Sanctuary (Freaks MC Book 2) (26 page)




Emma had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing out loud at the sight of the two huge Freaks, resplendent in their button-down shirts, clutching dainty champagne flutes, trying and failing to look inconspicuous in the corner of the art gallery. Both were a clear head taller than any of the other guests, and oozed menace. It hadn't helped, of course, when, hugging Tiny, she'd felt a familiar bulge in the waistband of his jeans. And when questioned, his explanation that 'you never know when you might need to shoot some fucker' didn't exactly fill her with confidence.

Despite this, and the fact that the other guests were giving them a wide berth, she was touched by the fact that they wanted to support her.

Felix touched her elbow. “Are all your guy's friends that gorgeous? Because if they are, sweetie, I'm going to have to seriously consider becoming a biker bitch.”

Sadly, no. Most are old, fat and smell slightly funky.” She laughed. “And I wouldn't recommend hitting on Tiny, he's kind of short tempered and I'd hate for him to shoot you.”

Ooh. Is he packing? How exciting!” Felix waved his fingers to Deke, who scowled in response. “Do you think he'd show me his gun?”

Do not ask him, Felix. I'm not kidding. Tiny's not nice and friendly like Deke.” She clutched his arm as a large woman walked toward them. “Oh shit, that's Violet Makepeace. Her critiques are brutal. No one told me she'd be here.”

Relax. How can she not love your stuff? Smile, these critics can smell fear at a hundred paces.” He stepped forward and kissed the critic on both cheeks. “Violet. How lovely to see you again. You look divine.” Emma thought she resembled a galleon in full sail, but Felix was in full flow. “I love what you've done with your hair. What color is that?” He turned to Emma. “Have you met our wonderfully talented artist? Emma, this is Violet Makepeace. What she doesn't know about art isn't worth knowing.”

Emma inclined her head. “Ms. Makepeace. It's a pleasure to meet you. And a surprise. I had no idea you were coming. ”

“Call me Violet, darling. I don't usually make a habit of visiting such provisional galleries. But your name keeps cropping up, and I thought I should see for myself what all the fuss is about.”

It does? Really? Wow.”
Shit. Come on Emma, think of something intelligent to say.
“Um. Can I get you a glass of champagne?”
If Deke and Tiny haven't drunk it all.

Violet looked over to where Deke and Tiny were leaning on the wall next to the drinks table and gave a small smile. “That's fine, darling. I'll get my own.”

Oh shit, shit, shit. Do not speak to them. Please God. An earthquake now would be really cool.
“Felix.” She hissed as Violet sailed towards her man. “Do something.”

Have some faith in your gorgeous guy, sweetie. Our Violet has always had an eye for a pretty face. He'll charm the panties off her.”

Oh god. I can't look.” She turned her face away. “How do you know her, anyway?”

I've never met her before in my life.” He grinned. “But I figured she wouldn't know that.”

Wow. I wish I had your confidence.”

Oh, trust me, love. If it was my exhibition, I'd be a complete basket case. That woman can make or break an artist's career.”


~ oOo ~


“Heads up, brother. Scary looking broad at two o’clock.” Tiny smirked as the woman approached, while behind her, Emma directed death glares in their direction. “Time to play nice with the civilians.”

Can you play nice?” Deke watched his girl as she fidgeted nervously. This woman was obviously important. “How about you just let me do the talking?”

I'm all charm. That fat bitch will be ready to drop her big panties when I'm done with her.”

Just don't fuck things up for Emma. I've had a backache for a week an' I really don't wanna have to kick your ass.” He fixed what he hoped was an engaging smile to his face as the woman approached the table and picked up a glass. “Ma'am.” Shit, someone should tell her that orange lipstick and pink hair was never a good look. “You need any help opening that bottle?”

Why, thank you. I always struggle with these things. Oh my, what big hands you have.” She positively simpered as he picked up the bottle and popped the cork. “Are you friends of Emma's?”

She's my ol' lady.” He poured the fancy wine into her glass.

And you?” She batted her mascara-encrusted eyelashes at Tiny.

He's my brother.”

She held out her hand to Tiny, who looked at it for a beat before taking it. “I'm Violet, and you are?”

“Tiny.” Tiny dropped her hand.

Hardly.” She giggled and turned back to Deke. “And what do they call you?”

They call me Samson, ma'am.”

Oh, I can see why. And please, call me Violet. Ma'am is so stuffy.” She looked around at the assembled guests. “Now what I'd really like is for someone to accompany me while I view Emma's work.”

Not sure either of us is qualified to do that ma... Violet. I'm sure someone else would be more informative.”

Nonsense. All I need is a big strong arm to lean on.”

Jesus. His back wasn't up to that. “I...” Out of the corner of his eye he could see Emma shake her head vigorously. “Well, if you insist.”

Tiny pushed himself away from the wall. “I got this, brother.” He smiled at Violet, who actually blushed. “He don't know shit about art. C'mon, Violet.” He held out his arm. “You got any questions, I'm your man.”

They had barely got ten paces away before Emma was at his side. “Shit, Deke. You let Tiny go off alone with her?” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Do you have any idea who she is? Fuck, I am so screwed.”

“How exactly was I supposed to stop them?” He took her hands in his. “Relax. It'll be fine. That bitch is wetting her panties over him.”

That bitch, Deke, is one of the top art critics in the country. If she likes my stuff, it means the top galleries will pick it up. And you just let her go off with Tiny of all people.”

Next time, I'll just tell her that he's a psycho who gets hard from hurting people, huh?” He bent and kissed her. “It'll be cool. Tiny loves your stuff and he loves you. He won’t let you down. Now go and mingle, or whatever it is you're supposed to do. I'll just stay here and drink this shit.”

You want me to send Felix over to keep you company?”

You want me to beat your ass? Just go and sell shit.” He leaned against the wall and admired her ass as she wandered over to a group of people who would probably describe themselves as bohemian. He knew she didn't need to be nervous. While he might hate the dark, twisted images she painted now, everyone else seemed to love them.

What you doing all on your lonesome?”

Fuck off, Felix.”

So you're going to stand in the corner all evening, while everyone else has fun?”

Yup. That's the plan.”

Have you even looked at her stuff?”

Some of it.” He sighed. “I'm going for a smoke.”

Oh no, you're not.” Felix actually had the nerve to take his arm. “You and I are going to view Emma's work. Properly, in chronological order.”

If you don't want to lose your hand, you will take it off my arm.”

Oh, stop being such a macho asshole. Nobody's buying it. I know you don't like looking at her work, but I really think you should see it.”

I can see it from here.”

No, you can't.” Ignoring Deke's scowl, Felix squeezed his arm. “I get it, Deke..”


Samson. What happened to Emma was terrible, and when you see these paintings, you think she's still hurting.”

I know she's still hurting.”

No, Samson. You're wrong. I'm not saying she isn't changed. Of course she is. But she's moved on. Even if you haven't. Please, for your own sake. Look at the paintings.”

Deke allowed himself to be led around the gallery. The images in front of him were all similar – distorted faces or twisted torsos in shades of grey – but there were subtle differences. The earliest pieces looked as though every brush stroke had been agony – it was certainly agony to look at them – but as he moved around the room, he noticed the harsh shades soften and the faces seemed less… twisted. Felix touched his elbow. “She painted these last.”

There were three paintings – one of a face and two of torsos – at first glance they looked the same as the others, apart from one huge difference. Around the edge of the canvases and encircling the figures was a subtle shade of yellow. “Oh.”

Felix smiled. “And now you can go outside for a smoke. I'll tell Emma where you are.”


~ oOo ~


Deke was sitting on a low wall in front of the gallery, smoking a cigarette. He looked up and smiled as Emma wandered over to join him. “Hey, baby girl. How's it going?”

Good. I think.” She took the cigarette from him. “Although Tiny might need rescuing. Violet seems to have taken a shine to him.”

He snatched his smoke back. “You're quitting, remember. Can't smoke if you're growing a kid.”

“I'm not growing a kid.”

But you will be.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “You are going to grow the most beautiful kid ever.”

It might take after you.”

Then it will be the most badass kid on the block.” He swallowed. “Felix made me look at your paintings.”

I know. What did you think?”

I dunno. I hate them, I guess.” He shook his head. “I get that they're good and if anyone else had painted them, I'd probably love them. I know they sell well, and from what I heard, you are really going places. I'm happy for you – as an artist, I guess that's what you want – but I'd rather see those paintings full of joy and live on beans for the rest of my days.” He turned and, lifting her face to the light, ran his finger along her scar. “Felix seems to think I'm stuck on this. I guess he's right, and I get why he showed me. You're moving on, I could see that in your work, but shit, baby girl, I'm never going to be okay with what happened to you.”

Neither will I. But I'm not prepared to let it dictate the rest of my life.” She smiled. “I'm happy now and I'm looking forward to the future. We're okay, Deke.”

I know. It's just...”

We're okay.” She hated how much this still hurt him. “We're building a new life together. You, me and one day, a whole bunch of kids. Now, I think it's time you stopped brooding and go and rescue Tiny.”

Deke smiled and kissed her. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

“You may have mentioned it. I love you too.” She stood and held out her hand. “Come on, I have buyers to schmooze.”


~ oOo ~


Ignoring the growling in his stomach, Deke watched as Emma waved off the last of guests. Felix poured the last of the champagne into his glass and grinned. “You should be really proud of her. She's an absolute star.”

I am, and she is. I guess I should be thanking you. You've been good for her.”

I had nothing to do with it, sweetie. You and that big hunk of beefcake over there brought her back.” He patted Deke on the chest. “Take her home. Give her babies. I'll clean up here. I'm sure Tiny will help me.”

Pretty sure he won’t. You really don't quit do you?”

Darling, he's even more gorgeous than you are. You can't blame me for trying.”

Does this mean you're gonna stop trying to jump me?”



I knew it. You want me.” Felix laughed and kissed his cheek. “You wanna sneak out the back? Emma need never know.”

Shaking his head, Deke pushed himself away from the wall and began to walk towards his girl. “You're a whore, Felix.”

“But a beautiful one.” He turned as Tiny approached. “Well, hello.”

Tiny ignored him. “I'm gonna head home, brother. Got the moving company coming first thing. You and Emma gonna swing by and send us off?”

“Of course.” He slapped his brother on the shoulder. “Emma would sulk for a month if we didn't.”

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