Rediscovering Peace (Military Love Book 1) (20 page)

“You really need to learn patience, my dear.” With that he entered me and I was in heaven. His pace picked up and he was pounding into me. My pussy clenched around his hard length and I knew I was close. He was hitting that spot inside of me over and over again. Just as I was about to let go he pulled out of me. Again. I was going to kill him. I was so frustrated, but I didn’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing how much he was getting to me. Two could play at this game.

After a few moments, he pushed back into me and I felt his finger at my backside. He pushed the finger in slowly and I cried out at the intensity. It felt so good. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Oh. My. Braden, please don’t stop. So. Good,” I mumbled in between breaths. I really hoped he would let me come this time. I couldn’t take it anymore. Finally he let me fall over the edge and he was right there with me screaming out my name. My orgasm was still waving through me when he released my hands and got up to walk to the bathroom. When he came back he was holding a wash cloth. I watched him as he tended to me and cleaned me up.

We just lay there and held each other. Sometimes I still thought I was dreaming and that I would wake up and Braden would be gone.

“You’re not dreaming. I am right here and I am not going anywhere. I am yours. I love you, Skye Taylor Donovan. I can’t wait for the day when I change that last name of yours.”

I must have thought out loud but I didn’t even care. In this moment, I felt certain that Braden and I would be together for the rest of our lives.

“I love you too,” I mumbled and soon I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 11


Things with Skye and I were perfect. I was the happiest damn guy alive since she stopped running from me. I had almost given up on her and let the best damn thing in my life go again. But I promised myself once I found her again I wouldn’t ever let her leave. Skye was the one and I was certain of it. I knew I wanted to marry her and have children with her. Not too much longer and I would be getting out of the army. As much as I loved my job, I knew it was time. I had deployed twice and if it wasn’t for me not being able to deploy again I would definitely stay in. I had never planned to make the military thing a career but over the years, I had grown to like it a lot. It was a scary thought that soon I wouldn’t be a soldier anymore.

Luckily, I had Skye and her support meant everything to me. I wasn’t stupid. I knew she was happy that I was getting out. After everything with Oliver, she needed to know that I would always come home to her. Skye was the most important thing in my life and that alone was reason enough for me to retire from the army. I had already explored my options and decided to go into law enforcement. I didn’t want to leave serving my community and country completely and being in law enforcement was the next best thing. I wasn’t sure what route I was going yet, but I leaned towards becoming a crime scene investigator. I could see myself doing that.

One night Skye and I were out for dinner. Our apartment often got crowded with Faith and Caige living there as well so we often escaped for a while. I loved Skye’s friends but I sure wouldn’t mind having a house to ourselves. I wanted to be able to walk around naked without having to worry about bumping into someone. I thought it was the right time to move our relationship along further. I was ready for the next step.

“So, baby, I have been thinking.” I opened the conversation.

“About what?” She looked at me curiously.

“Well... I was thinking maybe you wanted to start looking for our own place. I know how much you love living with Caige and Faith and I really don’t mind. But I would much rather live with you by myself. It gets to be too much with them around sometimes. What do you think?”

“I think that’s a fantastic idea. I am ready to move in with you. I knew we would have to eventually look for our own place and I have already talked to them about it. They have also decided to look for places on their own. We are going to sell the apartment and split the money we make off of it.”

“Wait. You guys own the apartment? How do I not know about this?”

“Umm... It’s not something we talk about really. Faith and I make good money and Caige inherited some money when his grandma died. Plus my parents had been saving for my college all my life and I had a little bit left over when I finished.”

“Wow. That’s awesome. Not a lot of people can say they are homeowners at your age.”

“Well it’s easier when there are three people. But yeah we paid it off in no time. So when do we want to start looking for a new place?”

“How about yesterday? I want to have you to myself as soon as possible,” I explained. She was smiling at me and I felt my dick harden. The girl was my undoing. Soon I would have her to myself all the time.

After a while we left the restaurant and went to the beach for a walk. It was a beautiful day out and Skye loved the beach. She always said how much the beach settled her.

“We should try to find a house here on the beach. You would be closer to work,” I suggested. Her eyes lit up at my idea.

“Are you sure? I love the beach. But I am not sure we can afford it.”

“Babe, I also have some money tucked away. They do compensate us pretty well for deployments. All the guys always spend it on stupid stuff like big cars and alcohol, but I saved every cent of it for when it came time to buy a house.”

“You really want to move to the beach?”

“Skye, I will move anywhere with you, as long as you are happy.” I planned on doing everything in my power to always put Skye’s needs first. I didn’t care where I lived as long as I was with her.

“Braden, sometimes I really think I am dreaming. You are so good to me. I will get in touch with a realtor tomorrow and see what’s out there. Thank you for doing this for me. I have always wanted to live on the beach.” She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. Kissing Skye was my second favorite thing in the world. First was making love to her and seeing her fall apart for me. She tried to be in control of everything but when we were in the bedroom together she gave over the control to me. Lately she had been wanting to play a lot and I loved that new side of her. Our relationship was constantly growing and I was more than ready to make her my wife, but I was waiting for the right time.

“Skye, I am going to see my dad tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.”

“Of course, Braden. I am so sorry I have been so caught up in work and all the crap with Oliver that I completely forgot about your dad. How is he?”

“He’s okay I guess. Still drowning his sorrows in alcohol. I told him that I found you but I am not sure he remembers. He was pretty drunk.”

“Gah. I really need to stop being so selfish. You are helping me so much with my stuff and I never once stopped to see how your dad is or how you are handling it. I am a crappy girlfriend.” She was upset with herself.

“Stop beating yourself up, babe. You’ve been through a lot lately and I don’t expect you to take on my problems with Dad. I just think he would be happy to see you, he loved you.”

“I am your girlfriend. I am supposed to be there for you. I will try to get off work early so that we can head over there as soon as possible. We should also plan a get together with your dad and my parents. I think it would be great for your dad to get around people.”

My girlfriend was perfect. Though our path hadn’t been easy lately I was certain that our love could overcome everything. I pulled her to me and kissed her. Soon I was lost in Skye. I could kiss her all day and be the happiest person alive. She pulled back and had a mischievous grin on her face. Uh oh. What was she up to?

She pulled her shirt over her head and stood in front of me with a pink lace bra and her jean shorts. She was so damn beautiful. My dick immediately stood at attention.

“You want to go for a swim?” she asked while taking off her shorts and underwear. The sun had already set and the beach was almost deserted. Perfect timing to go skinny dipping. I peeled off my clothes in record time while Skye got rid of her bra and panties. As soon as she was undressed she took off in a sprint towards the ocean.

“First one to make it in the water wins,” she yelled. I took off behind her but didn’t try to catch up with her. I liked admiring her naked body. The best part was it was all mine. Mine. I sure loved the sound of that. I had known back when we first dated that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Skye jumped in the water and started screeching.

“Fuck. The water is so cold.” I busted out laughing. She obviously hadn’t thought the whole thing through too well. It was the end of June and though the weather had been beautiful the ocean was still cold. I followed Skye into the water and scooped her up in my arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and my cock hardened at the feel of her naked body on mine.

“Skinny dipping, huh? I have to say I love this new side of you, love,” I whispered as I lowered my lips to hers. She was grinding her hips against me and I needed to be inside of her.

“Baby, I can’t really prepare you for me out here in the water. But I want to bury myself inside of you.”

“I am ready for you. I always am. Please make love to me.” Holy hell. I didn’t know what I did to deserve a girl like Skye, but I would take it. I didn’t even want to think about a life without her. She was the air that I breathed. She lifted herself up and grabbed on to my shoulders for support. I positioned my dick at her entrance and slipped into her tight pussy when she lowered herself back down. She was so damn wet and ready for me. I took one of her nipples in my mouth and slightly bit down on it. She gasped at the feeling and I felt her tremble. I sucked and licked both her nipples. Her walls were clenching around my dick and I knew she was close. I picked up the pace and pounded into her. I wasn’t going to last long but I needed to make sure she came first. I would always put her pleasure before mine.

“Yes, Braden, please don’t stop. You feel so good inside of me.” She dug her nails into my back and I knew I would have scratches but I didn’t care. Knowing that Skye was marking me just turned me on more.

“Baby, I can feel you tightening around me. I won’t be able to hold off much longer. Come for me, sweetheart.”

Skye let go and her vagina was pulsing around me as she called out my name. I pushed into her twice more and found my own release. We stayed tangled up in each other for a little while longer. It was easy to lose track of time when I was with her. I felt her shuddering and saw the goose bumps on her body and knew she was getting cold. So I walked us back to the shore. We both got dressed and headed for my truck.

Skye held my hand the entire ride home and seemed content with her surroundings. My heart was beating out of my chest with love for the woman next to me. No one could ever compete with her. I had thought that Chelsea would help me get over Skye. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. You only get one shot at the once in a lifetime kind of love – mine was Skye.

When we got home, we hopped in the shower together and I ended up pushing Skye up against the shower wall and making love to her. We were insatiable for each other, and I hoped it would always stay that way. We settled in bed with a movie and Skye cuddled up to me with her head on my chest. Soon I heard her breathing even out and knew she was asleep. I turned off the movie and finally fell asleep myself.

A few hours later I felt Skye shaking me.

“Braden. Braden, wake up. Baby, please. It’s a dream. It isn’t real.”

What the fuck? Then the dream came crushing back to me. It was the day our Humvee had blown up. Fuck. I just wish the dreams would stop. I needed to make an appointment with my counselor.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and looked at Skye. She was holding her cheek. What the hell?

“Skye, did I hurt you?”

“It’s okay, Braden. You were thrashing around in your sleep and caught me by accident. It’s nothing. I know you would never hurt me on purpose.”

Fuck. I had hurt her. I had been so good with keeping my nightmares at bay. Tears were sliding down my face. I had hurt the one woman I loved. I didn’t care that she thought it wasn’t a big deal, to me it was. I had hit her in my sleep.

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