Return of Condor Heroes (28 page)

Grandma Sun nodded her head, and pointed to Yang Guo, she wasn’t able to speak for the time being.

Xiao Longnu said, “You want me to take care of him?”

Grandma Sun forced a deep breath and said, “I beg you to look after him forever, don’t let others harm him, can you promise me that?

Xiao Longnu hesitantly said, “Look after him forever?”

Grandma Sun sternly said, “Miss, if this old woman doesn’t die, I will look after you forever. Who clothed you, fed you and changed you when you were little, wasn’t it all done by this old woman? How… have you repaid me?”

Xiao Longnu bit her lip and said, “Alright, I promise.”

A smile crept upon Grandma Sun’s face. Her eyes looked at Yang Guo; she wanted to say something but couldn’t catch her breath. Yang Guo knew what she wanted and lowered his ear to her mouth and quietly said, “Grandma, you want to say something to me?”

Grandma Sun said, “Lower your head a bit more.”

Yang Guo lowered himself further, and placed his ear right by her mouth.

Grandma Sun whispered, “Your Auntie Long has no one to depend on, you…you…” when she got up to this point she couldn’t say anything more. She suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, Yang Guo’s face and clothes were speckled with blood, her eyes closed and she passed away.

Yang Guo shouted, “Grandma, Grandma!” He was grief stricken; he held her body and sobbed.

The Taoists who saw this felt a touch of sorrow, and Hao Datong was even more regretful, he went up to Grandma Sun and paid his respects and said, “Grandma, I didn’t mean to hurt you. This sin that has come upon me is ruled by your fate. Grandma, go peacefully!”

Xiao Longnu stood up, but didn’t say anything and waited for him to finish. The two of them stared at each other. Half an hour passed then Xiao Longnu frowned again and said, “What? You are not going to kill yourself to repay your debt; you want me to do it for you?”

Hao Datong was startled and said, “What?”

Xiao Longnu said, “You killed someone so you need to pay the life back, kill yourself and finish this and I’ll spare the lives of all the Taoists here.”

Before Hao Datong could reply, the Taoists that were around him spoke out. There were about thirty or forty Taoists here in the main hall, all saying; “Little girl, leave quickly now and we won’t make it hard for you.”

“What crap! Kill yourself and finish this, and you’ll spare our lives” “This young girl does not know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is.” When Hao Datong heard the Taoists clamor he quickly waved his hand to tell them to be quiet.

Xiao Longnu ignored all the Taoists’ comments, and slowly took out a silk object from her pocket, the object was a glove and she slipped it on her right hand. She separated her hands, with her right she placed a silk belt into her left hand and she quietly said, “Old Taoist, you are a coward, you are afraid of killing yourself, take out a weapon and get ready to fight!”

Hao Datong smiled and said, “This old man hurt Grandma Sun by accident, I don’t want to fight with you, take Yang Guo and leave this place.” He thought that although she has become famous for forcing Huo Dou to run away, she just relied on the threat of her Jade Bees. She is of a young age, even if her skills have their fine points, she would not be any better than Grandma Sun. So he decided to let her leave; firstly because of their sect’s first generation’s relationship, secondly he was troubled by accidentally killing Grandma Sun; it was for the best.

He didn’t guess that Xiao Longnu would not take any notice of his words, her left arm raised, a strip of silk suddenly flew out from the floor, heading straight for Hao Datong’s face. That move came without making a noise and out of nowhere, there was no warning. Under the candlelight, he saw a gold coloured sphere tied to the silk belt. Hao Datong saw that she unleashed her move extremely quickly, and the weapon she used was extremely strange, and was uncertain on how to react. He was old and the years had made him more prudent; although he had faced many skilled fighters before, he didn’t dare to receive the attack head on and moved to the left.

He didn’t know that Xiao Longnu’s belt could change direction in midair. Hao Datong leaped to the left, the belt followed him to the left, three sounds were heard as the gold sphere shook three times, and hit his face’s ‘Meeting Fragrance’ (Ying Xiang), ‘Receiving Tears’ (Cheng Qi) and ‘Central’ (Ren Zhong) three pressure points. The moves used to hit the pressure points were extremely fast, nothing more could be done during this time. It was one of the best skills in the Wulin world. He heard the gold sphere rattle two times, and although it wasn’t loud it was extremely strange. As it entered the ear it moved the heart and shook the soul. Hao Datong was alarmed and quickly used the “Metal Board Bridge” (tie ban qiao), his body moved backwards; the silk belt swept swiftly inches away from his face. He was afraid of the gold sphere pursuing and attacking him. His kung fu was refined, and as he was stepping back he suddenly leaped up three meters. Xiao Longnu didn’t predict this; a ‘zheng’ sound was made as the sphere hit the floor. Her pressure point hitting technique with the sphere was all linked and continuous, but in the midst of danger, Hao Datong managed to luckily escape. Hao Datong straightened his body, his face changed colour. The surrounding Taoists were either his disciples or were his martial nephews and they all respected his skills. Though he wasn’t harmed, they were astonished at the way he scampered out of the last attack. Four Taoists raised their swords and aimed for Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnu said, “Yes, you should have used your weapons long ago!”

She waved her hands, two silk belts moved out like snakes, two ‘ting’ sounds were heard, the ‘Spirit Channel’ (ling dao) pressure points on their wrists were struck, and the four swords struck the floor. The Taoists’ faces changed color, none of them dared to attack again after that move.

Hao Datong had initially thought Xiao Longnu’s skills were ordinary, but didn’t think that he would almost lose to her. His dislike for the enemy increased and he took a long sword out of the hands of one of the disciples, and said, “Miss Long’s skills are excellent, this old Taoist applauds, come, come, let the old Taoist test some of Miss Long’s advanced skills.”

Xiao Longnu nodded her head, two ‘ting’ sounds were heard, the two belts swept in from the left and right.

According to seniority, Hao Datong was one level above Xiao Longnu and out of respect for dueling with a senior, Xiao Longnu should hold back on the first three moves. But her stances were full of killer intent immediately, and ignored any rules of the Wulin world.

Hao Datong thought, “Although the girl’s skills are not weak, she doesn’t seem to understand rules. She hasn’t had much battle experience; I doubt that she can show much more ability in this battle.” His left hand followed the sword as his right hand held it, and he fought against the white silk belts.

The Taoists all circled around and watched the battle closely. Under the flickering candlelight, one could only see a girl dressed in white, an old Taoist in grey. The belts looked like rainbows and the sword moved like lightning as they engaged in battle.

Hao Datong had put sweat and blood into training his sword skills. When it came to sword skills, his were ranked third or fourth. But Xiao Longnu flipped and rolled and avoided many of his stances, he wasn’t able to gain any advantage. Xiao Longnu’s silk belts were like sinuous snakes circling around, and the two gold spheres continuously sent out ‘ting’ sounds which was even more disturbing for the opponent.

Hao Datong had fought for a long while without gaining the upper hand. Although he wasn’t losing, it was slightly embarrassing. He thought about how he was well known as a skilled fighter in the world of Wulin, yet he had fought over one hundred stances with the young girl but still was unable to gain any advantage. He became impatient and changed his sword style, fast became slow, though his stances became much slower than before, the force behind the sword increased many times over. At first he was only able to avoid his sword tip being trapped by the silk belts; now the sword strength increased, he was able to cut and chop the belts.

More stances passed when suddenly a clashing sound was heard as the sword tip clashed with a golden sphere. Hao Datong’s internal energy was profound and he knocked the golden sphere out of the way, hitting it towards Xiao Longnu. He then attacked forward. The Taoists saw the sword pass the advance of a silk belt, heading for Xiao Longnu’s wrist. They thought that she had to let go of the silk belt otherwise her wrist would be pierced.

Who would have guessed that Xiao Longnu’s right hand turned over and caught the blade of the sword; a ‘ka’ sound was heard as the sword snapped in half.

The Taoists all gasped in surprise. Hao Datong quickly jumped backwards, his hand holding the snapped sword, and was left standing in shock. He didn’t know that the opponent’s glove was made out of an extremely fine and extremely tough white gold thread; it was a unique weapon that was passed down by her ancestors. Although it was fine and light, no blade or spear could pierce it; not even precious knives or sharp swords could damage it. She had held the sword’s blade and used her strength to break it.

Hao Datong was pale; he had just suffered a great defeat. He didn’t realize that there was something special about her glove and thought that she had mastered the advanced skills of being impenetrable by swords and spears. His voice quavered as he said, “Good, good, good, this old Taoist admits defeat. Miss Long, take the child and leave.”

Xiao Longnu said, “You’ve killed Grandma Sun; now just a word admitting defeat and that’s it?”

Hao Datong laughed out at the sky and said, “I’m really stupid!” He raised his broken sword and aimed for his neck.

A sudden noise was heard, his hand shook severely; a coin had come from beyond the walls, and knocked the sword out of his hand onto the floor. His energy was profound, how easy could it be for someone to knock the sword out of his hand?

Hao Datong shivered, from the ability to use a coin to knock the sword out of his hand, he knew his martial brother Qiu Chuji had arrived. He raised his head and said, “Martial Brother Qiu, little brother is useless.” He heard a long laugh coming from outside the walls, followed by, “Winning and losing are normal; if those who lost cut their throats then even if your Martial Brother had eighteen necks they all would have been cut long ago.”

Qiu Chuji leaped over the wall and into the scene, his hand holding a long sword. He was a very straightforward man, he hated unnecessary talk, and stretched out his sword, pointing it at Xiao Longnu’s arm and said, “Quanzhen’s Qiu Chuji wishes to test our neighbor’s great skill.”

Xiao Longnu said, “You are very straightforward.” She stretched out her left palm and held Qiu Chuji’s sword.

Hao Datong quickly warned, “Apprentice brother, careful!” But he was too late, Xiao Longnu exerted her energy, and Qiu Chuji channeled his energy into his sword. The two of them competed; a ‘ka’ sound and the sword broke in half. But Xiao Longnu’s arm was shaken and was slightly numb; she felt a pain in her chest. Within this stance, she knew that Qiu Chuji’s ability was well above Hao Datong’s. She herself has not finished studying the “Jade Heart Manual”, and she would not be able to beat him. She threw the broken blade onto the floor. Her left hand lifted the body of Grandma Sun, her right hand Yang Guo; then she leapt up and soared into the air, flying away gracefully from the top of the wall.

Qiu Chuji, Hao Datong and the others saw her demonstrate her lightness kung fu and they looked on in astonishment. Qiu Chuji and Hao Datong had fought with her; they knew that she was blessed with refined skills. But her martial arts level was still significantly weaker than theirs; however they had never seen such an admirable display of lightness kung fu.

Hao Datong sighed, and said, “It’s finished, it’s finished!”

Qiu Chuji said, “Apprentice brother, you have studied Taoism for many years, how could it be that you are not able to see past a small mistake? Our brothers and sister in Shanxi, didn’t we have another set of problems?”

Hao Datong was alarmed and said, “What? Was anyone hurt?”

Qiu Chuji said, “It’s a long story, we’ll go and see apprentice brother Ma first.”

After Li Mochou killed the Lu family she traveled to Shanxi, in Jinbei she killed a few more heroes of the Wulin world. She eventually provoked public indignation; the leaders of the Wulin world in that area sent our heroes invitations, inviting them to attack her. The Quanzhen sect was the receiver of one of these hero invitations. At that time, Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji discussed how Li Mochou has done many evil deeds, and though her sect and theirs had a long history, it would be best if they solved it and give her a chance to turn over a new leaf. Liu Chuxuan and Sun Bu’Er were at Meibei. However Li Mochou hid her tracks, and traveled around discreetly, Liu Chuxuan and Sun Bu’Er couldn’t stop her and she hurt some more good men of Jinnan and Jinbei. Eventually Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi brought with them ten disciples, and rendezvoused with Liu Chuxuan and Sun Bu’Er. Li Mochou knew that it would be difficult for one person to fight off so many good fighters, and so she agreed with Qiu and Wang to a duel. The first day’s duel was with Sun Bu’Er. Li Mochou secretly used her ‘Soul Freezing Silver Needles’ and pierced her. She immediately went up to them and gave them the antidote, and told Qiu Chuji they must accept it. This meant that they accepted a favour from her. According to the rules of Jianghu; they wouldn’t be able to chase after and fight her. The Taoists could only laugh bitterly as they made their way back. It was lucky that Qiu Chuji hurried back by himself, not traveling with the group, and managed to arrive in time to save Hao Datong’s life.

After Xiao Longnu left Chongyang Palace, she put Yang Guo down and carried Grandma Sun’s body back to the Tomb of the Living Dead. She put her body on the bed that she normally slept on, and sat down on the chair in front of the bed and didn’t speak a single word. Yang Guo threw himself on Grandma Sun’s body and cried incessantly. After a while Xiao Longnu said, “She’s already dead, why are you crying? Even if you cried some more, she wouldn’t know about it.”

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