My Savior Forever (18 page)

Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

Allie looks at me. “I’m gonna keep this a
secret too and surprise Jesse,” she giggles. I roll my eyes and

Once we are done there Allie and I walk to the
Café to meet Jesse for dinner. Of course I can’t walk in without
giving my girls and Stella a hug. Peter waives from the kitchen and
winks at me.

We have a nice dinner and talk about Jesse
purchasing a new laptop for Allie in which she accepts, hugging
Jesse, which leaves her smiling all night.


Allie is settling into her room while Jesse
and I snuggle on the couch talking when his phone rings. He reaches
across me and retrieves it from the coffee table swiping the

“Oh. It’s dad. I’ll take it in the other room.
I don’t think this is gonna be a pleasant call.” I grab his arm as
he gets up. “You know you don’t have to leave unless you want to,”
I smile. He bends and kisses me on my head. “I know, baby. It’s ok.
I won’t be but a few minutes,” he smiles back and leaves the

After hearing Jesse yelling into his phone for
30 minutes he comes in telling me he is going to bed with a quick
kiss to my forehead. Well, that couldn’t have gone well.

Before he leaves, Allie comes upstairs. “Geez,
Jesse. I could hear you yelling all the way down in my office.
Don’t tell me, that was dad.” She is standing with her arms crossed
over her chest in a huff.

Jesse looks down and shakes his head. He
raises his eyes up to hers. “Yeah, he wants you to come home. Says
you won’t take his calls. He thinks you’ve gone insane or
something.” He chuckles. “I told him to let you be, to let you do
what you need to do.”

“And? What did he say,” she asks

Jesse lets out a big sigh. “You know him. He’s
pissed. Says you should get your ass back there and get back to

Allie shakes her head sadly. When she looks up
she is determined. “Yeah well that isn’t gonna happen. I’m my own
boss now and I say what I will do and won’t do.” She stomps her
foot on the floor.

“I get ya,” Jesse says. “But you know he’ll
come here eventually and try to get you back home.” Allie sighs,
“Yeah, I know.” With her head down she goes back down to her


A couple of days have gone by and I am back at
work at the Café. I’m getting excited to go with Allie tomorrow to
watch her get her tattoo. Maybe it will make me less nervous when I
finally get mine.

After an exhausting day I go home, put my feet
up on the couch and fall asleep. I awake to someone rubbing my
feet. Oh, my! That’s nice.

I open my eyes half way and see Jesse
concentrating on my feet in his lap. “Hmmmm, that feels so good,
babe,” I say smiling. He looks over at me and gives me that award
winning grin. “I thought your feet could use a good massage after
being on them all day.” Wow! I am the luckiest girl in the

After dinner, Jesse decides to do some work,
so he heads into his office. Allie and I are lazing around in the
family room.

“Will you go with me tomorrow to get my
tattoo?” Allie half whispers to me.

I nod. “Of course I will! I can’t wait to see

“I can’t wait to get it done,” Allie says as
she bounces in her seat.

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, you can’t wait to see
Shane again.” I sing his name and then giggle. She throws one of
the small couch pillows at me. “Hey, watch it!” I say

“What’s so funny?” Jesse asks walking into the
room with a glass of iced water for me. I sit up quickly from my
slouched position and reach for the glass. “Oh, um, nothing.” I
giggle. “Allie’s just being goofy.” I look at her and slightly
shake my head.

“Yep, that’s me goofy,” she said as she
stands. “Well, I’ll see you guys in the morning. I’m beat.” She
lets out a fake yawn. Real subtle.

After Allie leaves the room Jesse sits next to
me, picks me up, and sets me on his lap so that I am straddling
him. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me. “Mmmmm. So what
was that all about?” He asks.

I sit back a bit. “What do you mean? She was
just being silly, you know, throwing pillows at me. That kind of

He leans to me and kisses me again but deeper
this time. “Ummm, hmmmm. Just what kind of stuff?” He says on my

I push against him a little as I kiss him
back. “Mmmmm, just girl silly stuff.” Dang he’s nosey but he can
keep trying to get it out of me this way all he wants.

“Mmmmm.” (Smack) “Mmmmm. So there’s nothing
you want.” (Smack) “To tell me?” (Smack), he says as he kisses

We are kissing with so much passion now I
can’t talk even if I wanted to. Which I don’t.

We stop, our foreheads pressed together,
breathing hard. I lunge at him kissing him hard. As he picks me up
I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me up to our

He lays me on our bed and covers me with his
body. We never broke from our kissing as he reaches up my shirt. He
breaks away long enough to whisper in my ear. “Tell me. Tell me
what you two are up to.” What?

I look into his eyes. “Huh? What?” He kisses
me again and it gets heated with desire, then he pulls away again
and whispers, “It’s ok, baby, you can tell me.” Oh, my God!
Seriously? He wants to have a conversation now?

I look at him incredibly dumbfounded. “I don’t
have anything to tell you, babe. Seriously!”

So what does he do? He starts tickling me. I
am laughing and squirming. “Jesseeeeee! Jesseeeeee, stopppppp!” I
am laughing so hard now I can hardly talk. “I’m-I’m-I’m gonna
peeeeee if you don’t stooppp!” I am dying here!

He is laughing so hard now too that he falls
over onto the bed by my side and I roll with him. We are laughing
and breathing heavy.

“Oh, my God! My sides hurt!” I laugh. We lay
there tangled up in each other’s arms and legs. Our laughter dies
down as we stare at each other.

Jesse reaches over and brushes hair away from
my face and then lays his hand over my cheek. “I love you so much,”
he whispers. I lean over and kiss him on the mouth. “I love you
too, Jesse. So much.”


Allie and I walk into Buck’s tattoo parlor
around 11:00 the next morning. I am so nervous for her. From the
back a young man walks in and notices us looking at the tattoo
pictures on one of the walls. “Ahem, can I help you all with
something?” He asks.

We both turn around and see a man with tattoos
down one arm, a piercing in one of his eyebrows and shaggy black
hair that hangs past his ears and across his forehead, covering one
eye. The one eye I can see is so light blue they almost look clear.
He is wearing black leather pants and a vest with no shirt on.

I reach over and push up Allie’s mouth since
it was hanging open. She turns and smirks at me. “Yes, my name is
Cassie Morelli and this is Allie Richards. She has an appointment
with Shane.”

He nods, walks over to the counter and looks
at the appointment book laying there. “Yep, she sure does,” he
smiles. “Shane should be back in a couple of minutes. He went over
to the Coffee Shop to get us some caffeine fixes.” Again with the
smile. I have to admit it is a nice smile with very beautiful, very
straight white teeth.

“Thanks, we’ll just sit here and wait,” Allie
says as she walks over to the seats in the front. He walks around
the counter and leans back on it crosses his arms and legs then
winks at me. Is he flirting?

“Names Tucker, some call me Tuck.” He looks
directly at me. I look at Allie and she shrugs. Allie looks at him
and clears her throat. “Nice to meet you Tucker,” she

“Nice to meet you both. We’re new in town,
just opened up a few weeks ago,” he says smiling at me again. I
shift in my seat. “Yeah, I know. My boyfriend and I rent a house
from Buck,” I say smiling.

He looks at me with a blank look. Shane walks
in as I am talking. He looks at Tucker, back at me, then at Tucker.
He shakes his head, laughing, walks over to Tucker and slaps him on
the back. “Tuck, I see you met Allie and Cassie. Back off, boy.
That one’s taken,” he says pointing at me.

Shane takes me and Allie back to his area and
points to a restroom where Allie can change into a robe. When she
comes back she lays on his chair, face down. Shane pulls her robe
down uncovering only her left upper back and applies her tattoo

I bite my bottom lip and hold Allie’s hand as
he works on her tattoo. Once he’s done he tells Allie she can look
in the full length mirror on his wall. She turns slightly to see it
and gasps. “Oh, wow! That’s incredible. I love it!” She runs over
to him and hugs him. He looks at me startled but then shrugs and
puts his arms around her. He goes over the aftercare with her,
places gauze over it and we leave to go home.

“Are you going to show it to Jesse when we get
home?” I ask her as I watch the road in front of me. She looks over
at me and smiles.

“Yes! I am so excited to show him,” she says
almost bouncing in her seat.

“So now you can tell me. Did it hurt a lot?” I
ask biting my lower lip.

She shrugs slightly. “Not really. I mean yes
but not so bad that I wouldn’t do it again.” Hmmmm, ok then. Maybe
it won’t be so bad when I have mine done.

Jesse is putting lunch on the table when we
walk in. “Yum, salad with chicken, fruit, bread and veggie tray.
This is amazing!” I stopped Jesse and gave him a peck on the

After lunch I am rinsing off dishes, when
Jesse grabs my wrist. I half turn. “Jesse! I almost dropped the
glass in the sink!” I laugh.

“I just missed you, baby,” he says as he
kisses me.

“Ok you guys,” Allie says as she walks to the
fridge with leftovers. We both look at her. “Jesse, I have
something to show you.” With that she starts and pulls her shirt
over her left shoulder.

Jesse looks really uncomfortable. “Wait! Wait!
You’re my sister! What are you doing?”

I laugh as she continues. “It’s not what you
think you pervert,” she yells. Once she has gotten enough of her
shirt to show the tattoo and pulls off the gauze, she turns around
in front of Jesse.

He reaches out and lightly touches it. “Sis,
that’s actually really cool! What is that a symbol?”

She smiles. “It means everlasting love. I
wanted something that would remind me of the romance novels I am
writing and that there is such a thing. Even though you and I both
know how I don’t do the relationship thing.” Now she looks

I put my hand on her arm. “Oh, Allie! There is
a soulmate out there for you. I know there is.” Then I turn my head
to look at Jesse. “Love just finds you when you least expect it.”
Jesse smiles at me and mouth’s ‘I love you’.


We had a mad rush on Thursday at the Café. The
house is quiet when I get home, so I take advantage and sit on the
couch with my feet up on the coffee table. I lay my head back and
groan. I am starting to drift off when I feel the couch shift next
to me. I peek out of one eye and see Jesse sitting there with a
huge smile on his face.

I turn my head slightly. “What?” He doesn’t
say anything while he takes my hand and pulls me up. “Jesse? What
are you doing? I’m tired,” I whine.

He pulls me towards the stairs. “I know, baby,
but I have a surprise for you. Now, you need to go upstairs, take a
hot shower and put on some comfortable clothes.”

I look at him questioningly. “Huh? Why? What
are we doing?” I am trying to pull back but he turns me and pushes
me up the stairs and to the bathroom.

I don’t try to find out anymore because I
really need a hot shower, so I take a very long one.

When I step out of the shower I see a pair of
sweatpants, sweatshirt, socks, underwear, and bra lying on the
counter. Hmmmm, nice!

After doing all my cleaning necessities I head
downstairs. Jesse is coming out of the kitchen with a grocery sack.
Huh? “Hurry, baby, go put on some shoes! We have to go or we’ll be
late,” he says hurriedly.

“Late? Late for what? Jesse, what the hell?” I
say as I am putting on my shoes. I barely get my tennis shoes tied
and he is pulling me up with one hand while holding the sack in the
other. I can hardly keep up with him as we go out the front door.
As soon as he locks the door he pulls me down the front walk. When
we turn the corner by the driveway I stop dead in my tracks with my
mouth hanging open.

“Surprise! Do you like it?” He says excitedly.
I can’t speak. I’m in total shock. Finally, I close my mouth and
jump on him squealing. He drops the sack on the ground by his feet
quickly. “Oh, my God, Jesse! What did you do? I freaking love it!”
I am hanging on to him so tight that I’m squeezing the life out of

He grabs my arms that are choking him and
gently pulls them so they aren’t strangling him. He starts
laughing. I slide down him but we stay interlocked. He looks down
at me. “I hope you like it. I think it’s perfect for you and soon,
our family. It’s an early birthday present.” I think I am going to

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