Reckless Temptations (The Tempted Series Book 4) (8 page)

Read Reckless Temptations (The Tempted Series Book 4) Online

Authors: Janine Infante Bosco

Tags: #By Janine Infante Bosco

Jack shrugged his shoulders, and took another shot. “We all gotta eat, brother,” he stated, moving to refill Wu’s glass only for him to shove it aside.

“I’m good. Glad the Dragons and the Knights could work together, Parrish,” Wu said, before pausing a moment and looking at me. “I’ll be in touch,” he said finally, turning to his men and snapping his fingers.

“Well that went off without a hitch,” Pipe said, once they were out the door.

“Thank Christ,” Jack hissed, slapping his hands against the counter. “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he said, grabbing the suitcase as he turned his gaze my way. “Looks like you got yourself another gig.”

I grinned at my president.

One step closer.



Chapter Six



I threw back the shot of Fireball, sliding the empty glass across the bar to the hot bartender who bought one for me and one for Mia. She took the bus into the city and we’ve been bar hopping since happy hour, five bars, and two hours later…we were bombed.

“I think we should move to another bar, there’s no hot guys here,” Mia complained.

“The bartender’s not bad,” I said, squinting my eyes to get a better look, but I was blind as a bat without my glasses.

Mia giggled beside me.

“What?” I asked, turning to her. At least I could see up close.

“Where are your glasses?”

“I forgot them at my brother’s house,” I mumbled.
“Oh, that reminds me! Why haven’t you mentioned that your brother’s friends are fucking lickable?”

“Lickable? Really?” Was that even a word? I picked the olive out of my martini and popped it into my mouth. “For the record, Anthony’s friends usually aren’t anything to write home about. They’re usually twice his age and full of graying hair.”

“That man who showed up with your mother was sex on a stick,” she countered.

I brought my drink to my lips. Riggs was definitely sex on a stick and well…indeed lickable.

“Have you seen him since?”

“A couple of times. He works at the gym,” I said, trying not to think of that smile or the way his eyes gleamed with mischief. He was trouble with a capital
and not for the obvious reasons either. Anyone who ran in the same circle as my brother had criminal tendencies, but Riggs was trouble because he was hard to resist.

“You should get on that, or under it, whichever you prefer, but do something. It’s your duty as a member of the female population,” she declared.

“I couldn’t,” I said weakly.

“Oh yeah? Why the hell not?” She questioned, nudging me with her elbow. “I thought you were turning over a new leaf? What was it you said? Oh, yes, you would live for yourself and not everyone else. Seems the best way to start is by giving into your needs,” she reasoned.

“Funny, I remember having this same conversation before I quit nursing school. I thought that was the start of the new me,” I said sarcastically.

“Okay, fine, so this is the sequel,” she laughed. “Stop worrying about everything so much. You’re twenty-one, you’re supposed to fuck up your life and do stupid things.”

Words to live by.

She was an idiot sometimes.

“He gave me his number,” I said, biting my lip.

“And I’ll bet the next round you haven’t used it,” she surmised, treating me to an eye roll. “I love you, Lauren, but sometimes you’re such a pussy,” she added, climbing off the stool and pulling down her mini-skirt. “Seriously, you need to grow a pair.” She downed the rest of her cosmopolitan, placing the empty glass on top of the bar. “Order me another, I have to go to the bathroom.”

I sighed as she walked away and tried to make eye contact with the bartender, but for all I knew I wasn’t even looking at the right guy. I’d just wait until he came closer to order the drinks.

I pulled my phone out of my purse, bored, I browsed my contacts until I came to his name.


I smiled instantly.

Fucking Riggs.

Fucking life.

And then I did what every normal twenty-one-year old with no direction in life would do…I texted him.

Me: Meow.

I hit send, immediately dropping my phone and covering my face with my hands.

I did not just do that.

I picked up my phone, wincing when I confirmed my stupidity.

Me: Delete that.

Tiger: Roar. LOL

Me: I said delete it. I meant to text it to someone else.

Tiger: Are your pants on fire, Kitten?

He should only know. I clenched my legs together and chose to ignore his question.

Me: What are you doing?

Tiger: What are you doing?

Me: You first.

Tiger: Watching the game with the guys.

Me: Out with Mia.

Tiger: You went back home already?

Me: Tomorrow. She came into the city for the night and we’re going back home together tomorrow afternoon.

Tiger: Are you on the prowl?

Me: Maybe.

Tiger: Stay safe.

Huh? Okay, not exactly
the answer I was hoping for from him. I
decided to put my phone away before I did any more damage. Mia found her way back to me and instead of ordering another round, we took off to another bar.

The night was young.

And this “Kitten” was on the prowl.




“The Jets don’t have a chance, not after Decker blew that touchdown,” Bones said, shoving a handful of potato chips into his mouth.

“It’s only the third quarter,” I retorted, popping open my beer and glancing down at my phone. An hour and a half had passed since I texted Lauren back. I couldn’t help but wonder what she was doing and what version of herself she was when she went out with her friend. Whether it be the good girl bit or the good girl gone bad. I’m sure she had guys dropping to their knees.

I leaned over, placing my beer on the table and texted her again.

Me: I should’ve brought my library card because I’m definitely checking you out.

Kitten: You got more game than half the men here.

Me: Where are you?

Kitten: Salty Dog.

Me: Bay Ridge? I thought you were in Manhattan.

Kitten: Bar hopping and borough hopping. I get around.

Me: As long as you’re not bed hopping.

Kitten: Even if I hopped into your bed?

I froze, staring down at my phone as the images flooded my brain. I could picture her naked in my bed wearing nothing but her glasses. Yeah, I wouldn’t mind that. Not one fucking bit. My dick agreed, hardening against my jeans.

Me: You can hop into my bed anytime, Kitten.

Kitten: You shouldn’t say things like that to a drunk girl who needs a good duck.

What? She wanted a pet? Odd thing to say to a guy when he invited you to fuck.

Kitten: Duck! I meant duck!

Me: You want a duck?

Kitten: Yes.

Kitten: No! Ducking auto correct!

“Get off your phone, ass wipe! You’re missing the game,” Bones said, throwing a bag of pretzels at my head. “Who are you texting anyway?”

“What does ducking mean?” I asked.

“Ducking? Like you duck,” he said, bending his head. “Like that, you get the fuck out of the way. You dodge the bullet. You duck and hide. Man, are we seriously having this discussion right now?

“No, that’s not it.” I said, scratching the top of my head.

Kitten: Let’s try this again. You shouldn’t say that to a girl who needs a good lay.

“Fuck, she needs to fuck!” I cheered, typing my response.

Me: Happy to oblige, babe.

And this night just got a whole lot better.

Kitten: Oh yeah? You think you can make me purr?

Me: I’ll make you fucking roar, baby.

Me: You still at the dog?

I was familiar with the Salty Dog, it was a popular bar mostly where firemen hung out. Lauren wasn’t taking a ride on a fucking fire truck tonight, not if I had a say in it. I lifted my eyes to Bones who was staring at me like I had lost my mind.

“What?” I asked innocently. “I might need a wingman you game?”

“Depends what she looks like. I’m not taking one for the team, not tonight, when I can go riding and grab any piece of ass I want,” he stated.

“Mia’s pretty, killer bod, nice rack,” I tried to entice.

“Mia?” He raised an eyebrow. “Wow, you know their names, impressive. That’s a first for you,” he teased.

“Stop being a dick, are you in or what?”

“When have I ever turned down pussy?” He said, taking another pull of his beer. “But then we’re even, not giving you the fifty I owe you.”

Me: Hello?

“Fine, fine, whatever,” I replied. I’d eat the fifty bucks for a chance of having Bianci’s sister in my bed. Oh, how sweet was that? I mean sure she was hot, but the fact she was off limits definitely sweetened the deal.

Kitten: Sorry. I was fighting with Mia. I could kill her right now.

Me: What happened?

Kitten: She left me! So much for girl code.

Me: I’ll come get you.

“Well, are we going or not?” Bones asked annoyed.

“Change in plans, bro. One-man job,” I said, grabbing my shit off the table. “You still owe me that fifty.”

Kitten: No I’m going to take the train back to Ant’s.

No. No. No.

I stalked toward the door, dialing her number instead of texting and listened as it rang.

“Can you believe that bitch?” She answered, slurring her words. “Leaving with the first guy that winks at her and buys her a damn drink.”

“Hussy!” I replied, as I climbed onto my bike. “Listen, stay there I’m on my way.

“What? No!” She yelled into the phone.

“Why not?” I said, ripping the engine.

“Because if you come and get me there’s no telling what will happen,” she said.

“Oh, I know exactly what will happen babe, and you do too,” I replied, loud enough so she could hear me.


“Yeah, Kitten,” I said, kicking up the kickstand of my bike.

“I’m waiting outside,” she whispered sexily into the phone, so low I barely heard her over the noise of my engine.

“Give me ten,” I ground out, ending the call and slipping my phone into my jacket pocket.

Hang on Kitten, your Tiger is coming.




I almost crashed three times on the way there just picturing her naked. That round ass bent over as I pounded her first from behind. God, I hope she wore those shoes she had on at the bar. The second time I’d make her ride me and I’d bury my face in between those tits. Then I’d eat her pussy until she came all over my tongue. After a blowjob, I’d fuck her again nice and hard until she screamed my name.

I parked my bike in front of the bar and spotted Lauren leaning up against the brick wall talking to some guy. I threw my leg over my bike and readjusted my throbbing cock, then stalked toward her.

She laughed at something the schmuck she was talking to said, turning her head slightly her eyes locked with mine.

“Making friends?” I questioned, peeling my eyes away from her to the man leaning way to close to her.

“You know how it goes man,” he laughed, running his hand down Lauren’s arm. What the fuck was she wearing? My eyes traveled the length of her, taking in the jeans that molded to her legs like a second skin, ripped and shredded at the knees showing just a hint of her olive skin. The top she wore was see through and fell off her shoulder sexily. And then, there was the shoes, the ones that haunted my dreams. Thank you, God.

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