RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage (7 page)

Read RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage Online

Authors: Elizabeth Loraine

Tags: #Magic, #Vampire, #Mage

“This is…just amazing,” Richard said after a few minutes.

“Isn’t it? I just love it. Of course everyone that comes here thinks the same thing. Most of it will be moved to America soon, but for now it’s just my favorite place here at Mormont.”

“It’s beautiful, but seeing the landscape from the turret is still my favorite.”

Kaer looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Richard didn’t seem to notice, or he was just ignoring the comment.

I sat down at one of the tables, so the others joined me.

“Being royal has its advantages, doesn’t it?” Richard marveled.

“Yes, but being granted lands and titles took many battles and generations of protection. Baron Von Dracek has titles granted to him from many countries, by Kings and Popes.”

My statement didn’t seem to surprise Kaer, Richard however looked very shocked.

“Popes? The Catholic church and vampires?”

“You sound like a human.”

“Sorry, that was insensitive.”

“Maybe you should spend as much time learning about the history of the peaceful races as you do on your magic.”

Richard scowled. “You’re probably right.”

“Katrina said they would join us for dinner. They like to eat early, because they usually work out again before they go to bed. So we should probably go.”

“Looking forward to it, lead the way.”

Kaer looked a little apprehensive, so I lightly held his elbow.

“You’ll like them Kaer. I wish my brothers were here too.”

He seemed to relax then, and by the time we entered the dining room, we were laughing about the serpent we’d met in Althar. Kaer seemed to think it was very funny.

“Actually, it was kind of scary at the time,” I insisted, but then started to giggle. “He was quite attached to Richard.”

“The bounty hunter wasn’t amused. I almost feel bad now. I mean, he did get killed.”

“Served him right,” Kaer said. “He invaded our world.”

Everyone was already in the dining room, milling around with their drinks. I introduced my friends to everyone and then we had a very lovely dinner.

Once everyone was finished with dessert, Katrina pulled me aside.

“Your friends seem very nice.”

“They are, Katrina.”

“Both of them seem to like you very much. Do you have a preference?”

I tried to look shocked by her statement, but she smiled, and I blushed.

“No, I have studies. I can’t be interested in boys.”

“We’re always interested, whether we have time or not.”

“Well, I am going to be sixteen next week.”

“That’s true. So, you’re going back to Nira’s tomorrow? Maybe we will come to Nira’s to help you celebrate.”

“Oh would you, Katrina? That would be so wonderful.”

“Of course, Marcella. I wouldn’t miss it. I wish Damien and Cain were able to come, but they have something they need to do.”

“I know, they told me. I miss them.”

“Marcella, I don’t want you being so impulsive. You could have gotten in a lot of trouble in Althar.”

“Isn’t that what Damien is always telling you?”

Katrina chuckled. “Yes, and I hardly ever listen. Just be careful. You haven’t finished your training yet, after all.”

I gave her a hug, I was so grateful to have her in my life.

“We’re going hunting after we work out. I’ll see you early before you go back.”

“All right.”

“You did a great job today. I’m so proud of you, we all are.”

“The minute that I met you, I wanted to be just like you.”

“You’re better off being the best
that you can be. That’s always been enough and it always will be.”

After she left, Kaer joined me out on the balcony.

“I have to go back. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I was shocked by his abruptness. “Has something happened?”

“There have been more breaches in the protections.”

“You can speak with your mother using you mind, can’t you?”

Kaer nodded. “All Fae can connect if they wish.”

“I can do that too. It runs in my family.”

“Are you saying we may be able to speak to each other?”

“I guess so. It’s nice.”

We laughed, it was nice.

“What’s so funny?” Richard asked as he joined us.

“Nothing, Kaer has to go home now. I was just saying goodbye. There have been more breaches in the protections.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“See you tomorrow, Kaer.”

Richard and I walked him to the library, where the portal was, and then we walked over to Allwain’s laboratory.


Tao came out of the back room. “I’m sorry, the potions still aren’t ready.”

“That’s all right. Tao, since Allwain isn’t here, I need to ask you something.”

“Of course, what is it?”

“Kaer went home; there have been more breaches in there protections. Can you come with us and help strengthen what they have?”

“I’d have to be asked by the Queen or Nira.”

I was crestfallen; every time I tried to help, something blocked the way. Tao, seeing my distress, commented, “You really shouldn’t worry. Niranjana will be able to handle any challenge that arises. In all her years there, she has faced much worse circumstances, I assure you.”

“I’m sure you’re right, it’s just that I have such a bad feeling about all of this. There was something going on between Sabine and that bounty hunter. Now I can’t shake the feeling that something terrible is about to happen.”

“I’ll come if I’m needed. Maybe you shouldn’t go back right now.”

“No, I want to go. I need to,” I insisted, looking to Richard for support.

“In fact I think we should go tonight instead of waiting until morning,” he added.

“If you think that’s what you need to do. Why don’t you go into the back and see if there is anything there that you might need. Allwain always says ‘
be prepared for anything

“Great idea, thank you, Tao.”

He bowed slightly. The formality of elves was so endearing.

Richard followed me into the back room and we looked through the inventory list that Tao meticulously kept. He cataloged everything by name and use, along with where it was kept.

“Get me one of the leather bags, so we can start filling it.”

I found the truth serum, the scrolls containing protection incantations, both personal, and for property.

“Anything catching your eye?”

“I haven’t gotten very far yet. This is an unbelievable list.”

“Allwain insists on having anything he could possibly need. Unfortunately, he’s needed many of them. Now he is teaching others to do what he does for us.”

“It’s true then, there will be clans of peaceful vampires in America?”

“Yes, and all peaceful races will be welcome as well. Several sites have already been chosen by the Five.”

“I’d love to go. Are you going?”

“I’ve already been. It’s beautiful and I’d be happy to make my home there, but I need to be wherever my family is.”

“Tell me something, Marcella. How long have you known Kaer?”

“We just met, why?”

“Really, because he seems to be very protective of you, for someone you just met.”

I smiled. “I know, I thought the same thing.”

Richard looked back down to the list. “I mean it’s not like anything could ever come of it; Kaer being a Fae prince and all.”

“What do you mean? Not that I would even consider it.”

“He has to marry another Fae, continue his bloodline, you know.”

“Oh, of course. Like I said, we just met. He’ll be a good friend though, I can feel that.”

“Not that I am against a match between magical races. But
match will have its challenges.”

“I don’t even know why we are talking about such things. Is there anything else listed that you think we might need?”

We worked in silence for a few minutes before I brought up the subject that had been on my mind. “That bounty hunter could have been one of many. The kingdom of Tazerae is full of magical beings and creatures. Taking a unicorn would be disastrous.”

“Didn’t you say something about the gathering?”

“Yes…do you think that’s what they are really after? The newborn unicorn stallion? I think you need to talk to Sabine.”

“Me? Why me?”

“Richard, you can’t be serious. I only saw you and Sabine together a few times, and even
could tell how much she wanted you to be interested in her.”

He sighed. “What exactly do you want me to find out?”

“You have to find out the real story. Did she already know that bounty hunter, like we suspect, and what did she have to tell Drakar?”

Richard held up a small vial. “I have a secret weapon. I’ll leave right away and be back at Nira’s as soon as I can.”

We gathered our things and walked out together.

“Did you find everything that you need?”

“I think so. Thank you, Tao. Here’s a list of what we’ve taken.”

When we got to the portal room, Richard seemed nervous.

“Just be your usual charming self; she’ll be happy to fall into your arms.”

“I was hoping that’s how you would feel.”

“Richard, I…”

“You don’t have to say anything. I’ll see you soon.”

The portal flashed as it took him to Sabine’s, and I returned to Nira’s. The house was dark and as I made my way up to my room, I noticed that instead of my usual pink aura, the color around me was orange. Maybe it was because I was so confused about what was going on.

“Sammy, wake up.”

Sammy jerked awake, and sat up, rubbing her eyes. “Cella, oh thank goodness.”

She threw off her covers and rushed over, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing.

“I was so scared you wouldn’t come back. Nira told us that you were all right, and to stay inside; we haven’t seen her since. What’s going on?”

I pushed away. “I don’t know for sure. We found Sabine and brought her back to Mormont. Her father came and took her home. I have to go out. If I’m right, Sabine’s captor wasn’t alone.”

“You can’t go out by yourself.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“No Cella, Nira said to stay inside.”

“She told
to stay inside, I wasn’t here. I have to find Kaer.”

The door opened and Luke, Morna, and Georgia came in. “We overheard, and we are all going this time. All of us know enough to be able to help.”

“That’s right. Where’s Richard anyway?”

“He went to see Sabine to make sure that she’s all right.”

I could see that the conversation was now making Georgia uncomfortable.

“Georgia if you know something, you need to tell us what it is. We don’t have any time to waste.”

Georgia looked down, and scuffed her slipper against the floor. “She said she had found a way out. She felt trapped by her life, but she couldn’t leave the luxury of it without some help.”

“So she made a bargain with a Dark Lord?”

“I don’t know what she did, she never told me. That’s when I decided to start to distance myself from her. Niranjana is our High Priestess. I would never do anything to shame her, or put her in danger.”

“You should have said something to Nira then.”

“But I didn’t know anything.”

Sammy snapped her fingers and her outfit instantly changed. “We don’t have time to argue with each other. If we’re going to go, then let’s go.”

I knew the protections would prevent me from trying to contact Kaer from inside the cottage, so I waited until we were outside.


“Marcella! They’re trying to take unicorns!”

“They want the baby, Kaer, I’m sure of it. We’re coming to help.”

“The Fae are trying to protect the unicorns, we have to hurry.”

When we got to the glen, there were wounded Fae everywhere that we looked. Nira, in the midst of a fight with a Dark Wizard, was hurling bolts of power against him and four dark warriors that towered over the glen. The Fae with arrows were desperately trying to defend their land. They were being decimated by the powerful warriors, who were covered with armor and knocking them from the sky with shields and swords.

“Aim for their heads, use every power that you have. These warriors are conjured, you can’t kill them, but you can blind them,” I ordered.

I went to help Nira; knowing if we could defeat him, the warriors would cease to exist. I threw a spear of power at the back of the wizard. He was covered head to toe in black robes and a headdress. Only the glow of his red eyes was visible.

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