Overexposed: The Complete Boxset: A Virgin Meets a Bad Boy Romance (8 page)


inutes or hours
later I wake to a buzzing sensation. Sitting upright, I stare around the room in confusion trying to find the source. And then it clicks, it’s my phone. I’d set it to silent before I’d gone to bed. Shaking the blankets, I scrabble around in an attempt to find the culprit. My fingers finally locate it in the dark, and I swipe the screen to see who was calling. It’s an unknown number. Satisfied that I haven’t missed an important call, I collapse back onto my pillows and close my eyes. I’m just drifting off when it buzzes again. I lift the phone and find a text.

Come to the window.

My fingers shake as I type.
Who is this?

You know who this is, Sierra. Or should I say, Anna.

And I do. My heart begins to race, and I throw the covers back and all but leap from the bed. I pad on silent feet into the living room, and peek out the window. Devon is there, a dark gray beanie hiding his curls, his chin tilted up in an effort to find me in the dark. His hands are tucked into the pockets of his matching dark grey wool coat, and with the snow swirling around him I don’t know if I’ve ever seen something more beautiful.

My phone buzzes again, and when I glance down there is another text.
Let me in?

I’m buzzing you in now.
I type as my feet fly across the floor to do just that.

My fingers fumble to undo the locks on the front door, hindering my attempt to try and be quiet. But I can’t care at this moment, Devon is here. He’s
I finally manage to open the door, and I tiptoe out on bare feet, my hands resting on the stair-rail so I can lean over to catch my first glimpse of him. And then there he his, he climbs the stairs silently and shivers that have nothing to do with being cold from only wearing a tank top and underwear. His eyes meet mine, and his steps quicken until I’m in his arms.

Little bits of snow fall off of him, melting, and causing my nipple to harden instantly. Devon notices and cups a surprisingly warm hand around my breast, the tip of his thumb rubbing across the sensitive tip.

“What are you doing here?” I can’t help but ask, my face filled with wonder and joy.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Devon whispers into my ear, his warm breath caressing the planes of my neck. “I couldn’t escape you. Everywhere I went there was some reminder of you.”

My heart trills so fast, I’m afraid it’s about to leap from my chest. “But how did you find me?”

Devon smiles and gently touches the tip of my nose. “Aren’t you going to invite me in first?”

“Of course.” I reluctantly leave his arms, and hold the door open. But instead of passing by me to enter, he scoops me into his arms and quietly shuts the door. He carries me confidently to the couch, and once seated he keeps me in his lap. The muscles in my stomach clench and my thighs quiver when I feel the long, thick length of his cock straining against his pants. Wetness pools between my legs with the silent promise.

Devon glances around the room, his eyes falling on the vase of flowers. “I take it you liked the flowers.”

I lick my lips, my eyes unable to focus on anything but his perfect mouth. “I did. Very much so.”

“I’m glad.” Devon adjusts me in his lap, so he can free his arms from his jacket and when he does his cock rubs me in just the right way.

“Devon.” But I never get to finish the sentence because his mouth crashes down upon mine. He drinks and drinks my breath, tasting, savoring, breaking any and all reluctance and lingering guilt.

And I return his kisses, spinning in his lap so we are face to face, chest to chest. It’s still not enough, so my fingers hook into the bottom of his sweater and pull it up and over his head. A burning heat scorches through my veins as my hands wander over the hard ridges of his bare chest, his tight abs, straying down to the lean v of muscle disappearing into the waistband of his dress pants.

Emboldened, I slip from his lap my fingers now eager to free him of his pants. The first sight of his thick crown sends tingling fingers of want and arousal tickling across my pussy, it spreads down my thighs and drenches my underwear. The need to take his warm cock into my mouth is urgent and demanding, and so I do. My mouth waters at the taste of his silken hardness, and when I peak up at him, his eyes aren’t closed. Instead there is a focused predatory hunger burning in their depths, my cunt now pulses and weeps for him.

I’d forgotten how his size makes my jaw ache, but it is the best kind of pain. I would be happy to die with his glorious cock thrusting against my tongue. I wrap my hand around his thick, wet cock and the groan of his pleasure spikes through my body in a burst of exhilaration. The only thought in my mind is that I want to take him deeper, for him to thrust harder, to fuck my mouth with the ferocity he would fuck my throbbing pussy. He slides to the edge of the couch so he can do just that, anchoring his hands into the hair at the base of my neck as I ply him with both of my hands and wet mouth. Until his dick pulses, his hot cum shooting down my throat with wild abandon. And I almost come right there with his cock still quivering in my mouth.

“You’re not allowed to come yet, Baby. Not until I’ve had a taste of your delectable pussy.” Devon strips me naked, his full lips trail across my jawline, nipping at the thin, sensitive skin of my neck. His hands drift to my breasts, feel their heavy weight in the palms of his hands before his head dips down and his hot, wet mouth begins to suckle and nip at the peaks of my breasts with the right blend of pleasure and pain. My hips buck beneath him, my pussy grazes the velvety tip of his dick and I have the insane urge to glide my silken folds down upon it. “Show me that glistening cunt, Baby.”

My knees fall apart at his command, and my pussy pulses when his eyes light up with appreciation.

“God you are fucking perfection, Anna.”

“Devon, please,” I whimper.

“Do you trust me?” Devon asks, his fingers play against the soft skin of my inner thighs—brush ever so lightly across the intimate lips—until my legs tremble with want. “I want to make you cum so hard and so long that the only person you’ll ever need is me.”

“I do.” He nods, recognizing the hidden connotations in my words.

And then finally I no longer have to imagine the brush of his scruff against my most intimate of areas, the hot sweep of his tongue as it glides along my seam, the nip of his teeth as pulls my clit into his succulent mouth. He dips a finger into my folds, and then adds another. Every muscle in my lower half clenches around his bewitched fingers, and I’m convinced he’s sold his soul to satan to obtain his wicked brand of voodoo.

I press one of Charlene’s throw pillows against my mouth to stifle the moans and harsh breaths I have no longer have control over. A whimper shakes my body when he withdrawals those possessed fingers. “Don’t worry, Baby. I’m going to make you feel so good.”

Dipping his fingers back into my cunt he wets them, and then slides them back out to massage my tight ring. My body awakens to his familiar touch, it knows how good it feels to give into this taboo pleasure. A breathy moan escapes my throat, when his mouth finds the thrumming bundle of nerves as his fingers massage and explore before they finally push into my anal ring.

I’m nearly lost in the waves of pleasure, and when he feels me relax into him he pushes in a third finger. My body bucks into his mouth, the sensitive ring nearly pulsates with his ministrations and I can’t help but gasp, “More.”

Devon lifts his head, his lids heavy-laden with lust. “Are you sure?”

My only answer is to thread my fingers into his curls and guide his head back down to my aching mound. So Devon complies, thrusting another finger into my tight ass, until I'm on the brink of ecstasy. I thrust down upon his hand, every muscle in my abdomen and lower extremities tensing as he matches my pace, his fingers bringing me higher and higher. I almost sail over the edge, when he reaches up with his free hand to grip my neck.

I almost panic, but I remember my promise. I need to trust him. Plus, his hold isn’t choking me. It’s firm but gentle, and I allow my body to sink back into the sensations he’s creating, the worlds he’s building in hopes that I’ll knock them down.

“Cum for me, my beautiful girl.” Devon murmurs against my cunt, the vibration of his words rocket me into space as his hand tightens around my neck. But I’m no longer scared, it’s glorious. I float in the sea of stars, planets created and galaxies formed, but I don’t come down. Instead they keep multiplying, his fingers and mouth composing their own symphony as my body dances across the universe. And then the stars explode around me, new constellations emerging from me, until I shatter into a million tiny fragments of sparkling dust.

And then I fall back to earth, back into Devon’s arms, and I’ve never been so happy.

evon scoops
me into his arms, and carries me to my tiny make-shift bedroom. I reach for him. “Will you please stay here with me. At least until I fall asleep?”

He sweeps the hair from my face. “If you want me to, I will. Let me just go clean up the evidence.”

I must drift off, because I startle awake when I feel the bed shift. “You’re not a dream are you?”

Devon’s hand traces the contour of my body, running his hand from breast to hip. “I’m not a dream.”

“But wouldn’t you say that if you were?”

Devon chuckles. “Perhaps.” His hand dips low, cradling my mound in the palm of his hand. “But could a dream do this?”

“In my dreams you do that.”

Devon trails kisses along my waist and hip. “What else happens in these dreams of yours?”

“Anything and everything I want you to do.”

“And what pray tell is the thing you want me to do to you the most.”

Distracted by the gentle pressure of his fingers against my newly awakened clit and the heady bump of his cock against my thigh from his growing erection, I say, “That you’ll take my virginity.”

I immediately regret my words, I wish I could snatch them from the air. I cover my face with my hands.
Why the fuck did you just say that out loud? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Devon rolls me over and tenderly pulls my hands from my face. “Look at me, Anna.”

Unable to disobey his command, I peek my eyes open. The look of incredulousness on Devon’s face is enough to make me want to close them again.

“You’re still a virgin? But I don’t understand. You let me fuck your ass.” Devon pushes a hand through his hair. “You let me me say so many, do so many depraved…such magnificent things. And I called you a slut.”

“I am a slut, for you. And how were you to know, I was working as an erotic model—that does not scream virgin.” I rest my hand on his cheek. “I think I’ve always held onto this fairytale of waiting until I was married, because my mother did. It’s stupid because I don’t even have a hymen to prove to my future husband that I am one. How lame is to say that my horse took my virginity?” I omit the fact that my fiancé already knows how it was broken, because at the age of fifteen he’d been the one to point out that I was bleeding. Had been the one to arrange for his driver to take us to the doctor, and then had held my hand as the doctor has explained what had happened.

“You’re not lame. You are mother-fucking sexy, and if you give me the name of the horse I’ll go duel him for your honor.”

A tiny giggle bubbles out of me over that mental picture. “I’m tired of waiting. I want to experience your cock buried into my pussy more than anything.”

“Fuck. How am I supposed to think straight when your angelic mouth speaks such filth?”

“I don’t want you to think straight.”

“There is
I want to do more than to slide right into you and fuck you until you can no longer form coherent words.” Devon answers, his voice gravelly and low with want. “But you deserve your fairytale.”

“Not even if that’s no longer what I want?” I ask, my pussy now tingling with the thought of Devon being my first.

With a growl, Devon maneuvers his body until he’s nestled between my legs. The velvety crown of his cock cradled by my now swollen cunt, and I relish the weight of his body on mine. He claims my lips, dips his tongue into my mouth. My arms twine around his neck, and I pour all of my wants and needs into him. Devon’s hands grasp my ass and he lifts me into his lap, his straining cock sliding between my sodden folds.

I arch into him, hands anchored on his shoulders as he glides me along the top of his dick, my pussy strokes and rides the edge of his rock hard cock. My clit thrums with the friction as I press myself into him. And then I’m on my back, with my legs over Devon’s shoulders. “Now stay still, my perfect filthy girl.”

I still, knowing that he’s going to finally claim me and my body flushes hot and cold with anticipation.

But instead, Devon slides the underside of his dick up through my folds, his thumb finds my needy bundle of nerves with sniper precision. With the slightest of pressure he coaxes my legs further apart, the slick wetness of my pussy laid bare - beckoning him to fill me. At long last he angles his hips over mine, the head of his cock slowly pushes into my folds, the exquisite pulse of his dick as I enfold him into me. I want to grip his tight, perfect ass and force him to bury himself balls deep inside of me, but then he stops. He pulls back out, his thumb still massaging slow circles on my clit as he presses into me again—barely, but a bit farther. He pulls out again, grinds along my now dripping crease with a ferocity I try to match.

I cry out and quiver underneath him. Needing him back inside me, wanting him to stretch and fill the dull ache deep in the pit of my stomach. He drives back into me, but not enough. Never enough. I can’t find the words to convey my need, so I only whisper, “Please.”

The tip of his cock twitches, it sends shockwaves through my body, and as if in answer he takes tiny thrusts. Barely enough to separate my opening, but far enough that I can feel the storm brewing beneath my skin. Devon increases the pressure and speed of his thumb, all while maintaining control of his need to fully fuck me. To claim me as his.

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