My Savior Forever (8 page)

Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

Jesse looks up at me and smiles a
little nervously. “Are you sure you’re still ok, baby?”

I am squirming on the bed now. “Jesse,
please, please. More, I need more.”

His look changes immediately to driven
lust and just as quickly he has his mouth over my opening.
“GAH!!!!” I moan. My heart is racing so fast it’s about to beat out
of my chest. Oh My God that is so good. And I fall. I am falling
and falling into bliss. My eyes feel like they have crossed, and I
see dots in front of them. Wow! So that’s what an orgasm feels
like. I want more, oh so much more!

Jesse looks up at me smiling then
continues to kiss and suck. I feel his tongue delve into my core. I
moan so loud it should be embarrassing, but I’m not. I can’t
control my body as it starts bucking up to his mouth.

Then one of Jesse’s fingers enters me.
“OHHHHH,” I moan. I cannot describe how I am feeling right now. I
had no idea it could be this exquisite.

He then adds another finger into my
core and then another. He begins to suck on my clit at the same
time, and I fall again.

I am soaring so high that I can look
down on us through my blissed filled eyes. I am moaning and my body
is moving so hard against his mouth and fingers. It’s out of

He removes his fingers and tongue and
looks up at me. He watches me as I come down from my high. He
brings his fingers up to his mouth and sucks on them.

“Hmmmm that’s the best thing I have
ever tasted in my life. So sweet,” he says. His eyes are half
closed as he looks at me.

I lick my lips as I watch him. He
crawls back up my body. He’s so careful not to put his full weight
on me. Isn’t he just so considerate? I am falling so

He bends down and kisses me hard! So
hard, so good. I can taste myself on his tongue. We kiss for a few
minutes and then I pull back a bit.

“Um, babe? Now you have way too many
clothes on,” I smirk.

He laughs and climbs off me then the
bed. He removes his clothes so fast you would miss it if you

I look at Jesse, in all his glory. He
is utterly breathtaking. He has a very defined and chiseled chest,
he must work out, as well as toned and muscular arms. I can see his
forever tattoo on his arm, and I want to lick it. As I rake my eyes
slowly down his body I stop on his penis. Ok, that is just not a
penis that is a freaking huge cock. And it is saluting me at this
very minute. Standing proud and very, very tall. Wow! I think I’ve
just died and gone to heaven.

I look back up at Jesse’s eyes and
they are half-mast again, filled with desire. He walks over to the
bed, reaches in the night stand and takes out a condom.

Wow, talk about being

Still looking down at me with so much
desire, he rips the packet open with his teeth. He removes the
condom and shucks the wrapper over his shoulder and it lands
somewhere behind him. I watch him roll the condom over his cock,
slowly, all the while he is watching me. I lick my lower lip

I hope I am not drooling too

He climbs into bed and over my body
and kisses me with abandonment. “I can’t take it when you lick your
lip like that. I want to eat it,” he says as he pulls back and
looks at me.

Swoon! I’m dead!

His cocks enters me slowly, oh so
slowly. It is stretching me to no end but oh my God it is

“I’m not hurting you, am I?” He asks.
I shake my head and push my body into him showing him just how much
he is not hurting me. This action moves his cock into me more. We
both moan loudly.

He watches me as he pushes his cock
into me deeper and deeper until I don’t think I can take him any
further inside me. Oh was I wrong!

He pulls out just a bit and thrusts
into me hard! Ok that was much deeper. “UGH,” I moan and groan. My
head goes back until I am looking up at the ceiling. My eyes close
and a tear falls out running down into my hair. God that’s

As I move my head back down and look
into his half-mast eyes his cock starts moving in and out of me. I
start meeting his movements with my body until we are in total

As we continue our wonderful dance
together, he takes his left hand and his thumb starts rubbing my
clit. Oh my God I am going to lose it and I want it to

Jesse begins to thrust faster and
faster while his finger rubs my clit in time with his

My head goes back up and I close my
eyes. “OH MY GOD, Jesssseeeeeeee!” I scream. I am breathing so
hard, but I can’t feel my body anymore. I think I may have blacked
out. Totally Blissed Out!

He is soon to follow as he arches his
back and looks up. “Cassie, Cassie, Cassie,” he keeps repeating. I
watch him as his body twitches with his release.

He collapses half on top of me and
half on the bed. We are both breathing so hard we can’t speak. He
looks into my eyes with love. Love? Yes, it is most definitely love
this time. I just know it. I can feel it. Oh my God I hope I’m not
wrong. I know I feel that way too.

He looks into my half closed eyes as I
begin to join the living again. He strokes my left cheek as he
says, “That was fucking amazing.”

I giggle at that a little but then I
get serious. “It was so much more.”

He leaves me and goes into the
bathroom. When he returns he leans over and watches me as he
presses something warm against my throbbing vagina. I have to close
my eyes as he massages and cleans me. So sweet!

He disposes of the cloth and climbs
back in bed, envelopes me into his arms and rolls over on his left
side pulling me with him. “Oh.” I wince a little.

“Baby, are you ok? I wasn’t thinking.
I’m sorry,” he says in a concerned voice. I snuggle into him
deeper, look up at him and grin, “I’m fine. Just a little sore, but
I am sore in a good way, the right way.”

“Whew, ok sorry, I guess I got a
little carried away,” he says pressing his mouth to my head. He
begins to rub circles into my back.

I whisper softly, “You saved me
again.” My Beautiful Savior.

Wow, I could so get used to this. That
was the last thought I had as I fell into a blissful


I wake up to light streaming in from
the bay window. I rub my eyes and stretch, just a little, and feel
a new soreness in my body. Best feeling EVER! I smile and

“What’s so funny?” Jesse asks as he
walks in only wearing his boxer briefs, carrying a tray with food,
coffee, orange juice and a single rose made out of paper.

I look down and sniff. My eyes are
filling with tears. Jesse quickly sets the tray down on the night
stand and sits next to me on the bed. He cups my chin with his hand
and lifts my head up to look into my eyes. “Baby, what’s wrong? Did
I hurt you last night, please tell me.”

I can barely see him as my eyes are so
filled with tears, but as a couple start their descent down my face
I sniff again and say, “No, you didn’t hurt me, Jesse. There is no
way possible that you could. I just saw the tray and the rose and I
just can’t believe you did all that, for me. No one has ever done
anything like that for me before. No one has, has cared for me
before.” I sniff again and more tears fall.

“Oh, baby. Get used to it because I am
gonna spoil the hell outta you,” he says as he rubs my cheek,
wiping some of my tears away.

I sit up in the bed and pull the sheet
over my chest better. Ok so I am not THAT comfortable with him yet.
But I will get there.

He picks up the tray and places it
over my lap. Then he gets up and walks over to the other side of
the bed and slowly climbs in, careful that he doesn’t knock the
tray over, and sits beside me.

“So, did you actually make this rose
yourself or was it around somewhere that I didn’t see” I say
smiling at him deviously. “Ha, thanks for the faith there babe.
Yes, I made that with my own two hands. My mom taught me how to
make those when I was little,” he says with love in his eyes. I can
tell he is remembering one of those moments.

“Wow, Jesse. It’s amazingly beautiful.
And to think you made it yourself, for me. I will cherish it
always,” I say as I lean over and kiss him. He begins to kiss me
back in more earnest, and I pull away. “Uh, uh, uh. Not yet.” I
smile and shake my head. “Nourishment first, fun after.” I wink. He
gives me a cute pout. Hmm, I just want to bite that lower lip,
hard! Ok, stop it! Time to eat.

After breakfast, I stretch out on the
bed, my tummy full. Jesse takes the tray and places it on the night
stand by his side of the bed. He lays back down and rolls over half
way on top of me. He plays with a strand of my hair looking into my
eyes. “What are you thinking about so hard, baby?”

I look at him with love in my eyes.
Wait, what? Oh my God! I love him! I have never felt this way for
another person except my parents, and I do! It seems so weird that
I could fall so fast for someone, but I do love him. I love him
with all my heart!

I smile and sigh. “Ok. You’re scaring
me here,” he says with a smile.

“I was just thinking about how happy I
am. Right now, right at this moment,” I said. I look over at him, a
single tear falling down my face and I gasp. He has tears in his
eyes too?

I quickly roll over to him, grab his
face with my hands and smash my mouth to his. Shit that hurt my
ribs, but right now I couldn’t give a fuck! All I can feel is him.
God, I love him!


Later on that afternoon, we decided to
go down to the rec room and play pool. We laugh and have such a
great time that we forget about everything for a while.

“Babe, I hate to say this, but you
suck at pool,” he says with a cocky grin.

“Ha, ha, ha. Like I’ve ever played
before today. Thanks a lot,” I say with a pout. He lays down his
pool cue and walks over to me on the other side of the pool

He puts his arms around my shoulders
and says, “Awww, I’m sorry, baby. I’ll teach you.”

I duck under his arms and step back.
“Then I’ll be able to whoop your ass,” I say laughingly. He darts
over to me, and I quickly turn and half run around the pool table.
He starts chasing me around the table. I can tell he’s playing with
me, and hardly running because he knows I can’t run very fast right

As he catches up to me, he grabs me
from behind and wraps his arms around me causing my arms to be
trapped. We are both laughing so hard when a phone starts ringing.
We both stop and he lets me go. He reaches in the front pocket of
his jeans and pulls out his satellite phone. He turns so that his
back is to me.

“Tyler. What? Fuck! No, go ahead and
keep me posted. Hmm. No, he shouldn’t do that. Why? Because it’s
too risky and he could be followed not to mention he could get
himself killed. UGH! Ok, Ok.”

As he hangs up, he turns his head and
looks at me. “Um, that was Ty. He said dad is on his way here. He
tried to talk him out of coming but he wants to meet you and find
out what is going on,” Jesse says clearly aggravated.

“Oh, kay. Is that really so bad, him
coming here? I mean, since this is your family’s Safe House,
wouldn’t he know how to be careful in getting here without drawing
attention?” I ask.

Jesse walks over to the bar, goes
behind it and grabs a beer out of the refrigerator. He holds it up
to me and I nod. I walk over and sit down at the bar. He opens the
beer and sets it down in front of me.

He looks up to the ceiling. “I’m just
nervous about him being followed or worse killed trying to get
here. You have to understand, when we used to come here it was to
get away from the public not some bad guys trying to kidnap or kill
people, so I’m not sure how careful he will be. I just worry about

“You sound really close,” I sigh,
“That must really be nice to have someone who loves you that much,
wanting to be there for you.”

Jesse looks at me with a sad look on
his face. “Baby, I am so sorry that you haven’t had that in your
life. But that’s going to change. We’re together now, right? I
mean….I mean…I want us to be together.” Jesse leans over the bar
and cups my face with his right hand. He rubs my cheek with his

I look in his loving blue eyes and
sigh. “Jesse, I would love nothing more than for us to be together.
I…” I stop myself. OH my God I almost told him I loved him. It’s
too soon. I might scare him off.

“You what, honey?” He asks.

“Um, I just love being with you.” I
smile widely. He walks around the bar and I turn in my seat towards
him. He grabs the sides of my face with both hands. “I (kiss), love
(kiss), being (kiss), with (kiss), you (kiss), too.” Then he
crushes his lips to mine, and I open my mouth

After we make out, for who knows how
long, we go upstairs and Jesse starts dinner. I grab a seat at the
island counter and ask, “So when will your dad be here?” Jesse
turns around with a pan in his hand, turns his left arm over to
look at his watch. “Oh, in about an hour. Probably in time for

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