My Savior Forever (12 page)

Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

That evening we all sat around
watching movies, munching on snacks and laughing together. I
haven’t had this much fun in a long time. I feel so comfortable
around them. I’m starting to feel like maybe I can be part of their


Allie has me in a hug whispering, “I
love you, Cassie. You’re my sister now. Please take care of each
other.” She sniffs as she turns to Jesse. I can hear her whisper to
him but can’t make out what she’s saying.

“I can’t believe it’s been a week
already! I don’t want to go back. I want to stay here with my new
sister and my bro,” she says with a sigh.

I look sadly at Jesse then back to
Allie. “I know, I wish you could stay. But it could end up being
too dangerous for you and you have a life. Go, be great at your
job. We will see each other again soon, I promise. You’re not
getting away from me that easy,” I smile and wink at

Allie reluctantly leaves the house
promising Jesse she will call us soon. Jesse turns around after
shutting the door, setting the alarm and stalks towards

I back up step by step matching his.
“Now,” Jesse says wagging his eyebrows, “where were we?”

He’s smiling at me and starts to reach
out. I turn and run toward the stairs. I am laughing so hard I can
hardly breathe.

I am half way up the stairs when Jesse
catches me, holding my back to his front. We are both laughing. He
sets me down on the step above him, and I turn around to face him.
At this advantage, I don’t have to look up at him quite so much.
Once our laughter dies, we stand there looking into each other’s
eyes, both of us breathing heavily.

He takes the hair that has fallen in
my face and places it behind my ear. He keeps his hand there on the
side of my face and lowers his lips slowly to mine.

He lowers me on the steps and
straddles me, our kisses never break stride. He’s kissing me with
hunger, need, want. I give back equally.

He stops kissing my lips and begins
kissing all over my face. “I (kiss) don’t (kiss) want (kiss) to
(kiss) hurt (kiss) your (kiss) ribs (kiss).” He stops long enough
to get up off me, bends down and next thing I know, I am in his
arms. “Whoa,” I screech.

He carries me up the rest of the
stairs and to the bedroom. When we reach the door he turns his head
to me and says, “Hmmm, I think we need a shower. We are very (kiss)
very (kiss) dirty.” He winks at me and continues to carry me to the

Jesse sets me down and I watch him as
he turns on the water, testing it periodically. Once he feels he
has the right temperature, he turns and begins taking off his

Ah! A strip show! I like this! Before
I know it, he grabs me and pulls off my shirt. Oh, my! He reaches
around me and unclasps my bra and flings it behind him. I hear it
hit the wall. He places my hands on his strong shoulders and squats
down in front of me. He starts pulling down my pants and underwear
at the same time. Nudging me with one of his elbows, I step out of
them, one foot and then the other. While he is still squatting he
looks up at my ribs and places soft kisses there.

I choke up a little. Tears are
threatening to flow. I watch him as he stands back up. Then he
picks me up and steps into the shower. He shuts the shower door
with his foot closing us in. He takes the soap and begins to lather
it in his hands. Water begins to cascade around his body as he
turns around to face me.

I watch the water trickling down his
body, down, down, until I am staring at his engorged cock. Man,
that’s gotta hurt all big and bulging like that.

He clears his throat and I snap my
head back up to look at him. He has a cocky (pun intended) look on
his face. He sets the bar of soap down and with his lathered hands
he starts washing me. He starts at my neck and slowly washes down
my arms. I gulp. He slides his soapy hands down my chest until he
gets to my breasts and holds them there. He squeezes them gently
and I moan, rather loudly. His eyes are half-mast now, staring at

His hands begin to rub my breasts and
one hand stops and pinches my nipple. Oh! He is smiling at me now
as he watches my face, which is full of emotions. One of his hands
moves down my body slowly. When it gets to my stomach he rubs me
there and then it travels down to my mound.

“Hmmmm,” I moan and lean my head back,
my eyes closing.

His hand begins its decent between my
legs. I widen my stance for him to give his hand plenty of room to
work its magic. I feel a finger go into my opening and curl

“Ahhhhhh!” I can’t take it! My head
goes back more until I think I am going to fall. Quickly, he grabs
me and moves me against the shower wall. I wrap my legs around his
waist and cross my ankles, grabbing his shoulders with my hands. He
leans towards my face and smashes his lips to mine. We kiss with a
fevered passion. We can’t get close enough to each other. I want to
crawl inside him!

I feel his engorged cock thrust into
my core! “OHHHHHH, YES!” I scream. Jesse moans so loud at the same
time that we are like a duet of lustful moans and

We keep perfect time as we rock
together, our tongues dancing to our beat. He has one of his hands
against the wall behind my head so I don’t hit my head. His other
hand is around my waist holding me up. So strong!

I begin to see spots in my eyes as my
climax approaches fast. “Jesseeeeee,” I scream as I fall into
oblivion. He is soon to follow as he pounds into me.
“Casssiiiieeeee,” he screams.

He stands there holding me as he
thrusts two more times and I feel his sperm shooting into me. As we
both try to regain our normal breathing, I look into his blue eyes
with tears in mine. “Jesse, I love you so much.” I kiss him again
and again.

He starts to carry me out of the tub
and I pout. “But I didn’t get to clean you,” I say with my lower
lip jetted out. He leans over and bites it. “Owwww!” I

He chuckles, “I couldn’t resist. God,
I love that lip.” He then kisses it softly, looks up at me and
shows me that gorgeous smile I love so much. Sigh! I am so gone for
this man!


I am having such a great dream when I
feel someone behind me move closer. Hmmmm, Jesse’s spooning me. He
puts an arm around me and puts his hand over mine, intertwining our
fingers. I move back up against him. I groan. He begins kissing my
shoulder. “I really could get used to waking up like this,” I

He kisses my shoulder again. “Get used
to it because I intend to wake you up this way (kiss) and other
ways too.”

“Hmmmm,” is the only thing I can say
to that.

I hear a phone ringing. Huh? Jesse
sighs, kisses my shoulder one last time and turns over to his night
stand to retrieve his phone. “Yeah!” He says into it rather
sharply. “What? Did they get them? Why the fuck not! Well tell them
to find them again, dammit, and not to lose them the next

He hangs up abruptly. I sit up in bed
and scoot over to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. “What’s
wrong, Jesse? Did something happen? Is it the guys who kidnapped
me?” I am starting to shake.

Jesse turns towards me and grabs my
hands in his. “Baby, calm down. That was Ty. He said his men found
them. They followed them for a while but lost them.” I look down at
our hands and take a breath.

“Baby, look at me,” he says softly. I
look up and I see the concern in his eyes. “I need you to stay calm
for me, will you do that?” He asks. I nod slowly. “I mean it, stay
calm, okay?” He sighs. “Our men followed them to about an hour and
a half from here.”

I gasp and pull back from him.
Scooting off the bed I start pacing the floor. Jesse gets up and
comes around the bed and wraps his arms around me, keeping me
still. I am searching his eyes with mine. “Jesse, I’m scared. What
if, what if they find us?” I am biting my lower lip so hard right
now it’s going to draw blood.

With his hand on my chin, he takes his
index finger and presses down on my lower lip until I release it.
“Baby, baby, calm down. You said you would stay calm for me,” he
says. He releases my chin and hugs me tight. “I will protect you,
baby. You know that, right?” He pulls away and bends down so he can
look me in the eyes. “You trust me, right?” His eyes are searching
mine. “Right, baby? You know I won’t let anything or anyone hurt
you. I would die for you.”

I have my face in his chest now and I
nod my head. I squeeze him tighter like I can’t get close enough.
My shaking body begins to calm down. I look up at him and nod again
and try to smile.

“I love you, Jesse. I’m not just
scared for me. I’m worried something will happen to you. I can’t
lose you. I’ve only just found you.” I lay my head on his chest and

He rocks us back and forth in a
soothing sway. After a few minutes my crying ceases and I am only
sniffling and hiccupping now.

“Come on, honey. Let’s go down and get
you some food. You need to eat. Let’s take it one day at a time,
okay? Ty’s men are good, they will find them and get them locked
up. I’m sure of it.” He takes my hand and leads me

I am a mess and afraid to look in a
mirror. When we get to the kitchen doorway I pull my hand from his.
“Um, I’m just going to go freshen up,” I say pointing around the
corner to the bathroom.

He nods at me and continues to the
kitchen. Once I get into the bathroom I look in the mirror. Wow!
Don’t I just look lovely? My face is flushed with tear stains on it
and my eyes have huge bags under them. Nice! I run some water and
splash my face and look back in the mirror. Nope not gonna help
without makeup. Bummer. Oh well, I am sure he has seen me worse
than this. I use the toilet and find a brush in the cabinet drawer.
Thank, God! I run it through my hair until I look at little more

By the time I get into the kitchen the
table is full of food. How did I ever deserve such a great guy? I
will never know, but I am going to enjoy all of this while I


Later that evening we are sitting
around in the living room watching a movie. I have my head on
Jesse’s lap and he is playing with my hair. I am not really
watching TV and I don’t think he is either.

When the movie is over Jesse turns off
the TV. Brushing my hair away from my face, he looks down at me. I
am half asleep. “Baby,” he whispers, “come on, let’s go to bed.” I
barely open my eyes and look up at him. I sit up and stretch, move
my legs around and stand up. Jesse follows me up the stairs,
turning off lights as we go.

Once we are undressed and in bed, we
cuddle. Jesse is rubbing my arm that is sprawled out over his
chest. “Cassie?” He whispers, “You awake?” I nod my head slightly
against his chest. “You ok? You’ve been awfully quiet tonight.” He
sounds really concerned.

I move my head looking up at him.
“Yeah, just tired. All I want is for you to hold me. Hold me
tight.” He tightens his arm that is around me and lightly kisses
the top of my head. “That, I can do.” Then we both drift off to


I awake with a start. There’s a hand
covering my mouth. I try to scream but I can’t get any air. Using
my eyes, I look to my left and see Jesse laying there blood flowing
down the right side of his face. Oh, my God! This isn’t happening.
I didn’t hear the alarm!

It’s so dark in here, it must be the
middle of the night. I can’t make out the person’s face that has
their hand over my mouth. But I can smell him. It’s him, it’s them!
His other hand is pinning my arms down across my waist. I try to
struggle but I don’t move much.

“Ah, the bitch that escaped and wants
to put me away,” Willie says. He lets go of my mouth and slaps me
across the face. My head whips to the left, “UHHHH.” He grabs my
hands with both of his and pulls me up and out of the

From what I can see Mick isn’t in the
room. I hear movement and the next thing I know I am dragged over
by the wall in between the bathroom and closet. He whips me around
and places a hand over my throat and squeezes. I grab the hand at
my throat with my right and pull hard, but he is too strong. He’s
got my left arm around my back pulling it so hard it

“LET HER GO, YOU MAGGOT!” Jesse yells
as he slowly stands up from the bed. The blood on the side of his
face is half covering his eye and is dripping off his chin now. I
struggle and pain shoots down my arm as he pulls on it

“Not a chance, asshole. I’ve already
had her once but don’t mind having a little fun before I kill you
both,” Willie taunts Jesse. His hold tightens on my throat and my
arm. I wince in pain. Jesse looks at me with concern and then looks
back at Willie with daggers in his eyes.

How can I warn him that Mick isn’t
around? He has to be somewhere in the house.

“Nope, it’s time for you to be locked
up and put to rest, asshole,” Jesse growls. He looks at me and
moves his eyes to the door, slyly. He’s going to do something and
he wants me to move fast.

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