyes on hers. "Yeah. It is."


broke our eye contact.


I haven't had any ideas that you haven't already had."


glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.


I right?"


you believe me if I said no?"


lifted my head. "Would you lie to my face?"




I said. "So it’s settled. We’ll leave Izzy out of this for the moment and
just have a good time."


nodded, her eyes on me like I was an unpredictable animal.


I said, hearing the bus crunch onto a gravel driveway. "If I get my way,
there won't be any room between us for an extra person."


pushed my arm. "Don't be ridiculous."


craned my neck back. "What?"


try to put me in some kind of sexual trance with your steely eyes and your
chiseled jaw and your-"


go on." 




really,” I said. “It's nice to hear that you're as attracted to me as I am to


rolled her eyes. "You're not attracted to me, Shane. You just can't help
yourself from wanting what you think you can't have."


doesn't make any sense."




at all," I said, shaking my head as the bus pulled to a stop.
"Because I think I can have you."


lashes fluttered.


I think I will."


really flattered, Shane, but-"




off the bus."


I smiled.
"Sounds like somebody needs a drink?"


she said, standing up and smoothing her skirt down. "A beer for me and an
animal tranquilizer for you."


backed into the aisle and made some space so she could step in front of me.


she said, sidestepping out of the seat.


it would be my pleasure to get you a drink as soon as we get off the bus."


to hear it," she said.


as far as the animal tranquilizers, this isn't that kind of party."




I said, leaning down to whisper in her ear as the line scooted towards the
front. "It'll take a lot more than that to make me change my mind about
having you."


turned around and stuck a pointed finger right into my chest. "Behave


what?" I asked, my mouth curling into a smile. "You'll make me
behave? Because that would be fine with me, too. In fact, I'd probably love
nothing more than-"


she said, throwing her hands in the air and shaking her head as she turned back
towards the front of the bus.


I mumbled to myself. "You are."


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