Samantha Kane (11 page)

Read Samantha Kane Online

Authors: Brothers in arms 9 -Love's Surrender

“That’s it,” he murmured, kissing her neck. She tipped her head

back to give him more room. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

She nodded, bumping her chin on his head. “I’m sorry,” she

gasped as he bent his leg more and dragged her sex along the

muscled length of it.

“Didn’t even feel it,” he said lightly, running his tongue along her colarbone. After another minute of his mouth on her and riding

his glorious thigh until she was wet and throbbing between her

legs, Nick cleared his throat softly. “Vanessa.” He sounded a

little pained. “Could we please get these clothes off and move to

the bed? Please?”

“What?” she muttered, having a difficult time deciphering what he


Oliver’s hands lightly grasped her shoulders and puled her from

Nick. “Look at Nick, darling,” he whispered. She blinked a few

times until Nick came into focus. “He’s so hard he aches. He

wants to bury his cock inside you. Are you going to let him?”

“Oliver,” Nick growled. “You go too far, too fast.”

“Oh, God,” Vanessa said breathlessly. She vividly recaled his

long, thick member from their tryst last night. He wanted to put

that inside her? Her sex clenched in anticipation. She’d enjoyed

Oliver’s fingers there last night. She could only imagine she’d

enjoy that glorious cock even more. “Yes.” She spun in Oliver’s

arms, shocked to see he was naked already. She had a moment

of indecision, whether to ask the question on her mind or simply

stare at how classicaly beautiful his body was, al planes and

angles and musculature. And cock. There was quite a bit of that

too. “And you?” she asked in an unsteady voice. “Wil you put

yours inside me too?”

She heard Nick start to remove his clothes, cloth rustling and

hitting the floor. Oliver’s gaze flicked over her shoulder and then

returned to meet hers. “If that is what you want, yes.”

“I want,” Vanessa moaned. “Dear Lord, how I want.”

Oliver chuckled devilishly. “Somehow I don’t think that prayer

would be condoned by the church.” He was rapidly undoing the

front ties on the simple gown she’d worn. She hadn’t had the

benefit of a maid before escaping the house. Neither man

seemed concerned with her informal attire, however, merely in

getting her out of it. “Up,” he said, and he tugged on the dress.

She lifted her arms and he puled it off, catching a couple of pins

in her hair in the process.

When she stood in her underclothes she shivered, suddenly cold.

Oliver began to take the rest of the pins from her hair. “Nick,

build up the fire, would you? Vanessa is chiled. Give me your

hand, darling.” He picked up Vanessa’s hand and flipped it palm

up and began to deposit the removed pins there. It was al so…

domestic. Vanessa couldn’t help laughing quietly. “What?”

Oliver asked.

“This,” she said, waving her hand to indicate Nick building the

fire and the pins in her hand. “It al seems so terribly normal. A

fire because it’s cold, and taking my hair down like a ladies’


“We’re working our way up to excitement,” Oliver remarked

dryly. “We wouldn’t want to overwhelm you.”

This time it was Nick who laughed. “I’m afraid we’re three

quarters domestic and only a fourth excitement. Disappointed?”

“I’l reserve judgment until I’ve seen the fourth quarter,” Vanessa

teased. “It may prove too much for me. After al, I can only

claim a fourth of a fourth of a fourth of excitement myself.”

Oliver took the pins from her hand and set them on top of a

washstand in the corner. Then he wrapped her in his strong arms

and rubbed his hands up and down her back to warm her.

“Nonsense. You are an incredibly exciting woman. The mystery

of you nearly had us too timid to pursue you. And then the

chalenge you presented made you irresistible.”

Vanessa snorted in disbelief.

Oliver puled her head back with a hand in her hair until she was

looking at him. “It’s true,” he said quietly. “So cool and self-

possessed in company. If we hadn’t seen the fire in you in that

dark halway and taken advantage of the secret we shared by

pursuing you that very night, we would never have known how

passionate you are. You hide that.” He ran his hand gently over

her hair, smoothing it back from her face. “Why? Why do you

keep the real Vanessa a secret from almost everyone who

knows you?”

knows you?”

“No one knows me, realy, do they?” she asked. She ran her

hands down from his shoulders, toying with the fine blond hairs in

the middle of his chest. She hesitated a moment, but when he

seemed to enjoy her touch she circled one of his dark nipples

with her finger before pressing on it. It was hard, as hers

sometimes felt. She could explore his chest for hours and not get


“We wil,” Nick said from behind her. He stepped in tight against

her, his legs tangling in her shift. “We wil know every inch of

you, everything you desire, before tonight is through.”

She was pressed between the two men. It was a delicious

confinement. She leaned back against Nick while she played

with Oliver’s nipple. She wanted to be outrageous with them

tonight. She wanted to be bawdy and uninhibited and free to act

however she chose. “I desire that you should lick me, as you

promised,” she said in a voice roughened by trepidation and a

healthy dose of bravado.

“I want you naked first.” Nick untied her petticoat and lifted it

off. She was wearing nothing but her short, thin chemise and her

shoes and stockings. She’d left off her stays since she had no

maid to lace them. She’d felt positively lewd without them. Now

she was glad not to have to bother with another undergarment.

“Yes, naked is a very good idea,” Oliver concurred. He knelt at

her feet and slipped first one and then the other shoe off.

Nick moved behind her again and cupped his hands around her

breasts. It felt so good Vanessa gave a little moan. While Oliver

roled her stockings down Nick played with her breasts,

squeezing them, plumping them up, pinching her nipples. It al felt

so incredibly decadent, even through her chemise, and so very,

very good. Then he slipped the last layer of her clothing over her

head and she was naked before them.

She should be nervous, at the least self-conscious of her body.

She didn’t have much of a figure. Her breasts were no more than

a handful, her hips almost nonexistent. But she felt like a veritable goddess the way the two men were touching her and looking at

her. She didn’t want to change a thing about herself at that


When Oliver stood he trailed his hands up her bare legs, over

her hips, and then he held her waist as he dipped his head and

licked one of her nipples. Nick held her breast for him, an

offering in the palm of his hand, and Vanessa arched her back,

thrusting her breast toward him, wanting him to taste it. Would

he take it in his mouth?

He did. He wrapped his lips around the sensitive point he’d

licked and then he sucked, just a bit. She put her hand on his

shoulder for balance and noticed her breathing was labored. And

shoulder for balance and noticed her breathing was labored. And

they’d barely begun. Then he sucked harder, and opened his

mouth wider so that a little more of her breast went in his mouth

and that felt so amazing she just had to let out a little moan. His

laughter against her breast was shockingly intimate.

Oliver began to sink to his knees, licking her stomach and biting

her hip as he went. But her breasts didn’t feel abandoned

because Nick began to caress them again. Oliver buried his nose

in the springy hair covering her mons and Vanessa felt a little

trepidation start to invade her pleasure. Was this something he

truly wanted to do? What if he didn’t like it? Or more precisely,

what if he didn’t like her? She had no idea what that portion of

her anatomy must taste like.

“Stop,” she said in a panic.

He stopped immediately, settling back on his heels and looking

up at her. He was so incredibly unself-conscious. But then, he

had no reason to worry, did he? He was physicaly beautiful in

every way. “What is it?” he whispered. He caressed her hip in a

soft, soothing stroke. “It won’t hurt, you know.”

She shook her head, because that wasn’t what she was worried

about. But how to say what she was thinking? She bit her lip as

she stared at him.

He sighed. “Do you want me to lick you, Vanessa, or not? I very

much want to.” He leaned in again, and again he put his nose on

her mons and inhaled deeply. “You smel divine. Like aroused

woman. My mouth is watering for a taste.”

“Realy?” she asked in tiny voice, not wanting to make him feel

obligated to do it if he didn’t want to. But she very much wanted

him to.

“Realy,” he assured her with a wicked smile. Then he tapped the

little button at the top of her crease with the tip of his tongue and she gasped at the sensation. Nick reached down and puled her

leg up with a hand on her thigh. He set her foot on Oliver’s thigh,

exposing her. Her face felt positively crimson with

embarrassment, but her new position seemed to push Oliver

from playful to intent in the blink of an eye.

He slid his tongue deeper into her crease and Vanessa could feel

that she was wet there already, knew he tasted the cream of her

arousal. She could feel that tongue gliding and then he licked her

lower lips, which felt swolen with want. His hands gripped her

thighs, holding her open for his pleasure as his tongue played

with her entrance, dipping in and retreating, circling, and she

shivered in Nick’s arms.

Without a word Nick ran his hand through Oliver’s hair and he

stopped and looked up. Nick picked her up and sat down on

the edge of the bed with her in his lap. He tucked his knees

between hers and spread her wide again. Oliver just grinned and

between hers and spread her wide again. Oliver just grinned and

crawled over to them on al fours, his eyes never leaving

Vanessa’s sex. She felt as wanton as Bathsheba. When Oliver

put his mouth on her this time she gave in completely to the

pleasure, thrusting her hips at him, laying her head on Nick’s

shoulder and trusting that he’d hold her while Oliver brought her

such incredible pleasure.

Nick did more than hold her. He reached under her arm and he

toyed with her as Oliver licked and sucked. The sight of his hand

rubbing her curls and his finger flicking her smal knot of pleasure

while Oliver devoured her was the most decadent sight she’d

ever seen. Then Nick’s cock grew harder between her legs.

Chapter Eight

It was hard to miss the rise of his sex. He adjusted Vanessa in

his lap, and suddenly his cock was right there, off to the side,

right next to Oliver’s face. Oliver brushed it with his cheek and it actualy jerked against him, as if trying to catch his attention.

Oliver puled away from Vanessa and looked at it. She held her

breath. What would he do? Did men like a mouth on them as

wel? Did they like to put their mouths on each other? Oliver slid

his hand up Vanessa’s thigh and stroked Nick’s cock, rubbing

the end with his thumb, and Nick caught his breath behind her.

“Are you lovers, then?” Vanessa whispered.

“Yes,” Nick said, his voice a low rumble in her ear. “We haven’t

fucked, but we’d like to, if you’l let us.”

Vanessa reached down and pushed Oliver’s hand away from

Nick’s cock, and Oliver frowned. Then she wrapped her hand

around the surprisingly hard shaft and guided the tip to Oliver’s

mouth. His gaze flew to hers. “Take it,” she whispered. “I want

mouth. His gaze flew to hers. “Take it,” she whispered. “I want

to see.” With his eyes stil on hers, Oliver opened his mouth and

leaned over slightly, letting the tip of Nick’s cock slip into his

mouth. His lips closed around it and his cheeks drew in as he

sucked. Behind Vanessa, Nick moaned his appreciation.

Vanessa had known the power of watching ilicit behavior

before. She’d been aroused watching Nick pleasure himself last

night. But she hadn’t truly understood it. Now, watching Oliver

suck Nick’s cock lovingly, sliding his mouth up and down on

Nick’s shaft until it was slick and shiny in the firelight, until it was red and hard enough to stand on its own, had her wild with

desire. She squirmed in Nick’s lap, and he slid his finger down

the valey of her cunt until he reached her entrance. She gasped

as he circled it, teasing her mercilessly.

“Please, Nick,” she begged breathlessly.

“Please what?” he asked. His voice was rough and breathless

too, teling Vanessa more than words about how aroused he was

by what they were doing.

“Please fuck me,” she whispered, remembering how much he’d

liked to hear her say that last night.

He shoved his finger inside her a little roughly, as if he couldn’t

control himself. It went deeper than she’d expected, but the sting

of his entry was washed away when he puled it back and thrust

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