Sapphire (Steele Investigations) (11 page)

I jump in the shower letting the hot water wash away the
hurt I feel from Elliott’s lack of interest in my birthday.  I take the time to
shave my legs and underarms – thankfully I get a Brazilian wax on my pussy so I
don’t have to worry about that – I wash my hair making sure to condition twice
and then step out, wrapping a fluffy white robe around my body and a towel
around my hair, then I go in search of an outfit to wear tonight.  Kami and I
found a gorgeous dress today, it’s not something I would have bought on my own,
but she does have an eye for fashion and she was quite insistence that I buy it
when I tried it on.

“Oh.My.God. Rae,” She screeched.
Yes screeched,
to buy that dress. Heck if you don’t buy, I’m buying it
for you, either way, that dress is gonna be on your sexy ass body tonight.

She spins me around to face the mirror and states, “You
can’t tell me, you don’t think this dress was made for you Rae.”

I stare at my reflection and I have to agree. The dress fits
me like a glove.  So I give her a smile, roll my eyes and say, “Alright,
alright. I’ll buy the dress.”

I take it down from the hangers in my closet and admire it
again.  It’s an aquamarine color and it has beads scattered strategically over
it in different shades of blue, ranging from light to sapphire (which I thought
was appropriate), it has capped sleeves and skims my body, hugging my curves
and cupping my breasts giving me awesome cleavage,  it’s also quiet short and
ends a good few inches below my ass cheeks, and did I mention, it has no back!
The fabric goes from my shoulder down my sides and joins together at the small
of my back.  It is one sexy dress and paired with my birthday shoes from Kami,
the outfit is going to look ah-mah-zing.

I lay my outfit on the bed and return to my bathroom to fix
my hair and makeup.  I go for a smoky eye with greys and shimmery silver and
apply three coats of mascara, I stain my lips with Rose and put a clear gloss
over the top, smacking my lips together I think it looks okay.  It’s definitely
more make up than I ever wear but it’s my birthday!  I blow dry my hair and
tease it out making sure to lightly spray some hair lacquer so it sits
properly.  Finally I zip on my dress and slide my feet into my shoes, grab my
clutch, slide in my diamond tear drop earrings, clasp on my bling watch and
head out of my room, stopping only to spritz on some perfume.  I meet Kami as
she is coming out of her room at the other end of the hall.  She freezes, mouth
Oh shit.  It’s too much. Oh shit, shit.  I’ve made a total fool of

Kami opens and closes her mouth repeatedly then finally she
forms words.

“Rae. Fuck.  You look….You look..” she whispers, still
staring at me

“Oh God, Kami. I look like a fool don’t I? It’s okay.  Just
wait till I quickly change”

“No. NO! Rae. Listen, you look amazing.  You look
she tells me earnestly.

I reach out and grab her hands in mine, holding them out
away from our bodies.  “You look stunning Kam.”  I smile warmly at her and take
a good look at her dress.  She’s wearing a super short black lace dress, so
sheer that if she wasn’t wearing a underwear, you’d see her nipples, pussy and
ass. Luckily she has on black underwear, plain but still sexy from what I can
see.  The bra is cut low across her boobs and the panties are skimpy but still
manage to keep her decently covered.  The dress is not only super short, but
also super tight pronouncing her curves.   On anyone else it might have looked
cheap and tacky but Kami worked that dress like a professional.  I turn my eyes
to her shoes and she has on bright yellow patent leather platform stilettos
that have a four inch heel.  Paired with simple diamond stud earrings, a yellow
clutch and hair and makeup similar to mine, she looks spectacular.

As we head off Kami is practically jumping with excitement
over my surprise. 

“Rae you are going to piss you panties.”

“Well that sounds like fun Kami,” I deadpan

“I’m just give you fair warning,” she replies trying to be
serious but failing dismally.  We both end up giggling uncontrollably as I try
to stay on the road.

“Stop, Kami.  I’m gonna have to pull over if you don’t stop

“Okay, okay.  I’ll stop.” The laughter dies down and we pull
into the parking lot of the Motel.  We usually stay here when we go out to a
nightclub because it’s cheap and close to Deuce and a bunch of restaurants.  We
grab our room key from reception and take our overnight bags up to dump them in
the room.

“Righto Chicky, you ready?  We’ll be running late for our
reservation if we don’t get our asses into gear.”

“Yep, let’s go.  I’m starving,” I reply as we lock the door
and make our way to The Hog Pit Restaurant. 

As soon as we walk through the chunky wooden doors a Waiter
rushes over to Kami.  They talk quickly in hushed tones before he looks up and
smiles at me.  He’s a good looking guy, with dark hair and dark brown eyes. 
His olive skin gives me the impression he’s part Italian.  He’s tall – about
six foot- and the muscles are clearly defined underneath his crisp white button
down shirt.  His black pants are fitted, and they fit him

“Right this way, ladies,”  He takes a small bow and starts
leading us toward a booth style table in the back.  As we near the table, both
Kami and Waiter-boy step to the side so I’m given a direct line of sight to our
booth.  And there sitting almost casually is a face I haven’t seen for way too
long.  A face I’ve missed beyond measure.  I start screaming as he jumps out of
the booth and hugs me so tightly I think he might break me in half.  I hug him
back just as tightly, though I doubt he feels any pain from it.

“Missed you Baby Girl.  Happy Birthday,” he whispers in my
ear when I finish screaming.

“Missed you too, Spunk,” I choke as tears fall down my
face.  I silently say thank the God’s of waterproof mascara.

“Kami! I can’t believe you did this!!” I sob as Kami wraps
her arms around both of us.  Finally we break apart and take our seats in the

“Sooo Baby girl, Kami tells me you got news to share?  You
been keeping something from me?”  He mock glares at me as I take in his
beauty.  He is simply stunning; Tall, dark, warm blue eyes and a five o’clock
shadow on his jaw, he’s muscled and tanned to perfection.  Harley has always
been good looking and growing up I couldn’t even count the times people thought
he was in a relationship with myself or Kami, or both of us! 

I smile widely before answering him, “Oh Harley, you know
I’d never keep anything from you on purpose.  Elliott and I have kind of begun
to see each other.  It’s sort of…complicated.”

“Sort of begun to see each other? Complicated?” He raises an
eyebrow at me in question as his lips twitch.

“This isn’t funny Harley.  I’ve never been in a relationship
before and he’s so bossy and damn moody.” I pout at them as they burst into laughter.

“Can I take your order, now?” Ha! Saved by the handsome
waiter.  I look up at him and notice his eyes are fixed firmly on Kami’s and
she’s starting right back at him.  I look across to Harley and he’s looking at
me with both eyebrows raised.  Harley clears his throat and orders three Surf
‘n’ Turfs with Salad and curly fries and asks for refills of our drinks.

Hmm it seems Kami might have a thing for Waiter-Boy..and
he definitely has a thing for her.

I smile inwardly and bring my attention back to the

We continue to chatter, catching up on things that have gone
on over the last couple of years.  Even though we’ve spoken on the phone,
texted and Skyped, there’s no comparison for having your two best friends in
the same place at the same time.  Harley catches us up on the work he’s been
doing, he’s been super busy taking over his family hotel empire – Hamilton
Hotels - in New York, Vegas and Los Angeles.  Apparently they are planning on
expanding and he’s looking into other business ventures.  I fill him in on my
kidnapping and briefly gloss over my earlier inheritance and birthday gift
news, promising to give him the full story tomorrow.  Dinner arrives and then
dessert, which is a delicious Red Velvet Cake with cream cheese frosting.  As
we are finishing our cake, Harley makes a drumroll sound by slapping his hands
on the table and then dramatically presents with a beautifully wrapped gift. 

“Oh, Spunk you shouldn’t have,” I grin as I excitedly take
my birthday gift.  It’s a bit bigger than a credit card and wrapped in gorgeous
gold embossed black paper, with a dainty pink bow and ribbon.  I carefully
unwrap it and find a silver case with a monogrammed ‘L’ & ‘D’ in aqua
colored swirly lettering.  I lift the lid and find a gift card for one thousand
dollars.  I then read the small card attached to the inside of the lid,

Baby Girl,

I don’t know what I did to deserve you as my best friend,
but I’m glad I did it.

Happy Birthday.

Love your Spunk x

I dash away the tears as Harley explains, “It’s a gift card
for La Dolce’.  I want you to buy swimwear, sarongs, flip flops and anything
else that relates to that.  This gift goes hand in hand with your and Kami’s
Graduation present which I’ll give you in two weeks when you guys graduate. 
Until then my lips are sealed,” He says mocking zipping his lips and throwing
away the key while Kami and I pout at him. “Pretty, pretty please with a hunk
on top?” Kami begs him to give us a hint at least, but he won’t budge.  I lean
over the table and give him a hug, thanking him for the gift and then Kami and
I look at each other and squeal, “Shopping spreeeeee”. 

  We finally leave the restaurant just after nine and head
into Deuce.

Chapter 11


Deuce is packed but Kami and I manage to find a good table
while Harley gets our drinks from the bar.

He returns moments later with two spiced Rum and Cokes and
one Birthday Bonza, which is a massive cocktail in a glass fishbowl. 

“Shark Attack,” he tells me pointing to the massive drink in
front of me “It’s got Vodka, Blue Vok, Lemonade and Red Cordial.”  I take sip,
and then another bigger one. “This is delish.  Here,” I say as I offer them a
straw each.  They take a sip both exclaim “YUM!”. 

“So what’s up with your love life Spunk?  Why isn’t Carter
here with you,” I ask Harley, referring to his boyfriend of a couple of

“Not good Baby Girl.  He got all pissy at me last night
because I was coming out here without him,” He answers sadly

“Oh, I’m sorry Spunk,” I rub his shoulder sympathetically

“Why the didn’t you bring him out? Is he hot? Are you afraid
I might convert him with this sexy body?” Kami grins.

“Sweetie, you could convert
Gay man with that
body.  Hell, you could even turn a girl,” He smiles back raising his eyebrows.

I laugh along with them, still sipping my drink and then my
mind starts to wander to Elliott.  Why haven’t I heard from him?  I keep
telling myself it’s because he’s working an important case so he can’t contact
me, but as every hour passes my heart aches a little more. 
Maybe it was
just too good to be true.

“Rae, Earth to Rae..Helloooo..” I am bought out of my
thoughts by Kami who is snapping her fingers in my face.

“Umm, sorry.  I was in my own little world.”

“Ah yeah, we could see.  Did you hear anything we said?”

“Uh, no?” I reply sheepishly

“I gotta go tinkle, then we’re gonna carve up the dance
floor.  Do you need to go?”

“Yep,” I say popping the ‘P’.  “That Birthday Bonza has gone
straight through me”

“C’mon then.  We’ll meet you back here Harles. Don’t ditch
us for some hottie,” Kami says with a wink.

I stand and sway.  Holy shit that drink has gone to my head
 my bladder.  I giggle to myself, thinking it’s a very clever drink – doing
two things at once and all.

Kami raises her eyebrow at me and takes my elbow, guiding me
thru the crowd to the restrooms.

“Oh, Christ,” Kami mutters under her breath to me

“What? What?” I say looking around

She doesn’t answer me.  Instead I watch as a big fake smile
makes its way across her lips and she says in a sickly sweet voice, “Andi, so
good to see you,” She air kisses the girl on both cheeks and as she pulls away
I catch my first full look at her.  She is stunning; absolutely model-worthy
gorgeous.  She’s got platinum hair that cascades down her back in loose curls,
sexy pouty lips and vivid green eyes, which may or may not be the result of
colored contacts.  She’s tall and slim but still has a decent amount in the
bust area.  Her legs go on for miles and she looks über-sexy in her tight black
sequined mini dress that has slashes of red strategically placed over it.

“Kami doll, how have you been? I’ve missed you babes,” She
replies in a fake ass tone, if I ever heard one.  She looks over at me and
sneers at she eyes me up and down.  I suddenly feel extremely uncomfortable and
a sense of dread settles in my stomach.

“Rae, this is Andi.  Andi, this is Rae.  She’s Elliott’s
girlfriend,” Kami introduces us as Andi eyes me up again. “Nice to meet you,
Andi,” I say offering her my hand and small smile.

“Rae,” she says my name like it’s a bad taste in her mouth.
“You’re Elliott’s girlfriend?”  I nod my head weakly as the dread starts to
envelope my stomach.  “Well,” She laughs, “it can’t be too serious, considering
he was fucking me just the other week.”  My eyes widen in shock and I feel my
mouth drop open.  “You really didn’t think it was serious did you?” She asks
innocently, “Elliott was my boyfriend for three years and he always comes back
for more.  He’s probably just filling in time with you, while he waits for me
to be ready for the commitment he wants.  I’m so
ready for kids and
marriage yet.”

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