Off Limits (8 page)

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Authors: Kelly Jamieson

Saliva pooled in my mouth as I watched, and a moan slipped from between my lips. Defined abs, V-cut muscles angling down to his hips, which were lean and narrow. His thighs were thickly muscled. Dark hair dusted his chest and arms, and trailed down over those cut abs into the waistband of his boxers, hanging on his hipbones. My gaze settled
on the prominent bulge pushing out the fabric of his boxers and I made another needy little sound. My fingers longed to touch.

He had to shift to his butt to pull the jeans all the way off, biting his bottom lip as he yanked at them. Then he was moving over me again, on hands and knees, gazing down at my face.

“You’re so beautiful,” I told him.

His lips quirked. “Hey, that’s my line.”

I blinked
and my heart swelled in my chest. “You think I’m beautiful?”

“Fuck yeah.” He brushed a kiss over my mouth. “You’re gorgeous, Jenna. Look at you.” His eyes followed his fingers as he trailed them down the side of my neck, over my shoulder and collarbone. He bent to kiss me in the same places, tiny kisses, over and over, going lower. He laid kisses on the top curve of one breast, then hovered at
one straining nipple. “Such perfect breasts. Your skin is so soft and smooth.”

I pushed up my chest, shamelessly begging, and a smile flickered before he took the tender tip into his mouth. His eyes fell closed, those extravagant dark eyelashes crescents on his cheeks, and he sucked me deeper.

A streamer of pleasure ran straight from his lips to my core, and that ache intensified into a sharp
pinch. I held his head as he sucked my nipples, then leisurely licked the curves of my breasts. When he opened his teeth on me and gently bit, I gasped and nearly came again. Damn, that was hot.

He skimmed his hands down my sides, shaping my hips with them, studying me. “Sweet curves,” he murmured. “Hot legs. And I wanna see that ass…” He flipped me over easily. “Sweet little spinner, aren’t

I was pretty sure he wasn’t talking about figure skating. “What does that mean?”

“It means you’re little enough that I can pick you up and spin you any way I want.” He groaned. “Hell yeah. Saw that ass in leggings when you used to practice skating.” He palmed my cheeks and heat rushed through me again. “Tight and round. Fucking perfect.”

I sighed out a delighted “Oh.”

Then he was peeling
my panties off me. I lifted my hips to help. I bit my lip. He kissed my lower back, slowly, with open mouth and tongue. Then each cheek. His touch felt almost…reverent. My entire body quivered with lust and longing.

He turned me over again.

“It’s not that I’m little,” I protested. “It’s that you’re so big.”

His grin was hot and sexy. “Sure. Okay, peanut.”

“That’s not a very sexy nickname for
right now.”

“It’s who you are to me,” he said simply, dropping a kiss on my nose. “You’re beautiful.”

He stretched out over me and we indulged in several more long, wet tongue kisses until I was writhing under him. Then he rolled off again and reached for his jeans on the floor. When he came back up he held a condom.

My heart fluttered. Was this really going to happen? Happiness soared inside
me along with wild arousal. He got rid of his boxers and expertly rolled on the condom. I bit my lip at the thought that he’d obviously done this a lot of times. But I wasn’t a virgin either, though my experience was no doubt paltry compared to his.

But this was us. I forced away thoughts of other girls I’d seen Andrew with. This was him and me, together at last.

He watched my face as he slowly
entered me, guiding himself inside me with one hand on his cock, the other planted into the bed. A fiery stretching consumed me. I was wet, I could feel how wet I was, but he was right about our size difference, and the thick intrusion of his body into mine was incredible. My pelvis ached and buzzed. He filled me with achingly delicious pressure.

I welcomed him inside as he slowly sank deeper
and deeper until we were pressed together. “Hell,” he groaned. “Need a minute.” His head dropped forward and his body tightened. I wanted to move, so badly, but restrained myself, running my hands up and down the bulging flexed muscles of his arms.

My breathing went shallow as I waited for him to get control, not wanting to do the wrong thing, wanting this to never end, wanting it to be good
for him. So good. I burned with my own need for satisfaction but I wanted him to feel good too.

My hands went to his thighs, his knees widespread, and rubbed over silky hair there.

“Okay,” he gasped. “Jenna, baby. Not gonna last long. What do you need?”

“I need you to fuck me.” My whispered, bold request didn’t even shock me. I reached for him and pulled him down to me. He buried his face in
the side of my neck, kissing and sucking me there gently as he rolled his hips against mine. The sweet friction of his cock tunneling in and out of my body was sublime. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on tight as sensation converged and twisted in a hot spiral.

He growled in my ear like he was in pain.

“I’m coming,” I whispered to him. “Fuck me hard. Please.”

“Oh fuck yeah.”
He groaned again, hips pumping. “Jenna. So hot and tight. Squeezing me like that…fuck yeah.”

I loved, loved, loved that I made him like this. The ache behind my clit intensified and I shifted so his body rode me right there…oh God! A starburst of pleasure exploded from my center, spreading shocking waves of pleasure through my body. I’d never felt anything like this, never, ever…

“Yeah.” He
made a guttural noise in his throat as his body tightened and I felt him pulsing inside me. So beautiful. Amazing.

I pressed my lips to his shoulder and held on tighter, my heart expanding with pure, bright joy and love.

Chapter 8

“Where’s your roommate?” Andrew mumbled against the pillow.

I smiled. “She’s gone home for the weekend.”

“Ah. Good.”

I stroked his back, damp with perspiration, loving all his muscles. Eventually he lifted his head and looked down at me. The tenderness in his eyes undid me. I couldn’t even speak, my throat was so constricted. Overwhelming gratitude and relief and love filled
me until I was brimming with it.

He brushed my hair off my face, his eyes moving over me. Then his lips quirked. “You sexy girl, you.”

I lowered my eyelids and nibbled my bottom lip, his words making more heat build in my pussy. “Um. Thank you.” I wanted desperately to ask if it had been good for him, but I didn’t want to come off needy and inexperienced. “You’re pretty sexy too.”

“Yeah?” He
stroked my forehead. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard. I literally saw stars.”

I smiled and let out a short breath. “Oh good.”

“Gotta get rid of this rubber.”

“Okay.” He slid out of my body, leaving me empty. After he dealt with the condom, we climbed under the covers of my bed and snuggled together.

“Thanks for helping me with my stats,” I murmured into his chest. I couldn’t stop touching
him, my fingers sliding across his warm skin.

“Aw, peanut. You get frustrated by that stuff, but you can do it.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“And you put so much pressure on yourself. All you have to do is pass the fucking course.”

I frowned. “Just passing’s not good enough.”

He shook his head, smiling, eyes closed.

“Fine for you, hockey boy. You’ve got a great future ahead of you, regardless of
your marks.”

Andrew had been drafted in June by the Los Angeles Kings. We’d all gone to the draft with him in Pittsburgh, an amazing experience. He’d been so nervous. We’d all read the various scouting reports and predictions of who would go in the first round and his name had come up more than a few times. But nothing was ever for sure, and it depended on what each team was looking for and who
was still available when their turn to pick came up. Andrew played defense and the first teams to pick needed offensive players, so as name after name was called, he’d gotten tenser and tenser, sitting there in the big arena. The Kings, being a good team, were farther down the list. Finally his name had been read out and we’d all cheered, then stood and hugged him. Dad held Andrew’s suit jacket
for him as he joined his new coach and general manager and slid a Kings jersey on over his shirt and tie. He’d beamed that wide smile into the cameras and we’d all been bursting with pride for him.

Especially me, of course.

Okay, maybe Dad had been about to explode with pride too. First-round draft pick Andrew Ross. His almost-son.

“Hey,” Andrew said in response to my teasing. “I work hard
on my courses.”

“I know you do.” Andrew was no dumb slacker. His brain was smart with numbers, very analytical. Not only did he play hockey well, he loved to spout out NHL stats until my eyes crossed. I liked watching hockey, but knowing how many power play goals each player had and their plus-minus percentages or Corsi scores didn’t interest me all that much. Andrew was convinced that access
to all kinds of data could really help a team.

“Why aren’t you becoming a teacher?” he asked me.

“I hate kids.”

“You love kids.”

“Yeah. I don’t know. I just changed my mind about teaching.”

We talked about all kinds of things—Andrew’s dreams for playing in the NHL, my volunteer work teaching kids to skate, my roommate’s OCD tendencies, whether the two profs everyone suspected were having
an affair actually were, a book we’d both recently read.

We had sex again—after I got dressed and went down the hall to a friend’s room to see if she had condoms, because Andrew’d only had one. He offered to go out to the store to get some, but I said it would be quicker if I checked with a friend. Was I embarrassed? Not at all. I had Andrew waiting for me in my bed.

Luckily she’d had more than
one, because we barely left my dorm room for the rest of the weekend.

He stayed all night with me and it was the most romantic, intimate experience of my life. He woke me in the morning with his mouth on my wrist. Holding my arm, he laid a trail of slow, hot kisses up the inside of my arm and then licked the inside of my elbow. My body tingled everywhere as I surfaced from sleep.

He kissed
my biceps, his whiskers grazing the outside of my breast, and a thrill shot through me. Then he ran his tongue over my shoulder and the side of my neck. “You awake?” he whispered.

“Oh yeah.”

He kissed me behind my ear. Shivers cascaded over me. His tongue flicked out and licked me there and I sucked in a breath at the jolt of heat that bolted through me.

I think he kissed me everywhere, turning
me and moving me with his big hands and strong arms. I felt cherished and treasured. He made me feel so good. I wanted to do the same for him.

I reached down for his cock, which was nudging my thigh insistently. I closed my fingers around the velvety skin and moved them up and down on the hard shaft. He was vibrant and virile and utterly masculine. His groan rumbled in his chest as I touched
him. Then he moved away and I had to release him as he knelt between my thighs and pushed them wide with his palms.

“Wanna taste you, baby.”

I quivered everywhere. I struggled to open my eyes because I wanted to see him, he was just so beautiful. His body was a powerful wedge between my legs, his shoulders wide and muscled, his pecs and abs defined, tapering down to narrow waist and hips.

“Christ, Jenna, never seen anything so pretty.” He gazed at me with rapt ardor. My inner muscles clenched hard. He reached out and petted me. “Never felt anything so soft.” He stroked and teased and then his fingers delved deeper. “And so wet. Hell, baby.” He looked up at me in awe. “I fucking love that I do that do you.”

I sank my teeth into my bottom lip and nodded, because I knew exactly how
he felt. With my hand curled around his enormous erection, I’d been thrilled that he was that hard because of me. I wanted to tell him so much that I loved him. The words hovered on my lips but I kept my lower lip firmly between my teeth. Even in my lustful haze, I knew it was way too soon for that.

When he lowered his face to my pussy I gasped at the electric jolt his touch gave me. So sensitive
there, just his lips on my outer folds shocked me. He kissed me with slow, openmouthed kisses, licked me, and paused with his eyes closed, apparently breathing me in. “Fuck yeah,” he muttered, laying his lips on me again. Then he used his thumbs to part my folds, and his tongue slicked deeper. He made low noises of enjoyment as he licked me, tasted me, his tongue lapping up and down and circling
my straining clit.

It felt like he was worshipping me, taking so much care, being so tender and giving. My heart tightened and my lungs constricted. Emotion poured through me in thick, hot waves.

I reached for his head and wound my fingers into his hair, desperate for his touch where I needed it most. “Please.” My thready voice was barely audible. “Please, Andrew.”

“Please what, baby?” He teased
me with another slow lick.

“Please…make me come.”

“Ah. That’s what you want.” I twisted my fingers, strands of his hair wrapped around them, and he gasped out a laugh. “Okay, then.”

And he licked right over my clit.

My hips lifted in shock, and some kind of indescribable noise tore from my throat. My hands went limp and fell to the bed. He flicked his tongue over me and a huge wave of sensation
rose up and crashed over me, burning me. I cried out, gripped my comforter, and then he closed his lips over my clit and sucked. My orgasm went on and on, almost unbearably drawn out, my entire body shaking. When he lifted his head, I couldn’t move. My chest barely rose and fell with the tiny shallow breaths I could manage.

“Dear God,” I croaked. “Am I still alive?”

He kissed my inner thighs,
my lower belly, crawling higher and laying kisses between my breasts. “You are alive. Very much alive. And fucking awesome.”

I tried to talk but only a wheeze came out. Finally, I said, “Oh my God, no, you’re the one who’s awesome.”

Andrew had to go to a practice on Saturday afternoon, and returned with pizza. Sunday he had a game, so he had to go back to his place in the morning. I was going
to the game, and this time I was watching as more than just someone who knew him. I wasn’t sure if I could call myself his girlfriend yet, but I was going to. We were together now.

I still couldn’t believe it. I wanted to tell the world. I wanted to jump up and down and scream and then throw myself on my bed and remember every minute since he’d walked in my door Friday night.

But just as I was
finishing getting ready to go to the game, Connor and Daniel showed up.

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