Romance Omega Style [Resistant Omegas 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (4 page)

“What’s the point of spin the bottle if you don’t at least get kissed?” I asked, more to myself than anyone. I stared at the table. “Is the roulette wheel the bottle?”

“Who knows?” Carson chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s Edric but I promise you whatever he’s got planned it will be interesting, entertaining, and most likely help get everything we need to off our chests.”

“Okay, I picked this up when Brody sent me a picture of the yacht and I saw there was a gambling area,” Edric said as he joined us again. He set the case on the table and opened it up. “We’ve got fifteen different-colored sets of chips so everyone can have their own set of a hundred.”

“What are the values of them?” I asked as I eyed them over with a smile.

“No values,” he answered as he handed me a huge stack. “Just for fun.” I smiled at him when I saw they had my name on them. “We can say each is worth one, whether that be one dollar, one hundred dollars, or one penny. Doesn’t matter. We start with our hundred and play until someone wins and start again.”

“Like Monopoly money. Awesome idea, Edric,” Carson chuckled as he took his. “Okay, so what’s part two of this plan?”

“Yeah, there’s always a part two, three, and four at least when it involves you,” Tristan agreed with a smile.

“Part two is the drinking. You bet, you lose, you take a drink. You bet, you win, and it’s your turn to vent because we all need it. But we have all night and no need to get bogged down, so you get one thing out and either we discuss or you place your next bet so we know you’re not ready to talk but just wanted to get that off your chest. That’s the plan.”

“I’m in,” I immediately agreed as Sampson started pouring drinks. I jumped up and grabbed the first of them, handing them out to all eleven of us. When we were ready, we toasted to our vacation and hopefully our future safety if the island worked out. I leaned over and placed a chip on seventeen. “I’m playing my lucky number.”

“Really?” Edric asked as he put a chip on thirty.

“Nope, just always wanted to say that,” I chuckled, shaking my head. We all placed our chips besides Sampson, who was more interested in making drinks. It was cool, he didn’t know most of us that well and after being trapped in a closet for six years,
, I’d do whatever I wanted too.

“They have a bar up there, right? Or should I bring them drinks?” Sampson asked quietly and I caught something in his eye and smiled.

“I think they do but it’s not stocked. I’m sure they’d be grateful for whatever you brought them,” I answered quickly before anyone else could. He shot me a grin and carried a tray with two big pitchers towards the stairs.

“Why are you sending him up to the wolves?” Carson asked, ignoring the pun.

“He likes one of the Betas I bet,” I chuckled. “He had the look of a man who wants to spend more time with someone and needing the excuse to do so.”

“Ohh, good for him. He could use a crush or someone to keep him in the real world. He’s a good guy,” he said and then took a sip of his drink when he realized he said too much.

“Real world?” Vencentio asked casually as he stared at the staircase. “He fantasize a lot?”

“He’s an author actually,” Carson answered hesitantly. “Paranormal romance. He writes under a pen name and does well. I guess he found a way to get notebooks and paper where he was being held and wrote book after book after book in his six years there. When he got out he wanted a laptop and not to talk to anyone. He typed them all up, made changes, and submitted them to a publisher, skipped the agent, and they were accepted. But at first he wasn’t sure which route he was going to go so that’s why he switched to our pack for sanctuary instead of staying at the Denver one. There’s more publishers and agents in Chicago.”

“Oh come
,” Vencentio bitched before chugging back his drink. “Never mind. I’m very happy for his talented, perfect ass, and hope he’s happy.”

“Carter doesn’t want him, Vencentio,” Wesley said gently. “It’s not like Sampson was the one that got away. Your mate just needs to work through it so he forgives himself.”

“I’m not so sure that you’re right, Wes,” he mumbled. “I place my bet on five. Who’s in charge of spinning the ball and collecting chips?”

“I’ll spin, but no one here’s going to cheat so someone just swipe all the losers off to the winner or in a discard pile if no one wins,” Tristan said as he picked up the ball again. “Everyone ready?”

“Come on, seventeen! Daddy needs a new pair of shoes,” I shouted like a dork, getting a few chuckles and smiles. That’s what I had been going for anyways. It ended up Carson won and he grabbed everyone’s chips while the rest of us drank.

“I think my mate is cheating on me and my other one says that I need to be coddled, don’t really have self-esteem issues but just want the attention, and I make everything all about me,” he whispered as he swirled his drink. He chugged it down and then picked up a chip. “I’m betting on twenty-five this time. Did he leave any mixed drinks down here?”

Tristan got up and grabbed the pitcher made up from the bar and refilled Carson’s glass while the rest of us stared at the man with our mouths hanging open.

“We’ll get through this, Carson,” Edric said gently, already having obviously heard this particular bomb being dropped. “You’re not alone in this.”

“It’s okay,” Carson whispered. “Love is just an illusion and chemistry, right? It couldn’t last forever.”

Fuck. When he put it like that, I wanted to drink away my issues too. It’s not like we hadn’t all been hurt before. What made us think this time around would be any better? Sometimes I wished we could have just stayed single.

Chapter 3




“Hey, Sampson,” I said nervously as I helped him with the tray he was carrying up the stairs. “Um, how are you? I didn’t see you come aboard earlier.”

“I’m fine,” he answered as he tucked his hair behind his ear. “I didn’t know if you guys had your bar stocked up here and I’m not much of a gambler.” I saw his gaze dart behind me again and realized he wanted to see someone in particular. I followed the direction and watched Slate throw back his head and laugh at something Ollie said.

“You’re staying with Carson, right?”

“Yeah, he’s nice. He’s really upset today though. I feel bad for him but I don’t know what’s going on really,” he mumbled as his eyes never left Slate.

“Your guards are some of my friends then, right? Slate—” I smiled when his gaze darted to mine. Busted! “You like him, don’t you?”

“He doesn’t know I exist, Carter.” Sampson shook his head and then stared out into the ocean. “It’s like I’m invisible to him.”

“I doubt that,” I hedged, hoping I was right but needing to talk to Slate first. “Want me to introduce you?”

“No, he knows my name and has seen me at the house I’m sure. Just because he won’t talk to me, introducing me would be weird,” he stuttered, nervously fidgeting with his hands.

“Okay then.” I smiled at him, having another idea. “Hey, everyone, look what Sampson brought up for us. Mojitos!”

“No drinking and driving for me,” Lief chuckled. “But you’re taking over in an hour, buddy, so none for you either.”

“I can have one,” I argued. “Please, the way our metabolisms are I could have the pitcher and be fine in a couple of hours if I eat.”

“True that,” he agreed with a smile. “Nice to meet you, Sampson. We heard a lot about you from Carter. How’s Chicago treating you?”

“It’s busy,” Sampson answered with a shrug. “Loud. I miss being in California.” I saw Slate flinch at what Sampson was saying. Obviously the Omega was
invisible to him. “It would be nice to get placed with a pack somewhere quiet. But Carson’s really nice to me and I like everyone there.”

“We like you too, Sampson. You’re the easiest person I’ve ever had to guard,” Ollie said as he poured himself a glass. “You always listen, you’re polite, and you’re probably just the sweetest thing I’ve ever met.”

“Oh, thank you,” he mumbled as his cheeks heated up. “You’re always nice to me too. If you guys want more drinks, just holler down.” Then he practically darted back down the stairs before we could say anything. Odd.

“I better go start food if we’re going to be drinking,” Asher chuckled as he got to his feet and stretched. “I don’t think Brody has much of a tolerance or has gotten drunk ever. Good for him though.”

“Wait, you
your mate to get drunk?” I asked him, staring at him like he was mad. “I’m freaking out that Vencentio is tossing them back while we’re banished up here by Edric.”

“I don’t want him to get drunk like I push him to,” Asher answered as he gave me a funny look. “But if he wants to, that’s cool. It’s not like I’m worried about him becoming an alcoholic. He hasn’t had to experience much in life so let him try drinking too much and having a hangover. It’s like a rite of passage.”

“Yeah, but he could get hurt.”

“So could we up here,” Asher sighed. “Look, I don’t want to get all involved in your mating but from what I heard, most of the guys up here need to let go a little. Our mates are adults. They can make their own decisions and even wipe their own asses.”

“It’s easy for you to say that when you just found your Omega,” I shot right back. “You haven’t seen as much or been through as much as we have. Vencentio was abused and then sold to a Councilman. The nut job came after him and tried to take him from us. It’s hard to just be cool about whatever they want to do after you almost lose them once.”

“I get that, and you’re right, I haven’t gone through that with Brody,” he replied, anger flashing in his eyes. “But don’t act like I don’t understand having trials with my Omega, because remember, he’s not my mate, but my Omega. The bastard who bought him underage and used him for a decade screwed with his head so bad that Brody doesn’t trust us still when we’ve been with him over a month now. We all love him but he won’t claim us as mates.

“So don’t tell me that I don’t understand. I do. I just also know that pushing him or hovering won’t solve anything. A wolf needs room to run and find their own way. I walk with Brody hoping one day he’ll see that I love him for real and he’ll hold my hand so we can deal with life as it comes. Herding him like a chick as you hover over him as a mama hen and try to control everything won’t do anything but push them away.”

I watched as Asher walked by me and headed downstairs. I took a few steps after him, wanting to ask what he meant exactly. Was he saying I hovered over Vencentio? How could he even know that? I froze when I got to the top of the stairs and glanced down at the Omegas playing roulette.

“I think my mate is cheating on me and my other one says that I need to be coddled, don’t really have self-esteem issues but just want the attention, and I make everything all about me,” I overheard Carson saying. Holy shit! Apparently there were much bigger problems going on besides my maybe hovering. I decided talking with Asher could wait.

I stormed back to the group and growled, getting them to be quiet as I focused on the Chicago inner circle. “Which one of you is cheating on Carson and who’s the bastard who said all that shit to him and ripped out his heart?”


* * * *




“I was angry and I didn’t know he was standing there,” I admitted when Carter was done. “It’s complicated. Things are always so crazy and I feel like I’m running on water most times instead of being able to swim. I took it out on him or I was venting concerns when he heard me.”

“Because it wasn’t like you were in a public store the same time as him or anything,” Ian bitched, shooting me an evil look. “You were out of line and you need to grovel. He never asked us to take over the pack to help him. Yeah, we never wanted to lead but we did it for him. Don’t
him for that.”

“We ended up doing a lot of things we always said we never wanted,” Taylor grumbled as he tossed back the drinks Carter was handing out after pouring.

“What does that mean?” I snapped at him. Then it hit me when Carter handed me a drink. There was more to what he had accused our inner circle of. “Taylor, are you cheating on us?”

“What? No!” he exclaimed as he got to his feet. “How could you think that of me?”

“What did you hear downstairs that made you think one of us was cheating?” I asked Carter instead, needing answers.

“Carson said he thought one of his mates was cheating on him and the other said a bunch of stuff I won’t repeat,” he answered as he eyed me over. “So you were the jerk with the big mouth but who’s the cheater?”

“Not me. I thought we were all happy and in love. Silly me,” Ian growled as he poured himself another drink. “Why would anyone tell me that they had worries or talk to me like an adult when they can just keep it all inside until it festers and explodes?” Then he glanced at Taylor. “It is you. You’ve been spending a lot of time getting
lately. Yeah, because we don’t have coffee at the house.”

“I am
cheating,” he snarled. “Just because I’ve needed to get some air lately doesn’t mean I’m fucking someone else.”

“Let me guess, you gave someone an appreciative look and now you’re a cheater too?” Marlow bitched. “Check out one woman and I’m unfaithful.”

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