My Savior Forever (21 page)

Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

He pulls me closer. “Well, I would like at
least one of them to be a boy, but even if they are both girls, I
will love them just as much.” Sigh. “What do you want, my

I snuggle my face into his chest and can hear
his heart beating. “I don’t really care as long as they are
healthy. But either way I hope they have your blue eyes.” I

Being sick to my stomach all day has not
helped my mood when we get to the doctor’s and have to sit in the
waiting room for twenty minutes. By the time we get into the
doctor’s office I have to rush out, down the hall and get sick in
the bathroom.

When I get back to the room Jesse is pacing
the floor. He rushes over to me and grabs me by the shoulders.
“Baby, are you ok?” He asks as his eyes look at me all over. “I’m
fine now.” I smile. We both go sit down in the chairs in front of
the doctor’s desk.

Soon the doctor comes into his office and sits
in his chair. “Good afternoon! And how is the stomach, Cassie?” He
looks at me over his glasses.

“Ahem, well I just got sick in the bathroom,
but I think it’s more from nerves than anything.” Jesse shifts in
his chair.

The doctor smiles at me and then at Jesse.
“Well, unfortunately, some women have morning sickness well into
their 2
trimester. If you need more nausea pills
please let the front desk know before you leave. Also make sure
you’re eating healthy, non-greasy foods. Saltine crackers and 7-Up
seem to help some women.”

I nod and smile. He lowers his glasses on his
nose and looks at us. “Now, let’s talk about the DNA test, ok?” We
both nod. I feel Jesse squeeze my hand. “The tests are 99% positive
that this young man right here,” he points at Jesse, “is your
babies’ father.”

Jesse is up out of his chair before I could
even blink. He is holding me as tight as he can and I begin to cry,
wailing would be more like it.

When I have gotten my crying down to sniffles
we pull away from each other. Jesse sits back down in his chair,
handing me a Kleenex.

“I’m sorry. I’m just so relieved,” I say
wiping away my tears. I look over at Jesse and smile. He is wiping
away tears too.

As we head down the hall to the elevators I
stop grab Jesse, hugging him and kissing him all over his face.
Jesse steps back, still holding me, his face is full of wonder.
“I’m going to be a dad. I can’t believe it! When do we find out
their sex again?” We both start laughing.


Once we are home I call Stella and tell her
the good news. “See, I told you, pumpkin. You and Jesse are going
to make great parents.”

I am exhausted by the time I get off the
phone, so I give Jesse a kiss and head upstairs to lay down. I wake
up later smelling the most amazing aroma. Once I have quickly
freshened up in our bathroom, I go downstairs to find out what is
making that awesome smell.

As I am walking down the hall I look into the
dining room and stop in my tracks and stare. Oh, my! Here go the
tears again. The dining table is covered with a white table cloth
and place settings in front of the seats that are side by side. A
vase with fresh flowers is in the middle of lit candles.

I feel Jesse come up behind me and wrap his
arms around my waist. He kisses me softly on my neck and whispers
in my ear, “Surprise, baby.” Kiss. “I thought we needed a
celebration.” I turn in his arms and look into his eyes as he
reaches for my tears to wipe them. “I love you, Jesse. So much.” I
kiss him on his lips as I move my arms up and around his

He turns me around and guides me into the
dining room, pulls out my chair for me and pushes me up to the
table. I look up at him and smile. “Jesse, you’re so sweet to do
this. Thank you.” He leans down and kisses my forehead and smiles.
“The best is yet to come, baby.”

Like we are at a fine restaurant, Jesse brings
in salads and places them on our plates. He then proceeds to bring
in wine to pour into our glasses. “I asked Dr. Zellar if you could
have some wine and he said one glass as long as your stomach was
feeling ok.” He grins proudly.

After Jesse sits down he slides an envelope
across the table to me. I look up with a questioning look. He nods.
“Go ahead. Open it.” I look down and place my hand on it and
finally picking it up I open it. I slide out a folded piece of
paper and when I unfold it I see Jesse’s elegant

This entitles you, Cassie
Morelli, soon to be mother extraordinaire, a baby’s room designed
by McAllister Designs, Inc., Spare no expense.

From your soon to be
husband (hint, hint).

All my love


Wow! I am crying again, damn hormones, as I
get up and hug him. He is kissing my face and rubbing my back.
“Geez, I didn’t mean to make you cry, baby,” he says into my ear. I
move back to my chair, using my napkin to wipe my eyes.

“Jesse that is the sweetest thing and this
dinner? Oh, my God! I’m going to start crying again.” Jesse is
laughing and takes my hand. “I wanted to do this for you, for us,
for our babies’. Our babies’. Isn’t that the most wonderful sound
in the world?” I sigh and nod because I am crying again and can’t

It was a wonderful dinner. Salad, soup, a
light pasta dish, rolls and wine. I’m stuffed.

After dinner Jesse demands me to go get
comfortable on the couch while he cleans up.

I am curled up on the couch and watch as Jesse
lights a fire in our fireplace. He sits next to me and moves me
over until I am snuggled under his arm.

“Best night of my life,” I sigh. His arm
tightens around me as he kisses the side of my head. “So, I guess
we need to think about names at some point, huh? Any ideas?” I ask

Jesse shifts a little. “Not really, it’s still
so surreal that I haven’t really thought about it. I guess we have
some time,” he smirks.

“About 7 months or so.” I turn my head and
look up at him. “Will you still love me when I am fat and majorly
cranky?” I smile.

“Baby, I will love you forever and will be
there for you to help with your crankiness,” he laughs. “But, I am
going to pamper you so much your moods will be held at

I sigh. “I love you.” He kisses my head again.
“I can’t even begin to tell or show you how much I love you, baby.”
As I look up at him he leans down and kisses me. Our kiss is sweet
and slow. I lean back into him and watch the fire. We talk for the
next few hours.


When I wake up the sun is shining through our
bedroom window. I don’t even remember falling asleep, I was so
comfortable in my love’s arms. I can feel Jesse spooning me. His
morning wood pressing against my upper thigh. My heat is rising and
I feel flush. I move my left arm behind me and find his cock. Hmmm
he’s naked. I begin to rub it from base to tip and I hear him moan
into my hair. As I continue as he starts to move with my

“Ohhh,” he moans. I stop long enough to roll
over and push him on his back. I move down his body until I am in
between his legs. I suck the tip of his cock while I take my hand
stroking the base. I reach down and cup his balls, squeezing them.
He moans louder. I feel his hand behind my head, rubbing my hair. I
start licking and sucking with more force now, faster.

His breathing is fast and loud as he moans
then his body stills and I taste his warm sperm shooting spurts
into my mouth. I start swallowing as more comes faster until there
is no more. I lick the tip once more to clean it and sit up,

He sits up, grabs my arms and pulls me up his
body until my head is against his chest.

I can feel him chuckle in my ear, “Morning,
baby. Wow! Thank you for my wake up.” He kisses my head.

I lift my hand and wave him off. “Well, you
know, it was there pressed against me and well, I just couldn’t
help myself.” His laughter moves my head up and down. “Well, I’ll
just have to make sure we are in that very position every morning,”
he laughs. I lightly smack his arm.

After breakfast Jesse has me call the design
company to set up an appointment. Allie said she wants to go with
me, which is a relief because it is located an hour away in a much
bigger city. I have an appointment set up to go in a few days. I am
actually excited to see what all they offer. Can’t wait to get the
twin’s room set up.


The days move by fast. Allie and I are now
sitting at in the waiting room at McAllister Design, Inc.
Everything is so posh here and, of course, decorated

“Miss Aubrey will see you now. Please follow
me,” the receptionist says as she stands from her desk. We follow
her down a hall into a large conference room. “Please, have a seat.
Miss Aubrey will be here in one moment. May I offer something to
drink? Wine, coffee, tea?”

I shift in my seat while looking at Allie and
mouth, “Wow!” Allie smiles. “I would love a glass of wine please.”
The receptionist turns her head to look at me. “May I just have
some water?” I smile.

“Very good.” She smiles and leaves the

“Holy shit! This is just way too ritzy for
me,” I smirk at Allie. Allie turns in her seat to me. “But isn’t it
awesome being catered to? Enjoy it, Cassie. You deserve it,” she
says as she lays her hand on my shoulder.

We both turn quickly as the door opens and the
receptionist brings our drinks. “Miss Aubrey shouldn’t be much
longer,” she says as she places our drinks in front of us and then
she leaves once more.

It feels like we wait forever, but was only a
few minutes more, when the door opens and the most beautiful woman

Her hair is so light blonde it’s almost white.
Her face is small making her golden eyes appear huge. She is around
5 feet 9 inches and a very slender body with her breasts spilling
out of a halter dress. Her dress? Gorgeous! Sweetheart neckline,
trim at the waist and hits right above her knees in a beautiful
soft beige.

“Hi, I am Sabrina Aubrey. So nice to meet
you,” she says smiling as she walks over to me with her hand

Nice to meet you too. I’m Cassie
and this is my friend, Allie.” I turn my head and smile at Allie
who is beaming at me. Sabrina shakes Allie’s hand and then proceeds
to sit across the table from us. She clasps her hands in front of
her on the table and leans forward.

“So. First of all congratulations on your new
arrival. I have to say that Jesse was so excited telling me about
the news and employing our services. You have a wonderful man
there,” she says.

I am not sure I like her tone as she said
that. She is looking a little too dreamy as she talks about

“Oh, so I assume you’ve met Jesse personally
when he purchased your decorating services?” I ask her.

I swear her eyes went up into her head like
she is envisioning him.

“Oh, Jesse and I have actually known each
other for quite some time. We have done a lot of work together the
last couple of years for the charities he runs. I used to work out
of L.A. When we expanded our company I found this was a great place
for our new location.” She looks at me again and smiles. “Really,
how very lucky you are.”

Allie hits my leg under the table. “Oof,” I
cough. I look over at Allie and frown.

“Oh, my! Are you ok, my dear?” Sabrina asks. I
move my head back to Sabrina and smile slightly. “Oh, yes. Sorry. I
just hit my leg against the table, no worries.”

“Well, ok. Then let’s get down to business
shall we? Do you have anything in mind already or would you like to
look through our catalogs? You don’t have to pick anything from
them, if you aren’t fond of any but it may give you some ideas of
what you would like.” She smiles politely.

I look at Allie and back at Sabrina. “I would
love to look at your catalogs, please. I really haven’t had much
time to think about what I would like yet.”

Sabrina nods and reaches for a speaker phone
on the table and hits a button. “Yes, Miss Aubrey. How may I be of
service?” We hear the receptionist. “Mrs. Roanoke. Please bring in
the nursery catalogs for our guests.” She turns and plasters a fake
smile at us.

“Right away, Miss Aubrey,” the receptionist
says as Sabrina hits the button again.

She smiles at us again. “I will leave you two
alone for a while to look through the catalog’s. Please take all
the time you need. I will have Mrs. Roanoke check on you from time
to time to see if you have made any decisions and once you have she
will let me know. Please let her know any time you would like a
refill on your drinks or have any questions.” We both nod and with
that she leaves.

Once she is gone Allie and I look at each
other. “Does she, um, seem kind of fakey to you,” Allie asks. I nod
slowly. “She really seemed to enjoy Jesse coming into the office,
huh?” I say looking into Allie’s eyes. We sit there and stare at
each other for a few minutes.

“Oh, my God! Listen to us,” I laugh.
“Seriously, what are we thinking?” I roll my eyes.

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