My Hustler’s Keeper (13 page)

** ** **

Two weeks later…

“Hello,” I answer my phone on a sleepy tone.

“Detective Jones, I need you.”

“What, who is this?”

“Detective Jones, this is your captain speaking. When can you come back to work?”

“As soon as I get my badge and gun,” I answer in excitement.

“It’s a raid taking place on Chicago and Division. I think we finally caught Sincere and Daniel slipping. Meet them there. I’ll be waiting with your property.”

“I’m on my way,” I say, jumping up, forgetting to hang up the phone.

Shit, I hope it’s not them
, I think as I race to get into my car before speeding off.

“Jones, I want you to come in after Stephanie. Robert and I will come in through the back door. I’m not trying to lose anyone this go ‘round. I don’t care if you have to shoot until you run out of bullets, I—.”

“Killing them will be a bad idea. What good will they be to us if they’re dead?” I ask, cutting Captain Jefferson off.

“You’re right. Shoot, but don’t shoot to kill. But if you feel your life is in danger no questions asked do what you have to do. You got that?” He asks, looking each and every last on of us in the eye.

“Understood,” we say in union.

“Let’s go and take these low lives down,” he says with a devilish smile.

I watch as the rest of the unit gets into position. Robert, the thirsty one, goes into position at the front door with Captain Jefferson behind him. With sweat dripping from my forehead as if I had just finishing running a marathon, I wait for Stephanie to get the order. I hear Captain Jefferson give the order to knock the door down and from there it is a wrap.

“Freeze! FBI! Get on the fucking floor!” Stephanie yells, as we come into the house. 

“That means you too, miss thang,” she says, shoving a female onto the ground.

Making my way into the living room, I heard someone yell out that he wants his lawyer.

“I want my fucking lawyer,” I hear the voice again.

Coming closer the voice becomes crystal clear.

“I said I want my fucking lawyer!” he yells out again.

“Where you’re going you won’t need a lawyer,” Captain Jefferson says before reading him his rights.

“Corey,” I mumble under my breath.

Daniel is going to flip the hell out
, I think as I follow behind him and the captain.
Who put his snitch ass into this? Fucking around with him we all will be locked up before the night is over with
. My thoughts continue to speak as I get into the squad car with the others heading back to the station.



My Hustler’s Keeper




“C’mon, Joe, go deeper,” Mary yells, as I penetrate her from behind.

“C’mon, Joe. Make me beg for you to stop. C’mon, Joe, fuck this pussy. That’s it baby, go deeper.” She continues to speak out bullshit, making me lose my concentration on busting my nut.

“Shut the fuck up,” I reach over and slap her in the face.

“Oooh, that’s it baby. Slap me again.”

“You like it rough, huh? Get up and go into the kitchen,” I demand while slapping her again before pulling out.

I was about to give her something to beg about.

“Oooooooo, me like,” she says, licking her lips and grabbing my shaft.

Entering the kitchen I go into the freezer and grab two ice cubes.

“I need to relieve some stress,” I tell her while leaning back on the counter and removing the condom.

“And what does that have to do with me?”

“Mary, enough with the kid games,” I hiss.

“This ain’t any kid game Joe,” she says, placing her hands on her hips.

“I’m not putting that,” she points at my shaft, “In my mouth anymore. You tell the girl you got caught fucking to suck your dick.”

“Wait, let me get this straight. I can fuck you with the same dick I fucked Rayla with but I can’t get a blow job?” I laugh.

“I’m glad this is funny to you.”

“C’mon, baby, don’t be like that. She wasn’t anything but a quick nut.”

“Well go get your nut off with her.”

“What the hell?!” I spit.

“I’m not getting mad at the thought of you fucking my daughter, so what’s the problem? You knew I fucked women from time to time since we were in the eighth grade, so don’t put your feelings in it now.”

“First, I’m not fucking your daughter. We never even kissed. I don’t even want her. I just know being with her will keep you closer to me. Second, you seem to forget the promise you made me. All this is your fault.”

“A’ight, just bend over so I can get my nut off.”

Reaching into the counter drawer I pull out a condom as she places her hands on the stove.

“Let’s play a game,” I whisper into her ear while turning the burner on.

“What kind of game?”

“Make me nut before the stove gets hot.”

“This is not safe Joe.”

“It is baby, just trust me.” Slowly I ease inside of her party box and begin to thrust around. I am about to teach her a valuable a lesson on respecting the head of the household.

“Okay Joe, my hands are going to burn.”

“Make me nut is the game.”

“Joe, my hands. I don’t wanna play this game.”

All her crying stops thanks to my phone ringing. Pulling out, I throw the condom in the trash and answer before the line stops ringing. 

“Hello,” I answer.

“Joe, I’m in jail. Come get me!” Corey yells.

“What? I’m on my way. Don’t say shit. Don’t you say shit! I’m calling you a lawyer now.” Pulling up my jeans, I quickly run out, leaving Mary and her hands alone to think.

Who knew about this other then the ones I have on payroll
, I think to myself as I get into the car and drive off to get Corey.




My Hustler’s Keeper




That sick motherfucker was going to burn my hands to the core if it wasn’t for his phone ringing. After he ran out leaving me there, I ran to the freezer, putting my hands on ice.

I should’ve just given him a blow job
, I thought while looking at the outcome of not doing as he told me.             

Walking to the house phone I press five and waited for the caller to answer.

“Hello,” Stephanie answers, on the fourth ring.

“I need you. Come quick.”

“What?! What’s wrong baby?”

“I can’t say over the phone. Just come.”

“Okay, I’m on my way,” she says, then hangs up.

Falling into the couch I begin to cry. This is starting to get out of hand and I need to get out before it crumbles.

“Baby, I’m here. Now what’s wrong?” Stephanie asks, as she enters my apartment with the spare key.

“What does it look like?” I ask, showing her my hands.

“What the hell? Who did this?” she asks, taking a seat next to me.

“The devil,” I reply back with my head down.

“Mary, why are you still with him if he keeps on treating you like this? I don’t even know who you are anymore. You’re not the one I met while serving my time.”

“Joe is not that bad. He did keep his word and give me his daughter,” I try to defend him.

“And we both know that’s just for a front. Have you even slept with her?”

“No. The only woman I’m into is you. I just want what I was promised and some.”

“Mary, you’re the love of my life and I love you dearly. But I’m not about to keep watching you get hurt and tossed around like loose change,” she expresses.

“I know Stephanie. I’m going to leave him. I just want what belongs to me.”

“Fuck Harmony. If you don’t like pussy why chase after it?”

“Cause it belongs to me.”

“So you’re going to risk your life over something you will never be able to enjoy?” she asks, yelling at me.

“If I have to, yes.”

“Well, I guess I’ll have to make Joe and his daughter disappear.”

“No.” I jump up at her words. “I mean it’s not the right time. We still have moves to make on getting Sincere out the picture. I’m not trying to draw any attention.”

“You killed his grandmother and kidnapped his sister. I think you drew enough attention that will last a lifetime.”

“The sister ain’t opened her mouth yet so I’m in good hands.”

“And how do you know that?”

“I’m still breathing.”

“You really don’t think that’s something you should worry about seeing that she is expecting,” she asks with worry in her eyes.

“Nope. Joe touched her. I just watched.”

“So what you going to do? Wait until the last minute when they got you at gunpoint and say it was Joe’s idea?”

“Whatever Joe says, I’m going to do it. It’s clear they don’t know and she’s not telling. So leave it where it’s at, and that’s in the past.”

“Mary, I’m not going to wait around for you to die. I got to do something to get rid of this man and his daughter,” she says, standing up.

“If you touch them I will have you touched,” I speak, looking her directly in her eyes.

“Fine Mary. I’m going to just sit back and watch.”

“Yeah, you do that.”

“What’s this?” she asks, changing the subject.

“A letter from June.”

“What’s it say? It’s clear you read it.”

“She wants me to come see her.”

“For what?”

“She has some dirt on Joe that she needs to tell me.”

“It also says she’s dying,” Stephanie says, as she reads over the letter.

“Go see her Mary. It might be important.”

“Yeah, when I finish getting what belongs to me I will.”

“Mary, you’re going to die. And I’m not about to sit around and wait for that to happen. You want Harmony that bad. I just hope she is worth losing me ‘cause I’m not about to stay and watch you make an ass out of yourself.”

“Joe promised me I would get her.”

“Mary, that girl is in love with Sincere, and I’m sure he will kill you before he lets you have what belongs to him. Mary, listen to me and listen to me good. This shit with Joe…there’s more to this than you know. Just get out while you have a chance ‘cause when the truth comes out I can’t save you,” she tells me, before making her way out the door and out of my life.

And if I do die, I will die knowing in the end I was loyal. I will die knowing my loyalty was worth it
, I think as I stand to lock the door.




My Hustler’s Keeper




“I swear to fucking God before I go down I’m snitching on everybody and their mama,” Corey says, as soon as I enter the room.

“Well I see you’re not loyal.”

“Fuck being loyal. It’s my freedom on the line.”

“I’m sure you knew the risks going in,” I say, taking a seat across from him.

“Look Harmony, I don’t give a fuck what you say. I’m not going to jail.”

“I’m not saying shit. You’re the one dong all the talking. So tell me what happened here today?”

“Shit, you tell me. You want me to open my mouth so the boys in the other room can hear?”

“It’s just me and you. That’s why I need for you to tell me what happened today.”

“Look, all I know is Carla and I were setting up and y’all came in bum rushing shit. Man, where is my lawyer?” he continues to yell.

“Corey, does Daniel know you’re moving coke for Joe?”

“Man, from what I was told ain’t none of y’all loyal to Joe. He put y’all on and y’all left. So he started gathering more niggas and said he has plans to end the old ones.”

“Corey, do you know what kind of trouble you’re in? It doesn’t matter where your loyalty lies. If Joe thinks for one split second that you’re dropping a bomb on him, he will kill you and Daniel will be burying you,” I say standing.

“Joe will not kill me. I’m done talking to you. Now get on the phone and tell my cousin to send me a lawyer now. Otherwise I will show you where my loyalty lies.”

“You just signed your own death certificate,” I tell him, before leaving the interrogation room.

“Harmony, please say you didn’t just question the suspect without being watched?” Captain Jefferson yells out.

“No, I offered him some water to shut the fuck up. I was tired of him yelling and I’m pretty sure he was thirsty,” I lie to him, while making my way to the back entrance.

“Harmony, get back here and start your interrogation,” Captain yells.

“Personal call Captain. I have to go.”

“Harmony, if you leave don’t bother coming back. This will be your last day as a FBI agent.”

I stop in my tracks turns around and say, “It was nice working for this team.” Walking out the building, I try calling Sincere but his phone is going straight to voicemail.

“Baby, we need to talk ASAP. Call me when you get this.”

Hanging up, I turn my head just as Joe and his lawyer make their way inside the building. Shaking my head, I open the door to my Lexus, get inside, start the car, and proceed to drive to Sincere’s house.

** ** **

“Sincere,” I call out for him as I make my way inside.

“Sincere baby, I have some shit to tell you,” I yell out, while making my way towards the living room.


It feel as if my heart has jumped out my chest as I stand there and watch him lay in a growing pool of his own blood.

To be continued...


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