Samantha Kane (13 page)

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Authors: Brothers in arms 9 -Love's Surrender

stony silence staring at the ceiling.

“I want it al,” was her simple answer. “I don’t have enough

experience to know what to ask for, realy. What haven’t we


Nick gave a rather harsh bark of laughter. “A great deal,” he

answered her. He roled back over on his side as Vanessa went

onto her back. Oliver fought back a smile at the choreography of

bed sport. Vanessa looked up at Nick questioningly. “You

bed sport. Vanessa looked up at Nick questioningly. “You

haven’t sucked either of our cocks,” he told her in a silky voice

as he trailed his fingers up her arm. She shivered against Oliver.

“Did you know we could fuck you here, too?” Nick asked,

sliding a hand under Vanessa. She squeaked and Nick laughed.

“We can both fuck you at the same time if we do that.”

Vanessa’s mouth gaped open and Oliver had never seen her

eyes so wide. “And I can fuck Oliver like that.”

At his last statement, Oliver’s gaze flew to Nick, who was

watching him carefuly, his eyes heavy-lidded with desire. “I can

guarantee no peer of the realm wil do that for you,” Nick said,

his gaze cutting back to Vanessa. “Or whomever you end up

marrying. Oh, they’l probably fuck the groom or the footman

behind your back, but that’s not the same as fucking another

man for you, is it, Nessa?” Nick’s voice was a growl now, and

Vanessa’s breathing was harsh, her chest rising and faling in

excitement. “Because you’d like to see that, wouldn’t you?”

Nick asked. He traced her lips with his finger. “I bet you’l

come, watching us.”

Oliver’s heart was tripping over itself in his chest. He’d wanted

to fuck Nick, wanted to fuck him while Vanessa watched, even.

He’d fantasized about it last night. But it was so soon. He’d

hardly had time to accustom himself to being Nick’s lover at al,

and now this. But there was no denying he was growing hard

again thinking about Nick’s cock inside him.

“I wil,” Vanessa whispered. “I’l come for you, if you do that.”

Nick and Vanessa turned to him then. He’d never felt so

nervous, not even his first time with a woman. “Why me?” he

asked, his mouth dry. He licked his lips and Nick’s look as he

stared at his mouth nearly scorched him. “Why not you?”

Nick gave him a predatory half-smile. “Because I think you want

to be fucked by me more than you want to fuck me. Am I


Damn him. He was right. Oliver didn’t even have to answer,

Nick knew. He laughed and then he leaned over Vanessa and

kissed Oliver to take away the sting of his amusement. “And

because I want to fuck you very badly,” he whispered.

“Wel, who am I to say no?” Oliver replied in a voice too shaky

for his liking. He cleared his throat and looked down at Vanessa

with a smile. “It’s for you, after al.”

Vanessa laughed with Nick. “Oh, I don’t think it’s al for me,”

she teased, tweaking his chest hair.

Nick reached over and puled a smal box out from under the

bed. When he opened it, Oliver saw a bottle inside. He

recognized it. Many were the times he and Nick had used similar

exotic oils with the women in their bed. “No sense wasting time,”

Nick said casualy as he puled the bottle out and tossed the box

Nick said casualy as he puled the bottle out and tossed the box

back onto the floor. “Rol over.”

Oliver roled over. That was how he was going to get through

this. He’d just do what Nick told him to do. It was simple, realy.

Then he didn’t have to think too much about the fact that Nick

was about to fuck him. Then again, he’d just thought about it. He

took a deep breath as Nick touched his hole with a slick finger,

circling and circling around it, teasing. Oliver tried to relax. He

imagined al the times he’d done this to a woman. If a woman

could take a cock there, then surely he could. Men and women

may be different in other respects, but in that way they were

definitely the same.

“Can I touch myself?” Vanessa whispered. Oliver opened his

eyes—he hadn’t even realized he’d closed them—and saw

Vanessa was biting the inside of her lip, looking very hesitant. “I

don’t want to disturb you two or interrupt what you’re doing.

But I realy need someone to touch me, and it looks as if I’m the

only one available.”

Oliver laughed and Nick chose that moment to slip the tip of his

finger inside him. His laughter turned to a stunned gasp. His initial response was to tighten up and refuse Nick entrance, but he

forced himself to relax again.

“Of course you can,” Nick answered Vanessa. “I’d love to see

you do that. Wouldn’t you Oliver?”

“Yes.” Oliver wasn’t capable of drawn-out conversation at this


“Knees up,” Nick said, and Oliver obeyed. Then Vanessa let out

a breathy moan and he looked over to see her rubbing her quim.

Damn she was wet, from herself and from both men filing her

not too long ago. He lowered his arms and put his cheek on the

bed, his head turned toward her to watch. His focus narrowed to

Vanessa’s hand and Nick’s fingers fucking him.

Vanessa came and Oliver nearly cried out with her. How on

earth could she do that? She ought to be exhausted. He didn’t

know how long she could keep this up. Was it just the

excitement of her first time? He hoped not. “Again,” he

whispered. Without hesitation Vanessa spread the lips of her sex

with one hand so he could see while she finger-fucked herself

with the other.

Oliver’s cock was hard. When Nick started he didn’t think he

could get excited this first time. He was so nervous, and the

sensation was almost painful. Now, with Vanessa putting on a

show for him and his hole opening for Nick he was getting

harder by the second. “Now,” he said. He looked over his

shoulder at Nick. “Now.”

Nick put the stopper on the bottle and rose on his knees behind

Oliver. When Oliver felt Nick’s cock pressing against him,

Oliver. When Oliver felt Nick’s cock pressing against him,

demanding entry, he closed his eyes and let his other senses take

over. He relaxed and pushed back against Nick. He could feel

the large head opening him up and it stung, but Oliver welcomed

the pain. He wanted it, wanted Nick inside him, and so he

pushed back again, harder, and Nick slipped inside with a grunt.

Vanessa let out a moan, and Oliver became aware of the smel

of her arousal over the soothing scent of the almond oil. He felt

Nick pour a few more drops of oil in his crease, so that it ran

down to where Nick filed him, and he shivered in anticipation.

His erection, which had flagged at Nick’s entrance, began to

grow again.

“Oh my God,” Vanessa whispered. “You two look so

incredible. I never imagined that two men doing that would be so

beautiful together.”

Her voice seemed to come from far away. Oliver was so intent

on the feeling of Nick going deeper and deeper inside him with

each thrust, the rest of the world was fading. “It feels so good,

Nicky,” he had to tel him. “You feel so good.”

“Yes,” Nick whispered back, breathless. He realy began to fuck

him then, in and out, penetrating Oliver in a steady rhythm. It was

divine. After just a few minutes of that, Nick got rougher. He

stroked harder and deeper, and Oliver whimpered at the pure,

unadulterated pleasure coursing through him. He had to reach

down and grab his cock and stroke it.

“Up,” Vanessa said fervently. “Lift him up. I want it.”

With a hand on his chest Nick puled Oliver, until his back was

to Nick’s front. Oliver opened his eyes. Inside him, Nick hit a

spot that had him seeing stars. “Just a little more,” he begged.

Nick obliged him, stroking into him roughly again, and Oliver


Then he felt Vanessa. She had her mouth wrapped around the

tip of his cock and was sucking him as he came. It felt so right,

so perfect to have both of them inside him and around him. He

cried out, jerking his hips toward her, and she puled back,

startled. But immediately she returned and licked the end of his

cock as the last few contractions of his orgasm rocked through

him. She smeared his come around with her tongue and he

couldn’t stop shivering in Nick’s arms. When his orgasm faded,

Vanessa sat up and smiled at him. He was beyond words, his

entire world shifting under him.

“Good?” Nick asked Vanessa.

She made a face. “Not realy,” she answered honestly.

“I liked it,” Oliver rasped. He clutched Nick’s hand on his chest.

“When I tasted Nick’s. I liked it.”

Vanessa walked her fingers up Oliver’s chest and pinched his

nipple. “Then I shal have to taste Nick’s too sometime.”

nipple. “Then I shal have to taste Nick’s too sometime.”

Nick’s hips jerked, and Oliver could feel him quivering inside his

passage, like a racehorse at the gate, as if the stilness were

excruciating for him. “Fuck me,” he told Nick. “Finish it.”

“Inside?” Nick growled.

Oliver nodded. “Yes. I want to feel it.”

Vanessa slipped off to the side and Oliver went down on his

hands and knees again. He was barely down before Nick began

a punishing series of thrusts that shoved Oliver forward on the

bed. Oliver whimpered, and then blurted out, “Good. Don’t

stop,” afraid Nick might misinterpret the sound.

Nick didn’t stop, not until he came. Then he thrust as deep into

Oliver as he could, until Oliver could feel Nick’s bals against his

own. The sensation of Nick’s cock jerking inside him as he

climaxed was exciting and devastatingly intimate. Nick was filing

him, fucking him, consummating a love that had gone

unrecognized for years. His eyes found Vanessa, her face

flushed, her legs spread with her hand buried between them

again. Her gaze was hot and possessive as she watched them, as

if it truly were al for her. This was it. There was no turning back.

Like Vanessa, now that he’d known this he could not live

without it.

Chapter Nine

Nick helped Vanessa pul her dress down over her head.

Women’s fashions were a mystery. She seemed to think the

lovely little dress was “too informal”. What the hel did that

mean? She’d snuck out in the middle of the night to fuck two

men. Exactly how formal was one supposed to dress for that

sort of thing? He wasn’t the formal type, anyway. His fingers

suddenly seemed too thick to help with the delicate row of ties

on the bodice. Oliver gently pushed him out of the way and took


“We’l see you tomorrow, won’t we?” Oliver asked. “What are

we doing?”

“Yes, and I don’t know,” Vanessa said, laughing up at him.

Nick had wanted her before, when she seemed so cool and

confident, hiding a sensuality that had the potential to take on him and Oliver at the same time. But now that he’d seen her laughing

and teasing, and so caring at the orphanage, and experienced

and teasing, and so caring at the orphanage, and experienced

just how sensual she was, he nearly shook with the need to keep

her by their side. Her desires matched theirs in every way. How

on earth was he supposed to let her go? Not just tonight, but

when Christmastide was over. She’d said as much, that their

liaison was temporary. He suspected he and Nick would

become something of a half-remembered dream for Vanessa.

But Nick would never forget this night. He had taken both

Vanessa and Oliver for the first time.

“Why are you smiling at me like a cat with a pitcher of cream?”

Vanessa asked suspiciously.

“Just thinking about the hours past,” Nick answered with a

lascivious grin. “I would like to take you shopping tomorrow,” he

added. “Wil you go with us?” What he realy meant was can

you go with us. So far, they’d limited their association to

gatherings of friends, not true public outings. Perhaps he was

pushing too hard, but he had to try to keep her.

Vanessa didn’t hesitate. “Of course I wil! I’d love to. I want to

get Aunt Grace something special for staying with me over the

holidays. When should we go?” She was so animated as she

talked, obviously excited to see them tomorrow. Oliver was

helping her into the voluminous cape again. She looked so

diminutive in it, as if a good wind could blow her out of their


“As early as propriety wil alow,” he answered. He stalked over

and dragged her to him with the edges of the cape. He swooped

down and kissed her roughly. She liked it rough. Oliver had been

right. She wanted to be wanted, to be physicaly desired and

conquered. And Nick wanted to do those things to her. He

broke the kiss, but grabbed the back of her head and held her

face tipped up to his. “I don’t want to be apart any more than

we have to. The hours without you wil be endless.”

“Nick,” she whispered. “I don’t know what to do with you. So

silent most of the time, and then you make my heart sing with

gruff confessions.” In contrast to his rough hold, she slid her arm

around his shoulders and kissed his lips sweetly. Her lips clung to

his before she puled away, breaking his hold on her. “Ten

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