My Love at Last (9 page)

Read My Love at Last Online

Authors: Donna Hill

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Connor nodded in agreement. “The educational crisis is sad and all too true. I was lucky.” He shifted in his seat, a bit uncomfortable with the idea of the deep pockets of his family that had afforded all of them the best education that money could provide. That was why it was so important for him to be his own man. His family had a legacy, there was no getting around that, but that was what he wanted for so many other African-Americans whose history was buried in the relics that they worked to restore. “At least this new initiative of free tuition for community colleges will help thousands of young people to get a start.”

“Yes, there’s that. What was your major?”

“Design and construction. But I went into the navy after graduation. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do. My father wanted me in the family business so I hightailed it out of there.” He chuckled.

Olivia giggled. “Why? What kind of shady business is he in?” she teased.

“Global marketing.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Connor lifted his glass to his lips and took a thoughtful swallow. “Let’s just say that my father’s and my sensibilities are on opposite ends. I want to restore. His goal in life is to buy up whatever is available — land, businesses, people — and recreate them. My sister, Sydni, is his protégée. Fortunately she has a mind of her own and doesn’t mind butting heads with him. But that’s their thing. I do mine. Then there’s my brother, Devon. He’s the youngest, still wild, and loving the playboy life. You would never know just how brilliant he is by the asinine things he does. He was inducted into Mensa when he was sixteen. Called himself following in my footsteps.”

“You’re part of Mensa?”

“Yeah. Don’t talk about it much, though.”

“Why in the world not? I only wish.”

Mensa International was an organization founded in 1946 for those whose IQs were in the top 2 percent of the country. To be a member was certainly to be included in an elite if not eclectic community of individuals. Olivia was duly impressed.

He grinned. “Most folks get the wrong idea, that because you have this crazy high IQ you’re supposed to be ending world hunger or creating cures for incurable diseases.” He shrugged. “Me, it makes me overthink things. And Devon just acts out, stays in one kind of trouble or the other. Drives my father crazy.” He laughed at that. “My uncle Branford wanted me to go into policy analysis and work in some kind of think tank in DC.”

Olivia put down her fork and leaned forward on her elbows. “I can’t see you doing that at all,” she said thoughtfully. “You have too much energy and you need to use your hands as much as your mind.”

His gaze narrowed and moved slowly over her face as if he was looking at her clearly for the very first time. “The only person that has ever said that to me was my sister, Sydni.”

Olivia lowered her head, then looked across at him. “I’d like to meet her sometime.”

The corner of his mouth curved upward. “I think she’d like you.”

* * *

They each had another helping of food before returning to the living room.

“I. Am. Stuffed,” Olivia said, and flopped down on the couch. “Dinner was excellent.”

Connor took a mock bow before sitting next to her. “Glad you enjoyed it. I usually go for a walk after dinner but we can skip that if you want.”

Olivia angled her head toward him. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m as much for physical activity as the next one, but not tonight. I am going to sit right here, relax and listen to this great music.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He settled back on the couch. “So… did you think about what I said?”

Her brow knitted. “Said about what?”


Her heart jumped. “Oh… breakfast.” She ran her tongue along her bottom lip.
This had to come out the right way
. She looked straight into his eyes. “I take my coffee light and sweet, scrambled egg whites and whole wheat toast… ” She swallowed.

His eyes darkened. “I think I can manage that.”

“Something else Grandma taught you?”

“There were two things my grandmother insisted that I knew.” He turned his body toward Olivia and stroked her bottom lip with his thumb. “How to cook and how to keep a lady happy.”

“You have cooking down to an art form… the rest is still to be decided.”

A lustful smile curved his mouth and he hummed deep in his throat. “A new challenge always excites me.”

Her clit twitched. She shifted slightly in her seat. “Do I fall into the challenge category?”

Connor watched the column of her throat work and the tiny pulse flutter like a sparrow’s wings. “Definitely.” He leaned in and kissed her. Lightly at first and slowly demanding more until she was fully in his arms, totally engaged in the melding of their mouths and the mating of their tongues.

All he needed was to see her naked, touch her, push himself into her and expel this maddening desire he had. Then he could see clearly, think rationally and move on with his life. It took every bit of self-control not to take her right then and there on the couch as he’d done with others. But not Olivia. Not the first time.

Connor eased away and stood in one smooth movement. He extended his hand to her. Her skin glowed as if lit from beneath. He watched the rise and fall of her chest and the way her eyes caught the shimmer of light. His clenched his jaw. He needed her. Now.

“Come,” he managed to say.

Olivia placed her hand in his and followed his lead into his bedroom.

Chapter 8

he moment they crossed the threshold, Connor wrapped Olivia in his arms and held her against him. He inhaled her scent, memorized the way her body shifted to merge with his. He had to taste her again and he did, with sweet nibbles along her neck, across her collarbone, behind her ear, her cheek, until he met her lips. The simmering heat that smoldered in his belly erupted and rose upward into a groan that flowed into her. With her encircled in his arms he slowly backed up toward his bed.

“This is what you want,” he declared, his tone ragged with raw need.

“Yes,” she whispered against his lips an instant before his tongue delved into her mouth.

Facing her on the king-size bed, Connor began his quest to conquer her body. Inch by inch he explored, ceremoniously removing her clothing to reveal by degrees the satiny coffee-brown skin that heated and fluttered beneath his mouth and his fingertips. When she was down to her lace bra and panties Connor took a moment to assess the treasure in front of him.

“You’re beautiful.” He kissed the rise of her breasts that overflowed the cups of her bra. Tenderly he caressed the fullness of her, then slipped the straps off her shoulders and the cups beneath the swell of her breasts, pushed them higher. A groan rumbled in his throat when he took one turgid nipple between his lips and laved it with his tongue.

Olivia’s body tensed and arched as if stunned by an electric current. She gripped the sheet in her fists and let the thrilling sensation of his mouth on her body flow through her. Her soft moans only served to heighten Connor’s desire.

Connor moved from one side to the other, then down to her stomach, where he toyed with her navel, then across to the line of her hip bones. That elicited a shiver from her. He secured her hips with his hands and moved lower, holding her in place. His tongue drew a fine hot line along her inner thighs until she was weak and whimpering. Her pelvis instinctively rose and fell but it wasn’t time yet. He needed her to want him beyond reason. He wanted her body to commit to his before he entered her, so that every inch of her would respond to him. He wanted to erase from her mind and body any other man she’d been with, and make her his own.

Connor pressed the heat of his wet mouth between her legs. The heady scent of her rushed to his head. He almost came.

“Ohhh… ”

With his teeth, he pushed aside the strip of her panties and teased the slick split with his tongue. Had it not been for the hold that he had on her she would have bucked him off the bed.

He licked, teased and suckled. All the while her cries and whimpers grew louder and more intense. Her body vibrated, trembled and seized, but he wouldn’t stop. He needed her at the brink, right on the edge of release, that moment when she would beg him to take her to the other side.

His cock was so hard it felt as if it would break, and the swell of his sac was a sure sign that he wouldn’t hold out much longer.

Connor leaned back and rested on his haunches. He unfastened his pants, stood and took them off, leaving them on the floor. His boxers followed.

Olivia held her breath when she looked at him. She reached out to touch him and cupped the throbbing phalanx in her palm. Connor’s head tilted back and a hiss seeped through his clenched teeth.

She began to stroke him, relishing the heft and silken feel of him, the way his expression tightened in pleasure. She was beyond ready and she wanted him now. She sat up, wrapped her arms around his waist and took him into her mouth.

“Agggh!” He grabbed the back of her head to hold her in place and to give himself a moment to get control before he exploded.

Her tongue licked the underside of his shaft and the tease shot up his spine. He cupped her chin and eased himself out of her mouth. “Enough,” he growled.

Olivia smiled. “I don’t think so,” she whispered. She scooted back on the bed and tugged off her panties. She spread her legs wide for him and bent her knees.

Connor muttered a curse, reached in the nightstand and took out a condom. He tore the packet open with his teeth and quickly rolled the thin latex down his throbbing erection.

Olivia’s heart was beating so fast she could barely breathe. She watched him move over her, blocking out everything except the look of hunger in his eyes. The swollen head of his penis pressed against her wet opening. Her body tensed. Connor slipped his hands beneath her behind and lifted her toward him. He covered her mouth with his and pushed deep inside her in one long thrust.

He swallowed her outcry and made her thrill his own. Slowly he moved within her. In and out, in and out until they both hit a rhythm that had them moving, grinding and moaning in ecstasy.

Connor kissed her mouth, the column of her neck, suckled her breasts and stroked her heated flesh, all the while giving it to her as if she’d been made love to by amateurs all her life. His strokes were long and firm, and at times he would rotate his hips just before diving in, which would set her body quaking. More than once he hit that spot and she nearly lost her mind.

Olivia raised her knees and tightened them along Connor’s sides. She lifted her hips and thrust hard against him again and again.

His grip on her rear grew tighter. His fingers dug into the taut flesh. His thrust grew faster, deeper.

Olivia couldn’t think. She was one raw nerve from the balls of her feet to the top of her head. Tears sprang from her eyes. Connor hit her spot again. She screamed.

“Oh, Connor… Please… please.”

“Please what, baby?” he groaned in her ear.

“Come for me. Come with me.”

“You ready for that?”

“Yes,” she whimpered. “Yes.”

Connor slid his hand down between them, pressed his thumb against her swollen, throbbing clit and gave her four deep thrusts that set her off.

Her nails dug into his shoulders as a scream of release caught in her throat. Her insides squeezed and convulsed around his shaft as he continued to move inside her. Her body was no longer her own. It was a sea of pure unadulterated pleasure.

Olivia gripped his buttocks and squeezed. Connor’s entire body jerked, his head arched back and a guttural, incomprehensible sound rumbled from his lips as the very essence of his being shot from him.

Chapter 9

onnor collapsed his weight on top of Olivia and buried his head in the curve of her neck, breathing hard. She stroked his back, soothing and cooing as her body slowly began to return to her. His heart pounded in rhythm with hers and that made her smile. She could still feel him inside her, and the sensation inadvertently caused her walls to clench around him, eliciting ragged moans from Connor and reigniting his need for her.

He’d never completely lost his erection, and Olivia’s vagina was doing crazy things to him. Before he could fully recover he was completely hard again and ready to go for the gold one more time, which Olivia was totally up for.

* * *

Connor lay on his back with Olivia curled across his chest. His free arm was draped protectively around her. In the dim light he stared up at the ceiling while he listened to Olivia’s steady breathing.
That. Was. Something
. He angled his head and peeked down at her. Her wild curls hid her face but he’d memorized every angle. Sex was something he could have pretty much when he wanted and with whom. This — this thing that had happened between him and Olivia — wasn’t sex. He’d had plenty, and sex wasn’t what they had shared. There was a part of him, a part of his soul, that was worn and hollowed out much like many of the buildings he was called in to restore. So he went after sex as a way to fill the gap, repair the damaged parts. It never worked. But he kept trying. Sex and work, work and sex. This was different. He couldn’t explain it. All he knew was that for now the echo of emptiness that resided in the center of his being wasn’t as loud.

He inhaled deeply, shut his eyes and let the sleep of the satiated consume him.

* * *

Olivia blinked against the slim rays of sun that slipped in between the slats of the blinds. As she came fully awake her heart jumped when she realized where she was — in Connor Lawson’s bed. Inch by inch her mind took inventory of her body. She was sticky between her legs, her thighs ached and her nipples felt tender — all a result of the most incredible night she’d ever experienced with a man. Her skin still tingled.

Connor stirred, moaned in his sleep. Olivia eased out of his embrace and as quietly as she could, slid out of bed. She went to the front room and got her purse, then tiptoed into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her. She opened a narrow closet and found it stacked with washcloths and towels. She took one of each and turned on the water in the sink, then took out her toothbrush from her purse. She grinned. Wouldn’t want their first morning together to be highlighted by morning breath, she thought.

After freshening up she stealthily went into the kitchen and hunted down the coffeemaker, which was tucked away in the overhead cabinet along with a bag of coffee. Within moments the savory aroma of fresh brewing coffee filled the air. Olivia leaned her bare hip against the counter while the coffee perked. She folded her arms beneath her breasts and let her thoughts drift back to her night with Connor. Surreal was the only way she could describe what had happened between them. But… she wouldn’t overthink it or allow even an inkling of “more than this” to enter her thoughts. Yes, it was great, it was mind-blowing, it was unmatched. But it was also temporary. In a matter of six weeks or maybe less she would be back in New York, and possibly taking over a new position at The Institute. She exhaled a long breath and turned toward the coffeepot.

“Fabulous view.”

Olivia swung around. Connor was standing in the doorway, staring at her naked body as if she was to be served on a platter for breakfast.

Olivia blinked back her momentary embarrassment. She should have put something on, especially while she was wandering around someone else’s home. But the appraisal and admiration that glowed in Connor’s eyes and played around his mouth pushed any inklings of embarrassment out of the way. If anything, she felt empowered in her nakedness.


“Sure.” He sauntered into the room, bare chested, and his lower half covered in a pair of black boxers. But Olivia knew all too well what treasure rested beneath. He sidled up to the table and took a seat.

Olivia took two mugs from the cabinet and filled them both. She set one in front of Connor, then sat next to him.

“How did you sleep?”

Her stomach fluttered. “Very well. You?”

“My dreams were very vivid, like a movie.” He let his gaze skip over her face. “But then I realized they weren’t dreams. They were real and we were the stars.”

Olivia’s cheeks grew warm. She lowered her head and stared into her coffee mug. “Award-worthy?”

Connor chuckled. “You have my nomination.” He slapped his palms on the table. “I’m starved.” He rose from his seat and went to the fridge. He opened the door and peered around inside. He turned to look over his shoulder. “How ’bout a smoked-salmon frittata?”

Olivia’s eyes widened. “Stop. Are you serious?”

“Very.” He grinned.

“Hey, go for it. Let me at least put on some clothes.”

“Don’t worry about it on my account,” he teased.

Olivia rolled her eyes and darted off to the bedroom to at least find her underwear. She quickly put on her bra and panties and returned to the kitchen.

“I liked the
outfit better, but I have to admit it would be hard as hell to concentrate on cooking with all of the lusciousness on display.” His eyes rolled up and down her body. He ran his tongue across his lips, then pushed out a breath. “Well, you can make yourself useful. In the cabinet by the door, would you get the olive oil, salt and pepper? And I think I have a jar of black olives.”

Olivia gave a mock salute and went to gather the items, while Connor took out the eggs, salmon, a small onion, milk, heavy cream and cubed cream cheese. He brought everything to the table, then took out a large mixing bowl from a drawer beneath the island. He heated the oven to 350 degrees, then took down a skillet from the overhead rack. He lightly coated the skillet with olive oil and set it over a medium-high heat on the stovetop, added diced onion, salt and pepper, and stirred. Then he added the salmon and olives, and stirred briefly. “Can you whisk the eggs with the milk and cream?”


Once Olivia was done, Connor took the mixture and poured it over the salmon and onions, then stirred very lightly. He scattered the cubes of cream cheese on top and let it all simmer until the edges looked firm, then he placed the skillet in the oven.

He turned to Olivia. “About twenty minutes and we can eat.”

“Smells incredible.”

“I didn’t get a chance to get to the market, so no fresh fruit. But I do have whole-wheat bread if you want toast.”

“Toast is fine.” She was more and more impressed with Connor with every passing moment. She prepared the toast while Connor set out the plates and put the steaming skillet on the island.

“Help yourself.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” She reached for the knife, cut into the frittata and scooped a triangular slice onto her plate. Without fanfare she dug in for her first mouthful. Her eyes fluttered closed in ecstasy as the burst of flavors came alive on her tongue. She chewed slowly, savoring the mix of tastes and textures. “This is… incredible,” she finally managed to declare.

“Thank you. Glad you’re enjoying. Take as much as you want.”

Between bites she stole glances at him.
A real Renaissance man
. Why was he unattached? There had to be some skeleton in a closet somewhere. No one was as close to perfect as Connor Lawson. At some point the shoe would fall.

“You planning on coming to the site today?” he asked.

“Yes. I need to go home and change and pick up a few things.”

“I kinda like the outfit you had on last night.” He gave her a wicked grin that cinched the corners of his eyes.

Olivia felt warmth spread through her, telegraphed from the heat in his gaze. She swallowed. “Yes, I’m sure it would be a big hit with the crew.”

Connor chuckled and finished off his glass of orange juice. “Whenever you’re ready I’ll drive you home.”

Olivia glanced at him over the rim of her glass. She could get used to this, sitting across from him at the breakfast table. She shook her head and scattered the image. “Great.” She pushed to her feet. “I’m going to finish getting dressed. Breakfast was utterly delicious, by the way.” She leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Thank you.”

He scooped his arm around her waist and pulled her between his parted thighs. “Anytime.”

Her heart thumped. “I, um, better get ready.”

“You don’t have to, you know. We could stay here today. I’m the boss. I can tell them whatever I want.” He ran his hand down her back, then hooked his fingers along the band of her panties.

The hairs on her arms stiffened. Her breath hitched a notch.

He asked her the question with his eyes, and hers said yes.

Taking his cue, his eased her panties across her hips and down her thighs. Olivia finished what he started and wiggled out of them the rest of the way.

Connor reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and let the weight of her unbound breasts rest on his palms. Olivia’s nostrils flared, sucking in air when his thumbs brushed across her still tender nipples. A tiny cry escaped from her throat.

Connor lowered his head and took her right nipple into his mouth, laved it until she whimpered and her fingers dug into his shoulders for support. He went to the other side and paid homage.

The muscles of Olivia’s stomach fluttered. Her breathing escalated. She linked her fingers behind his head and thrust her chest forward. Connor slid his hand between her legs and teased the bud until it was in full bloom.

Olivia reached for him between the folds of his boxers and wrapped her fingers around him. Connor gritted his teeth. She exposed him through the opening and began to stroke him until he grabbed her wrist in a vise grip.

“Come here to me,” he said on a rough breath.

Olivia didn’t need much encouragement. She draped her thighs on either side of his, positioned herself above his high saluting erection so that her slick opening teased the swollen head. But Connor was no longer in the mood to be teased. He grabbed her rear, lifted his hips and pushed up inside her, knocking the air out of her lungs.

* * *

“So I’ll see you later.” It was part statement, part question.

“In about an hour or so,” Olivia said.

“I mean later… this evening. I want to see you.” He angled his body toward her and draped his arm along the back of the headrest. His fingers dangled down to her ear. He outlined the shell of it with his fingertip.

Olivia swallowed. “I suppose that would be okay.”

“Good. I’ll be here by eight. Need me to bring anything?”

Olivia couldn’t think straight for a minute. “Um, no. Nothing that I can think of.”

He pressed a button on the armrest and her door unlocked. “I’ll walk you to your door.”

She threw him a sultry look. “I think you should stay put.”

His lashes lowered over his eyes. “Are you afraid that I may… force myself inside?” he asked, the question ripe with innuendo.

Olivia puffed a laugh. “Afraid.” She reached out and stroked his bottom lip with her fingertip and leaned close enough to kiss him, but didn’t. “I don’t think it’s me who should be afraid, Mr. Lawson.” Her brows flicked in triumph when she saw the smirk on his face. She opened the door and stepped out.

Connor depressed the button and opened the passenger window. “I’m always up for a challenge,” he called out through the window.

Olivia glanced over her shoulder, then sauntered into her house.

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