Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners) (15 page)

“You’re killing me,” he said.

“Then we’ll both go to heaven.” She nibbled on his mouth relishing the groans escaping his lips. Prue felt powerful in his arms as she created such a response from him.

He tumbled her to the bed. She went to her knees and stared at him. James pushed the boxers down his thighs revealing his large arousal.

Her mouth watered, and for a split second she felt like her old self again.

She could forget about everything else as he stared at her like she was the sweetest morsel he’d ever tasted. He followed her to the bed. His mouth
was on hers as his body opened her up. Fingers touched her slit, pressing a thumb to her clit. She was wet, but with James she was always aroused.

He slid
a finger inside her, and Prue broke the kiss to gasp at the intense longing that filled her.

“Not enough,” she said.

“What do you want, baby?” he asked.

“You. I want you inside me. I need it.”

James fingered her clit refusing to do anything more than touch her. “Look at me,” James said.

She did as he asked. His gaze held hers captive as he worked her body with his fingers.

This is who I am. You can do this, Prue.

You’re not a terrified girl afraid of being closed off.

Close everything off and feel what he does to you.

“You’re so beautiful, Prudence. I love watching you lose control. Feel what I can do to you.”

His fingers pumped inside her warmth as his thumb pressed against her nub. Biting her lip, she gave herself to him.

Please, let me be free.

She silently begged him to release her. James was the only one she’d ever felt whole with. He gave as much as he took, and he loved her. There was no other man out there for her as far as she was concerned.

“Please, I need you inside me.”

James cupped her cheek with his free hand. “Are you sure?”


He moved on the bed until he lay on his back. “Then take what you want,” he said.

“What are you doing?” she asked, confused.

“Submitting to you, Prudence. Take what you want, and I’ll give you what you need.”

Prue knew what he was doing. He thought she’d lost her mind and would blame him as soon as they were finished.

She crawled over his lap, grabbed his cock, and aligned the heat of him with her opening. Eyes closed, Prue sank down on his length. She gasped as he filled her pussy. Taking him as deep as she could, Prue let go of his shaft to hold onto his chest. His hands moved to her legs. He stroked her thighs as she took his cock as deep as she could get him inside.

Next, she felt him touch her clit. The small stroke across her nub made her cry out and slam down on his cock.

They both cried out, and for Prue the pleasure consumed every part of her. She needed to feel him deep inside her.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you, too.”

She moved her hips feeling him pull out of her and then slide back inside.

“Look at me.”

Opening her eyes, she stared into his dark depths. James had always been a part of her ever since they’d met. There was a connection that flowed far deeper than either of them could have imagined,
or at least Prue felt there was.

He sat up taking her in his arms. James pushed the hair off the side of her face, kissing her neck with tender lips.

She whimpered at the delicate touch he gave her.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

Prue didn’t want to hear those words. Fisting her hands in his hair, she tugged on the length and slammed her lips down to kiss him.

He rode the pleasure with her by stroking her clit and meeting each of her thrusts.

Within seconds Prue came apart in his arms. The satisfaction was nothing like she’d gained in his arms. Something was missing, and in those moments of realisation, Prue knew she’d made a mistake in forcing him to make love to her.



Chapter Fifteen


She tensed in his arms
, and James knew what she was thinking. There was no doubt in his mind that she’d made a mistake. He couldn’t deny her anything even though he knew it was a mistake taking her when he did.

Stroking her hair, James waited for her to push him away, calling him any number of names.

Prudence didn’t say a word. He felt the wetness of her tears against his shoulder, and those tears broke his heart more than ever.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

Cupping her cheeks, he made her look at him.

“Why are you sorry?” he asked.

The look of shock and pain on her face had the power to undo him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“I shouldn’t have come here and forced you to do what I just made you do.”

Brushing his lips against hers, James shook his head. “No, don’t think that.”

“How can I not think it? I’ve just made you have sex with me. I’m worse than the men who took me.”

She pulled away from him, climbing off his lap.

Wrapping the sheet around him, James held her hand stopping her from escaping him. She looked at his hand then up at him. “Don’t ever think you’re like those animals that took you. You’re a million times better than any of those fucking men. Never let me hear you say otherwise.”

Prudence sniffled and wiped her nose. “How could you ever love me?”

He folded her in his arms hating everything that happened to her.

“Please, don’t do this to yourself, Prudence. You don’t deserve this. I know what you were trying to do.”

She sobbed in his arms. He sat her down on the bed, cupped her cheeks
, and made her look at him. “Every part of me is yours. I love you more than anything, and I’d do anything you asked of me.”

“I’m not ready for this.” She pointed between them.

“I know. I’m prepared to give you the time.”

He picked up the towel he discarded the previous night and wrapped the fabric around her arms.

“I’ll grab your clothes. Don’t go anywhere,” he said.

James walked down the stairs and gathered her belongings. His home phone rang
, and he picked it up.

“Hello,” he said.

“James. Thank God, have you seen Prudence? She ran out of here after the news showed that man.” Veronica sounded panicked.

“She’s here with me. I’ll drop her off at your place
, and then we’ll talk some more.”

He spent several minutes reassuring her then hung up the phone. Walking back up the steps he found Prudence in the same spot as he left her. She wasn’t shaking or anything.

When she turned to him there was a smile on her lips.

“Was that my sister?” she asked.

“Yes, she’s worried about you.”

He helped her off the bed then started to dress her. She stepped into the panties then stood as he placed the bra back on. Neither said a word as he put the clothes back on.

“I’m so sorry,” she said.

“Don’t be sorry.”

Once she was dressed James quickly put some clothes on, and then together they walked down to the kitchen.

“I haven’t got much to offer you but cereal,” he said.

“Cereal is fine.” She took the seat at the counter. The tension thickened in the room. She hadn’t achieved great satisfaction with the sex they’d shared.

“I don’t know why I feel the way I do,” she said, making him pause as he reached for the milk. “I wasn’t like this when I was trapped in that room. I would look in the mirror and talk to myself so that I’d remember who I was and what I was doing there.” She chuckled. The sound felt forced to him.
“They hated me because I refused to break. Look at me now,” she said.

“You’re not broken.” He poured some chocolate cereal into a bowl followed by some milk then passed the bowl with a spoon to her. “You’re strong
, and don’t ever forget it.”

She took the food from him and began eating. He watched her for the longest time wishing there was something he could do to ease her suffering. Watching her in pain never felt right to him.

He ate his cereal before putting a call through to Arthur.

His driver called to let him know that he was waiting outside.

“I’m really sorry,” she said as they made their way to the door.

“I don’t want to hear you talking about being
sorry. I want you to get back to who you were,” he said.

James helped her into the back of the car. He remembered the card and quickly ran up to the house to grab it. When he came down he saw she was talking with Arthur.

The conversation ceased the moment he got back into the car. “I want you to take this and make an appointment to see this woman.”

She took the card from him. “I don’t want to see someone.”

“Please, take it anyway. I want you to know that I’m supporting you in everything.”

Prudence took the card from him. The drive to her house felt too short to him. Being away from her was a nightmare
, but he’d do everything for her.

Her sister waited for them at the door with her arms folded. Prudence turned to him. She opened her mouth then closed it again.

“Thank you for being so understanding,” she said.

He nodded then waved to Veronica.

“Are you all right, Sir?” Arthur asked.

Wiping the tears from his eyes James nodded. “Yes, Arthur, I’m fine.”

When the door closed he gave his driver instructions to go to Ravage.

If he didn’t go to his club soon then he wouldn’t be able to walk through the doors. Police tape was across the doors. He ducked under the tape then used the key to open the main door. Turning on the light
, he stared at the room that had caused him so much hell.

“Prue will be well looked after, James. I suggest you hurry. I’ll give you a month. If I don’t get my file in the next month, Prue goes up for auction
, and she’ll be lost.”

Daren’s words came back to haunt him.

She’s not gone.

He moved past the main dance floor through to his office. Staring at the sofa where he left, James stroked the padded leather. Her scent lingered
, or it could have been his imagination trying to pull every possible sign of her.

Sitting behind his desk, he ran his hands across the wood.

“I’m surprised you’ve come here,” Stephen said.

James looked up to see his
oldest friend stood in the doorway.

“How did you know where I was?” he asked.

“I went by your house and thought you’d come here. I waited to see you pull up then spoke to your driver before following you inside. You didn’t lock the door.”

“That seems to be the story of my fucking life at the moment,” James said, running his fingers through his hair.

“You ran out fast last night. Do you want to talk about it?” Stephen asked, taking a seat across from him. The other man wore a long black coat and leather gloves.

“No, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Fair enough. You were never one to talk anyway.” Stephen sat back glancing around the office. “I’ve always thought this office was depressing.”

“What do you think now?”

“That it’s even worse. Josiah and Hubert came to see us. They talked about having a membership, and I gave each of them one. I doubt our clubs will be up to scratch anymore. Between the press and this shit with Henry and Daren, I think Ravage and Possession have run their course,” Stephen said. “They took Dane.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know what’s happening, but I think they’re planning on sending him back to England.”

“They never mentioned it to me,” James said, feeling sorry for the younger man.

“You didn’t like him. Why would you care?”

“He helped me when it mattered the most to me.”

They were silent for several seconds. James didn’t know what to say. He’d never been given a reason to talk about his feelings. The only person he’d opened up to was Prudence, and she was gone.

“Prudence came to me this morning,” he said, blurting the words out into space hoping there
would be a magical answer.

“What did she want?” Stephen asked.

The guy opposite looked cautious as he asked the question.

“I don’t know what she wanted. She was sobbing in my arms
, and then she was removing my clothes. We had sex, and I know she didn’t get all that much pleasure from it.” James chuckled even though he desired to cry above everything else. “I sound like a pussy.”

, and stop saying that. You’re not a pussy. Maybe you should get her to talk with Violet.”

The suggestion was lost on him. “That girl is quieter than a mouse. How would she help?”

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