Return (Lady of Toryn trilogy) (29 page)

Read Return (Lady of Toryn trilogy) Online

Authors: Charity Santiago

"What is it?"
Restlyn asked. The other girl always had the most amazing intuition; she could tell when something big was coming up.

"If you happen to encounter the general of this, um, army- you know, the enemy- try to capture him. Alive, preferably, because dead he's not much good to me."

"Someone you know?" Trace
said with a smile, leaning back against the table and folding her arms across her chest.

You have no idea

Ashlyn said, "is everybody clear? Captains, meet me at the main gate. Spartans- and Aaron- follow me. Let's move out."

She turned on her heel and walked out the door before realizing that she probably should have ch
ecked to see if the Spartans actually
following. Turning again, she reached for the door handle but missed it as the door opened and Ellis walked straight into her.

Ashlyn said, even though it hadn't hurt, and then Vargo bumped into her on his way past and she nearly fell over.

steadied her with a hand on her shoulder. "Don't fall. It'll make you look weak," he said, deadpan.

"Oh, very funny."
She straightened and shrugged his hands off. "Follow-"

The door
opened again, knocking into Ellis and sending him careening into her. Ashlyn stumbled backwards into Vargo, grasping frantically for anything to stop her descent as she fell half-on top of him, and failing miserably.

"Nice catch," she muttered, squiggling off of him and shuddering. "
Gods, could you be any more klutzy?"

"You're one to talk," he retorted, and stood up.
"Falling all over the place every time Lockhart walks into a room. Fix your shirt."

She pulled the hem of her too-small tank top down over her midriff, which really didn't help because the movement only exposed more of her cleavage, and the bindings couldn't hide everything that had developed over the last decade. "You know what,
Vargo, this is not going to work if you can't respect me."

"I respect you just fine," he snapped, and shrugged out of his suit jacket,
slinging it across the stone waste can beside them before he began unbuttoning his dress shirt. "There's a million and five reasons why I'd
to look at you in that top, Ash, but I can think of one good reason right now why I can't afford to." He took off the shirt, wearing just the t-shirt now, and held it out to her. "Put this on."

"You're a grown man,"
Ashlyn groused as she took the shirt from him and put it on, tying it up in a knot at the hem of her shorts. She began to roll up the sleeves, which were much too long for her. "You should be able to at least control your hormones by now."

"Believe me, it's not usually a problem," he seethed, yanking the jacket back on with jerky motions.
"Only around you."

cleared his throat loudly, and they both jumped, Ashlyn looking guiltily over at him like she'd done something wrong.

"Am I interrupting something?" he said, and his voice was unusually impassive
, even for him.

Ashlyn said. She glared at Vargo, unable to believe that the awful things she'd said earlier had hardly affected him. "Follow me."

She turned and headed for the front gate, where she knew Kou would be wa
iting for her. The Spartans and Aaron followed behind- well, Vargo actually followed beside her, which prompted Ashlyn to drop back and skirt around Aaron, putting the pilot between them. Aaron, for his part, didn't seem to notice.

Kou met them at the base of the stairs leading up to the crow's nest. "My Lady," he said, bowing low.

"Kou, I want you to take my friends to my father's house and help them relocate the people underground," Ashlyn said, shrugging off the courtly bow as best she could. "Vargo, Trace, Ellis- this is Kou. He'll assign a troop of soldiers to each location and place them under your direction. Guard them with your life."

Kou glanced at
Ashlyn, confusion written on his features, but he didn't question her actions. "Is there anything else you wish of me, Lady Li?"

"Not right now, thanks." She felt a sudden pan
g in her ankle, and grimaced.

Kou bow
ed again and was gone, the Spartans trailing after him like lost children. Vargo stared pointedly over his shoulder at Ashlyn as he walked away, somehow managing not to trip over his own feet, and she scowled and stared at her hands. Jerk.

What’s that look for?” Aaron asked from beside her. “Ya okay?”

"It’s m
y ankle," Ashlyn muttered, frowning as she flexed the bandage. It was beginning to stick to the open wound. "I've gotta get this looked at before my whole darn foot falls off. I swear I can feel the gangrene forming already. Think you can give me a hand?”

ot some
on me," Aaron said, rolling up his sleeve to show her his armband. Several stanes glittered at her from the steel band. "You wanna head to your house?" He pulled his sleeve back down. "Unless ya'd rather stay here."

His proposal was sound; she didn't want to leave the main gate when
Skye and the others were supposed to meet her there, and her house was much closer than her father's.

Ashlyn said. "Let's go."

She tried not to hobble as they wove through the
crowds towards her home, and Aaron was considerate enough to slow his pace so she could keep up. Ashlyn slid open the front door and stepped inside, hopping to one side so that Aaron could enter behind her.

"Oh man," she said, collapsing on the floor.
No way was she going to let Aaron anywhere near the bathroom. That would open up a whole new can of worms. "I feel like death warmed over."

"Ya don't look it," Aaron
said, kneeling and beginning to unwrap the makeshift bandage.

"Why, thank you, Mister Sullivan
. I do believe that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Ashlyn paused to consider why she didn't feel the need to act responsible and reserved in front of Aaron, then dismissed it just as quickly. She'd always felt comfortable around him- maybe it was his gruff, strangely endearing demeanor- and there was no need to impress the old pilot, even now.

Vargo givin' ya trouble again?" the man in question asked suddenly, and Ashlyn lifted her head to regard him. His eyes were downcast and his goggles prominent on his forehead, obscuring his features from view, so she couldn't see his expression.

hat, outside Heaven?" she asked, propping herself up on her elbows. "Not really, I guess. He was just being his usual annoying self." She frowned, thinking about how irritating Vargo could be.

"Yer wearin' his shirt."

"So I am," she agreed, fingering the knotted shirttails. "Nothing I own fits me anymore. I think I gained some weight in the past eight years, lost my girlish figure." She sighed. "All right, maybe I look like a fat cow now, but at least I'm not a stick. I used to get teased all the time for my serious lack of- um, curves." She smiled when he cleared his throat uncomfortably. The female anatomy probably wasn't a common topic of conversation in the Sullivan household. Sara, beneath her giant glasses and bulky lab coats, gave off the general aura of a sexless overstuffed teddy bear, although Aaron probably wouldn't agree with Ashlyn on that point.

slowly peeled the last of the bandage away from her ankle, and Ashlyn hissed through her teeth as he peeled a good deal of dried blood with it. "Careful," she said belatedly.

She bit her lower lip as she watched his fingers brush over the skin around the self-inflicted wound. He didn't ask how she got it, and for that she was grateful, but she knew he must be curious. Slowly
Ashlyn eased herself back down onto the floor, bracing herself for the inevitable pain that would come with the healing. She took a deep breath, centered herself, and waited.

Some people spoke when they worked magic, muttered spells or incant
ations to help things along. Aaron was a mutterer, just as he'd been when he'd healed her before. After the initial contact he didn't touch her, though, instead choosing to brace his hands on the floor as he channeled the magic into her ankle- which, ironically enough, was the same leg that she'd injured in that scuffle with Lysato just a few days ago.

Drake and I have the same blood type," she said absently as her skin began to itch.

"Yeah, ya told me before." Amusement curled around his tone, lingering in the air like a pleasant sort of smoke.

"Yup. Just making sure you don't forget." She winced as a jolt of pain sliced through her consciousness, and fought to keep still. "Hurry, please."

Aaron rocked back on his heels, and Ashlyn struggled up on her elbows again, suspicious.

"That was it?"

He looked slightly perturbed. "Ya ain't got no
Li, that's yer problem."

She looked down at her ankle to see a fresh layer of scar tissue over the wound. Some of it was still gouged, still scabbed over, but for the most part, it was mended, and far better
and faster than any professional healer could have done.

Gods, Aaron. I forgot how good you were with magic." She sat up and reached down to run her fingers across the new scar, noting that there was still some tenderness. "I guess that's why Drake is here when he should still be in bed with a massive stab wound?"

There was a pause.

"He'd be worse than that if ya hadn't deflected the sword," Aaron said at length.

She looked up, and blinked, recognizing the smile in his eyes for the first time. "He told you about that, huh?" she asked excitedly, momentarily forgetting her vow to ignore her attraction
to men.

"Sure did," Aaron
said. He pulled a cigar from his pocket and jammed it between his teeth, looking nonchalant. Ooh. Drake must have gone on about her quite a bit.

"Tell me everything he said,"
Ashlyn pleaded, grabbing Aaron's shoulder and shaking him with as much force as she could muster.

"Said you weren't
no traitor," the blond-haired pilot replied, pushing her hand away. "Shoulda believed him, I guess."

Swoon time.
Ashlyn sat back, imagining Drake telling everyone that no, there was no way Ashlyn could possibly betray FLD. "She has always been loyal to us," he would have said, standing tall and gorgeous in the conference room of the airship. She could see every detail of his face and clothing in her mind's eye, looking so delectable that Ashlyn felt like she could eat him with a spoon. An errant lock of hair was hanging in front of imaginary Drake's eyes, and she reflexively reached out to tuck it behind his ear, her heart breaking all over again.

jerked back as her hand groped blindly for his face. "Uh, Ash-"

There was a sharp rap at the door.


Holy crap.
Her father…Kou…Toryn under attack! Ashlyn leaped to her feet, horrified that she'd forgotten so easily and nearly knocking Aaron over in her haste. "Come in!" she exclaimed, hopping on one foot to put her sock back on.

The door slid open. "We're ready,"
Skye said, stepping inside. He looked at Ashlyn, hopping with one shoe half on, and at Aaron, who was still kneeling on the floor. His expression didn't change, but Ashlyn immediately felt guilty, like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

The shoe slipped from her fingers and hit the floor, and
Ashlyn straightened up, trying to pretend that she was perfectly poised. In control. Yup.

Something barreled into her from behind, sending
Ashlyn flying forward onto her hands and knees. She skidded across the floor, yelping as splinters embedding themselves in her palms. Almost immediately she felt a crushing weight on top of her. With it came a hot breath on her neck, and the strong stench of wet fur.

Only one thought crossed her mind, and it wasn't for her own safety. If the monsters were already inside the city
, inside her
and Ashlyn hadn't yet set up the perimeter guards, then Toryn would fall before they even had a chance to defend themselves.

Something wet and warm fell onto her neck. What-?


Ashlyn shrieked. "Total
" She threw her head back with all the force she could muster, catching the monster square in its snout. Ashlyn saw stars for the briefest instant before suddenly the weight was gone from her back, and she heard the sounds of a scuffle behind her. Rolling over on her back, she sat up just in time to watch Skye and a brown, furry figure almost twice his size crash through the back wall of her house.

She sprang to her feet, ignoring the absence of one shoe, and ran after them.
Skye was grappling with the beast, rolling over and over again in an attempt to somehow subdue the crazed monster. Without a thought as to what the consequences would be, Ashlyn threw herself into the fray, grabbing onto a fistful of fur and yanking for all she was worth.

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